14.78(1) (1)Members; terms. There is created a Great Lakes compact commission consisting of 3 commissioners appointed by the governor. The commissioners shall be persons having knowledge of and interest in problems of the Great Lakes basin. One commissioner, appointed for an indefinite term, shall be a state officer or employe and shall serve as secretary of the Great Lakes compact commission. The other commissioners shall be appointed for terms of 4 years. The commissioners shall receive no salaries but shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses.
14.78(2) (2)Duties. It is the duty of the Wisconsin Great Lakes compact commission:
14.78(2)(a) (a) To represent this state on the Great Lakes commission created by the Great Lakes basin compact ratified and enacted by chapter 275, laws of 1955, and through such representation to perform the functions of the Great Lakes commission in conjunction with the commissioners of other party states. Whenever a vote is required by the terms of the Great Lakes basin compact, each member of the Wisconsin Great Lakes compact commission is authorized to cast the same proportion of the 3 votes to which the state of Wisconsin is entitled under the compact as each of the other members of the Wisconsin Great Lakes compact commission.
14.78(2)(b) (b) To maintain a continuing investigation of the project of connecting the Great Lakes with the Atlantic ocean by means of the Welland canal and the St. Lawrence river and to urge upon congress the enactment of additional appropriate legislation to enable the full development of such waterway, the commission to work in conjunction with similar commissions in other states and with other interested groups and agencies in the promotion of such project.
14.78(2)(c) (c) To direct and execute a program of education in such form as the commission may determine, in support of the projects for development of the St. Lawrence seaway and the deepening of the Great Lakes connecting channels, using not to exceed the amount of funds appropriated for that purpose.
14.78(2)(d) (d) To report biennially in accordance with s. 15.04 (1) (d), and to make such other reports as are requested by the governor or which it deems appropriate.
14.78(3) (3)Financing commission. The Great Lakes compact commission may annually contribute to the Great Lakes commission not to exceed the amount appropriated for that purpose.
14.78(4) (4)State officers to aid commission. It is the policy of the state to carry out the Great Lakes basin compact and to accomplish the purposes thereof, and all officers of the state shall do all things falling within their respective jurisdictions necessary or incidental to carrying out such compact. Officers, agencies and employes of the state government shall, at reasonable times and upon the request of the Great Lakes commission, furnish such commission with information and data within their possession and aid such commission by loan of personnel and other means lying within their respective legal powers.
14.78 History History: 1975 c. 39, 198; 1977 c. 196 s. 131.
14.81 14.81 Midwest interstate low-level radioactive waste commission.
14.81(1)(1) There is created a midwest low-level radioactive waste commission as specified under s. 16.11 (3) (a). The member of the commission representing this state shall be nominated by the governor, and with the advice and consent of the senate appointed, to serve at the pleasure of the governor. The commission member representing this state shall receive a per diem of $25, unless he or she is a salaried full-time employe of this state, and shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of his or her duties on the commission. Per diem payments and expenses of the commissioner shall be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.505 (1) (g). The commission has the powers and duties granted and imposed under s. 16.11.
14.81(2) (2) In discharging his or her responsibilities under s. 16.11, the commission member representing this state shall:
14.81(2)(a) (a) Designate an alternate commission member and notify the governor and legislature of this designation within 30 days after being appointed.
14.81(2)(b) (b) Request the commission to conduct a public hearing on the draft disposal plan under s. 16.11 (4) (d).
14.81(2)(c) (c) Notify the governor and legislature if:
14.81(2)(c)1. 1. The commission proposes to designate this state as a host state for a facility, as defined in s. 16.11 (2) (h).
14.81(2)(c)2. 2. The commission proposes to impose any liability on the state under s. 16.11.
14.81(2)(c)3. 3. He or she has reason to believe that the state should withdraw from the midwest interstate low-level radioactive waste compact specified in s. 16.11.
14.81(3) (3) In negotiating and developing the bylaws, disposal plan and other appropriate documents as a member of the commission, the commission member representing this state shall:
14.81(3)(a) (a) Promote this state's interest in including insurance requirements and an extended care and long-term liability fund as a part of the disposal plan or other appropriate documents.
14.81(3)(b) (b) Encourage the pursuit of sound low-level radioactive waste management practices including minimizing the dependence on the shallow burial of this type of waste.
14.81(3)(c) (c) Promote this state's interest in an equitable distribution and rotation of responsibilities among member states under the compact.
14.81(3)(d) (d) Encourage, to the fullest extent of his or her influence and authority, actions and procedures which permit and encourage full and meaningful public access and participation in the commission's proceedings including informal meetings and meetings of committees and subcommittees of the commission and full and meaningful public access to commission records and documents.
14.81(3)(e) (e) Encourage the establishment of a fee system which provides for adequate compensation to local units of government which are affected by the siting of a regional low-level radioactive waste disposal facility.
14.81(3)(f) (f) Promote the right of this state under s. 16.11 (5) (b) to have all low-level radioactive wastes generated within its borders, including low-level radioactive wastes generated at the La Crosse boiling water reactor constructed under section 109 of P.L. 87-315, disposed of at compact facilities, as defined in s. 16.11 (2) (d), or any noncompact facility made available by an agreement entered into under s. 16.11 (3) (h) 6.
14.81 History History: 1983 a. 393; 1995 a. 115.
14.82 14.82 Boundary area commission. Any boundary area commission created under this section shall constitute the Wisconsin representation on a boundary area commission created jointly by this state and a neighboring state party to the boundary area compact enacted by section 1 of chapter 274, laws of 1965, and shall have all the powers and duties granted or imposed by such compact.
14.82(1) (1)Minnesota-Wisconsin. There is created a commission of 5 citizens nominated by the governor, and with the advice and consent of the senate appointed, for staggered 5-year terms, to represent this state on the joint Minnesota-Wisconsin boundary area commission. Any vacancy shall be filled for the balance of the unexpired term. To assist the commission, there is created a legislative advisory committee comprising 4 senators and 6 representatives to the assembly appointed as are the members of standing committees in their respective houses, and a technical advisory committee of 2 members appointed by the governor and one member each appointed by the governing board or head of the following agencies, to represent such agencies: the department of justice, the department of administration, the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection, the department of natural resources, the department of health and family services, the public service commission, the department of tourism and the department of commerce. The members of the commission and the members of its advisory committees shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties, from the appropriation made by s. 20.315 (1) (q), on vouchers approved by the Wisconsin member of the commission selected to serve as its chairperson or vice chairperson. All other expenses incurred by the commission in the course of exercising its powers and duties, unless met in some other manner specifically provided by statute, shall be paid by the commission out of its own funds.
14.82(1)(a) (a) The commission may appoint subcommittees for the purpose of conducting specific studies under Article III, sec. 3, par. (a) of the compact enacted by section 1 of chapter 274, laws of 1965.
14.82(1)(b) (b) The departments and agencies of this state shall within existing appropriations cooperate with the commission and its advisory committees and subcommittees in the execution of their functions and, upon application by the commission, shall to the best of their respective abilities supply the commission with such staff services as the commission requires.
14.82(1)(bm) (bm) Every department or agency of Wisconsin state government, or any political subdivision of this state shall, on application by the boundary area commission, supply the commission with copies of such printed documents, issued by such department, agency or subdivision, as the boundary area commission requires in the performance of its functions. The boundary area commission shall contact each such department, agency or subdivision to inform such department, agency or subdivision of the type of documents which it will require on a routine basis.
14.82(1)(c) (c) The commission may accept on behalf of the state, from the federal government or from any other source, and may receive and use, gifts and grants of furniture, books, equipment, supplies, money or other property used or useful for the execution of its functions. All moneys received under this paragraph shall be deposited in the general fund and, unless prohibited by the terms of the grant or gift, are appropriated to the commission for expenditure by it in accordance with s. 20.315 (1) (g).
14.83 14.83 Interstate insurance receivership commission. There is created an interstate insurance receivership commission as specified in s. 601.59 (3). The member of the commission representing this state shall be the commissioner of insurance or his or her designated representative. The commission member shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed from the appropriation under s. 20.145 (1) (g) for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of his or her duties. The commission has the powers and duties granted and imposed under s. 601.59.
14.83 History History: 1995 a. 462
14.84 14.84 Great Lakes protection fund.
14.84(1) (1) The governor may provide for the participation of this state in the formation and operation of the Great Lakes protection fund on behalf of this state if all of the following apply to the fund:
14.84(1)(a) (a) The fund is established to advance the principal goals and objectives of the Great Lakes toxic substances control agreement and the water quality agreement signed by the United States and Canada.
14.84(1)(b) (b) The fund is established to finance and support state and regional projects related to the protection, research and cleanup of the Great Lakes.
14.84(1)(c) (c) Earnings and interest from the fund will be available to this state for all of the following purposes:
14.84(1)(c)1. 1. To ensure a stable and predictable funding commitment for Great Lakes water quality.
14.84(1)(c)2. 2. Data collection and analysis of the economic, environmental and human health effects of contamination in the Great Lakes.
14.84(1)(c)3. 3. Development of new or improved environmental clean-up technologies applicable to the Great Lakes.
14.84(1)(c)4. 4. Research to assess the effectiveness of pollution control policies affecting the Great Lakes.
14.84(1)(c)5. 5. Assessment of the health of Great Lakes fish, waterfowl and other organisms.
14.84(1)(d) (d) The fund will be operative when it is executed by this state and at least 3 other states under the articles of incorporation of the fund.
14.84(2) (2) The governor shall nominate 2 persons to represent this state on the board of directors of the Great Lakes protection fund. Those persons shall be appointed with the advice and consent of the senate.
14.84 History History: 1989 a. 31.
14.85 14.85 Mississippi river parkway commission.
14.85(1)(1) There is created a Mississippi river parkway commission consisting of the following members:
14.85(1)(a) (a) One member from each of the counties of Buffalo, Crawford, Grant, La Crosse, Pepin, Pierce, Trempealeau and Vernon.
14.85(1)(b) (b) Two senators and 2 representatives to the assembly. The 2 major political parties shall be represented in the membership from each house.
14.85(2) (2) The secretary of commerce, the secretary of tourism, the secretary of natural resources, the secretary of transportation and the director of the historical society, or their designees, shall serve as nonvoting members of the commission.
14.85(3) (3) Each member under sub. (1) shall be appointed by the governor for a 4-year term. Any vacancy shall be filled for the balance of the unexpired term by the governor as soon as practicable.
14.85(4) (4) The commission shall elect its own chairperson and officers other than a chairperson from among its members as its work requires. The commission chairperson shall:
14.85(4)(a) (a) Be the sole voting representative of this state at meetings of the national Mississippi river parkway commission.
14.85(4)(b) (b) Report to the commission on the activities of the national Mississippi river parkway commission.
14.85(4)(c) (c) Serve as commission secretary, designate a member of the commission to serve as commission secretary or require an election by the commission of a commission secretary.
14.85(4)(d) (d) Notify the members of meetings of the commission and keep a record of its proceedings, or delegate these responsibilities to the commission secretary.
14.85(5) (5) The commission shall:
14.85(5)(a) (a) Assist in coordinating the development and preservation of the great river road in Wisconsin and its embellishments, such as scenic easements, roadside parks and scenic overlooks.
14.85(5)(b) (b) Assist other state agencies in all efforts to create a unified development of the great river road in Wisconsin and any of its collateral features.
14.85(5)(c) (c) Cooperate with similar committees or commissions in other states and Canadian provinces in the furtherance of the ultimate development of the great river road from Canada to the gulf of Mexico.
14.85(5)(d) (d) Consult with the appropriate regional planning commissions regarding the Mississippi river parkway.
14.85(5)(e) (e) Assist in promoting as an attractive travel destination the great river road in Wisconsin and the unique historical, cultural, aesthetic and recreational features along the route of the great river road, such as local communities, off-road parks and forests, and water-oriented facilities.
14.85(6) (6) The commission shall meet quarterly and may meet at other times on the call of the chairperson.
14.85(7) (7) The departments and agencies of this state shall, within existing appropriations and to the best of their respective abilities, cooperate with the commission in the execution of its functions.
14.85(8) (8)
14.85(8)(a)(a) The annual membership dues for the commission shall be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.395 (4) (aq).
14.85(8)(b) (b) The members of the commission shall serve without compensation but, except as provided in par. (c), shall be reimbursed from the appropriation under s. 20.395 (4) (aq) for 75% of actual and necessary expenses incurred in performing their duties under guidelines for reimbursement established by the department of transportation.
14.85(8)(c) (c) The chairperson of the commission shall be reimbursed from the appropriation under s. 20.395 (4) (aq) for all actual and necessary expenses incurred in performing his or her duties under guidelines for reimbursement established by the department of transportation.
14.85(8)(d) (d) If permitted by law, any state agency or local public body, board, commission or agency may allocate funds under its control to fund programs recommended by the commission. If the department of commerce determines that a program recommended by the commission to undertake activities relating to the promotion of economic development is consistent with the department's statewide economic development plans, priorities and resources, the department shall have primary responsibility to support the activities of the program. If the department of tourism determines that a program recommended by the commission to undertake activities relating to the promotion of tourism is consistent with the department's statewide tourism marketing plans, priorities and resources, the department shall have primary responsibility to support the activities of the program.
14.85(9) (9) The commission may establish a technical committee to advise the commission. The members of the committee shall include at least one employe each from the department of transportation, the department of tourism and the department of commerce. The commission shall request the department of transportation, the department of tourism and the department of commerce to designate employes to serve on the committee and may request any other state agency to designate an employe to serve on the committee.
14.85(10) (10) Unless specifically provided otherwise by the commission with respect to committees or other similar bodies, a majority of the voting members constitute a quorum to do business.
14.90 14.90 Midwestern higher education commission.
14.90(1)(1) There is created a midwestern higher education commission as specified under s. 39.80 (2) (a) consisting of the following members representing this state:
14.90(1)(a) (a) The governor or his or her designee.
14.90(1)(b) (b) One representative to the assembly appointed by the speaker to the assembly for a 2-year term.
14.90(1)(c) (c) One senator appointed by the president of the senate for a 2-year term.
14.90(1)(d) (d) One member representing higher education appointed by the governor for a 4-year term.
14.90(1)(e) (e) One member representing higher education appointed by the governor for a 2-year term.
14.90(2) (2) The members of the commission shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed from the appropriation under s. 20.505 (3) (a) for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. The commission has the powers and duties granted and imposed under s. 39.80.
14.90(3) (3) From the appropriation under s. 20.505 (3) (a), the department of administration shall pay the costs of membership in and costs associated with the midwestern higher education compact.
14.90 History History: 1993 a. 358, 491; 1997 a. 27.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 1997. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?