49.45(8m)(a) (a) For visits subsequent to an initial visit and for extended visits by a licensed registered nurse, $31.21 per hour.
49.45(8m)(b) (b) For visits subsequent to an initial visit and for extended visits by a licensed practical nurse, $20.81 per hour.
49.45(8r) (8r)Payment for certain obstetric and gynecological care. The rate of payment for obstetric and gynecological care provided in primary care shortage areas, as defined in s. 560.183 (1) (cm), or provided to recipients of medical assistance who reside in primary care shortage areas, that is equal to 125% of the rates paid under this section to primary care physicians in primary care shortage areas, shall be paid to all certified primary care providers who provide obstetric or gynecological care to those recipients.
49.45(8v) (8v)Incentive-based pharmacy payment system. The department shall establish a system of payment to pharmacies for legend and over-the-counter drugs provided to recipients of medical assistance that has financial incentives for pharmacists who perform services that result in savings to the medical assistance program. Under this system, the department shall establish a schedule of fees that is designed to ensure that any incentive payments made are equal to or less than the documented savings. The department may discontinue the system established under this subsection if the department determines, after performance of a study, that payments to pharmacists under the system exceed the documented savings under the system.
49.45(9) (9)Free choice. Any person eligible for medical assistance under ss. 49.46, 49.468 and 49.47 may use the physician, chiropractor, dentist, pharmacist, hospital, skilled nursing home, health maintenance organization, limited service health organization, preferred provider plan or other licensed, registered or certified provider of health care of his or her choice, except that free choice of a provider may be limited by the department if the department's alternate arrangements are economical and the recipient has reasonable access to health care of adequate quality. The department may also require a recipient to designate, in any or all categories of health care providers, a primary health care provider of his or her choice. After such a designation is made, the recipient may not receive services from other health care providers in the same category as the primary health care provider unless such service is rendered in an emergency or through written referral by the primary health care provider. Alternate designations by the recipient may be made in accordance with guidelines established by the department. Nothing in this subsection shall vitiate the legal responsibility of the physician, chiropractor, dentist, pharmacist, skilled nursing home, hospital, health maintenance organization, limited service health organization, preferred provider plan or other licensed, registered or certified provider of health care to patients. All contract and tort relationships with patients shall remain, notwithstanding a written referral under this section, as though dealings are direct between the physician, chiropractor, dentist, pharmacist, skilled nursing home, hospital, health maintenance organization, limited service health organization, preferred provider plan or other licensed, registered or certified provider of health care and the patient. No physician, chiropractor, pharmacist or dentist may be required to practice exclusively in the medical assistance program.
49.45(9m) (9m)Referrals. The department may, consistent with sub. (9), specify services for which reimbursement will be made only if the services are provided in accordance with a referral, in writing, which specifies the services to be rendered and the duration of such services. The referral form shall describe the referred services as required by the department.
49.45(9s) (9s)Disclosure. Any person who is an employee of, or an owner, partner, member, stockholder or investor in, any legal entity providing services which are reimbursed under this section, shall notify the department, on forms provided by the department for that purpose, if such person is an employee of, or an owner, partner, member, stockholder or investor in, any other legal entity providing services which are reimbursed under this section.
49.45(10) (10)Rule-making powers and duties. The department is authorized to promulgate such rules as are consistent with its duties in administering medical assistance. The department shall promulgate a rule defining the term "part-time intermittent care" for the purpose of s. 49.46.
49.45(11) (11)Penalty. Any person who receives or assists another in receiving assistance under this section, to which the recipient is not entitled, shall be subject to the penalties under s. 49.95.
49.45(12) (12)Machine-readable medical assistance cards.
49.45(12)(a)(a) The department shall assist the commissioner of insurance to conduct the study of health insurance identification cards under s. 601.57 (1).
49.45(12)(b) (b) If the commissioner of insurance promulgates rules under s. 601.57 (2) establishing a health insurance identification card system and its computerized support system, the department shall develop a plan to coordinate a system of machine-readable identification cards for medical assistance recipients with the systems established by the commissioner and shall submit the plan to the governor, and to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2), before issuing a request for proposals under par. (c).
49.45(12)(c) (c) The department shall request proposals for a system of machine-readable identification cards for medical assistance recipients and a computerized support system for the cards that will accept and respond to electronically conveyed requests from health care providers for information related to medical assistance recipients, such as eligibility, coverages and authorizations. The request for proposals shall specify that the systems are to be operating by January 1, 1997.
49.45(13) (13)Financial reports.
49.45(13)(a)(a) The department may require service providers to prepare and submit cost reports or financial reports for purposes of rate certification under Title XIX, cost verification, fee schedule determination or research and study purposes. These financial reports may include independently audited financial statements which shall include balance sheets and statements of revenues and expenses. The department may withhold reimbursement or may decrease or not increase reimbursement rates if a provider does not submit the reports required under this paragraph or if the costs on which the reimbursement rates are based cannot be verified from the provider's cost or financial reports or records from which the reports are derived.
49.45(13)(b) (b) The department may require any provider who fails to submit a cost report or financial report under par. (a) within the period specified by the department to forfeit not less than $10 nor more than $100 for each day the provider fails to submit the report.
49.45(15) (15)Community care organization project guarantee. Upon termination of the community care organization demonstration projects in Barron, La Crosse and Milwaukee counties, any client who was receiving services through any of those projects may continue to receive the full range of community care organization services. The cost of the services shall continue to be paid by medical assistance.
49.45(16) (16)Certification. On or after January 1, 1984, the department may only continue to certify as a medical assistance provider a community-based residential facility that is so certified on December 31, 1983. On or after January 1, 1984, no community-based residential facility may be certified for more beds than the number for which it was certified on December 31, 1983.
49.45(18) (18)Recipient cost sharing. Except as provided in pars. (a) to (d), any person eligible for medical assistance under s. 49.46, 49.468 or 49.47 shall pay up to the maximum amounts allowable under 42 CFR 447.53 to 447.58 for purchases of services provided under s. 49.46 (2). The service provider shall collect the allowable copayment, coinsurance or deductible, unless the service provider determines that the cost of collecting the copayment, coinsurance or deductible exceeds the amount to be collected. The department shall reduce payments to each provider by the amount of the allowable copayment, coinsurance or deductible. No provider may deny care or services because the recipient is unable to share costs, but an inability to share costs specified in this subsection does not relieve the recipient of liability for these costs. Liability under this subsection is limited by the following provisions:
49.45(18)(a) (a) No person is liable under this subsection for services provided through prepayment contracts.
49.45(18)(b) (b) The following services are not subject to recipient cost sharing under this subsection:
49.45(18)(b)1. 1. Any service provided to a person receiving care as an inpatient in a skilled nursing home or intermediate care facility certified under 42 USC 1396 to 1396k.
49.45(18)(b)2. 2. Any service provided to a person who is less than 18 years old.
49.45(18)(b)3. 3. Any service provided under s. 49.46 (2) to a pregnant woman, if the service relates to the pregnancy or to other conditions that may complicate the pregnancy.
49.45(18)(b)4. 4. Emergency services.
49.45(18)(b)5. 5. Family planning services, as defined in s. 253.07 (1) (b).
49.45(18)(b)6. 6. Transportation by common carrier or private motor vehicle, if authorized in advance by a county department under s. 46.215 or 46.22.
49.45(18)(b)7. 7. Home health services or, if a home health agency is unavailable, nursing services.
49.45(18)(b)11. 11. Personal care services.
49.45(18)(b)12. 12. Case management services.
49.45(18)(c) (c) The department may limit any medical assistance recipient's liability under this subsection for services it designates.
49.45(18)(d) (d) No person who designates a pharmacy or pharmacist as his or her sole provider of prescription drugs and who so uses that pharmacy or pharmacist is liable under this subsection for more than $5 per month for prescription drugs received.
49.45(19) (19)Establishing paternity and assigning support rights.
49.45(19)(a)(a) As a condition of eligibility for medical assistance, a person shall:
49.45(19)(a)1. 1. Fully cooperate in good faith with efforts directed at establishing the paternity of a nonmarital child and obtaining support payments or any other payments or property to which the person and the dependent child or children may have rights. This cooperation shall be in accordance with federal law and regulations applying to paternity establishment and collection of support payments and may not be required if the person has good cause for refusing to cooperate, as determined by the department in accordance with federal law and regulations.
49.45(19)(a)2. 2. Notwithstanding other provisions of the statutes, be deemed to have assigned to the state, by applying for or receiving medical assistance, any rights to medical support or other payment of medical expenses from any other person, including rights to unpaid amounts accrued at the time of application for medical assistance as well as any rights to support accruing during the time for which medical assistance is paid.
49.45(19)(b) (b) If a person charged with the care and custody of a dependent child or children does not comply with the requirements of this subsection, the person is ineligible for medical assistance. In this case, medical assistance payments shall continue to be made on behalf of the eligible child or children.
49.45(19)(bm) (bm) The county department under s. 46.215 or 46.22 shall notify applicants of the requirements of this subsection at the time of application.
49.45(19)(c) (c) If the mother of a child was enrolled in a health maintenance organization or other prepaid health care plan under medical assistance at the time of the child's birth, birth expenses that may be recovered by the state under this subsection are the birth expenses incurred by the health maintenance organization or other prepaid health care plan.
49.45(20) (20)Exemption from continuation requirements. An insurer, as defined in s. 632.897 (1) (d), with which the department contracts under sub. (2) (b) 2. for the provision of health care to medical assistance recipients is exempt from the continuation of group coverage requirements of s. 632.897 with regard to those recipients, their spouses and dependents.
49.45(21) (21)Taking over provider's operation; repayments required.
49.45(21)(ag)(ag) In this subsection, "take over the operation" means obtain, with respect to an aspect of a provider's business for which the provider has filed claims for medical assistance reimbursement, any of the following:
49.45(21)(ag)1. 1. Ownership of the provider's business or all or substantially all of the assets of the business.
49.45(21)(ag)2. 2. Majority control over decisions.
49.45(21)(ag)3. 3. The right to any profits or income.
49.45(21)(ag)4. 4. The right to contact and offer services to patients, clients, or residents served by the provider.
49.45(21)(ag)5. 5. An agreement that the provider will not compete with the person at all or with respect to a patient, client, resident, service, geographical area, or other part of the provider's business.
49.45(21)(ag)6. 6. The right to perform services that are substantially similar to services performed by the provider at the same location as those performed by the provider.
49.45(21)(ag)7. 7. The right to use any distinctive name or symbol by which the provider is known in connection with services to be provided by the person.
49.45(21)(ar) (ar) Before a person may take over the operation of a provider that is liable for repayment of improper or erroneous payments or overpayments under ss. 49.43 to 49.497, full repayment shall be made. Upon request, the department shall notify the provider or the person that intends to take over the operation of the provider as to whether the provider is liable.
49.45(21)(b) (b) If, notwithstanding the prohibition under par. (ar), a person takes over the operation of a provider and the applicable amount under par. (ar) has not been repaid, the department may, in addition to withholding certification as authorized under sub. (2) (b) 8., proceed against the provider or the person. Within 30 days after the certified provider receives notice from the department, the amount shall be repaid in full. If the amount is not repaid in full, the department may bring an action to compel payment, may proceed under sub. (2) (a) 12., or may do both.
49.45(21)(c) (c) The department may enforce this subsection within 4 years following a transfer.
49.45(21)(d) (d) This subsection supersedes any provision of chs. 180, 181 and 185.
49.45(21)(e) (e) The department shall promulgate rules to implement this subsection.
49.45(22) (22)Medical assistance services provided by health maintenance organizations. If the department contracts with health maintenance organizations for the provision of medical assistance it shall give special consideration to health maintenance organizations that provide or that contract to provide comprehensive, specialized health care services to pregnant teenagers. If the department contracts with health maintenance organizations for the provision of medical assistance, the department shall determine which medical assistance recipients who have attained the age of 2 but have not attained the age of 6 and who are at risk for lead poisoning have not received lead screening from those health maintenance organizations. The department shall report annually to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature under s. 13.172 (3) on the percentage of medical assistance recipients under the age of 2 who received a lead screening test in that year provided by a health maintenance organization compared with the percentage that the department set as a goal for that year.
49.45(24) (24)Primary care provider pilot. The department may request a waiver from the secretary of the federal department of health and human services under 42 USC 1396n (b) (1) to permit the establishment of a primary care provider pilot project. If the waiver is granted, the department may establish a primary care provider pilot project under which primary care providers act as case managers for medical assistance beneficiaries. If the department establishes a primary care provider pilot project, it shall reimburse a case manager for the allowable charges for case management services provided to a beneficiary participating in the pilot project.
49.45(24g) (24g)Managed care for dental services pilot.
49.45(24g)(a)(a) The department shall, in consultation with the Wisconsin Dental Association, develop a pilot project for the provision of dental services under a managed care system. The department shall request a waiver from the secretary of the federal department of health and human services to permit the department to implement the pilot project developed under this subsection. If the waiver is granted and in effect, and if the department of health and family services determines that the costs of providing dental services under s. 49.46 (2) (b) 1. under the pilot project will not exceed the costs of providing those dental services in the absence of the pilot project, the department shall implement the pilot project in Ashland, Douglas, Bayfield and Iron counties. Only those dental services covered under s. 49.46 (2) (b) 1. may be covered under the pilot project.
49.45(24g)(b) (b) In developing the pilot project under this subsection, the department shall provide that recipients who are subject to the pilot project are required to select a dental provider from among those dentists participating in the pilot project. The department shall also provide that, if a recipient does not make a selection, a dental provider will be assigned to the recipient.
49.45(24g)(c) (c) If the department is able to implement the pilot project under this subsection, the department shall contract with a person to do all of the following:
49.45(24g)(c)1. 1. Accept a capitation payment from the department for each recipient who is subject to the pilot project.
49.45(24g)(c)2. 2. Enroll dentists to be participating providers under the pilot project.
49.45(24g)(c)3. 3. Coordinate with county departments to provide outreach and education to recipients and persons who are eligible to be recipients.
49.45(24g)(c)4. 4. Pay all allowable charges on a fee-for-service basis to participating dentists on behalf of recipients in the pilot counties for dental services received by those recipients.
49.45(24m) (24m)Home health care and personal care pilot program. From the appropriations under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (o), and (w), in order to test the feasibility of instituting a system of reimbursement for providers of home health care and personal care services for medical assistance recipients that is based on competitive bidding, the department shall:
49.45(24m)(a) (a) By September 1, 1990, select a county in this state and solicit bids from providers of home health care and personal care services in that county for the provision, on a contractual basis, of home health and personal care services authorized under ss. 49.46 (2) (a) 4. d. and (b) 6. j. and 49.47 (6) (a) 1.
49.45(24m)(b) (b) Award contracts for the provision of home health care and personal care services from the bids received under par. (a) only if the department determines that the contracts would result in a lower cost alternative to fee-for-service reimbursement.
49.45(24r) (24r)Family planning demonstration project. The department shall request a waiver from the secretary of the federal department of health and human services to permit the department to conduct a demonstration project to provide family planning services, as defined in s. 253.07 (1) (b), under medical assistance to any woman between the ages of 15 and 44 whose family income does not exceed 185% of the poverty line for a family the size of the woman's family. If the waiver is granted and in effect, the department shall implement the waiver no later than July 1, 1998, or on the effective date of the waiver, whichever is later.
49.45(25) (25)Case management services.
49.45(25)(a)(a) In this subsection, "severely emotionally disturbed child" means an individual under 21 years of age who has emotional and behavioral problems that:
49.45(25)(a)1. 1. Are severe in degree;
49.45(25)(a)2. 2. Are expected to persist for at least one year;
49.45(25)(a)3. 3. Substantially interfere with the individual's functioning in his or her family, school or community and with his or her ability to cope with the ordinary demands of life; and
49.45(25)(a)4. 4. Cause the individual to need services from 2 or more agencies or organizations that provide social services or services or treatment for mental health, juvenile justice, child welfare, special education or health.
49.45(25)(am) (am) Except as provided under pars. (be) and (bg) and sub. (24), case management services under s. 49.46 (2) (b) 9. and (bm) are reimbursable under medical assistance only if provided to a medical assistance beneficiary who receives case management services from or through a certified case management provider in a county, city, village or town that elects, under par. (b), to make the services available and who meets at least one of the following conditions:
49.45(25)(am)1. 1. Has a developmental disability, as defined under s. 51.01 (5) (a).
49.45(25)(am)2. 2. Has a chronic mental illness, as defined under s. 51.01 (3g).
49.45(25)(am)3. 3. Has Alzheimer's disease, as defined under s. 46.87 (1) (a).
49.45(25)(am)4. 4. Is an alcoholic, as defined under s. 51.01 (1).
49.45(25)(am)5. 5. Is drug dependent, as defined under s. 51.01 (8).
49.45(25)(am)6. 6. Is physically disabled, as defined by the department.
49.45(25)(am)7. 7. Is a severely emotionally disturbed child.
49.45(25)(am)8. 8. Is age 65 or over.
49.45(25)(am)9. 9. Is a member of a family that has a child who is at risk of serious physical, mental or emotional dysfunction, as defined by the department.
49.45(25)(am)10. 10. Has HIV infection, as defined in s. 252.01 (2).
49.45(25)(am)11. 11. Is a child who is eligible for early intervention services under s. 51.44.
49.45(25)(am)12. 12. Is infected with tuberculosis.
49.45(25)(am)13. 13. Is a child with asthma.
49.45(25)(am)14. 14. Is a woman who is aged 45 to 64 and who is not a resident of a nursing home or otherwise receiving case management services under this paragraph.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2001. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?