(e) The secretary of administration may not exercise the authority granted in this subsection if a temporary reallocation would jeopardize the cash flow of any fund or account from which a temporary reallocation would be made.
(f) If the secretary of administration exercises or proposes to exercise the authority granted in this subsection, he or she shall publish and transmit a report to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature, for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under
s. 13.172 (3), on a monthly basis specifying the date, amount, source and use of any outstanding temporary reallocation or proposed reallocation of moneys for the period covered by the report.
(12) Suspension of expenditures. No moneys may be expended by any state agency, except the legislature or courts, for permanent, project, part-time or limited term employment if the funding for the position has been temporarily withheld under
s. 16.50 (3).
(13) Indian grants. Notwithstanding any statute to the contrary, wherever any law authorizes a grant of state funds to be made by a state agency to any county, city, village or town for any purpose, funds may also be granted by that state agency to any federally recognized tribal governing body for the same purpose. The grants are subject to the same conditions and restrictions as apply to grants to counties and municipalities, if any. This subsection shall not be construed to require any grant of state funds to be made to any federally recognized tribal governing body.
20.002 History
History: 1971 c. 125;
1973 c. 90,
1975 c. 39 s.
732 (1);
1975 c. 164,
1977 c. 29,
1979 c. 34;
1981 c. 14,
1983 a. 3,
1985 a. 29,
1985 a. 135 s.
1985 a. 332 s.
1987 a. 4,
1987 a. 312 s.
1987 a. 399;
1989 a. 31;
1991 a. 39,
1993 a. 16,
20.002 Annotation
The continuing appropriation provided under 20.866 (2) (ur), 1969 Stats., was limited by its terms to $40,300,000. 20.002 (1) does not provide additional bonding authority in the next biennium prior to the new budget to satisfy the requirements of 18.04 (2). 84.51 (2) is an expression of legislative intent, but does not constitute an appropriation and is not the basis for additional bonding authority. 60 Atty. Gen. 509.
Appropriation acts and bills. 20.003(2)
Revisor's authority. All appropriations made by the legislature shall be listed in this chapter. The revisor of statutes shall assign numbers in this chapter to any appropriation not so numbered and if appropriation laws are enacted which are not numbered to correspond with the numbering system of this chapter as outlined in
sub. (3), the revisor of statutes shall renumber such laws accordingly.
20.003(3)(a)(a) In the schedule of
s. 20.005 and in the text in
ss. 20.115 to
20.875, all state agencies shall be arranged within functional areas. Each functional area is assigned a subchapter and each state agency shall be assigned a section within that subchapter. Each subsection constitutes a program, and each paragraph constitutes an appropriation.
(b) Except as provided under
par. (c), all appropriations are identified according to their source of funds, as defined in
s. 20.001, by the paragraph letters assigned as follows:
1. Appropriations from general purpose revenues shall be assigned paragraph letters (a) to (fz);
2. To the extent feasible, appropriations from program revenues shall be assigned paragraph letters (g) to (jz) and (L) to (pz);
3. To the extent feasible, appropriations from program revenue service shall be assigned paragraph letters (k) to (kz);
4. Appropriations from segregated revenues shall be assigned paragraph letters (q) to (zz);
5. To the extent feasible, federal program revenues shall be assigned paragraph letters (m) to (pz); and
6. To the extent feasible, federal segregated revenues shall be assigned paragraph letters (x) to (zz).
(c) All appropriations under
ss. 20.370 and
20.395 shall be identified by 2 letters, the first letter indicating a subprogram and the 2nd letter indicating the source of funds, as defined in
s. 20.001. To the extent feasible, the 2nd paragraph letters shall be assigned as follows:
1. Appropriations from general purpose revenues shall be shown with a 2nd paragraph letter of "a" to "f";
2. Appropriations from program revenues shall be shown with a 2nd paragraph letter of "g" to "j" or "L" to "p";
3. Appropriations from program revenue-service shall be shown with a 2nd paragraph letter of "k";
4. Appropriations from segregated revenues shall be shown with a 2nd paragraph letter of "q" to "z";
5. Federal program revenues shall be shown with a 2nd paragraph letter of "m" to "p"; and
6. Federal segregated revenues shall be shown with a 2nd paragraph letter of "x" to "z".
7. Appropriations from segregated revenues — local shall be shown with a 2nd paragraph letter of "v" to "z".
(e) The legislative reference bureau shall adhere to such standard numbering system and format when creating, repealing or amending the appropriation statutes.
(4) Required general fund balance. No bill directly or indirectly affecting general purpose revenues as defined in
s. 20.001 (2) (a) may be enacted by the legislature if the bill would cause the estimated general fund balance on June 30 of any fiscal year as projected under
s. 20.005 (1) to be an amount equal to less than one percent of the total general purpose revenue appropriations for that fiscal year plus any amount from general purpose revenue designated as "Compensation Reserves" for that fiscal year in the summary under
s. 20.005 (1).
20.003(5)(a)(a) The legislature may not enact any bill directly or indirectly affecting the lottery fund if the bill would cause the estimated lottery fund balance on June 30 of any fiscal year, as projected under
s. 20.005 (1), to be less than 2% of the estimated gross lottery revenues, as defined in
s. 25.75 (1) (b), for that fiscal year, as projected under
s. 20.005 (1).
(b) Beginning with the summary under
s. 20.005 (1) that is included in the 1991-93 biennial budget bill, the summary under
s. 20.005 (1) shall separately list estimated lottery fund balances and estimated gross lottery revenues, as defined in
s. 25.75 (1) (b).
Revising schedule and summaries. 20.004(1)
(1) If the legislative reference bureau, in consultation with the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance, determines that any bill introduced into either house of the legislature is a major fiscal bill because it would have a significant effect upon state revenues or expenditures, the legislative reference bureau shall have printed, as an appendix to the bill, a revised
s. 20.005 (1), incorporating the changes in the general fund summary and in the summary of appropriations that would occur as a result of enactment of the bill. The department of administration shall provide the legislative reference bureau with the revised summaries.
(2) Immediately following the final adjournment of the legislature, or at convenient intervals prior thereto, the department of administration shall amend the schedule and summaries set forth in
s. 20.005 to include all fiscal acts of the legislature, and submit the composite amended schedule and summaries to the joint committee on finance for approval. When approved, the department of administration shall then submit the schedule and summaries to the revisor of statutes who shall print the revised schedules and summaries of all state funds in the ensuing issue of the statutes as part of
s. 20.005 and in lieu of the schedules and summaries printed in the preceding issue of the statutes. If any conflict exists between
ss. 20.115 to
20.875 and
s. 20.005,
ss. 20.115 to
20.875 shall control and
s. 20.005 shall be changed to correspond with
ss. 20.115 to
20.875. All appropriations are to be rounded to the nearest $100 and if any appropriation is made which is not so rounded the department of administration, when preparing the composite amended schedule and summaries, shall show the appropriation increased to the next $100.
Summary of all funds. The budget governing fiscal operations for the state of Wisconsin for all funds beginning on July 1, 1995, and ending on June 30, 1997, is summarized as follows: [See Figure 20.005 (1) following]
(2) State borrowing program summary. The following tabulation sets forth the state borrowing program summary: [See Figures 20.005 (2) (a) and (b) following]
Summary of Bonding Authority Modifications, 1995-97 Biennium
General Obligation and Building Corporation Debt Service Fiscal Years 1995-96 and 1996-97
See PDF for table 
(3) Appropriations. The following tabulation lists all annual, biennial and sum certain continuing appropriations and anticipated expenditures from other appropriations for the programs and other purposes indicated. All appropriations are made from the general fund unless otherwise indicated. The letter abbreviations shown designating the type of appropriation apply to both fiscal years in the schedule unless otherwise indicated. [See Figure 20.005 (3) following]
Agriculture, trade and consumer protection, department of. There is appropriated to the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection for the following programs:
(1) Food safety and consumer protection. 20.115(1)(a)(a)
General program operations. The amounts in the schedule for general program operations.
(f) Food regulation lapse restoration. A sum sufficient equal to the amount that lapsed to the general fund from the appropriation account under
par. (gb) on June 30, 1995, to be transferred to the appropriation account under
par. (gb).
Related services. The amounts in the schedule for the conduct of services related to food and trade regulation, including special and overtime meat inspection services under
s. 97.42 (3), and investigative and audit services under
ss. 93.06 (6) (b),
100.06 (1g) (c) and
100.07 (1). All moneys received from authorized service fees related to food and trade regulation shall be credited to this appropriation.
Food regulation. The amounts in the schedule for the regulation of food under
chs. 93,
97 and
98.All moneys received under
ss. 93.06 (1r) and
97.30 (3) (a),
(b) and
98.145 and
98.146 for the regulation of food and all moneys transferred from the appropriation under
par. (f) shall be credited to this appropriation.
Effective date note
NOTE: Par. (gb) is amended eff. 7-1-97 by
1995 Wis. Act 27 to read:
Effective date text
(gb) Food regulation. The amounts in the schedule for the regulation of food under chs. 93, 97 and 98. All moneys received under ss. 93.06 (1r) and (1w), 93.09, 93.11, 93.12, 97.17, 97.175, 97.20, 97.21, 97.22, 97.24, 97.27, 97.29, 97.30 (3) (a), (b) and (c), 97.41, 98.145 and 98.146 for the regulation of food shall be credited to this appropriation.
Public warehouse regulation. The amounts in the schedule for the administration and enforcement of
ch. 99. All moneys received under
s. 99.02 shall be credited to this appropriation.
Dairy trade regulation; dairy product and vegetable producer security. The amounts in the schedule for the regulation of vegetable procurement under
s. 100.03, of dairy plant financial condition under
s. 100.06 and of dairy trade practices under
s. 100.201. All moneys received under
ss. 100.03 (3) (a) 3.,
100.06 (9) and
100.201 (6) shall be credited to this appropriation.
Ozone-depleting refrigerants and products regulation. The amounts in the schedule for administration of the mobile air conditioner servicing and refrigerant recycling programs and for responsibilities under
ss. 100.45 and
100.50 relating to sales and labeling of products containing or made with ozone-depleting substances. All moneys received from fees under
s. 100.45 (5) (a) 3. and
(5m) shall be credited to this appropriation.
Sale of supplies. The amounts in the schedule for the publication of food safety and consumer protection informational materials and for the purchase for sale of such informational supplies. All moneys received from the sale of those materials and supplies shall be credited to this appropriation.
Warehouse keeper and grain dealer regulation. All moneys received from the warehouse keeper license and inspection fees and surcharges under
s. 127.02 (3) and from the grain dealer license fees and surcharges under
s. 127.03 (3) for the administration and enforcement of the warehouse keepers and grain dealers security act program under
ch. 127.
Federal funds. All federal moneys received as authorized by the governor under
s. 16.54 for the purposes of the program.
Automobile repair regulation. From the transportation fund, the amounts in the schedule for the enforcement of
ch. Ag 132, Wis. adm. code.
Unfair sales act enforcement. From the petroleum inspection fund, the amounts in the schedule for the administration and enforcement of the unfair sales act under
s. 100.30.
Weights and measures; petroleum inspection fund. From the petroleum inspection fund, the amounts in the schedule for weights and measures inspection, testing and enforcement under
ch. 98.
Recyclable and nonrecyclable products regulation. From the recycling fund, the amounts in the schedule for the implementation and enforcement of
ss. 100.29,
100.295 and
General program operations. The amounts in the schedule for general program operations.
Animal disease indemnities. A sum sufficient for the payment of animal disease indemnities under
ch. 95.
Related services. The amounts in the schedule for the conduct of services related to service fees. All moneys received from such service fees as are authorized by law shall be credited to this appropriation.
Animal health and disease research; gifts and grants. All moneys received from gifts, donations, grants and bequests to carry out the purpose of funding animal health and disease research for which they are made.
Sale of supplies. The amounts in the schedule for the purchase for sale of publications and other informational material, and vaccines, identification tags, seals and tools for livestock and poultry. All moneys received from the sale of those materials and supplies shall be credited to this appropriation.