60.305(4)(a)(a) A combination of offices under this section takes effect on the latest date that any current term of an office to be combined expires.
60.305(4)(b) (b) Except as provided under sub. (3) (b) for combined town and county offices, the election to fill any combined office shall be under s. 60.30.
60.305(4)(c) (c) The combination of town offices may be revoked in the same way that they were combined. No separate election for a town office, if combined, may be held until the combination is so revoked.
60.305 History History: 1983 a. 532; 1995 a. 201.
60.305 Annotation Compensation may be increased to the clerk for service on the board of review if the clerk has been designated part-time by the town meeting. 79 Atty. Gen. 176.
60.307 60.307 Appointment of town assessors.
60.307(1) (1)Applicability. This section does not apply to any town within the jurisdiction of a county assessor under s. 70.99.
60.307(2) (2)Town meeting authorization. If authorized by the town meeting under s. 60.10 (2) (j), the town board may select assessors by appointment.
60.307(3) (3)Method of selection. If authorized under sub. (2), a town board may appoint an assessor and any assistants by one of the following methods:
60.307(3)(a) (a) If the town has a civil service system, under that system. If the town has no civil service system, the town board may adopt a civil service system under s. 66.0509 (2) (b) for the selection of assessors.
60.307(3)(b) (b) If the town does not have or adopt a civil service system, the town board shall appoint assessors on the basis of merit, experience and general qualifications for a term not to exceed 3 years.
60.307(4) (4)Independent contractor as assessor.
60.307(4)(a)(a) In this subsection, "independent contractor" means a person who either is under contract to furnish appraisal and assessment services or is customarily engaged in an independently established trade, business or profession in which the services are offered to the general public.
60.307(4)(b) (b) An independent contractor may be appointed as the town assessor. The independent contractor shall designate the individual responsible for the assessment. The designee shall file the official oath under s. 19.01 and sign the affidavit of the assessor attached to the assessment roll under s. 70.49. No individual may be designated by an independent contractor unless he or she has been granted the appropriate certification under s. 73.09.
60.307(5) (5)Assessors; assistants; number and salaries. The town board shall determine the number of assistant assessors required and the salaries to be paid the assessor and assistant assessors. If the assessor and assistant assessors are appointed under civil service, the salaries shall be within the civil service salary schedule and appointments shall be from the civil service lists.
60.307(6) (6)Commencement of office. An initial appointee under this section shall take office at the expiration of the terms of the last elected assessors.
60.307 History History: 1983 a. 532; 1993 a. 246; 1999 a. 150 s. 672.
60.31 60.31 Official oath and bond.
60.31(1) (1)Official oath. Except as provided in sub. (3), every elected or appointed town officer shall take and file the oath under s. 19.01 within 5 days after notification of election or appointment.
60.31(2) (2)Official bond. Every town clerk, deputy town clerk, town treasurer, deputy town treasurer, elected assessor and town constable shall execute and file an official bond provided by the town or by sufficient sureties, or the town may provide a schedule or blanket bond that includes any or all of these officials. The official bond or schedule or blanket bond provided by the town may be furnished by a surety company under s. 632.17 (2). The amount of the bond shall be fixed by the town board. If the amount of the bond is not fixed by the board, the amount shall be the same as that required of the last incumbent of the office. If the town board at any time determines that the bond is insufficient, it may require an additional bond to be filed within 10 days, in an amount fixed by the board.
60.31(3) (3)Exceptions.
60.31(3)(a)(a) An elected assessor shall take and file the official oath and bond at any time between May 27 to May 31.
60.31(3)(b) (b) Municipal judges shall take and file the official oath and bond under s. 755.03.
60.31(4) (4)Failure to file oath or bond. If any person elected or appointed to a town office fails to file a required official oath or bond within the time prescribed by law, the failure to file constitutes refusal to serve in office.
60.31 History History: 1983 a. 532; 1991 a. 39; 1993 a. 246.
60.32 60.32 Compensation of elective town offices.
60.32(1)(1)Established by town meeting or board.
60.32(1)(a)(a) Except as provided under par. (b) and s. 66.0507, the town meeting shall establish the compensation of elective town offices.
60.32(1)(b) (b) If authorized by the town meeting under s. 60.10 (2) (k), the town board shall establish the compensation of elective town offices, other than the office of town board supervisor.
60.32(2) (2)Nature of compensation. Compensation under this section may be:
60.32(2)(a) (a) An annual salary.
60.32(2)(b) (b) A per diem compensation for each day or part of a day necessarily devoted to the service of the town and the discharge of duties.
60.32(2)(c) (c) A combination of pars. (a) and (b).
60.32(3) (3)Changes during term. Subject to sub. (4), the town meeting or, if authorized to establish compensation, the town board may make a change in the compensation of an elective town office to take effect during the term of office.
60.32(4) (4)When established. Compensation under this section shall be established prior to the latest date and time for filing nomination papers for the office. After that date and time, no change may be made in the compensation of the office that applies to the current term of office.
60.32 History History: 1983 a. 532; 1993 a. 246; 1999 a. 150 s. 672.
60.321 60.321 Reimbursement of expenses.
60.321(1) (1)Generally. The town board may provide for reimbursement of expenses necessarily incurred by any officer or employee of the town in the performance of official town duties. The board may determine who is eligible for expense reimbursement, which expenses are reimbursable and the amount of reimbursement. Expenses reimbursable under this section include, but are not limited to:
60.321(1)(a) (a) Traveling expenses, including mileage, lodging and meal expenses.
60.321(1)(b) (b) Costs associated with programs of instruction related to the officer's or employee's office or employment.
60.321(2) (2)Manuals. The town board may purchase handbooks and manuals that will materially assist town officials and employees in the performance of official duties.
60.321 History History: 1983 a. 532.
60.323 60.323 Compensation when acting in more than one official capacity. Except for offices combined under s. 60.305, no town may compensate a town officer for acting in more than one office of the town at the same time.
60.323 History History: 1983 a. 532; 2001 a. 16.
60.33 60.33 Duties of town clerk. The town clerk shall:
60.33(1) (1)Clerk of town meeting. Serve as clerk of the town meeting under s. 60.15.
60.33(2) (2)Clerk of town board.
60.33(2)(a)(a) Serve as clerk of the town board, attend meetings of the board and keep a full record of its proceedings.
60.33(2)(b) (b) File all accounts approved by the town board or allowed at town meetings and enter a statement of the accounts in the town's record books.
60.33(2)(c) (c) File with the town board claims approved by the clerk, as required under s. 60.44 (2) (c).
60.33(3) (3)Finance book. Maintain a finance book, which shall contain a complete record of the finances of the town, showing the receipts, with the date, amount and source of each receipt; the disbursements, with the date, amount and object of each disbursement; and any other information relating to town finances prescribed by the town board.
60.33(4) (4)Elections and appointments.
60.33(4)(a)(a) Perform the duties required by chs. 5 to 12 relating to elections.
60.33(4)(b) (b) Transmit to the county clerk, within 10 days after election or appointment and qualification of any town supervisor, treasurer, assessor or clerk, a written notice stating the name and post-office address of the elected or appointed officer. The clerk shall promptly notify the county clerk of any subsequent changes in such offices.
60.33(4)(c) (c) Transmit to the clerk of circuit court, immediately after the election or appointment of any constable or municipal judge in the town, a written notice stating the name of the constable or municipal judge and the term for which elected or appointed. If the judge or constable was elected or appointed to fill a vacancy in the office, the clerk shall include in the notice the name of the incumbent who vacated the office.
60.33(5) (5)Sale of real property. Execute the conveyance of real property of the town.
60.33(6) (6)Notices.
60.33(6)(a)(a) Publish or post ordinances and resolutions as required under s. 60.80.
60.33(6)(b) (b) Give notice of annual and special town meetings as required under ss. 60.11 (5) and 60.12 (3).
60.33(7) (7)Records.
60.33(7)(a)(a) Comply with subch. II of ch. 19 concerning any record of which the clerk is legal custodian.
60.33(7)(b) (b) Demand and obtain the official books and papers of any municipal judge if the office becomes vacant and the judge's successor is not elected or appointed and qualified, or if any municipal judge dies. The town clerk shall dispose of the books and papers as required by law.
60.33(8) (8)Licenses. Issue any license or permit granted by the town board when presented with a receipt from the town treasurer indicating that any required fee has been paid.
60.33(8m) (8m)Street trade permits. Stamp or endorse street trade permits at the request of an employer under s. 103.25 (3m) (b).
60.33(9) (9)Schools.
60.33(9)(a)(a) Perform the clerk's duties under chs. 115 to 121, relating to public instruction.
60.33(9)(b) (b) Within 10 days after the clerk's election or appointment, report his or her name and post-office address to the administrator of each cooperative educational service agency which contains any portion of the town. The clerk shall report to the administrator the name and post-office address of each school district clerk within 10 days after the name and address is filed in the clerk's office.
60.33(9)(c) (c) Make and keep in the clerk's office a map of the town, showing the exact boundaries of school districts within the town.
60.33(9)(d) (d) Apportion, as provided by law, tax revenues collected by the town for schools.
60.33(10) (10)Highways and bridges. Perform the duties specified in chs. 80 to 92, relating to highways, bridges and drains.
60.33(10m) (10m)Notice of property tax revenue. Notify the treasurer of the county in which the town is located, by February 20, of the proportion of property tax revenue and of the credits under s. 79.10 that is to be disbursed by the taxation district treasurer to each taxing jurisdiction located in the town.
60.33(11) (11)In general. Perform all other duties required by law, ordinance or lawful direction of the town meeting or town board.
60.33 Annotation The offices of president of a common school district board and chairperson of a town board within the school district and the offices of school board member and town clerk are probably compatible. 74 Atty. Gen. 50.
60.331 60.331 Deputy town clerk. Each town clerk may appoint one or more deputies for whom the town clerk is responsible. A deputy shall take and file the official oath and bond under s. 60.31. The town clerk may designate a deputy to perform the clerk's duties during the absence, sickness or other disability of the clerk.
60.331 History History: 1983 a. 532.
60.34 60.34 Duties of town treasurer. The town treasurer shall:
60.34(1) (1)Receive and disburse town money.
60.34(1)(a)(a) Except as provided in s. 66.0608, receive and take charge of all money belonging to the town, or which is required by law to be paid into the town treasury, and disburse the money under s. 66.0607.
60.34(1)(b) (b) Keep an itemized account of all moneys received and disbursed, specifying the source from which it was received, the person to whom it was paid and the object for which it was paid. The treasurer shall issue numbered receipts for all funds received. At the request of the town board, the treasurer shall present the account books, and any supporting documents requested, to the board.
60.34(2) (2)Deposit of town money.
60.34(2)(a)(a) Deposit as soon as practicable the funds of the town in the name of the town in the public depository designated by the town board. Failure to comply with this paragraph is grounds for removal from office.
60.34(2)(b) (b) When money is deposited under par. (a), the treasurer and the treasurer's sureties are not liable for any loss as defined in s. 34.01 (2). The interest arising from the money deposited shall be paid into the town treasury.
60.34(3) (3)Records. Comply with subch. II of ch. 19 concerning records of which the treasurer is legal custodian.
60.34(4) (4)Taxes. Perform all of the duties relating to taxation required of the town treasurer under chs. 70 to 79.
60.341 60.341 Deputy town treasurer. Each town treasurer may appoint a deputy for whom the treasurer is responsible. The deputy shall take and file the official oath and bond under s. 60.31. In case of the absence, sickness or other disability of the treasurer, the deputy shall perform the treasurer's duties.
60.341 History History: 1983 a. 532.
60.35 60.35 Duties of town constable.
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