115.77 115.77 Local educational agency duties.
115.77(1) (1) In sub. (1m) (a) to (d), except as provided in s. 118.51 (12) (a) and (b) 2., if a child with a disability is attending a public school in a nonresident school district under s. 118.51 or 121.84 (1) (a) or (4), "local educational agency" means the school district that the child is attending.
115.77(1m) (1m) A local educational agency shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the division that it does all of the following:
115.77(1m)(a) (a) Identifies, locates and evaluates all children with disabilities who are in need of special education and related services, including such children who are not yet 3 years of age. A local educational agency may provide special education and related services to children with disabilities who are not yet 3 years of age under an interagency agreement with a county agency responsible for the early intervention program under s. 51.44.
115.77(1m)(b) (b) Makes available a free appropriate public education to children with disabilities as required by this subchapter and applicable state and federal law.
115.77(1m)(bg) (bg) Includes children with disabilities in statewide and local educational agency-wide assessments, with appropriate modifications where necessary, or in alternative assessments for those children who cannot participate in statewide or local educational agency-wide assessments.
115.77(1m)(c) (c) Ensures that children participating in early intervention programs under s. 51.44 who will participate in preschool programs assisted under this subchapter experience a smooth and effective transition to those preschool programs and that, by the 3rd birthday of such a child, an individualized education program has been developed and is being implemented for the child. The local educational agency shall participate in transition planning conferences arranged by the county administrative agency, as defined in s. HFS 90.03 (10), Wis. adm. code.
115.77(1m)(d) (d) Ensures that children with disabilities who are enrolled in private schools and facilities are provided special education and related services, in accordance with individualized education programs, at no cost to them or to their parents, if such children are placed in, or referred to, such schools or facilities by a local educational agency to satisfy the requirements of this subchapter or applicable federal law.
115.77(1m)(e) (e) To the extent consistent with the number and location of children with disabilities residing in the local educational agency who are enrolled by their parents in private elementary and secondary schools, ensures that those children have an opportunity to participate in special education and related services and that the amount spent to provide those services by the local educational agency is equal to a proportionate amount of federal funds made available under this subchapter.
115.77(1m)(f) (f) Establishes written policies and procedures for implementing this subchapter and applicable federal law.
115.77(1m)(g) (g) Makes available to any person, upon request, all documents relating to the agency's eligibility for funds under this subchapter.
115.77(1m)(h) (h) Regularly publicizes information regarding its special education procedures and services.
115.77(2) (2) The local educational agency shall provide the division with information necessary to enable the division to carry out its duties under this subchapter and applicable federal law.
115.77(3) (3) Any state or federal aid that is made available to a local educational agency for special education and related services shall be used by the local educational agency to comply with this subchapter.
115.77(4) (4) A local educational agency shall submit to the division, pursuant to a schedule and instructions established and published by the division, the agency's plan, including a program narrative, for the provision of special education and related services that includes all of the following:
115.77(4)(a) (a) The extent to which special education and related services is or is not organized around particular disabilities.
115.77(4)(b) (b) The licensure and other preparation or experience of special education staff.
115.77(4)(c) (c) The age ranges of pupils who are children with disabilities.
115.77(4)(d) (d) The range of severity of disability among children with disabilities.
115.77(4)(e) (e) The ratio of pupils to full-time equivalent staff, including both the ratio of pupils assigned to special education instructional and related services staff and to total special education instructional, support and administrative staff.
115.77(4)(f) (f) The way parents participate in the development and review of the plan.
115.77(4)(g) (g) The extent to which children with disabilities receive special education or related services beyond the school term.
115.77(4)(h) (h) The way the local educational agency provides for a continuum of alternative placements that addresses the unique needs of children with disabilities and ensures that such children receive their educational programming in the least restrictive environment, including the agency's use of placements out of the agency and out of the state and private placements.
115.77(4)(i) (i) The local educational agency's plan for employing qualified special education and related services staff, evaluating its staff's special education in-service needs and the plan for meeting those needs.
115.77(4)(j) (j) The local educational agency's plan for evaluating its system for the design and delivery of special education and related services and for addressing any needs that are identified by the evaluation, including all of the following:
115.77(4)(j)1. 1. The local educational agency's graduation rate for children with disabilities and how the rate compares to the agency's graduation rate for nondisabled children.
115.77(4)(j)2. 2. The local educational agency's rate of suspension and expulsion of children with disabilities and how the rate compares to the agency's rate of suspension and expulsion of nondisabled children.
115.77(4)(j)3. 3. The local educational agency's overall incidence rate of children with disabilities and the agency's incidence rates of particular disabilities.
115.77(4)(j)4. 4. The rate of participation of the local educational agency's children with disabilities in statewide and local educational agency-wide assessments and the results of those assessments.
115.77(4)(j)5. 5. The rate of participation of the local educational agency's children with disabilities in alternative assessments and the results of those assessments.
115.77(4)(j)6. 6. The number of referrals under s. 115.777 and the percentage of those referrals resulting in the provision of special education and related services.
115.77(4)(j)7. 7. The number of children with disabilities placed in appropriate, interim, alternative educational settings under 20 USC 1415 (k) (1) (A) (ii).
115.77(4)(j)8. 8. General information about the satisfaction of parents of children with disabilities and adult pupils who are receiving special education and related services with special education and related services.
115.77(4)(j)9. 9. General information about persons who no longer attend high school and who received special education and related services provided by the local educational agency, such as whether they are employed, are living independently and are enrolled in postsecondary education.
115.77(4)(j)10. 10. If the local educational agency is a school district, the number of children with disabilities who attend the school district under ss. 118.51 and 121.84 (1) (a) and (4), the disability of each such child and the special education or related services received by each such child.
115.77(4)(k) (k) A roster of all of the agency's special education and related services staff, their function, their social security numbers and their special education licensure.
115.77(4)(L) (L) Statements of assurance as required by applicable federal law.
115.77(4)(m) (m) Information relating to access of private school pupils to the local educational agency's special education and related services.
115.77(4)(n) (n) Any other information the division requires to permit its review and approval of the plan.
115.77(7) (7) Annually, the local educational agency shall provide a special education performance report to all parents of children enrolled in the local educational agency and to the division that includes the local educational agency's performance with regard to the factors referenced in the agency's evaluation of its plan under sub. (4) (j) as well as the statewide average with regard to factors in sub. (4) (j) 1. to 5.
115.77(8) (8) The local educational agency shall serve children with disabilities who are attending a charter school under contract with the local educational agency under s. 118.40 in the same manner as it serves children with disabilities attending schools of the local educational agency, and shall provide funds under this subchapter to such charter schools in the same manner as it provides funds under this subchapter to schools of the local educational agency.
115.77(9) (9) The local educational agency shall exercise its authority in compliance with 20 USC 1415 (k).
115.77 History History: 1997 a. 164; 1999 a. 117.
115.77 Annotation When there was no reasonable cause to believe that a student was emotionally disturbed and required special education, there was no obligation to submit an exceptional needs referral on the student's behalf. Hoffman v. East Troy Community School District. 38 F. Supp. 2d 750 (1999).
115.775 115.775 Duties of operators of certain charter schools.
115.775(1)(1) Except as provided in sub. (2), an operator of a charter school under s. 118.40 (2r) is a local educational agency, as defined in 20 USC 1401 (15), and shall comply with 20 USC 1400 to 1491o.
115.775(2) (2) The board of directors of the school district operating under ch. 119 is a local educational agency under this section and shall comply with 20 USC 1400 to 1491o if the board of directors enters into an agreement with an operator of a charter school under s. 118.40 (2r) under which the board of directors agrees to serve as the local educational agency.
115.775 History History: 1999 a. 9.
115.777 115.777 Special education referrals.
115.777(1) (1)
115.777(1)(a)(a) A physician, nurse, psychologist, social worker or administrator of a social agency who reasonably believes that a child brought to him or her for services has a disability shall refer the child to the local educational agency. If the local educational agency to whom the referral is made is the school district in which the child resides but the child is attending a public school in a nonresident school district under s. 118.51 or 121.84 (1) (a) or (4), the school board of the school district in which the child resides shall provide the name of the child and related information to the school board of the school district that the child is attending.
115.777(1)(b) (b) A person who is required to be licensed under s. 115.28 (7), who is employed by a local educational agency and who reasonably believes a child has a disability, shall refer the child to the local educational agency. If the local educational agency to whom the referral is made is the school district that the child is attending but the child is a nonresident attending a public school in that school district under s. 118.51 or 121.84 (1) (a) or (4), the school board of the school district that the child is attending shall provide the name of the child and related information to the school board of the child's school district of residence.
115.777(1)(c) (c) Any person other than those specified under par. (a) or (b) who reasonably believes that a child is a child with a disability may refer the child to a local educational agency. If the local educational agency to whom the referral is made is the school district in which the child resides but the child is attending a public school in a nonresident school district under s. 118.51 or 121.84 (1) (a) or (4), the school board of the school district in which the child resides shall provide the name of the child and related information to the school board of the school district that the child is attending.
115.777(2) (2)
115.777(2)(a)(a) All referrals shall be in writing and shall include the name of the child and the reasons why the person believes that the child is a child with a disability.
115.777(2)(b) (b) Before submitting a referral to a local educational agency under sub. (1) (a) or (b), a person required to make a referral under sub. (1) (a) or (b) shall inform the child's parent that he or she is going to submit the referral.
115.777(3) (3) A local educational agency shall do all of the following:
115.777(3)(a) (a) Establish written procedures for accepting and processing referrals.
115.777(3)(b) (b) Document and date the receipt of each referral.
115.777(3)(c) (c) Provide information and in-service opportunities to all of its licensed staff to familiarize them with the agency's referral procedures.
115.777(3)(d) (d) At least annually, inform parents and persons required to make referrals under sub. (1) (a) about the agency's referral and evaluation procedures.
115.777 History History: 1997 a. 164; 1999 a. 117.
115.78 115.78 Individualized education program team; timeline.
115.78(1)(1)Definition. In this section, for a child who is attending a public school in a nonresident school district under s. 118.51 or 121.84 (1) (a) or (4), "local educational agency" means the school board of the school district that the child is attending.
115.78(1m) (1m)Appointment of Team. The local educational agency shall appoint an individualized education program team for each child referred to it under s. 115.777. Each team shall consist of all of the following:
115.78(1m)(a) (a) The parents of the child.
115.78(1m)(b) (b) At least one regular education teacher of the child if the child is, or may be, participating in a regular educational environment.
115.78(1m)(c) (c) At least one special education teacher who has extensive and recent training and experience related to the child's known or suspected disability as specified in s. 115.76 (5) (a) or, where appropriate, at least one special education provider of the child.
115.78(1m)(d) (d) A representative of the local educational agency who is qualified to provide, or supervise the provision of, special education, is knowledgeable about the general curriculum and is knowledgeable about and authorized to commit the available resources of the local educational agency.
115.78(1m)(e) (e) An individual who can interpret the instructional implications of evaluation results, who may be a team participant under pars. (b) to (d) or (f).
115.78(1m)(f) (f) At the discretion of the parent or the local educational agency, other individuals who have knowledge or special expertise about the child, including related services personnel as appropriate.
115.78(1m)(g) (g) Whenever appropriate, the child.
115.78(2) (2)Duties of Team. The individualized education program team shall do all of the following:
115.78(2)(a) (a) Evaluate the child under s. 115.782 to determine the child's eligibility or continued eligibility for special education and related services and the educational needs of the child.
115.78(2)(b) (b) Develop an individualized education program for the child under s. 115.787.
115.78(2)(c) (c) Determine the special education placement for the child under s. 115.79.
115.78(3) (3)Timeline.
115.78(3)(a)(a) The local educational agency shall notify the parents of the educational placement of their child within 90 days after the local educational agency receives a special education referral for the child under s. 115.777 or initiates a reevaluation of the child under s. 115.782 (4).
115.78(3)(b) (b) Before the expiration of the 90-day period, if a local educational agency needs an extension, it shall inform the child's parent of the need and reasons for an extension and request the child's parent to agree in writing to a specific extension of time beyond the 90-day period.
115.78(3)(c) (c) If the parent does not agree to an extension, the local educational agency may request an extension from the division. The local educational agency shall inform the division of the reasons for the request. The division may grant a specific extension of time beyond the 90-day period if the local educational agency shows that it has acted in good faith and that there is good cause to grant the extension. If the division grants an extension, it shall notify the parent of the extension and the reasons for granting it.
115.78(3)(d) (d) Subject to pars. (a) to (c), if the parents of the child or the local educational agency staff determines at any point during the process of the evaluation, development of the individualized education program or placement of the child that additional time is needed to permit meaningful parental participation, the local educational agency shall provide it.
115.78(4) (4)Information. At the beginning of any meeting to address the evaluation, individualized education program or placement of a child, the local educational agency staff shall inform the child's parents of their right to be provided with additional time under sub. (3) (d) and their right to a copy of the evaluation report under s. 115.782 (3) (b) or (c).
115.78 History History: 1997 a. 164; 1999 a. 117.
115.782 115.782 Evaluations.
115.782(1)(1)Notice; consent.
115.782(1)(a)(a) The local educational agency shall notify the parents of the child, in accordance with s. 115.792, of any evaluation procedures the agency proposes to conduct, the qualifications of the individuals who will conduct the evaluation and their names, if known.
115.782(1)(b) (b) The local educational agency proposing to conduct an initial evaluation shall obtain informed consent from the child's parent before the evaluation is conducted. Parental consent for the evaluation does not constitute consent for placement for receipt of special education and related services. If the child's parents do not consent to the evaluation, the local educational agency may continue to pursue an evaluation by using the procedures under s. 115.797 or 115.80.
115.782(2) (2)Conduct of evaluation.
115.782(2)(a)(a) In conducting the evaluation, the individualized education program team shall not use any single procedure as the sole criterion for determining whether a child is a child with a disability or for determining an appropriate educational program for the child. The individualized education program team shall do all of the following:
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