49.32(10) (10)Release of information to law enforcement officers.
49.32(10)(a)(a) Each county department under s. 46.215, 46.22 or 46.23 may release the current address of a recipient of food stamps or of aid under s. 49.19, and each Wisconsin works agency may release the current address of a participant in Wisconsin works under ss. 49.141 to 49.161 or, if administering the food stamp program, of a food stamp recipient, to a law enforcement officer if the officer meets all of the following conditions:
49.32(10)(a)1. 1. The officer provides, in writing, the name of the recipient or participant.
49.32(10)(a)2. 2. The officer satisfactorily demonstrates, in writing, all of the following:
49.32(10)(a)2.a. a. That the recipient or participant is a fugitive felon under 42 USC 608 (a) (9), is violating a condition of probation, extended supervision or parole imposed under state or federal law or has information that is necessary for the officer to conduct the official duties of the officer.
49.32(10)(a)2.b. b. That the location or apprehension of the recipient or participant under subd. 2. a. is within the official duties of the officer.
49.32(10)(a)2.c. c. That the officer is making the request in the proper exercise of his or her duties under subd. 2. b.
49.32(10)(b) (b) If a law enforcement officer believes, on reasonable grounds, that a warrant has been issued and is outstanding for the arrest of a Wisconsin works participant, the law enforcement officer may request that a law enforcement officer be notified when the participant appears to obtain his or her benefits under the Wisconsin works program. At the request of a law enforcement officer under this paragraph, an employee of a Wisconsin works agency who disburses benefits may notify a law enforcement officer when the participant appears to obtain Wisconsin works benefits.
49.32(10m) (10m)Release of addresses of recipients involved in legal proceedings.
49.32(10m)(a)(a) A county department, relief agency under s. 49.01 (3m) or Wisconsin works agency shall, upon request, and after providing the notice to the recipient required by this paragraph, release the current address of a recipient of relief under s. 49.01 (3), aid to families with dependent children or benefits under s. 49.148 to a person, the person's attorney or an employee or agent of that attorney, if the person is a party to a legal action or proceeding in which the recipient is a party or a witness, unless the person is a respondent in an action commenced by the recipient under s. 813.12, 813.122, 813.123, 813.125 or 813.127. If the person is a respondent in an action commenced by the recipient under s. 813.12, 813.122, 813.123, 813.125 or 813.127, the county department, relief agency or Wisconsin works agency may not release the current address of the recipient. No county department, relief agency or Wisconsin works agency may release an address under this paragraph until 21 days after the address has been requested. A person requesting an address under this paragraph shall be required to prove his or her identity and his or her participation as a party in a legal action or proceeding in which the recipient is a party or a witness by presenting a copy of the pleading or a copy of the subpoena for the witness. The person shall also be required to sign a statement setting forth his or her name, address and the reasons for making the request and indicating that he or she understands the provisions of par. (b) with respect to the use of the information obtained. The statement shall be made on a form prescribed by the department and shall be sworn and notarized. Within 7 days after an address has been requested under this paragraph, the county department, relief agency or Wisconsin works agency shall mail to each recipient whose address has been requested a notification of that fact on a form prescribed by the department. The form shall also include the date on which the address was requested, the name and address of the person who requested the disclosure of the address, the reason that the address was requested and a statement that the address will be released to the person who requested the address no sooner than 21 days after the date on which the request for the address was made. County departments, relief agencies and Wisconsin works agencies shall keep a record of each request for an address under this paragraph.
49.32(10m)(b) (b) No person may use an address obtained under this subsection for a purpose that is not connected with the legal action or proceeding to which the person requesting the address is a party. No person may use an address obtained under this subsection for political or commercial purposes. No person may request an address under par. (a) using a fictitious name. Any person who violates this paragraph is subject to the penalties under s. 49.83.
49.32(11) (11)Community action agencies. The department shall distribute all of the funds under s. 20.445 (3) (cr) to community action agencies and organizations, including any of the 11 federally recognized tribal governing bodies in this state and limited-purpose agencies, in proportion to the share of funds actually allocated to these entities under 42 USC 1315 and from other federal and private foundation sources that provide funds for job creation and development for individuals with low incomes.
49.32(12) (12)Administrative hearings and appeals. Any hearing under s. 227.42 granted by the department under this subchapter may be conducted before the division of hearings and appeals in the department of administration.
49.32 History History: 1995 a. 27 ss. 2035 to 2037, 2276d, 2805 to 2809, 2927 to 2930, 3146 to 3149; 1995 a. 289, 361, 370, 404; 1997 a. 27, 35, 237, 252, 283.
49.325 49.325 County department budgets and contracts.
49.325(1)(a)(a) Each county department under s. 46.215, 46.22 or 46.23 shall submit its final budget for services directly provided or purchased under this subchapter to the department by December 31 annually.
49.325(1)(b) (b) The department shall submit a model of the contract under sub. (2g) (a) to each county department under s. 46.215, 46.22 or 46.23 by May 1 annually.
49.325(2) (2)Assessment of needs. Before developing and submitting a proposed budget for services directly provided or purchased under this subchapter to the county executive or county administrator or the county board, the county departments listed in sub. (1) shall assess needs and inventory resources and services, using an open public participation process.
49.325(2g) (2g)Contract.
49.325(2g)(a)(a) The department shall annually submit to the county board of supervisors in a county with a single-county department or the county boards of supervisors in counties with a multicounty department a proposed written contract containing the allocation of funds for services directly provided or purchased under this subchapter and such administrative requirements as necessary. The contract as approved may contain conditions of participation consistent with federal and state law. The contract may also include provisions necessary to ensure uniform cost accounting of services. Any changes to the proposed contract shall be mutually agreed upon. The county board of supervisors in a county with a single-county department or the county boards of supervisors in counties with a multicounty department shall approve the contract before January 1 of the year in which it takes effect unless the department grants an extension. The county board of supervisors in a county with a single-county department or the county boards of supervisors in counties with a multicounty department may designate an agent to approve addenda to any contract after the contract has been approved.
49.325(2g)(b) (b) The department may not approve contracts for amounts in excess of available revenues. Actual expenditure of county funds shall be reported in compliance with procedures developed by the department.
49.325(2g)(c) (c) The joint committee on finance may require the department to submit contracts between county departments under ss. 46.215, 46.22 and 46.23 and providers of services under this subchapter to the committee for review and approval.
49.325(2r) (2r)Withholding funds.
49.325(2r)(a)(a) The department, after reasonable notice, may withhold a portion of the appropriation allocated to a county department under s. 46.215, 46.22 or 46.23 if the department determines that that portion of the allocated appropriation is any of the following:
49.325(2r)(a)1. 1. For services under this subchapter which duplicate or are inconsistent with services being provided or purchased by the department or other county departments receiving grants-in-aid or reimbursement from the department.
49.325(2r)(a)2. 2. Inconsistent with state or federal statutes, rules or regulations, in which case the department may also arrange for provision of services under this subchapter by an alternate agency. The department may not arrange for provision of services by an alternate agency unless the joint committee on finance or a review body designated by the committee reviews and approves the department's determination.
49.325(2r)(a)5. 5. Inconsistent with the provisions of the county department's contract under sub. (2g).
49.325(2r)(b) (b) If the department withholds a portion of the allocable appropriation under par. (a), the county department under s. 46.215, 46.22 or 46.23 that is affected by the action of the department may submit to the county board of supervisors in a county with a single-county department or to its designated agent or the county boards of supervisors in counties with a multicounty department or their designated agents a plan to rectify the deficiency found by the department. The county board of supervisors or its designated agent in a county with a single-county department or the county boards of supervisors in counties with a multicounty department or their designated agents may approve or amend the plan and may submit for departmental approval the plan as adopted. If a multicounty department is administering a program, the plan may not be submitted unless each county board of supervisors which participated in the establishment of the multicounty department, or its designated agent, adopts it.
49.325(3) (3)Open public participation process.
49.325(3)(a)(a) Citizen advisory committee. Except as provided in par. (b), the county board of supervisors of each county or the county boards of supervisors of 2 or more counties jointly shall establish a citizen advisory committee to the county departments under ss. 46.215, 46.22 and 46.23. The citizen advisory committee shall advise in the formulation of the budget under sub. (1). Membership on the committee shall be determined by the county board of supervisors in a county with a single-county committee or by the county boards of supervisors in counties with a multicounty committee and shall include representatives of those persons receiving services, providers of services and citizens. A majority of the members of the committee shall be citizens and consumers of services. The committee's membership may not consist of more than 25% county supervisors, nor of more than 20% services providers. The chairperson of the committee shall be appointed by the county board of supervisors establishing it. In the case of a multicounty committee, the chairperson shall be nominated by the committee and approved by the county boards of supervisors establishing it. The county board of supervisors in a county with a single-county committee or the county boards of supervisors in counties with a multicounty committee may designate an agent to determine the membership of the committee and to appoint the committee chairperson or approve the nominee.
49.325(3)(b) (b) Alternate process. The county board of supervisors or the boards of 2 or more counties acting jointly may submit a report to the department on the open public participation process used under sub. (2). The county board of supervisors may designate an agent, or the boards of 2 or more counties acting jointly may designate an agent, to submit the report. If the department approves the report, establishment of a citizen advisory committee under par. (a) is not required.
49.325(3)(c) (c) Yearly report. The county board of supervisors or its designated agent, or the boards of 2 or more counties acting jointly or their designated agent, shall submit to the department a list of members of the citizen advisory committee under par. (a) or a report on the open public participation process under par. (b) on or before July 1 annually.
49.325 History History: 1995 a. 27.
49.33 49.33 Income maintenance administration.
49.33(1) (1)Definitions. In this section:
49.33(1)(b) (b) "Income maintenance program" means aid to families with dependent children under s. 49.19, Wisconsin works under ss. 49.141 to 49.161, medical assistance under subch. IV of ch. 49 or the food stamp program under 7 USC 2011 to 2029.
49.33(1)(c) (c) "Income maintenance worker" means a person employed by a county, a governing body of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or a Wisconsin works agency whose duties include determinations or redeterminations of income maintenance program eligibility.
49.33(2) (2)Contracts. County departments under ss. 46.215, 46.22 and 46.23 shall annually enter into a contract with the department detailing the reasonable cost of administering the income maintenance programs and the food stamp program under 7 USC 2011 to 2029 when so appointed by the department. Contracts created under this section control the distribution of payments under s. 20.445 (3) (dz), (md) and (nL) in accordance with the reimbursement method established under sub. (8). The department may reduce its payment to any county under s. 20.445 (3) (dz), (md) and (nL) if federal reimbursement is withheld due to audits, quality control samples or program reviews.
49.33(3) (3)Rules. The department shall promulgate rules establishing standards of competency, including training requirements, for income maintenance workers.
49.33(4) (4)Rules; merit system. The department shall promulgate rules for the efficient administration of aid to families with dependent children in agreement with the requirement for federal aid, including the establishment and maintenance of personnel standards on a merit basis. The provisions of this section relating to personnel standards on a merit basis supersede any inconsistent provisions of any law relating to county personnel. This subsection shall not be construed to invalidate the provisions of s. 46.22 (1) (d).
49.33(5) (5)Personnel examinations. Statewide examinations to ascertain qualifications of applicants in any county department administering aid to families with dependent children shall be given by the administrator of the division of merit recruitment and selection in the department of employment relations. The department of employment relations shall be reimbursed for actual expenditures incurred in the performance of its functions under this section from the appropriations available to the department of health and family services for administrative expenditures.
49.33(6) (6)Personnel lists. All persons who are qualified as a result of examinations shall be certified to the counties in which they reside at the time of examination; if there are no resident qualified persons for any class of positions on the list certified to the county, appointments shall be made from available lists without regard to residence within the county.
49.33(7) (7)County personnel systems. Pursuant to rules promulgated under sub. (4), the department where requested by the county shall delegate to that county, without restriction because of enumeration, any or all of the department's authority under sub. (4) to establish and maintain personnel standards including salary levels.
49.33(8) (8)Reimbursement for income maintenance administration.
49.33(8)(a)(a) The department shall reimburse each county for reasonable costs of income maintenance relating to the administration of the programs under this subchapter and subch. IV according to a formula based on workload within the limits of available state and federal funds under s. 20.445 (3) (dz), (md) and (nL) by contract under s. 49.33 (2). The amount of reimbursement calculated under this paragraph and par. (b) is in addition to any reimbursement provided to a county for fraud and error reduction under s. 49.197 (1m) and (4).
49.33(8)(b) (b) The department may adjust the amounts determined under par. (a) for workload changes and computer network activities performed by counties.
49.33(9) (9)Reimbursement for income maintenance benefits. The department shall reimburse each county from the appropriations under s. 20.445 (3) (dz) and (md) for 100% of the cost of aid to families with dependent children granted under s. 49.19 and for funeral expenses paid for recipients of aid under s. 49.30.
49.33(10) (10)County certification.
49.33(10)(a)(a) The county treasurer and each director of a county department under s. 46.215, 46.22 or 46.23 shall certify monthly under oath to the department in such manner as the department prescribes the claim of the county for state reimbursement under subs. (8) and (9) and if the department approves such claim it shall certify to the department of administration for reimbursement to the county for amounts due under these subsections and payment claimed to be made to the counties monthly. The department may make advance payments prior to the beginning of each month equal to one-twelfth of the contracted amount.
49.33(10)(b) (b) To facilitate prompt reimbursement the certificate of the department may be based on the certified statements of the county officers filed under par. (a). Funds recovered from audit adjustments from a prior fiscal year may be included in subsequent certifications only to pay counties owed funds as a result of any audit adjustment. By September 30 annually, the department shall submit a report to the appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172 (3) on funds recovered and paid out during the previous calendar year as a result of audit adjustments.
49.33 History History: 1995 a. 27 ss. 2041 to 2049, 2933 to 2936, 3084 to 3087, 3130; 1995 a. 289, 417; 1997 a. 27.
49.34 49.34 Purchase of care and services.
49.34(1) (1) All services under this subchapter purchased by the department or by a county department under s. 46.215, 46.22 or 46.23 shall be authorized and contracted for under the standards established under this section. The department may require the county departments to submit the contracts to the department for review and approval. For purchases of $10,000 or less the requirement for a written contract may be waived by the department. When the department directly contracts for services, it shall follow the procedures in this section in addition to meeting purchasing requirements established in s. 16.75.
49.34(2) (2) All services purchased under this subchapter shall meet standards established by the department and other requirements specified by the purchaser in the contract. Based on these standards the department shall establish standards for cost accounting and management information systems that shall monitor the utilization of the services, and document the specific services in meeting the service plan for the client and the objective of the service.
49.34(3) (3)
49.34(3)(a)(a) Purchase of service contracts shall be written in accordance with rules promulgated and procedures established by the department. Contracts for client services shall show the total dollar amount to be purchased and for each service the number of clients to be served, number of client service units, the unit rate per client service and the total dollar amount for each service.
49.34(3)(b) (b) Payments under a contract may be made on the basis of actual allowable costs or on the basis of a unit rate per client service multiplied by the actual client units furnished each month. The contract may be renegotiated when units vary from the contracted number. The purchaser shall determine actual marginal costs for each service unit less than or in addition to the contracted number.
49.34(3)(c) (c) For proprietary agencies, contracts may include a percentage add-on for profit according to rules promulgated by the department.
49.34(3)(d) (d) Reimbursement to an agency may be based on total costs agreed to by the parties regardless of the actual number of service units to be furnished, when the agency is entering into a contract for a new or expanded service that the purchaser recognizes will require a start-up period not to exceed 180 days. This reimbursement applies only if identified client needs necessitate the establishment of a new service or expansion of an existing service.
49.34(3)(e) (e) If the purchaser finds it necessary to terminate a contract prior to the contract expiration date for reasons other than nonperformance by the provider, the actual cost incurred by the provider may be reimbursed in an amount determined by mutual agreement of the parties.
49.34(3)(f) (f) Advance payments of up to one-twelfth of an annual contract may be allowed under the contract. If the advance payment exceeds $10,000, the provider shall supply a surety bond in an amount equal to the amount of the advance payment applied for. No surety bond is required if the provider is a state agency. The cost of the surety bond shall be allowable as an expense.
49.34(4) (4) For purposes of this section and as a condition of reimbursement, each provider under contract shall:
49.34(4)(a) (a) Except as provided in this subsection, maintain a uniform double entry accounting system and a management information system which are compatible with cost accounting and control systems prescribed by the department.
49.34(4)(b) (b) Cooperate with the department and purchaser in establishing costs for reimbursement purposes.
49.34(4)(c) (c) Unless waived by the department, biennially, or annually if required under federal law, provide the purchaser with a certified financial and compliance audit report if the care and services purchased exceed $25,000. The audit shall follow standards that the department prescribes.
49.34(4)(d) (d) Transfer a client from one category of care or service to another only with the approval of the purchaser.
49.34(4)(e) (e) Charge a uniform schedule of fees as specified under s. 49.32 (1) unless waived by the purchaser with the approval of the department. Whenever providers recover funds attributed to the client, such funds shall offset the amount paid under the contract.
49.34(5) (5) Except as provided in sub. (5m), the purchaser shall recover from provider agencies money paid in excess of the conditions of the contract from subsequent payments made to the provider.
49.34(5m) (5m)
49.34(5m)(a)(a) In this subsection:
49.34(5m)(a)1. 1. "Provider" means a nonstock corporation organized under ch. 181 that is a nonprofit corporation, as defined in s. 181.0103 (17), and that contracts under this section to provide client services on the basis of a unit rate per client service.
49.34(5m)(a)2. 2. "Rate-based service" means a service or a group of services, as determined by the department, that is reimbursed through a prospectively set rate and that is distinguishable from other services or groups of services by the purpose for which funds are provided for that service or group of services and by the source of funding for that service or group of services.
49.34(5m)(b)1.1. Subject to subds. 2. and 3., if revenue under a contract for the provision of a rate-based service exceeds allowable costs incurred in the contract period, the provider may retain from the surplus generated by that rate-based service up to 5% of the contract amount. A provider that retains a surplus under this subdivision shall use that retained surplus to cover a deficit between revenue and allowable costs incurred in any preceding or future contract period for the same rate-based service that generated the surplus or to address the programmatic needs of clients served by the same rate-based service that generated the surplus.
49.34(5m)(b)2. 2. Subject to subd. 3., a provider may accumulate funds from more than one contract period under this paragraph, except that, if at the end of a contract period the amount accumulated from all contract periods for a rate-based service exceeds 10% of the amount of all current contracts for that rate-based service, the provider shall, at the request of a purchaser, return to that purchaser the purchaser's proportional share of that excess and use any of that excess that is not returned to a purchaser to reduce the provider's unit rate per client for that rate-based service in the next contract period. If a provider has held for 4 consecutive contract periods an accumulated reserve for a rate-based service that is equal to or exceeds 10% of the amount of all current contracts for that rate-based service, the provider shall apply 50% of that accumulated amount to reducing its unit rate per client for that rate-based service in the next contract period.
49.34(5m)(b)3. 3. If on December 31, 1995, the amount accumulated by a provider from all contract periods ending on or before that date for all rate-based services provided by the provider exceeds 10% of the provider's total contract amount for all rate-based services provided by the provider in 1995, the provider shall, at the request of a purchaser, return to that purchaser the purchaser's proportional share of that excess.
49.34(5m)(f) (f) All providers that are subject to this subsection shall comply with any financial reporting and auditing requirements that the department may prescribe. Those requirements shall include a requirement that a provider provide to any purchaser and the department any information that the department needs to claim federal reimbursement for the cost of any services purchased from the provider and a requirement that a provider provide audit reports to any purchaser and the department according to standards specified in the provider's contract and any other standards that the department may prescribe.
49.34(6) (6) Contracts may be renegotiated by the purchaser under conditions specified in the contract.
49.34(7) (7) The service provider under this section may appeal decisions of the purchaser in accordance with terms and conditions of the contract and ch. 68 or 227.
49.34 History History: 1995 a. 27; 1997 a. 79.
49.35 49.35 Public assistance; supervisory functions of department.
49.35(1)(a)(a) The department shall supervise the administration of programs under this subchapter. The department shall submit to the federal authorities state plans for the administration of programs under this subchapter in such form and containing such information as the federal authorities require, and shall comply with all requirements prescribed to ensure their correctness.
49.35(1)(b) (b) All records of the department and all county records relating to programs under this subchapter and aid under s. 49.18, 1971 stats., s. 49.20, 1971 stats., and s. 49.61, 1971 stats., as affected by chapter 90, laws of 1973, shall be open to inspection at all reasonable hours by authorized representatives of the federal government. Notwithstanding s. 48.396 (2), all county records relating to the administration of the services and public assistance specified in this paragraph shall be open to inspection at all reasonable hours by authorized representatives of the department.
49.35(1)(bm) (bm) All records of the department relating to aid provided under s. 49.19 are open to inspection at reasonable hours by members of the legislature who require the information contained in the records in pursuit of a specific state legislative purpose. All records of any county relating to aid provided under s. 49.19 are open to inspection at reasonable hours by members of the board of supervisors of the county or the governing body of a city, village or town located in the county who require the information contained in the records in pursuit of a specific county or municipal legislative purpose. The right to records access provided by this paragraph does not apply if access is prohibited by federal law or regulation or if this state is required to prohibit such access as a condition precedent to participation in a federal program in which this state participates.
49.35(1)(c) (c) The department may at any time audit all county records relating to the administration of the services and public assistance specified in this section and may at any time conduct administrative reviews of county departments under ss. 46.215, 46.22 and 46.23. If the department conducts such an audit or administrative review in a county, the department shall furnish a copy of the audit or administrative review report to the chairperson of the county board of supervisors and the county clerk in a county with a single-county department or to the county boards of supervisors and the county clerks in counties with a multicounty department, and to the director of the county department under s. 46.215, 46.22 or 46.23.
49.35(2) (2) The county administration of all laws relating to programs under this subchapter shall be vested in the officers and agencies designated in the statutes.
49.35 History History: 1995 a. 27.
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