234.84(3)(a) (a) The borrower certifies that it will use the loan proceeds for expenses related to employe training or retraining or for purchasing equipment or upgrading facilities for purposes related to employe training or retraining.
234.84(3)(b) (b) The borrower certifies that loan proceeds will not be used to refinance existing debt or for operating or entertainment expenses.
234.84(3)(c) (c) The interest rate on the loan, including any origination fees or other charges, is approved by the department.
234.84(3)(d) (d) The original loan term does not extend beyond 3 years if the loan proceeds are used exclusively for expenses related to instruction or training, or beyond 5 years if the loan proceeds are used for purchasing equipment or upgrading facilities that will be used for instructing or training employes.
234.84(3)(e) (e) The total outstanding principal amount of all loans to the borrower that are guaranteed under this section does not exceed $250,000.
234.84(3)(f) (f) The lender obtains a security interest in the physical plant, equipment or other assets if the loan proceeds are to be used for purchasing equipment or upgrading facilities that will be used for instructing or training employes.
234.84(3)(g) (g) The lender confirms that the borrower satisfies all applicable loan underwriting criteria.
234.84(4) (4)Guarantee of collection.
234.84(4)(a)(a) Subject to par. (b), the authority shall guarantee collection of a percentage of the principal of, and all interest and any other amounts outstanding on, any loan eligible for a guarantee under sub. (2). The department shall establish the percentage of the principal of an eligible loan that will be guaranteed, using the procedures described in the agreement under s. 234.932 (3) (a). The department may establish a single percentage for all guaranteed loans or establish different percentages for eligible loans on an individual basis.
234.84(4)(b) (b) Except as provided in s. 234.932 (4), the total outstanding guaranteed principal amount of all loans that the authority may guarantee under par. (a) may not exceed $8,000,000.
234.84(5) (5)Administration.
234.84(5)(a)(a) The program under this section shall be administered by the department with the cooperation of the authority. The department shall enter into a memorandum of understanding with the authority setting forth the respective responsibilities of the department and the authority with regard to the administration of the program, including the functions and responsibilities specified in s. 234.932. The memorandum of understanding shall provide for reimbursement to the department by the authority for costs incurred by the department in the administration of the program.
234.84(5)(b) (b) The department may charge a premium, fee or other charge to a borrower of a guaranteed loan under this section for the administration of the loan guarantee.
234.84 History History: 1995 a. 27 s. 9116 (5); 1995 a. 116.
234.86 234.86 Drinking water loan guarantee program.
234.86(1) (1) Definitions. In this section:
234.86(1)(a) (a) "Community water system" means a public water system that serves at least 15 service connections used by year-round residents or that regularly serves at least 25 year-round residents.
234.86(1)(b) (b) "Department" means the department of natural resources.
234.86(1)(c) (c) "Local governmental unit" has the meaning given in s. 281.61 (1) (a).
234.86(1)(d) (d) "Noncommunity water system" means a public water system that is not a community water system.
234.86(1)(e) (e) "Public water system" has the meaning given in s. 281.61 (1) (c).
234.86(2) (2)Guarantee requirements. The authority may use money from the Wisconsin drinking water reserve fund under s. 234.933 to guarantee a loan under this section if all of the following apply:
234.86(2)(a) (a) The borrower is not a local governmental unit and is one of the following:
234.86(2)(a)1. 1. The owner of a community water system.
234.86(2)(a)2. 2. The owner of a noncommunity water system and is not operated for profit.
234.86(2)(b) (b) The loan qualifies as an eligible loan under sub. (3).
234.86(2)(c) (c) The lender is a financial institution that enters into an agreement under s. 234.933 (3) (a).
234.86(3) (3)Eligible loans. A loan is an eligible loan if all of the following apply:
234.86(3)(a) (a) The department determines that the loan will facilitate compliance with national primary drinking water regulations under 42 USC 300g-1 or otherwise significantly further the health protection objectives of the Safe Drinking Water Act, 42 USC 300f to 300j-26.
234.86(3)(b) (b) The department determines that the loan satisfies the requirements under s. 281.625 (2).
234.86(4) (4)Guarantee of collection.
234.86(4)(a)(a) Subject to par. (b), the authority may guarantee collection of a percentage, not exceeding 80%, of the principal of any loan eligible for a guarantee under this section. The authority shall establish the percentage of the unpaid principal of an eligible loan that will be guaranteed using the procedures described in the guarantee agreement under s. 234.933 (3) (a). The authority may establish a single percentage for all guaranteed loans or establish different percentages for eligible loans on an individual basis.
234.86(4)(b) (b) Except as provided in s. 234.933 (4), the total outstanding principal amount of all guaranteed loans under par. (a) may not exceed $3,000,000.
234.86 History History: 1997 a. 27.
234.88 234.88 Brownfields remediation loan guarantee program.
234.88(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
234.88(1)(a) (a) "Brownfields" means abandoned, idle or underused industrial or commercial facilities or sites, the expansion or redevelopment of which is adversely affected by actual or perceived environmental contamination.
234.88(1)(b) (b) "Guaranteed loan" means a loan for which the authority guarantees repayment under sub. (3).
234.88(1)(c) (c) "Participating lender" means a bank, savings bank, credit union, credit association, savings and loan association or other person that makes loans and that has entered into an agreement with the authority under s. 234.93 (2) (a).
234.88(1)(d) (d) "Security interest" means an interest in property or other assets that secures payment or other performance of a guaranteed loan.
234.88(2) (2)Eligible loans. A loan made by a participating lender is eligible for guarantee of repayment from the Wisconsin development reserve fund under s. 234.93 if all of the following apply:
234.88(2)(a) (a) The borrower is a business in this state.
234.88(2)(b) (b) The borrower uses the loan proceeds for direct or related expenses, as determined by the authority, that are associated with remediation of contamination at a brownfields site.
234.88(2)(c) (c) The loan proceeds are not applied to the outstanding balance of any other loan.
234.88(2)(d) (d) The authority approves the interest rate on the loan, including any origination fees or other charges.
234.88(2)(e) (e) The participating lender obtains a security interest in any equipment, machinery, physical plant or other assets to secure repayment of the loan.
234.88(2)(f) (f) The loan term does not extend beyond 15 years after the date on which the participating lender disburses the loan unless the authority agrees to an extension of the loan term.
234.88(2)(g) (g) The participating lender considers the borrower's assets, cash flow and managerial ability sufficient to preclude voluntary or involuntary liquidation for the loan term granted by the participating lender.
234.88(2)(h) (h) The participating lender agrees to the percentage of guarantee established for the loan by the authority.
234.88(2)(i) (i) The principal amount of the loan does not exceed $500,000.
234.88(3) (3)Guarantee of repayment.
234.88(3)(a)(a) Subject to par. (b), beginning on July 1, 1998, the authority may guarantee repayment of a percentage, not exceeding 80%, of the principal of any loan eligible for a guarantee under sub. (2). The authority shall establish the percentage of the unpaid principal of an eligible loan that will be guaranteed by using the procedures described in the guarantee agreement under s. 234.93 (2) (a). The authority may establish a single percentage for all guaranteed loans or establish different percentages for eligible loans on an individual basis.
234.88(3)(b) (b) Except as provided in s. 234.93 (3), the total outstanding principal amount of all guaranteed loans under par. (a) may not exceed $22,500,000.
234.88 History History: 1997 a. 27.
234.90 234.90 Agricultural production loan guarantees.
234.90(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
234.90(1)(a) (a) "Agricultural commodity" has the meaning given under s. 94.67 (2).
234.90(1)(ad) (ad) "Agricultural production loan" means a loan to a farmer to finance the purchase of fertilizer, seed, fuel, pesticides, tillage services, crop insurance, animal feed or any other service or consumable good necessary to produce an agricultural commodity.
234.90(1)(ag) (ag) "Dairy plant" has the meaning given in s. 97.20 (1) (a).
234.90(1)(b) (b) "Farmer" has the meaning given under s. 102.04 (3).
234.90(1)(c) (c) "Guaranteed loan" means an agricultural production loan which is guaranteed by the authority.
234.90(1)(cp) (cp) "Milk" has the meaning given in s. 97.22 (1) (e).
234.90(1)(d) (d) "Participating lender" means a bank, production credit association, credit union, savings bank, savings and loan association or other person who makes agricultural production loans and who has entered into an agreement with the authority under s. 234.93 (2) (a).
234.90(2) (2)Eligible loans. Except as provided in sub. (3j), an agricultural production loan made by a participating lender is eligible for guarantee of collection from the Wisconsin development reserve fund under s. 234.93 if all of the following apply:
234.90(2)(a) (a) The loan is to finance production of an agricultural commodity.
234.90(2)(b) (b) The total outstanding principal amount of all loans to the borrower that are guaranteed under this section will not exceed $20,000.
234.90(2)(bm) (bm) If the loan is one for which the borrower is eligible under sub. (3g), the amount of that loan does not exceed the amount of the payment, excluding interest or penalties if any, owed to the borrower by the insolvent or bankrupt dairy plant, subject to par. (b).
234.90(2)(c) (c) The rate of interest on the loan, including any origination fees or other charges relating to the loan, does not exceed a rate determined by the authority after considering the conditions of the financial market.
234.90(2)(d) (d) If the loan is one to which sub. (5) applies, the rate of interest on the loan for which the borrower is obligated, including any origination fees or other charges relating to the loan, does not exceed the rate determined under par. (c), minus 2%.
234.90(2)(e) (e) The participating lender shall pay directly any supplier of fertilizer, seed, fuel, pesticides, tillage services, crop insurance, animal feed or other service or consumable good necessary to produce an agricultural commodity, if the borrower obtains the loan to pay that supplier.
234.90(2)(f) (f) The participating lender obtains a security interest for repayment of the loan in the agricultural commodity resulting from use of the loan proceeds.
234.90(2)(g) (g) Unless waived by the authority, the borrower procures an insurance policy which protects the agricultural commodity to be financed with the proceeds of the loan against risk of loss, and the proceeds of which are payable to the participating lender.
234.90(2)(h) (h) The term of the loan does not extend after March 31 of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the participating lender granted the loan.
234.90(2)(i) (i) The proceeds of the loan may not be applied to the outstanding balance of any other loan, except that the proceeds may be used to refinance a loan under this section, subject to sub. (3n).
234.90(2)(j) (j) If the loan is one for which the borrower is eligible under sub. (3g), the terms of the loan require the borrower to pay to the authorized lender, in repayment of the loan, money received from or on behalf of the bankrupt or insolvent dairy plant, immediately upon receipt of the money.
234.90(3) (3)Eligible farmers. Except as provided under subs. (3g) and (3j), a farmer is eligible for a guaranteed loan if all of the following apply:
234.90(3)(a) (a) The farmer does not meet the participating lender's minimum standards of creditworthiness to receive an agricultural production loan in the normal course of the participating lender's business.
234.90(3)(b) (b) The amount of the farmer's debts totals at least 40% of the amount of the farmer's assets.
234.90(3)(c) (c) In the judgment of the participating lender, it is reasonably likely that if the farmer receives a guaranteed loan the farmer's assets, cash flow and managerial ability are sufficient to preclude voluntary or involuntary liquidation before April 1 of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the participating lender granted the loan.
234.90(3)(d) (d) The authority has not received a certification under s. 49.855 (7) that the farmer is delinquent in making child support or maintenance payments or owes past support, medical expenses or birth expenses.
234.90(3g) (3g)Eligible dairy farmer. Except as provided in sub. (3j), a farmer is eligible for a guaranteed loan under this subsection if all of the following apply:
234.90(3g)(a) (a) The farmer has not been paid for milk provided to a dairy plant because of the bankruptcy or insolvency of the dairy plant.
234.90(3g)(b) (b) In the judgment of the participating lender, it is reasonably likely that if the farmer receives a guaranteed loan the farmer's assets, cash flow and managerial ability are sufficient to preclude voluntary or involuntary liquidation before April 1 of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the participating lender granted the loan.
234.90(3g)(c) (c) The authority has not received a certification under s. 49.855 (7) that the farmer is delinquent in making child support or maintenance payments or owes past support, medical expenses or birth expenses.
234.90(3j) (3j)Emergency eligibility criteria. The authority may guarantee a loan to a farmer using eligibility criteria determined by the authority that differ from the criteria under subs. (2) to (3g) if all of the following apply:
234.90(3j)(a) (a) The governor has determined that an emergency situation exists and that the criteria under subs. (2) to (3g) prevent the authority from making an adequate response to the emergency situation.
234.90(3j)(b) (b) The authority has submitted to the joint committee on finance for review under s. 13.10 the emergency eligibility criteria that it proposes to use, and the joint committee on finance has approved the use of the criteria for the emergency situation.
234.90(3m) (3m)Extension. A participating lender may extend the term of a loan until no later than June 30 of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the participating lender granted the loan.
234.90(3n) (3n)Refinancing.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 1997. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?