100.205(6)(c) (c) In case of insolvency or bankruptcy of the warrantor, a warranted party may file a claim directly with the insurer.
100.205(6)(d) (d) In case of insolvency or bankruptcy of the warrantor, the insurer, upon receipt of a claim, shall cause a warranted party's vehicle to be inspected at the insurer's expense.
100.205(6)(e) (e) The termination provision shall state that the insurance provided shall continue with respect to all warranties issued before the date of termination.
100.205(7) (7) The department, or any district attorney on informing the department, may commence an action in circuit court in the name of the state to restrain by temporary or permanent injunction any violation of this section. The court may, before entry of final judgment and after satisfactory proof, make orders or judgments necessary to restore to any person any pecuniary loss suffered because of a violation of this section. The department may conduct hearings, administer oaths, issue subpoenas and take testimony to aid in its investigation of violations of this section.
100.205(8) (8) The department or any district attorney may commence an action in the name of the state to recover a forfeiture to the state of not more than $10,000 for each violation of this section.
100.205(9) (9)
100.205(9)(a)(a) In addition to other remedies, any person injured by a violation of this section may bring a civil action for damages under s. 100.20 (5).
100.205(9)(b) (b) Any person injured by a breach of a contract for rustproofing may bring an action against the warrantor or its insurer or both to recover damages, costs and disbursements, including reasonable attorney fees, and other relief determined by the court.
100.205 History History: 1983 a. 428; 1985 a. 29; 1995 a. 27.
100.205 Annotation Wisconsin law authorizes, but does not require, the commissioner of insurance to demand periodic reports from an insurer relating to rustproofing warranties it insures. The commissioner has authority to require an insurer to increase the amount of insurance backing a rustproofer's warranties in Wisconsin. This section was not intended to negate the application of general insurance law to rustproofing warranties. 78 Atty. Gen. 113.
100.205 Annotation Remedies for motor vehicle purchasers. Nicks, WBB March, 1985.
100.206 100.206 Music royalty collections; fair practices.
100.206(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
100.206(1)(a) (a) "Copyright owner" means the owner of a copyright that is of a musical work and that is recognized and enforceable under 17 USC 101, et seq. "Copyright owner" does not include the owner of a copyright that is of a motion picture or audiovisual work or that is of part of a motion picture or audiovisual work.
100.206(1)(c) (c) "Musical work" means a nondramatic musical work or a work of a similar nature.
100.206(1)(d) (d) "Performing rights society" means an association or corporation that licenses the public performance of musical works on behalf of one or more copyright owners.
100.206(1)(e) (e) "Proprietor" means the owner of a retail establishment or a restaurant.
100.206(1)(f) (f) "Restaurant" includes an inn, bar, tavern or sports or entertainment facility in which the public may assemble and in which musical works may be performed or otherwise transmitted for the enjoyment of the public.
100.206(1)(g) (g) "Royalties" means the fees payable to a copyright owner or performing rights society for the public performance of a musical work.
100.206(2) (2)Duties. A performing rights society shall do all of the following:
100.206(2)(a) (a) File annually for public inspection with the department all of the following:
100.206(2)(a)1. 1. A certified copy of each document that is used at the time of filing by the performing rights society to enter into a contract with a proprietor who operates a retail establishment or restaurant in this state.
100.206(2)(a)2. 2. A list, that is the most current list available at the time of the filing, of the copyright owners who are represented by the performing rights society and of the musical works licensed by the performing rights society.
100.206(2)(b) (b) Make available, upon request of a proprietor, information as to whether a specific musical work is licensed under a contract entered into by the performing rights society and a copyright owner. A proprietor may request this information by telephone or other electronic means.
100.206(2)(c) (c) Make available, upon written request of a proprietor and at the sole expense of a proprietor, any of the information required to be on file under par. (a).
100.206(3) (3)Disclosure requirements.
100.206(3)(a)(a) No performing rights society may enter into, or offer to enter into, a contract for the payment of royalties by a proprietor unless the performing rights society, at the time of the offer or between the time of the offer and 72 hours before the execution of the contract, provides to the proprietor a written notice of all of the obligations of the performing rights society as specified under sub. (2). The written notice shall also contain a statement as to whether the performing rights society is in compliance with any applicable federal law or court order that relates to the rates and terms of royalties to be paid by the proprietor or that relates to the circumstances or methods under which contracts subject to this section are offered to the proprietor.
100.206(3)(b) (b) No performing rights society may make an incomplete or false disclosure in the written notice required under par. (a).
100.206(4) (4)Contract requirements.
100.206(4)(a)(a) A contract entered into or renewed in this state by a proprietor and a performing rights society for the payment of royalties shall be in writing and signed by the parties.
100.206(4)(b) (b) The information in the contract shall include all of the following:
100.206(4)(b)1. 1. The proprietor's name and commercial address and the name and location of each retail establishment and restaurant to which the contract applies.
100.206(4)(b)2. 2. The name of the performing rights society.
100.206(4)(b)3. 3. The length of the contract.
100.206(4)(b)4. 4. The schedule of rates and terms of the royalties to be collected under the contract, including any sliding scale or schedule for any increase or decrease of the rates during the term of the contract.
100.206(5) (5)Prohibited practices. No employee or agent of a performing rights society may do any of the following:
100.206(5)(a) (a) Enter the commercial premises of a proprietor to discuss a contract under this section with the proprietor or his or her employees, without identifying himself or herself and making known the purpose of the visit before commencing any further communication with the proprietor or the proprietor's employees.
100.206(5)(b) (b) Engage in any coercive conduct, act or practice that disrupts the commercial premises of a proprietor in a substantial manner.
100.206(5)(c) (c) Use or attempt to use any deceptive act or practice in negotiating a contract with a proprietor or in collecting royalties from a proprietor.
100.206(5)(d) (d) Fail to comply with the requirements imposed under subs. (2), (3) and (4).
100.206(6) (6)Civil remedy. Any person damaged as a result of a violation of this section may bring a civil action to recover damages, court costs and, notwithstanding s. 814.04 (1), reasonable attorney fees. The person may also request in the action any other legal or equitable relief.
100.206(7) (7)Other rights and remedies. This section does not limit any other right or remedy provided by law.
100.206 History History: 1995 a. 284; 1997 a. 35; 1997 a. 111 ss. 9, 11 to 16; Stats. 1997 s. 100.206.
100.207 100.207 Telecommunications services.
100.207(1) (1)Definition. In this section, "telecommunications service" has the meaning given in s. 196.01 (9m).
100.207(2) (2)Advertising and sales representations. A person may not make in any manner any statement or representation with regard to the provision of telecommunications service, including the rates, terms or conditions for telecommunications service, which is false, misleading or deceptive, or which omits to state material information with respect to the provision of telecommunications service that is necessary to make the statement not false, misleading or deceptive.
100.207(3) (3)Sales practices.
100.207(3)(a)(a) A person may not engage in negative option billing or negative enrollment of telecommunications services, including unbundled telecommunications services. A person may not bill a customer for any telecommunications service that the customer did not affirmatively order unless that service is required to be provided by law, the federal communications commission or the public service commission. A customer's failure to refuse a person's proposal to provide a telecommunications service is not an affirmative request for that telecommunications service.
100.207(3)(b) (b) A person may not charge a customer for telecommunications service provided after the customer has canceled that telecommunications service.
100.207(3)(c) (c) A person shall provide a customer who has ordered a telecommunications service through an oral solicitation with independent confirmation of the order within a reasonable time.
100.207(4) (4)Collection practices.
100.207(4)(a)(a) A person may not misrepresent that local exchange service may be disconnected for nonpayment of other telecommunications service.
100.207(4)(b) (b) A person may not unreasonably refuse to provide a detailed listing of charges for telecommunications service upon the request of a customer.
100.207(5) (5)Territorial application. Subsections (2) to (4) apply to any practice directed to any person in this state.
100.207(6) (6)Remedies and penalties.
100.207(6)(a)1.1. If a person fails to comply with this section, any person or class of persons adversely affected by the failure to comply has a claim for appropriate relief, including damages, injunctive or declaratory relief, specific performance and rescission.
100.207(6)(a)2. 2. A person or class of persons entitled to relief under subd. 1. is also entitled to recover costs and disbursements.
100.207(6)(b)1.1. The department of justice, after consulting with the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection, or any district attorney upon informing the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection, may commence an action in circuit court in the name of the state to restrain by temporary or permanent injunction any violation of this section. Injunctive relief may include an order directing telecommunications providers, as defined in s. 196.01 (8p), to discontinue telecommunications service provided to a person violating this section or ch. 196. Before entry of final judgment, the court may make such orders or judgments as may be necessary to restore to any person any pecuniary loss suffered because of the acts or practices involved in the action if proof of these acts or practices is submitted to the satisfaction of the court.
100.207(6)(b)2. 2. The department may exercise its authority under ss. 93.14 to 93.16 and 100.18 (11) (c) to administer this section. The department and the department of justice may subpoena persons and require the production of books and other documents, and the department of justice may request the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection to exercise its authority to aid in the investigation of alleged violations of this section.
100.207(6)(c) (c) Any person who violates subs. (2) to (4) shall be required to forfeit not less than $25 nor more than $5,000 for each offense. Forfeitures under this paragraph shall be enforced by the department of justice, after consulting with the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection, or, upon informing the department, by the district attorney of the county where the violation occurs.
100.207(6)(e) (e) Subject to par. (em), the department shall promulgate rules under this section.
100.207(6)(em)1.1. Before preparing any proposed rule under this section, the department shall form an advisory group to suggest recommendations regarding the content and scope of the proposed rule. The advisory group shall consist of one or more persons who may be affected by the proposed rule, a representative from the department of justice and a representative from the public service commission.
100.207(6)(em)2. 2. The department shall submit the recommendations under subd. 1., if any, to the legislature as part of the report required under s. 227.19 (2) and to the board of agriculture, trade and consumer protection.
100.207(6)(f) (f) This section does not preempt the administration or enforcement of this chapter or ch. 133 or 196.Practices in violation of this section may also constitute unfair methods of competition or unfair trade practices under s. 100.20 (1) or (1t) or fraudulent representations under s. 100.18 (1) or violate ch. 133 or 196.
100.207 History History: 1993 a. 496; 1995 a. 27.
100.207 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also ch. ATCP 123, Wis. adm. code.
100.208 100.208 Unfair trade practices in telecommunications.
100.208(1)(1) In this section, "telecommunications provider" has the meaning given in s. 196.01 (8p).
100.208(2) (2) The department shall notify the public service commission if any of the following conditions exists:
100.208(2)(a) (a) A telecommunications provider has been found by a court to have violated any provision of this chapter or of a rule promulgated under s. 100.20 (2) (a).
100.208(2)(b) (b) The department has issued an order under s. 100.20 (3) prohibiting a telecommunications provider from engaging in an unfair trade practice or method of competition.
100.208 History History: 1993 a. 496; 1997 a. 229.
100.209 100.209 Cable television subscriber rights.
100.209(1) (1)Definitions. In this section:
100.209(1)(a) (a) "Cable operator" has the meaning given in s. 66.0419 (2) (b).
100.209(1)(b) (b) "Cable service" has the meaning given in s. 66.0419 (2) (c).
100.209(2) (2)Rights.
100.209(2)(a)(a) A cable operator shall repair cable service within 72 hours after a subscriber reports a service interruption or requests the repair if the service interruption is not the result of a natural disaster.
100.209(2)(b) (b) Upon notification by a subscriber of a service interruption, a cable operator shall give the subscriber a credit for one day of cable service if cable service is interrupted for more than 4 hours in one day and the interruption is caused by the cable operator.
100.209(2)(bm) (bm) Upon notification by a subscriber of a service interruption, a cable operator shall give the subscriber a credit for each hour that cable service is interrupted if cable service is interrupted for more than 4 hours in one day and the interruption is not caused by the cable operator.
100.209(2)(c) (c) A cable operator shall give a subscriber at least 30 days' advance written notice before deleting a program service from its cable service. A cable operator is not required to give the notice under this paragraph if the cable operator makes a channel change because of circumstances beyond the control of the cable operator.
100.209(2)(d) (d) A cable operator shall give a subscriber at least 30 days' advance written notice before instituting a rate increase.
100.209(2)(e)1.1. A cable operator may not disconnect a subscriber's cable service, or a portion of that service, for failure to pay a bill until the unpaid bill is at least 45 days past due.
100.209(2)(e)2. 2. If a cable operator intends to disconnect a subscriber's cable service, or a portion of that service, the cable operator shall give the subscriber at least 10 days' advance written notice of the disconnection. A cable operator is not required to give the notice under this subdivision if the disconnection is requested by the subscriber, is necessary to prevent theft of cable service or is necessary to reduce or prevent signal leakage, as described in 47 CFR 76.611.
100.209(3) (3)Rules and local ordinances allowed. This section does not prohibit the department from promulgating a rule or from issuing an order consistent with its authority under this chapter that gives a subscriber greater rights than the rights under sub. (2) or prohibit a city, village or town from enacting an ordinance that gives a subscriber greater rights than the rights under sub. (2).
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2003. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?