20.370(4)(ai)(ai) Water resources — water use fees. From the general fund, all moneys received under s. 281.346 (12) for activities related to water use and the administration of s. 281.346.
20.370(4)(aj)(aj) Water resources—ballast water discharge permits. From the general fund, all moneys received from fees collected under s. 283.35 (1m) to administer and enforce the ballast water discharge permit program under s. 283.35 (1m) and for grants under 2009 Wisconsin Act 28, section 9137 (3w).
20.370(4)(aq)(aq) Water resources management — lake, river, and invasive species management. The amounts in the schedule for lake and river management and other water resource management activities and for the invasive species program under s. 23.22.
20.370(4)(ar)(ar) Water resources — groundwater management. Biennially, from the environmental fund, the amounts in the schedule for groundwater management.
20.370(4)(au)(au) Cooperative remedial action; contributions. From the environmental fund, all moneys received under s. 292.51 (2) for cooperative remedial action to conduct the cooperative remedial action for which received.
20.370(4)(av)(av) Cooperative remedial action; interest on contributions. From the environmental fund, a sum sufficient equal to the amounts earned by the investment fund on revenue received by the department of natural resources under par. (au), as determined quarterly by the department of administration, to conduct cooperative remedial action.
20.370(4)(bL)(bL) Wastewater management — fees. From the general fund, from the moneys received under. ss. 281.17 (3) and s. 281.48 (4s) (a), all moneys not appropriated under sub. (9) (fL), for the certification of operators of water systems, wastewater treatment plants, and septage servicing vehicles and for wastewater management activities.
20.370(4)(bn)(bn) Air management — emission analysis. From the general fund, all moneys received from fees collected under s. 285.53 (1) (c) 3. for the purpose of reviewing and preparing analyses of emissions from certain medical waste incinerators.
20.370(4)(bo)(bo) Air management — permit review and enforcement. From the general fund, the amounts in the schedule for any purpose specified under s. 285.69 (1) or (5), except for purposes described in par. (cn), and for other activities to reduce air pollution, as provided in s. 285.69 (6). All moneys received from fees imposed under s. 285.69 (1), (1d), and (5), except moneys appropriated under par. (cn), shall be credited to this appropriation.
20.370(4)(bp)(bp) Air waste management — incinerator operator certification. From the general fund, all moneys received from fees under s. 285.51 for the purpose of administering s. 285.51.
20.370(4)(bt)(bt) Air management — mobile sources. From the petroleum inspection fund, the amounts in the schedule for air quality management programs, including the development and implementation of plans under s. 285.11 (6), related primarily to mobile sources of air contaminants.
20.370(4)(cg)(cg) Groundwater quantity administration. From the general fund, from the moneys received under s. 281.34, the amounts in the schedule for the administration of the program under s. 281.34 and, before July 1, 2010, for the administration of s. 281.346.
20.370(4)(ch)(ch) Groundwater quantity research. Biennially, from the general fund, from the moneys received under s. 281.34, the amounts in the schedule for groundwater research and monitoring under s. 281.34 (10).
20.370(4)(cL)(cL) Air management — recovery of ozone-depleting refrigerants. From the general fund, the amounts in the schedule for administration of the recovery of ozone-depleting refrigerants program. All moneys received from fees under s. 285.59 (5) (a) 2. shall be credited to this appropriation.
20.370(4)(cm)(cm) Air management — state permit sources. From the general fund, the amounts in the schedule for purposes related to stationary sources of air contaminants for which an operation permit is required under s. 285.60 but not under the federal clean air act as specified in s. 285.69 (2m) (bm). All moneys received from fees imposed under s. 285.69 (2m) shall be credited to this appropriation account.
20.370(4)(cn)(cn) Air management — asbestos management. From the general fund, all moneys received from fees imposed under s. 285.69 (1) (c) on persons proposing asbestos abatement projects and all moneys received under s. 285.69 (3) for asbestos abatement inspections, for costs related to exempting asbestos abatement projects from air pollution control permits and for inspections of asbestos demolition and renovation projects.
20.370(4)(co)(co) Air management — stationary sources. From the general fund, the amounts in the schedule for purposes related to stationary sources of air contaminants as specified in s. 285.69 (2) (c). All moneys received from fees under s. 285.69 (2) (a) and (e) and (2e), except moneys appropriated under subs. (3) (bg), (8) (mg) and (9) (mh), and all moneys received from fees imposed under s. 285.69 (7) shall be credited to this appropriation.
20.370(4)(cq)(cq) River and stream monitoring and study. The amounts in the schedule for the river and stream monitoring and study under s. 281.145. No funds may be encumbered under this paragraph after June 30, 2021.
20.370(4)(cr)(cr) Hydrologic evaluation and modeling. As a continuing appropriation, from the environmental fund, the amounts in the schedule to conduct the hydrologic evaluation and modeling under s. 281.34 (7m).
20.370(4)(cv)(cv) Air quality monitoring stations. Biennially, from the petroleum inspection fund, the amounts in the schedule for the air quality monitoring stations under s. 285.72.
20.370(4)(cw)(cw) Air management — motor vehicle emission inspection and maintenance program, petroleum inspection fund. From the petroleum inspection fund, the amounts in the schedule for the administration of the motor vehicle emission inspection and maintenance program under s. 285.30.
20.370(4)(dg)(dg) Solid waste management — solid and hazardous waste disposal administration. From the general fund, all moneys received from fees under ss. 289.42 (1), 289.43 (7) (e) 1. and 2., 289.61, 291.05 (7) and 291.33, for the purpose of administering ss. 289.42 (1), 289.43, 289.47, 289.53, 289.95, 291.23, 291.25, 291.29, 291.31 and 291.87 and subch. III of ch. 289.
20.370(4)(dh)(dh) Solid waste management — remediated property. From the general fund, all moneys received under ss. 292.11 (7) (d) 2., 292.13 (3), 292.15 (5), 292.21 (1) (c) 1. d., 292.31 (7) (d), 292.35 (13), 292.55 (2), 292.57 (2), and 292.94 for the department’s activities related to the issuance of determinations under s. 292.13 (2), remedial action cost recovery under s. 292.35, remediation of property under ss. 292.11 (7) (d), 292.15 (2), 292.55 (1), and 292.57, providing management and technical support for remedial action under 42 USC 9601 to 9675, and conducting reviews described in s. 292.94.
20.370(4)(dq)(dq) Solid waste management — waste management fund. From the waste management fund, all moneys received in the waste management fund, except moneys appropriated under pars. (dr), (dt), (dy) and (dz), for the purpose of administering a program of corrective action, closure, and long-term care of and environmental repairs to solid and hazardous waste facilities under s. 289.68.
20.370(4)(dr)(dr) Solid waste management — department action on corrective action, closure, and long-term care. From the waste management fund, all moneys received under s. 289.68 (4m) (b) for the purpose of administering a program of corrective action, closure, and long-term care of solid and hazardous waste facilities under s. 289.68 (4m) (a).
20.370(4)(dt)(dt) Solid waste management — closure and long-term care. From the waste management fund, all moneys received under s. 289.41 (11) (a) 1., 3. and 4. for compliance with closure and long-term care requirements under s. 289.41 (11) (b) 1.
20.370(4)(du)(du) Solid waste management — site-specific remediation. From the environmental fund, all moneys not otherwise appropriated, other than fines and forfeitures, that are received under settlement agreements or orders in settlement of actions or proposed actions for violations of chs. 280 to 299 and that are designated to be used to restore or develop environmental resources, to provide restitution, or to make expenditures required under an agreement or order and all moneys received in settlement of actions initiated under 42 USC 9601 to 9675 for environmental remediation, restoration, and development, including the replacement of fish or wildlife, that has not been conducted when the moneys are received, to carry out the purposes for which received.
20.370(4)(dv)(dv) Solid waste management — environmental repair; spills; abandoned containers. As a continuing appropriation, from the environmental fund, the amounts in the schedule for the administration of the environmental repair program under s. 292.31; for the hazardous substance spills program under s. 292.11; for the abandoned container program under s. 292.41; consistent with a court order under s. 283.87, to remove, terminate or remedy the adverse effects of a discharge or deposit of pollutants into the waters of the state, to restore or develop the water environment for public use or to provide grants under s. 283.87 (4); and for the payment of this state’s share of environmental repair which is funded under 42 USC 9601, et seq., and any additional costs which this state is required to incur under 42 USC 9601, et seq.
20.370(4)(dw)(dw) Solid waste management — environmental repair; petroleum spills; administration. From the petroleum inspection fund, the amounts in the schedule for the administration of ss. 292.63 and 292.64.
20.370(4)(dy)(dy) Solid waste management — corrective action; proofs of financial responsibility. From the waste management fund, all moneys received under s. 289.41 (11) (am) 1. for compliance with corrective action requirements under s. 289.41 (11) (bm) at facilities which forfeit or convert proof of financial responsibility under s. 289.41 (11) (am) 1.
20.370(4)(dz)(dz) Solid waste management — corrective action; moneys recovered from assessments and legal action. From the waste management fund, all moneys received under s. 289.41 (11) (am) 3. and 4. for compliance with corrective action requirements under s. 289.41 (11) (bm).
20.370(4)(eg)(eg) Solid waste facility siting board fee. From the general fund, all moneys received from the fee under s. 289.64 to be transferred to the appropriation under s. 20.505 (4) (k).
20.370(4)(eh)(eh) Solid waste management — source reduction review. From the general fund, all moneys received from fees collected under s. 287.07 (8) (d) for the purpose of reviewing medical waste source reduction policies and assessments.
20.370(4)(eq)(eq) Solid waste management — dry cleaner environmental response. From the dry cleaner environmental response fund, the amounts in the schedule for review of remedial action under s. 292.65.
20.370(4)(fq)(fq) Indemnification agreements. From the environmental fund, a sum sufficient to provide indemnification under agreements under s. 292.70.
20.370(4)(gr)(gr) Solid waste management — mining programs. From the investment and local impact fund, all moneys received under s. 70.395 (2) (j) for the purpose of making payments for the long-term care of mining waste sites under s. 289.68 and received under s. 70.395 (2) (k) for the purpose of making payments for environmental repair of mining waste sites under s. 292.31 (1), (3) and (7).
20.370(4)(hq)(hq) Recycling; administration. From the environmental fund, the amounts in the schedule for the administration of subch. II of ch. 287, other than ss. 287.21 and 287.23.
20.370(4)(hr)(hr) Electronic waste recycling. From the environmental fund, all moneys received under s. 287.17 (4) and (10) (j) for administration of the electronic waste recycling program under s. 287.17.
20.370(4)(hs)(hs) Electronic waste cleanup. From the environmental fund, as a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for contracts under s. 287.17 (12).
20.370(4)(ja)(ja) Dam safety projects. Biennially, from the general fund, the amounts in the schedule to provide financial assistance to political subdivisions and public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts for dam safety projects under s. 31.385.
20.370(4)(jb)(jb) Sheboygan River dam grant. As a continuing appropriation from the general fund, the amounts in the schedule to provide a grant to Sheboygan County for the removal and reconstruction of a dam on the Sheboygan River at the Sheboygan marsh.
20.370(4)(jd)(jd) Steve Creek dam grant. As a continuing appropriation from the general fund, the amounts in the schedule to provide a grant for repairs to the dam on Steve Creek.
20.370(4)(je)(je) Mill Pond dam grant. As a continuing appropriation from the general fund, the amounts in the schedule to provide a grant to the city of Plymouth for removal and restoration of the dam on Mill Pond.
20.370(4)(jf)(jf) Lake Mallalieu grant. As a continuing appropriation from the general fund, the amounts in the schedule to provide a grant to the Lake Mallalieu Association for Lake Mallalieu.
20.370(4)(ks)(ks) Aquatic invasive species control; voluntary contributions. As a continuing appropriation, all moneys received from the fishing and boating voluntary contributions under ss. 29.564 (2) and 30.52 (3m) (b) to be used for research by the department concerning invasive species that are aquatic species, for grants under s. 23.22 (2) (c) to control invasive species that are aquatic species, and for promotional activities and materials to encourage voluntary contributions under ss. 29.564 and 30.52 (3m).
20.370(4)(ma)(ma) General program operations — state funds. From the general fund, the amounts in the schedule for the management and protection of the state’s water resources and for environmental quality and environmental management purposes.
20.370(4)(mi)(mi) General program operations — private and public sources. From the general fund, all moneys not otherwise appropriated that are received from private or public sources, other than state agencies and the federal government, for facilities, materials, or services provided by the department relating to its environmental quality functions and to the management of the state’s water resources.
20.370(4)(mk)(mk) General program operations — service funds. From the general fund, all moneys received by the department from the department and from other state agencies for purposes relating to its environmental management functions and to the state’s water resources.
20.370(4)(mm)(mm) General program operations — federal funds. From the general fund, all moneys received as federal aid for the state’s water resources and for environmental quality purposes, as authorized by the governor under s. 16.54, for the purposes for which received.
20.370(4)(mq)(mq) General program operations — environmental fund. From the environmental fund, the amounts in the schedule for administration of environmental activities under chs. 160, 281, 283, 285, and 289 to 299.
20.370(4)(mr)(mr) General program operations — nonpoint source. From the environmental fund, the amounts in the schedule for performing the duties of the department under s. 281.65.
20.370(4)(ms)(ms) General program operations — environmental fund; federal funds. From the environmental fund, all moneys received from the federal government as reimbursement or for purposes related to the hazardous substances spills program, the abandoned container program or the environmental repair program for the administration of those programs.
20.370(4)(mt)(mt) General program operations — environmental improvement programs; state funds. From the environmental improvement fund, the amounts in the schedule for general program operations under s. 281.58, 281.59, 281.61, 281.62, or 283.31 or s. 281.60, 2021 stats.
20.370(4)(mv)(mv) General program operations — brownfields. From the environmental fund, the amounts in the schedule for administration of activities related to brownfields, as defined in s. 238.13 (1) (a).
20.370(4)(mw)(mw) General program operations - PFAS. From the PFAS fund, as a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for addressing and preventing perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances contamination in this state.
20.370(4)(mx)(mx) General program operations — clean water fund program; federal funds. As a continuing appropriation, from the clean water fund program federal revolving loan fund account in the environmental improvement fund, all moneys received from the federal government for general program operations of the clean water fund program, for general program operations of the clean water fund program under s. 281.58 or 281.59.
20.370(4)(my)(my) General program operations — environmental fund; federal funds. From the environmental fund, all moneys received as federal aid for the state’s water resources, as authorized by the governor under s. 16.54, for the purposes for which received.
20.370(4)(nz)(nz) General program operations — safe drinking water loan programs; federal funds. From the safe drinking water loan program federal revolving loan fund account in the environmental improvement fund, all moneys received from the federal government for the general program operations of the safe drinking water loan program under s. 281.59 or 281.61 and other drinking water quality activities under s. 281.62 to be used for those operations and activities.
20.370(4)(ps)(ps) Fire fighting foam. As a continuing appropriation, from the environmental fund, the amounts in the schedule for fire fighting foam collection.
20.370(5)(5)Conservation aids.
20.370(5)(af)(af) Resource aids — walleye production; grants. Biennially, from the general fund, the amounts in the schedule for grants for the purpose of walleye production under s. 29.739.
20.370(5)(aq)(aq) Resource aids — Canadian agencies migratory waterfowl aids. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts received from waterfowl hunting stamps specified under s. 29.191 (1) to be contributed to governmental or nonprofit agencies in Canada for the propagation, management and control of migratory waterfowl.
20.370(5)(ar)(ar) Resource aids — county conservation aids. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for county fish and game projects under s. 23.09 (12).
20.370(5)(as)(as) Recreation aids — fish, wildlife and forestry recreation aids. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for wildlife habitat development and planning on county forest lands, and recreational development on county forest lands under s. 23.09 (11).
20.370(5)(at)(at) Ice age trail area grants. The amounts in the schedule for the ice age trail area grants under s. 23.295.
20.370(5)(au)(au) Resource aids — Ducks Unlimited, Inc., payments. All moneys received under s. 341.14 (6r) (b) 7. for payments to Ducks Unlimited, Inc., under s. 23.0965 (1).
20.370(5)(av)(av) Resource aids — forest grants. Biennially, the amounts in the schedule for forest grants under s. 26.38.
20.370(5)(aw)(aw) Resource aids — nonprofit conservation organizations. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for grants to nonstock, nonprofit corporations under ss. 23.0955 (2) and 23.0956 for assistance to nonprofit conservation organizations under ss. 23.0955 and 23.0956.
20.370(5)(ax)(ax) Resource aids — forestry. The amounts in the schedule for forestry education and professional development and for the programs and purposes under s. 28.085.
20.370(5)(ay)(ay) Resource aids — urban land conservation. The amounts in the schedule for the annual grant to a nonstock, nonprofit corporation under s. 23.0957.
20.370(5)(az)(az) Resource aids — urban forestry grants. Biennially, the amounts in the schedule for urban forestry grants under s. 23.097.
20.370(5)(bq)(bq) Resource aids — county forest loans; severance share payments. All moneys received from acreage loan severance share payments as calculated under s. 28.11 (9) (ag) 1. for county forest loans under s. 28.11 (8) (b), except as provided in s. 28.11 (9) (ar).
20.370(5)(br)(br) Resource aids — forest croplands and managed forest land aids. The amounts in the schedule for local aids to counties under s. 23.09 (18).
20.370(5)(bs)(bs) Resource aids — county forest loans. The amounts in the schedule to provide county forest loans under s. 28.11 (8) (b).
20.370(5)(bt)(bt) Resource aids — county forest project loans. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule to provide county forest loans under s. 28.11 (8) (b) 2.
20.370(5)(bu)(bu) Resource aids — county forest project loans; severance share payments. All moneys received from project loan severance share payments as calculated under s. 28.11 (9) (ag) 2 for county forest loans under s. 28.11 (8) (b) 2., except as provided in s. 28.11 (9) (ar).
20.370(5)(bv)(bv) Resource aids — county forests, forest croplands and managed forest land aids. A sum sufficient to pay county forest aids under s. 28.11 (8) (a), forest croplands aids under subch. I of ch. 77 and managed forest land aids under ss. 77.85 and 77.89 (1) (a).
20.370(5)(bw)(bw) Resource aids — county sustainable forestry and county forest administration grants. Biennially, the amounts in the schedule for county sustainable forestry grants under s. 28.11 (5r) and county forest administration grants under s. 28.11 (5m).
20.370(5)(bx)(bx) Resource aids — national forest income aids. All moneys received from the U.S. government for allotments to school districts containing national forest lands shall be distributed in proportion to the national forest acreage in each school district as certified by the U.S. forest service. Such distribution shall be made annually within 60 days after receipt of the money from the federal government.
20.370(5)(by)(by) Resource aids — fire suppression grants. Biennially, the amounts in the schedule for grants for fire suppression clothing, supplies, equipment, and vehicles, for acquiring fire prevention materials, and for training fire fighters under s. 26.145.
20.370(5)(bz)(bz) Resource aids — forestry outdoor activity grants. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for grants awarded under s. 77.895.
20.370(5)(cb)(cb) Recreation aids — snowmobile trail and area aids; general fund. From the general fund, the amounts in the schedule for the purposes specified under s. 350.12 (4) (b).
20.370(5)(cq)(cq) Recreation aids — recreational boating and other projects. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for recreational boating aids under s. 30.92, for the grant for Black Point Estate under s. 23.0962, for the Portage levee system and the Portage canal under s. 31.309, for development of a state park under s. 23.198, and for the engineering and environmental study under s. 31.307.
20.370(5)(cr)(cr) Recreation aids — county snowmobile trail and area aids. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule from the snowmobile account in the conservation fund to provide state aid to counties for snowmobile trails and areas consistent with the requirements of ss. 23.09 (26) and 350.12 (4) (b).
20.370(5)(cs)(cs) Recreation aids — snowmobile trail areas. As a continuing appropriation, from the snowmobile account in the conservation fund an amount equal to the estimated snowmobile gas tax payment, as determined under s. 25.29 (1) (d), for the purposes specified under s. 350.12 (4) (b).
20.370(5)(ct)(ct) Recreation aids — all-terrain vehicle and utility terrain vehicle project aids; gas tax payment. As a continuing appropriation, an amount equal to the estimated all-terrain vehicle and utility terrain vehicle gas tax payment to provide aid to towns, villages, cities, counties, and federal agencies for nonstate all-terrain vehicle and utility terrain vehicle projects and to provide aid to nonprofit organizations for the production and acquisition of maps under s. 23.33 (9) (b) 7. and the placement of signs developed under s. 23.33 (4z) (a) 3.
20.370(5)(cu)(cu) Recreation aids — all-terrain vehicle and utility terrain vehicle project aids. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule from moneys received from all-terrain vehicle and utility terrain vehicle fees under s. 23.33 (2) (c) to (e) to provide aid to towns, villages, cities, counties, and federal agencies for nonstate all-terrain vehicle and utility terrain vehicle projects and to provide aid to nonprofit organizations for the production and acquisition of maps under s. 23.33 (9) (b) 7. and the placement of signs developed under s. 23.33 (4z) (a) 3.
20.370(5)(cv)(cv) Recreation aids — Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for the Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission to make grants that support activities that are required or authorized under subch. VI of ch. 33.
20.370(5)(cw)(cw) Recreation aids — supplemental snowmobile trail aids. As a continuing appropriation, from the snowmobile account in the conservation fund an amount equal to the amount calculated under s. 350.12 (4) (bg) 2. for the purposes specified in s. 350.12 (4) (b).
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)