60.75(3) (3)Residence; requirement to own property.
60.75(3)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b) or (c), all commissioners shall be residents of the town sanitary district.
60.75(3)(b) (b) If commissioners are elected or appointed and if the sanitary district is composed primarily of summer resort property, at least one of the commissioners shall be a resident of the district. Any commissioner who is not a resident shall own property within the town sanitary district.
60.75(3)(c) (c) If the town board constitutes itself as the commission, par. (a) does not apply.
60.75(4) (4)Vacancies. Any vacancy on an elective or appointive commission may be filled by appointment by the town board for the remainder of the unexpired term. Any vacancy on a commission consisting of town board supervisors remains vacant until a successor town board supervisor is appointed or elected.
60.75(5) (5)Oath of office. Before assuming office, each commissioner shall take and sign the oath of office required under s. 19.01 and file the oath with the town clerk.
60.75 History History: 1983 a. 532.
60.76 60.76 Organization of the commission.
60.76(1) (1)Election of officers.
60.76(1)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b), the commission shall organize by electing one of its members president and appointing a secretary and treasurer.
60.76(1)(b) (b) When the town board constitutes the commission, the town chairperson shall be the commission president, the town clerk shall be the commission secretary and the town treasurer shall be the commission treasurer.
60.76(2) (2)Secretary; duties. The secretary shall keep a separate record of all proceedings and minutes of meetings and hearings. At the end of each fiscal year, the secretary shall submit to the town board of each town in which the district is located a report showing a complete audit of the financial transactions of the commission during the fiscal year. The report shall be incorporated in the annual financial statement of the town containing the largest portion of the equalized full value of all taxable property in the district.
60.76(3) (3)Treasurer. The commission may require the treasurer to execute an indemnity bond, provided by the district, in an amount which the commission finds appropriate for the proper performance of the treasurer's duties.
60.76(4) (4)Fiscal year. The town sanitary district fiscal year is the calendar year.
60.76 History History: 1983 a. 532.
60.77 60.77 Powers and duties.
60.77(1)(1)Authority of the commission. The commission has charge of all affairs of the town sanitary district.
60.77(2) (2)Corporate status. The district is a body corporate with the powers of a municipal corporation for the purposes of carrying out this subchapter. The district may sue and be sued and may enter into contracts. The commission may provide for a corporate seal of the town sanitary district.
60.77(3) (3)Compensation; expenses. The town board of the town having the largest portion of the equalized full value of all taxable property in the district may fix the compensation of the commissioners, the secretary and the treasurer. The commissioners and the secretary and treasurer of the commission may receive actual and necessary expenses incurred while in the performance of the duties of the office in addition to any other compensation.
60.77(4) (4)General powers and duties. The commission may project, plan, construct and maintain a water, solid waste collection and sewerage system, including drainage improvements, sanitary sewers, surface sewers or storm water sewers, or all of the improvements or activities or any combination of them necessary for the promotion of the public health, comfort, convenience or welfare of the district. The commission may provide chemical or mechanical treatment of waters for the suppression of swimmers' itch, algae and other nuisance-producing aquatic growths.
60.77(5) (5)Specific powers. The commission may:
60.77(5)(a) (a) Sell any of its services to users outside of its corporate limits.
60.77(5)(b) (b) Require the installation of private sewage systems.
60.77(5)(bm) (bm) Require the inspection of private sewage systems that have been already installed to determine compliance with the state plumbing code and may report violations of the state plumbing code to the governmental unit responsible for the regulation of private sewage systems for enforcement under s. 145.20.
60.77(5)(bs) (bs) Provide direct financial assistance for costs related to the replacement of private sewage systems, as defined in s. 145.01 (12), that are failing.
60.77(5)(c) (c) Issue rules or orders, which shall be published as a class 1 notice under ch. 985.
60.77(5)(d) (d) Provide an office for the district.
60.77(5)(e) (e) Fix and collect charges for solid waste collection and disposal, sewage service and water service. The commission may fix and collect sewage service charges under s. 66.0821 and water service charges under s. 66.0809.
60.77(5)(f) (f) Except as provided in s. 66.0721, levy special assessments to finance the activities of the district, using the procedures under s. 66.0703.
60.77(5)(g) (g) Provide for the operation as a single enterprise of its water, solid waste or sewerage system, or any part or combination of parts of the system.
60.77(5)(h) (h) Lease or acquire, including by condemnation, any real property situated in this state and any personal property that may be needed for the purposes of this subchapter.
60.77(5)(i) (i) Sell, convey or dispose of any part of its interest in real or personal property which it has acquired that is not needed to carry out the powers and duties of the commission.
60.77(5)(j) (j) Administer the private sewage system program if authorized under s. 145.20 (1) (am).
60.77(5)(k) (k) Gather at the site of a public works project that has been approved by the commission for the sole purpose of inspecting the work that has been completed or that is in progress if, before gathering at the site, the president of the commission or the president's designee notifies by telephone or facsimile transmission those news media who have filed a written request for notice of such inspections in relation to that project and if the president of the commission or the president's designee submits at the next commission meeting a report that describes the inspection. The commission may not take any official action at the inspection site.
60.77(5m) (5m)Authority to enact ordinances. The commission may enact and enforce ordinances to implement the powers listed under sub. (5). The ordinances shall be published as a class 1 notice under ch. 985.
60.77(6) (6)Specific duties. The commission shall:
60.77(6)(a) (a) Let contracts for any work or purchase that involves an expenditure of $15,000 or more to the lowest responsible bidder in the manner prescribed by the commission. Section 66.0901 applies to contracts let under this paragraph.
60.77(6)(b) (b) On or before November 1 of each year, levy a tax on all taxable property in the district and apportion the tax among the municipalities in which the district is located on the basis of equalized full value, for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this subchapter. The amount of the tax in excess of that required for maintenance and operation of the district and for principal and interest on bonds or promissory notes may not exceed, in any one year, one mill on each dollar of the equalized full value of all taxable property in the district. The commission shall certify in writing to the clerk of every municipality in which the district is located the total amount of tax levied in the municipality.
60.77(7) (7)Interest in contracts; penalty. No commissioner may have an interest, directly or indirectly, in a contract with, work or labor done for or material furnished to the town sanitary district or to anyone on the district's behalf, unless the interest is in a contract not exceeding $1,000 in any one year or in the publication of required legal notices by the district or a commissioner if the publication rate does not exceed the rate prescribed by law. A commissioner who violates this subsection shall forfeit not less than $50 nor more than $500.
60.77 Annotation Sub. (6) (b) does not prevent the levy under s. 66.09 (1) (b) of the full amount of a judgment against a district. Davy Engineering Co. v. Town of Mentor, 221 Wis. 2d 744, 585 N.W.2d 832 (Ct. App. 1998).
60.77 Annotation Sub. (5) (f) authorizes town sanitary districts to levy special assessments and makes the procedures under s. 66.0703 applicable to those districts. As such, service of a notice of appeal on the district clerk was proper under this section. Meeks v. Cloverleaf Lakes Sanitary District #1, 2000 WI App 182, 238 Wis. 2d 261, 617 N.W.2d 235.
60.78 60.78 Powers to borrow money and issue municipal obligations. A town sanitary district may, under ss. 66.0621 and 66.0713 and ch. 67, borrow money and issue and execute municipal obligations, as defined under s. 67.01 (6).
60.78 History History: 1983 a. 532; 1987 a. 197; 1999 a. 150 s. 672.
60.782 60.782 Power to act as a public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district.
60.782(1) (1) In this section, "public inland lake" means a lake, reservoir or flowage within the boundaries of the state that is accessible to the public via contiguous public lands or easements giving public access.
60.782(2) (2) A town sanitary district that has at least 60% of the footage of shoreline of a public inland lake within its boundaries for which a public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district is not in effect may do any of the following that is authorized by the commission:
60.782(2)(a) (a) Create, operate and maintain a water safety patrol unit, as defined in s. 30.79 (1) (b) 2.
60.782(2)(b) (b) Undertake projects to enhance the recreational uses of the public inland lake, including recreational boating facilities, as defined in s. 30.92 (1) (c).
60.782(2)(c) (c) Appropriate money for the conservation of natural resources or for payment to a bona fide nonprofit organization for the conservation of natural resources within the district or beneficial to the district.
60.782(2)(d) (d) Lease or acquire, including by condemnation, any real property situated in this state that may be needed for the purposes of s. 23.09 (19), 23.094 (3g) or 30.275 (4).
60.782(3) (3) The commissioners of a town sanitary district that has the powers of a public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district under sub. (2) shall possess the powers of the board of commissioners of a public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district that are authorized by resolution of the town sanitary district.
60.782 History History: 1995 a. 349.
60.785 60.785 Changes in district boundaries.
60.785(1) (1)Additions.
60.785(1)(a)(a) Territory may be added to a town sanitary district under the procedure in s. 60.71. The required signatures shall be obtained from property owners in the territory proposed to be added to the district.
60.785(1)(b) (b) In lieu of commencing the process of adding territory by petition of property owners, the commission may request the town board to add territory to the town sanitary district. Except for the requirement of a petition, the town board shall use the procedure in s. 60.71.
60.785(1m) (1m)Removal.
60.785(1m)(a)(a) Territory may be removed from a town sanitary district under the procedure in s. 60.71 if the town board, after the hearing, finds that one or more of the standards of s. 60.71 (6) (b) are not met for all or part of the territory subject to a petition under par. (b) 1. or a request under par. (b) 2.
60.785(1m)(b)1.1. The petition for removal of territory from a town sanitary district under par. (a) shall state why the portion of the town sanitary district which is subject to the petition does not meet the standards in s. 60.71 (6) (b). The signatures required on the petition shall be obtained from property owners in the territory proposed to be removed from the district.
60.785(1m)(b)2. 2. In lieu of commencing the process of removing territory from a town sanitary district by petition of property owners, the commission may commence the process by requesting the town board to remove the territory. The town board shall use the procedure in s. 60.71 to act on the request.
60.785(2) (2)Consolidation.
60.785(2)(a)(a) Any town sanitary district may be consolidated with a contiguous town sanitary district by resolution passed by a two-thirds vote of all of the commissioners of each district, fixing the terms of the consolidation and ratified by the qualified electors of each district at a referendum held in each district. The resolution shall be filed as provided in s. 8.37. The ballots shall contain the words "for consolidation", and "against consolidation". If a majority of the votes cast on the referendum in each town sanitary district are for consolidation, the resolutions are effective and have the force of a contract. Certified copies of the resolutions and the results of the referendum shall be filed with the secretary of natural resources and the original documents shall be recorded with the register of deeds in each county in which the consolidated district is situated.
60.785(2)(b) (b) Within 60 days after the referendum, the appropriate town board shall appoint or provide for the election of commissioners or constitute itself as the commission for the consolidated district, as provided in s. 60.74.
60.785(2)(c) (c) Consolidation of a district does not affect the preexisting rights or liabilities of any town sanitary district and actions may be commenced or completed on such rights or liabilities as though no consolidation had occurred.
60.785(3) (3)Dissolution.
60.785(3)(a)1.1. A town sanitary district may be dissolved in whole using the procedure for creating a town sanitary district under s. 60.71. The petition shall state why the town sanitary district does not meet the standards of s. 60.71 (6) (b). If the town board, after the hearing, finds that one or more of the standards of s. 60.71 (6) (b) are not met, the town board shall order the dissolution of the town sanitary district, except that a board may not order the dissolution of a district if, following dissolution, all outstanding indebtedness of the district would not be paid or provision for payment of the indebtedness would not be made.
60.785(3)(a)2. 2. A town sanitary district may be dissolved in part under subd. 1. if that sanitary district was created on October 31, 1967.
60.785 Note NOTE: Subd. 2. was created by 1987 Wis. Act 27. Section 3204 (57) (fm) states that the creation of subd. 2. takes effect retroactively to June 20, 1983.
60.785(3)(b) (b) Any unexpended funds remaining after dissolution of the district shall be distributed by the commission on an equitable basis to the municipalities or persons who supplied the funds.
60.785(4) (4)Review of orders. The town board's order under sub. (1), (1m) or (3) may be reviewed under the procedures and time limits in s. 60.73.
60.785 History History: 1983 a. 532; 1987 a. 27, 77; 1993 a. 301; 1999 a. 182.
60.79 60.79 Alteration of town sanitary districts.
60.79(1) (1)Incorporation or annexation of entire town sanitary district. If any territory which includes an entire town sanitary district is incorporated as a city or village or if the territory is annexed by a city or village:
60.79(1)(a) (a) The incorporation or annexation dissolves the district without further action by the commission or the town board and without any right to appeal the dissolution.
60.79(1)(b) (b) The property of the district passes to the city or village and the city or village shall assume all assets and liabilities of the district. If any revenue bond, revenue bond anticipation notes, mortgage bonds or mortgage certificates issued under s. 66.0621 are outstanding, the transfer of the property is subject to the bonds, notes or certificates. If any general obligation bonds or notes issued under ch. 67 are outstanding, the city or village shall levy and collect an annual irrepealable tax on all taxable property in the city or village in an amount necessary to pay the interest and principal of the bonds and notes when due.
60.79(1)(c) (c) The city or village continues to collect special assessments levied by the former district and shall apply the special assessments to the purpose for which the original assessment was made.
60.79(2) (2)Incorporation or annexation of part of a town sanitary district.
60.79(2)(a)(a) The incorporation or annexation of territory within the town sanitary district detaches that territory from the district.
60.79(2)(b) (b) The city or village and the town sanitary district are subject to pars. (c) to (e) if territory constituting less than the entire town sanitary district is annexed or incorporated and:
60.79(2)(b)1. 1. The territory is served by the town sanitary district with a water or sewerage system; or
60.79(2)(b)2. 2. The territory is not served by the town sanitary district with a water or sewerage system, but the district has obligations related to the territory subject to incorporation or annexation which require payment for longer than one year following the incorporation or annexation.
60.79(2)(c) (c) The city or village and the town sanitary district shall divide the assets and liabilities of the town sanitary district under s. 66.0235 or by entering into an intergovernmental cooperation agreement under s. 66.0301, except that the ownership of any water or sewerage system shall be determined under par. (dm).
60.79(2)(d)1.1. Any water or sewerage system, including all mains and all property of the system, shall belong to and be operated by the district or the city or village, in whichever the major portion of the patrons reside on the date of annexation or incorporation, unless other provision is made by agreement of the governing body of the city or village and the commission. Express power is hereby granted to the governing body of the city or village and the commission to contract with each other relative to the operation and property of any water or sewerage system.
60.79(2)(d)2. 2. In determining the major portion of the patrons, each location served shall be considered as one patron irrespective of the manner in which the title to the property is held.
60.79(2)(dm) (dm) If the responsibility for continuing the operation is vested in the town sanitary district, it shall continue, except by agreement, until the proportion of users changes so that a majority of the patrons reside in the city or village, at which time the property and the responsibility shall shift to the city or village.
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