11.07(6) (6) For purposes of this section, a nonresident individual or organization is one who or which does not maintain an office or street address within the state.
11.07 History History: 1973 c. 334; 1975 c. 93, 199; 1991 a. 316; 2001 a. 103, 109.
11.08 11.08 Reports by party committees. Every committee of a political party which is required to file statements and reports under this chapter shall file all statements and reports with the board. A state committee of a political party may be designated by a congressional, legislative, county or local party committee as its reporting agent for purposes of this chapter, but such designation does not permit combination of reports. If any committee is so designated, the treasurer of the state committee shall so inform the board.
11.08 History History: 1973 c. 334; 1975 c. 93; 1979 c. 328.
11.08 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also s. ElBd 6.04, Wis. adm. code.
11.09 11.09 Duplicate reports required in certain cases.
11.09(3)(3) Each registrant whose filing officer is the board, who or which makes disbursements in connection with elections for offices which serve or referenda which affect only one county or portion thereof, except a candidate, personal campaign committee, political party committee or other committee making disbursements in support of or in opposition to a candidate for state senator, representative to the assembly, court of appeals judge or circuit judge, shall file a duplicate original of each financial report filed with the board with the county clerk or board of election commissioners of the county in which the elections in which the registrant participates are held. Such reports shall be filed no later than the dates specified under s. 11.20 (2) and (4) for the filing of each report with the board.
Effective date note NOTE: Sub. (3) was amended eff. 7-1-03 by 2001 Wis. Act 109 to read as shown below. Act 109, s. 9115, provided that if any treatments by Act 109 listed in s. 9115, including the treatment of this provision, was held to be unconstitutional by a court, then all of the listed treatments are void. The United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin in Wisconsin Realtors Assoc. v. Ponto, 233 F. Supp. 2d 1078 (2002), found the treatment of certain listed provisions unconstitutional, rendering the treatment of this provision void.
Effective date text (3) Each registrant whose filing officer is the board, who or which makes disbursements in connection with elections for offices which serve or referenda which affect only one county or portion thereof, except a candidate, personal campaign committee, political party committee or other committee making disbursements in support of or in opposition to a candidate for state senator, representative to the assembly, court of appeals judge or circuit judge, shall file a duplicate original of each financial report filed with the board with the county clerk or board of election commissioners of the county in which the elections in which the registrant participates are held. Such reports shall be filed no later than the dates specified under s. 11.20 (2) and (4) for the filing of each report with the board. This subsection does not apply to a registrant who or which files reports under s. 11.21 (16).
11.09(4) (4) In every case where a duplicate report is filed by the board or by any person under sub. (3), the board shall transmit a certified duplicate copy of the registration statement to each county clerk or board of election commissioners with whom a duplicate report is filed.
11.10 11.10 Campaign treasurers and campaign depositories.
11.10(1)(1) Each candidate in an election shall appoint one campaign treasurer. Except as provided in s. 11.14 (3), each candidate shall designate one campaign depository account within 5 business days after the candidate receives his or her first contribution and before the candidate makes or authorizes any disbursement in behalf of his or her candidacy. If a candidate adopts a preexisting support committee as his or her personal campaign committee, the candidate shall make such designation within 5 business days of adoption. The person designated as campaign treasurer shall be the treasurer of the candidate's personal campaign committee, if any. The candidate may appoint himself or herself or any other elector as campaign treasurer. A registration statement under s. 11.05 (2g) or (2r) must be filed jointly by every candidate and his or her campaign treasurer. The candidate does not qualify for ballot placement until this requirement is met. Except as authorized under s. 11.06 (5), the campaign treasurer or candidate shall certify as to the correctness of each report required to be filed, and the candidate bears the responsibility for the accuracy of each report for purposes of civil liability under this chapter, whether or not the candidate certifies it personally.
Effective date note NOTE: Sub. (1) was amended eff. 7-1-03 by 2001 Wis. Act 109 to read as shown below. Act 109, s. 9115, provided that if any treatments by Act 109 listed in s. 9115, including the treatment of this provision, was held to be unconstitutional by a court, then all of the listed treatments are void. The United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin in Wisconsin Realtors Assoc. v. Ponto, 233 F. Supp. 2d 1078 (2002), found the treatment of certain listed provisions unconstitutional, rendering the treatment of this provision void.
Effective date text (1) Each candidate in an election shall appoint one campaign treasurer. Except as provided in s. 11.14 (3), each candidate shall designate one campaign depository account within 5 business days after the candidate receives his or her first contribution and before the candidate makes or authorizes any disbursement in behalf of his or her candidacy. If a candidate adopts a preexisting support committee as his or her personal campaign committee, the candidate shall make such designation within 5 business days of adoption. The person designated as campaign treasurer shall be the treasurer of the candidate's personal campaign committee, if any. The candidate may appoint himself or herself or any other elector as campaign treasurer. A registration statement under s. 11.05 (2g) must be filed jointly by every candidate and his or her campaign treasurer. The candidate does not qualify for ballot placement until this requirement is met. Except as authorized under s. 11.06 (5), the campaign treasurer or candidate shall certify as to the correctness of each report required to be filed, and the candidate bears the responsibility for the accuracy of each report for purposes of civil liability under this chapter, whether or not the candidate certifies it personally.
11.10(2) (2) A candidate may remove a campaign treasurer at any time. In case of the death, resignation or removal of a campaign treasurer, the candidate shall designate a successor and shall file the successor's name and address with the appropriate filing officer as provided in s. 11.05 (5). Until the successor's name and address is filed, the candidate shall be deemed his or her own campaign treasurer.
11.10(3) (3) Every committee shall appoint a treasurer. Every individual under s. 11.06 (7) shall be deemed his or her own treasurer. No disbursement may be made or obligation incurred by or on behalf of a committee without the authorization of the treasurer or designated agents. No contribution may be accepted and no disbursement may be made or obligation incurred by any committee at a time when there is a vacancy in the office of treasurer.
11.10(4) (4) No candidate may establish more than one personal campaign committee. Such committee may have subcommittees provided that all subcommittees have the same treasurer, who shall be the candidate's campaign treasurer. The treasurer shall deposit all funds received in the campaign depository account. Any committee which is organized or acts with the cooperation of or upon consultation with a candidate or agent or authorized committee of a candidate, or which acts in concert with or at the request or suggestion of a candidate or agent or authorized committee of a candidate is deemed a subcommittee of the candidate's personal campaign committee.
11.10(5) (5) Candidates for governor and lieutenant governor of the same political party may receive contributions and make disbursements for both candidates from either depository.
11.10 History History: 1973 c. 334; 1975 c. 93, 199, 200; 1979 c. 328; 1985 a. 303 ss. 22, 86; 2001 a. 109.
11.12 11.12 Campaign contributions and disbursements; reports.
11.12(1)(a)(a) No contribution may be made or received and no disbursement may be made or obligation incurred by a person or committee, except within the amount authorized under s. 11.05 (1) and (2), in support of or in opposition to any specific candidate or candidates in an election, other than through the campaign treasurer of the candidate or the candidate's opponent, or by or through an individual or committee registered under s. 11.05 and filing a statement under s. 11.06 (7).
11.12(1)(b) (b) The requirement of par. (a) may not be construed to apply to a contribution which is made to a continuing political party or ongoing committee, other than a personal campaign committee, provided that the contribution is not made in contravention of s. 11.16 (4) or 11.24.
11.12(1)(c) (c) Where a disbursement is made in support of more than one candidate, the disbursement shall be apportioned reasonably among the candidates.
11.12(1)(d) (d) Paragraph (a) does not apply to disbursements and obligations which are exempted from reporting under s. 11.06 (2).
11.12(2) (2) Any anonymous contribution exceeding $10 received by a campaign or committee treasurer or by an individual under s. 11.06 (7) may not be used or expended. The contribution shall be donated to the common school fund or to any charitable organization at the option of the treasurer.
Effective date note NOTE: Sub. (2) was amended eff. 7-1-03 by 2001 Wis. Act 109 to read as shown below. Act 109, s. 9115, provided that if any treatments by Act 109 listed in s. 9115, including the treatment of this provision, was held to be unconstitutional by a court, then all of the listed treatments are void. The United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin in Wisconsin Realtors Assoc. v. Ponto, 233 F. Supp. 2d 1078 (2002), found the treatment of certain listed provisions unconstitutional, rendering the treatment of this provision void.
Effective date text (2) Any anonymous contribution exceeding $10 received by a campaign or committee treasurer or by an individual under s. 11.06 (7) may not be used or expended. The contribution shall be donated to the common school fund or to any charitable organization or transferred to the board for deposit in the Wisconsin election campaign fund, at the option of the treasurer.
11.12(3) (3) All contributions, disbursements and incurred obligations exceeding $10 shall be recorded by the campaign or committee treasurer or the individual under s. 11.06 (7). He or she shall maintain such records in an organized and legible manner, for not less than 3 years after the date of an election in which the registrant participates. If a report is submitted under s. 11.19 (1), the records may be transferred to a continuing committee or to the appropriate filing officer for retention. Records shall include the information required under s. 11.06 (1).
11.12(4) (4) Each registrant shall report contributions, disbursements and incurred obligations in accordance with s. 11.20. Except as permitted under s. 11.06 (2), (3) and (3m), each report shall contain the information which is required under s. 11.06 (1).
Effective date note NOTE: Sub. (4) was amended eff. 7-1-03 by 2001 Wis. Act 109 to read as shown below. Act 109, s. 9115, provided that if any treatments by Act 109 listed in s. 9115, including the treatment of this provision, was held to be unconstitutional by a court, then all of the listed treatments are void. The United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin in Wisconsin Realtors Assoc. v. Ponto, 233 F. Supp. 2d 1078 (2002), found the treatment of certain listed provisions unconstitutional, rendering the treatment of this provision void.
Effective date text (4) Each registrant shall report contributions, disbursements and incurred obligations in accordance with s. 11.20 and, if the registrant files reports under s. 11.21 (16), in accordance with s. 11.21 (16). Except as permitted under s. 11.06 (2) and (3m), each report shall contain the information which is required under s. 11.06 (1).
11.12(5) (5) If any contribution or contributions of $500 or more cumulatively are received by a candidate for state office or by a committee or individual from a single contributor later than 15 days prior to a primary or election such that it is not included in the preprimary or preelection report submitted under s. 11.20 (3), the treasurer of the committee or the individual receiving the contribution shall within 24 hours of receipt inform the appropriate filing officer of the information required under s. 11.06 (1) in such manner as the board may prescribe. The information shall also be included in the treasurer's or individual's next regular report. For purposes of the reporting requirement under this subsection, only contributions received during the period beginning with the day after the last date covered on the preprimary or preelection report, and ending with the day before the primary or election need be reported.
Effective date note NOTE: Sub. (5) was amended eff. 7-1-03 by 2001 Wis. Act 109 to read as shown below. Act 109, s. 9115, provided that if any treatments by Act 109 listed in s. 9115, including the treatment of this provision, was held to be unconstitutional by a court, then all of the listed treatments are void. The United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin in Wisconsin Realtors Assoc. v. Ponto, 233 F. Supp. 2d 1078 (2002), found the treatment of certain listed provisions unconstitutional, rendering the treatment of this provision void.
Effective date text (5) If any contribution or contributions of $500 or more cumulatively are received by a candidate for state office or by a committee or individual from a single contributor later than 15 days prior to a primary or election such that it is not included in the preprimary or preelection report submitted under s. 11.20 (3), the treasurer of the committee or the individual receiving the contribution shall within 24 hours of receipt inform the appropriate filing officer of the information required under s. 11.06 (1) in such manner as the board may prescribe. The information shall also be included in the treasurer's or individual's next regular report. For purposes of the reporting requirement under this subsection, only contributions received during the period beginning with the day after the last date covered on the preprimary or preelection report, and ending with the day before the primary or election need be reported. This subsection does not apply to a registrant who or which is required to file daily reports under s. 11.21 (16).
11.12(6) (6) If any disbursement of more than $20 cumulatively is made to advocate the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate by an individual or committee later than 15 days prior to a primary or election in which the candidate's name appears on the ballot without cooperation or consultation with a candidate or agent or authorized committee of a candidate who is supported or opposed, and not in concert with or at the request or suggestion of such a candidate, agent or committee, the individual or treasurer of the committee shall, within 24 hours of making the disbursement, inform the appropriate filing officer of the information required under s. 11.06 (1) in such manner as the board may prescribe. The information shall also be included in the next regular report of the individual or committee under s. 11.20. For purposes of this subsection, disbursements cumulate beginning with the day after the last date covered on the preprimary or preelection report and ending with the day before the primary or election. Upon receipt of a report under this subsection, the filing officer shall, within 24 hours of receipt, mail a copy of the report to all candidates for any office in support of or opposition to one of whom a disbursement identified in the report is made.
Effective date note NOTE: Sub. (6) is renumbered (6) (a) and amended eff. 7-1-03 by 2001 Wis. Act 109 to read as shown below. Act 109, s. 9115, provided that if any treatments by Act 109 listed in s. 9115, including the treatment of this provision, was held to be unconstitutional by a court, then all of the listed treatments are void. The United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin in Wisconsin Realtors Assoc. v. Ponto, 233 F. Supp. 2d 1078 (2002), found the treatment of certain listed provisions unconstitutional, rendering the treatment of this provision void.
Effective date text (6) (a) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, if any individual or committee incurs one or more obligations or makes one or more disbursements in an amount exceeding $250 cumulatively to advocate the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate later than 15 days prior to a primary or election in which the candidate's name appears on the ballot without cooperation or consultation with a candidate or agent or authorized committee of a candidate who is supported or opposed, and not in concert with or at the request or suggestion of such a candidate, agent or committee, the individual or treasurer of the committee shall, within 24 hours after incurring the obligation or making the disbursement, inform the appropriate filing officer. The report shall include the information required under s. 11.06 (1) and shall be made in such manner as the board may prescribe. For purposes of this paragraph, obligations and disbursements cumulate beginning with the day after the last date covered on the preprimary or preelection report and ending with the day before the primary or election and disbursements made for the purpose of payment of obligations that were previously reported are not included in determining the cumulative amount of obligations and disbursements. Upon receipt of a report identifying any obligation or disbursement under this paragraph, the filing officer shall, within 24 hours of receipt, mail a copy of the report to all candidates for any office in support of or opposition to one of whom an obligation is incurred or a disbursement t is made. This paragraph does not apply to disbursements or obligations required to be reported under par. (am) or to an individual or committee that is required to file daily reports under s. 11.21 (16).
11.12(6)(am) (am) If any committee identified under s. 11.05 (3) (c) as a special interest committee, other than a conduit, incurs one or more obligations or makes one or more disbursements in an amount exceeding $250 cumulatively for the purpose of making a communication advocating the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate for a state office specified in s. 11.31 (1) (a) to (de), (e), or (f) at a general, special, or spring election, or any such candidate who seeks a nomination for such an office at a primary election, or for the purpose of making a communication described in s. 11.01 (16) (a) 3., during the period beginning on the 60th day preceding the applicable general, special, or spring election and ending on the date of that election, without cooperation or consultation with a candidate or agent or authorized committee of a candidate who is supported or whose opponent is opposed, and not in concert with or at the request or suggestion of such a candidate, agent, or committee, the committee shall, within 24 hours after incurring the obligation or making the disbursement, file a report with the board, with each candidate whose name is certified to appear on the ballot for the office in connection with which the obligation is incurred or disbursement is made, and the political party under whose name each such candidate appears on the ballot, if any, on a form prescribed by the board for this purpose. The form shall provide a place for reporting obligations separately from disbursements. The report shall be filed by electronic mail or facsimile transmission. The report shall include the information required under s. 11.06 (1) and shall be made in such manner as the board may prescribe. For purposes of this paragraph, obligations and disbursements cumulate beginning with the 60th day preceding the applicable general, special, or spring election and ending with the day before that election and disbursements made for the purpose of payment of obligations that were previously reported are not included in determining the cumulative amount of disbursements. Within 24 hours after receiving a report under this paragraph, the board shall notify each candidate whose name is certified to appear on the ballot for the office in connection with which the reported disbursement is made. The board shall provide this notification by electronic mail, facsimile transmission, telephone, or posting on the Internet.
Effective date note NOTE: Par. (am) was created eff. 7-1-03 by 2001 Wis. Act 109. Act 109, s. 9115, provided that if any treatments by Act 109 listed in s. 9115, including the treatment of this provision, was held to be unconstitutional by a court, then all of the listed treatments are void. The United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin in Wisconsin Realtors Assoc. v. Ponto, 233 F. Supp. 2d 1078 (2002), found the treatment of certain listed provisions unconstitutional, rendering the treatment of this provision void.
11.12(6)(c) (c) No committee identified under s. 11.05 (3) (c) as a special interest committee, other than a conduit, may make any disbursement or incur any obligation to which this paragraph applies unless the committee has filed a report under this paragraph concerning that disbursement or obligation. This paragraph applies only to disbursements made or obligations incurred for the purpose of making a communication during the period beginning on the 30th day preceding a general, special, or spring election and ending on the date of that election advocating the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate for a state office specified in s. 11.31 (1) (a) to (de), (e), or (f) at that election, or any such candidate who seeks a nomination for such an office at a primary election, or for the purpose of making a communication described in s. 11.01 (16) (a) 3., without cooperation or consultation with a candidate or agent or authorized committee of a candidate who is supported or whose opponent is opposed, and not in concert with or at the request or suggestion of such a candidate, agent, or committee. Each report required under this paragraph shall be filed with the board, with each candidate whose name is certified to appear on the ballot for the office in connection with which the communication is to be made, and the political party under whose name each such candidate appears on the ballot, if any, on a form prescribed by the board for this purpose. The report shall be filed by electronic mail or facsimile transmission no later than the 31st day preceding the general, special, or spring election to which the report relates. Each report shall indicate the name of each candidate who will be supported or whose opponent will be opposed and the total disbursements to be made and obligations incurred for such a purpose with regard to that candidate during the period covered by the report. Within 24 hours after receiving a report, the board shall notify each candidate whose name is certified to appear on the ballot for the office in connection with which the communication is to be made of the report. The board shall provide this notification by electronic mail, facsimile transmission, telephone, or posting on the Internet.
Effective date note NOTE: Par. (c) was created eff. 7-1-03 by 2001 Wis. Act 109. Act 109, s. 9115, provided that if any treatments by Act 109 listed in s. 9115, including the treatment of this provision, was held to be unconstitutional by a court, then all of the listed treatments are void. The United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin in Wisconsin Realtors Assoc. v. Ponto, 233 F. Supp. 2d 1078 (2002), found the treatment of certain listed provisions unconstitutional, rendering the treatment of this provision void.
11.12(6)(d) (d) All information reported by a registrant under this subsection shall also be included in the next regular report of the registrant under s. 11.20.
Effective date note NOTE: Par. (d) was created eff. 7-1-03 by 2001 Wis. Act 109. Act 109, s. 9115, provided that if any treatments by Act 109 listed in s. 9115, including the treatment of this provision, was held to be unconstitutional by a court, then all of the listed treatments are void. The United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin in Wisconsin Realtors Assoc. v. Ponto, 233 F. Supp. 2d 1078 (2002), found the treatment of certain listed provisions unconstitutional, rendering the treatment of this provision void.
11.12(8) (8) If a candidate for a state office specified in s. 11.31 (1) (a) to (de), (e), or (f) who does not accept a grant under s. 11.50 incurs any obligation or makes any disbursement after that candidate has accumulated cash in his or her campaign depository account or has incurred obligations or made disbursements during his or her campaign, as defined in s. 11.31 (7), exceeding a combined total of 75% of the amount specified in s. 11.31 (1) (a) to (de), (e), or (f), as adjusted under s. 11.31 (9), for the office that the candidate seeks, that candidate or the candidate's personal campaign committee shall file special weekly or daily reports with the board, with each candidate whose name is certified to appear on the ballot for the office in connection with which the disbursement is made or incurred, and with the political party under whose name each such candidate appears on the ballot, if any, by electronic mail or facsimile transmission. The reports shall cover the period beginning with that date or the day after the primary election or the date that a primary would be held, if required, whichever is later, and ending on the date of the election at which the candidate seeks office. The candidate or committee shall file weekly reports for each week, if any, beginning on the day after the primary or, if no primary is held, the day that the primary would be held if a primary were required to be held, and shall file daily reports for each day beginning on the 30th day before the election through the day before the election at which the candidate seeks office. Each report shall contain information pertaining to each disbursement made and obligation incurred by the candidate or committee. Each report shall include the same information concerning each disbursement and obligation that is required to be reported for other disbursements and obligations under s. 11.06 (1). Each report shall list obligations separately from disbursements. The information shall be included also in the next regular report of the candidate or committee under s. 11.20. Within 24 hours after receiving a report under this subsection, the board shall notify each candidate whose name is certified to appear on the ballot for the office in connection with which the reported disbursement is made or obligation is incurred of the report. The board shall provide this notification by telephone, electronic mail, facsimile transmission, or posting on the Internet.
Effective date note NOTE: Sub. (8) was created eff. 7-1-03 by 2001 Wis. Act 109. Act 109, s. 9115, provided that if any treatments by Act 109 listed in s. 9115, including the treatment of this provision, was held to be unconstitutional by a court, then all of the listed treatments are void. The United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin in Wisconsin Realtors Assoc. v. Ponto, 233 F. Supp. 2d 1078 (2002), found the treatment of certain listed provisions unconstitutional, rendering the treatment of this provision void.
11.12(9) (9) Whenever a report or notice is required to be filed with a political party or candidate by electronic mail or facsimile transmission under this section, the report shall be filed at the address or number of the political party committee or candidate or personal campaign committee, respectively, as shown on the registration statement of the political party committee, candidate, or committee. If no electronic mail address or facsimile transmission number is shown, the report shall be filed at the mailing address shown on the statement.
Effective date note NOTE: Sub. (9) was created eff. 7-1-03 by 2001 Wis. Act 109. Act 109, s. 9115, provided that if any treatments by Act 109 listed in s. 9115, including the treatment of this provision, was held to be unconstitutional by a court, then all of the listed treatments are void. The United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin in Wisconsin Realtors Assoc. v. Ponto, 233 F. Supp. 2d 1078 (2002), found the treatment of certain listed provisions unconstitutional, rendering the treatment of this provision void.
11.12 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also s. ElBd 6.05, Wis. adm. code.
11.14 11.14 Deposit of contributions.
11.14(1) (1) Except as authorized in sub. (3) and as required by s. 11.16 (5), all funds received by a campaign or committee treasurer, group treasurer, candidate or other individual shall be deposited in a single separate campaign depository account designated in accordance with s. 11.16 (3). Except as authorized in sub. (3), the depository account shall be established by every candidate no later than the time prescribed in s. 11.10 (1), and by every other individual or treasurer no later than the 5th business day after becoming subject to a registration requirement under s. 11.05 and before making any disbursement. The depository account may be established with any financial institution as defined in s. 705.01 (3) which is authorized to transact business in this state. The individual or treasurer shall deposit all funds received in the campaign depository account no later than the 5th business day commencing after receipt. This subsection does not apply to a contributor committee or group which is exempt from registration under s. 11.05 (8).
11.14(2) (2) After deposit in the campaign depository account, funds may be transferred by the individual or treasurer to any other account which is identified under s. 11.05 (3) (L). Funds deposited in other accounts may not be directly disbursed but shall be returned to the depository account for purposes of disbursement. Disbursements shall be made only in accordance with s. 11.16 (3).
11.14(3) (3) Notwithstanding sub. (1), any candidate who serves as his or her own campaign treasurer and who is authorized to make and makes an indication on his or her registration statement under s. 11.05 (2r) that he or she will not accept contributions, make disbursements or incur obligations in an aggregate amount exceeding $1,000 in a calendar year, and will not accept any contribution or contributions from a single source, other than contributions made by the candidate to his or her own campaign, exceeding $100 in a calendar year, may designate a single personal account as his or her campaign depository account, and may intermingle personal and other funds with campaign funds. If a separate depository account is later established by the candidate, the candidate shall transfer all campaign funds in the personal account to the new depository account. Disbursements made from such personal account need not be identified in accordance with s. 11.16 (3).
Effective date note NOTE: Sub. (3) was amended eff. 7-1-03 by 2001 Wis. Act 109 to read as shown below. Act 109, s. 9115, provided that if any treatments by Act 109 listed in s. 9115, including the treatment of this provision, was held to be unconstitutional by a court, then all of the listed treatments are void. The United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin in Wisconsin Realtors Assoc. v. Ponto, 233 F. Supp. 2d 1078 (2002), found the treatment of certain listed provisions unconstitutional, rendering the treatment of this provision void.
Effective date text (3) Notwithstanding sub. (1), any candidate who serves as his or her own campaign treasurer and who is authorized to make and makes an indication on his or her registration statement under s. 11.06 (2m) that he or she will not accept contributions, make disbursements or incur obligations in an aggregate amount exceeding $1,000 in a calendar year, and will not accept any contribution or contributions from a single source, other than contributions made by the candidate to his or her own campaign, exceeding $100 in a calendar year, may designate a single personal account as his or her campaign depository account, and may intermingle personal and other funds with campaign funds. If a separate depository account is later established by the candidate, the candidate shall transfer all campaign funds in the personal account to the new depository account. Disbursements made from such personal account need not be identified in accordance with s. 11.16 (3).
11.16 11.16 Campaign contributions and disbursements; restrictions.
11.16(1)(1)Authorization; liability.
11.16(1)(a)(a) No disbursement may be made or obligation incurred by a candidate, or by any other person or committee to advocate the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate, other than an individual who, or a committee which, has registered under s. 11.05 and filed an oath under s. 11.06 (7), except by the campaign treasurer of the candidate or other agent designated by the candidate and acting under his or her authority.
11.16(1)(b) (b) The treasurer of each committee and each individual who proposes to make a disbursement to advocate the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate shall notify the treasurer or other agent designated under par. (a) of the candidate who is supported or whose opponent is opposed and obtain the authorization of the treasurer prior to making the disbursement. This paragraph does not apply to an individual or committee filing an oath under s. 11.06 (7) with respect to the candidate who is supported or opposed.
11.16(1)(c) (c) In the event that an obligation is incurred or disbursement made by the campaign treasurer or other authorized agent of the candidate, the action is imputable to the candidate for purposes of civil liability under this chapter.
11.16(1)(d) (d) This subsection does not apply to disbursements and obligations which are exempted from reporting under s. 11.06 (2).
11.16(2) (2)Limitation on cash contributions. Every contribution of money exceeding $50 shall be made by negotiable instrument or evidenced by an itemized credit card receipt bearing on the face the name of the remitter. No treasurer may accept a contribution made in violation of this subsection. The treasurer shall promptly return the contribution, or donate it to the common school fund or to a charitable organization in the event that the donor cannot be identified.
Effective date note NOTE: Sub. (2) was amended eff. 7-1-03 by 2001 Wis. Act 109 to read as shown below. Act 109, s. 9115, provided that if any treatments by Act 109 listed in s. 9115, including the treatment of this provision, was held to be unconstitutional by a court, then all of the listed treatments are void. The United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin in Wisconsin Realtors Assoc. v. Ponto, 233 F. Supp. 2d 1078 (2002), found the treatment of certain listed provisions unconstitutional, rendering the treatment of this provision void.
Effective date text (2) Limitation on cash contributions. Every contribution of money exceeding $50 shall be made by negotiable instrument or evidenced by an itemized credit card receipt bearing on the face the name of the remitter. No treasurer may accept a contribution made in violation of this subsection. The treasurer shall promptly return the contribution, donate the contribution to the common school fund or to a charitable organization, or transfer the contribution to the board for deposit in the Wisconsin election campaign fund in the event that the donor cannot be identified.
11.16(3) (3)Form of disbursements. Every disbursement which is made by a registered individual or treasurer from the campaign depository account shall be made by negotiable instrument. Such instrument shall bear on the face the full name of the candidate, committee, individual or group as it appears on the registration statement filed under s. 11.05 and where necessary, such additional words as are sufficient to clearly indicate the political nature of the registrant or account of the registrant. The name of a political party shall include the word "party". The instrument of each committee registered with the board and designated under s. 11.05 (3) (c) as a special interest committee shall bear the identification number assigned under s. 11.21 (12) on the face of the instrument.
11.16(4) (4)Earmarking.
11.16(4)(a)(a) The treasurer of a personal campaign committee may agree with a prospective contributor that a contribution is received to be utilized for a specific purpose not prohibited by law. Such purpose may not include a disbursement in support of or in opposition to another candidate or the transfer to an individual or committee acting in support of or in opposition to another candidate, except as authorized in an escrow agreement under s. 11.16 (5).
11.16(4)(b) (b) When a contribution is made to a political party or to an individual or committee other than a candidate or the candidate's personal campaign committee, the purpose may not be specified, except that if a contribution is received pursuant to an escrow agreement for transfer to a candidate in accordance with sub. (5), the contributor may specify the recipient of the contribution and if a contribution is received by a support committee established for adoption by a candidate in accordance with ss. 11.10 (1) and 11.18, the contributor may specify that the contribution shall be utilized for support of the candidate being supported by the committee.
11.16(4)(c) (c) Except for transfers of membership-related moneys between committees of the same political party and transfers made pursuant to escrow agreements authorized under sub. (5), no committee may act as a conduit for the earmarked contributions of others. Transfers of membership-related moneys between political party committees shall be treated in the same manner as other transfers.
11.16(5) (5)Escrow agreements. Any personal campaign committee, political party committee or legislative campaign committee may, pursuant to a written escrow agreement with more than one candidate, solicit contributions for and conduct a joint fund raising effort or program on behalf of more than one named candidate. The agreement shall specify the percentage of the proceeds to be distributed to each candidate by the committee conducting the effort or program. The committee shall include this information in all solicitations for the effort or program. All contributions received and disbursements made by the committee in connection with the effort or program shall be received and disbursed through a separate depository account under s. 11.14 (1) that is identified in the agreement. For purposes of s. 11.06 (1), the committee conducting the effort or program shall prepare a schedule in the form prescribed by the board supplying all required information under s. 11.06 (1) and items qualifying for exclusion under s. 11.31 (6) for the effort or program, and shall transmit a copy of the schedule to each candidate who receives any of the proceeds within the period prescribed in s. 11.06 (4) (c).
Effective date note NOTE: Sub. (5) was amended eff. 7-1-03 by 2001 Wis. Act 109 to read as shown below. Act 109, s. 9115, provided that if any treatments by Act 109 listed in s. 9115, including the treatment of this provision, was held to be unconstitutional by a court, then all of the listed treatments are void. The United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin in Wisconsin Realtors Assoc. v. Ponto, 233 F. Supp. 2d 1078 (2002), found the treatment of certain listed provisions unconstitutional, rendering the treatment of this provision void.
Effective date text (5) Escrow agreements. Any personal campaign committee or political party committee may, pursuant to a written escrow agreement with more than one candidate, solicit contributions for and conduct a joint fund raising effort or program on behalf of more than one named candidate. The agreement shall specify the percentage of the proceeds to be distributed to each candidate by the committee conducting the effort or program. The committee shall include this information in all solicitations for the effort or program. All contributions received and disbursements made by the committee in connection with the effort or program shall be received and disbursed through a separate depository account under s. 11.14 (1) that is identified in the agreement. For purposes of s. 11.06 (1), the committee conducting the effort or program shall prepare a schedule in the form prescribed by the board supplying all required information under s. 11.06 (1) and items qualifying for exclusion under s. 11.31 (6) for the effort or program, and shall transmit a copy of the schedule to each candidate who receives any of the proceeds within the period prescribed in s. 11.06 (4) (c).
11.16 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also s. ElBd 6.04, Wis. adm. code.
11.17 11.17 Treatment of loan guarantees.
11.17(1) (1) If any person guarantees a loan to a registrant made for a political purpose, the person makes a contribution to the registrant and the registrant incurs an obligation to the guarantor. If more than one person guarantees the same loan, the guarantors make contributions to the registrant and the registrant incurs obligations to the guarantors in equal shares, in the proportion that the number of guarantors bears to the total amount guaranteed, unless a different share is specified in the loan instrument.
11.17(2) (2) If a registrant reduces the unpaid balance of a loan to the registrant made for a political purpose by making a repayment to the lender or reimburses a guarantor from whom the lender has collected upon a guarantee, the amount of the guarantor's contribution and the amount of the obligation incurred by the registrant are reduced by the amount of the repayment or reimbursement. If more than one guarantor guarantees the same loan, the amounts of the guarantors' contributions and the amounts of the obligations incurred by the registrant are reduced in equal shares, in the proportion that the number of guarantors bears to the amount repaid or reimbursed, unless a different share is specified in the loan instrument.
11.17(3) (3) If a registrant defaults on a loan that is guaranteed, and the lender collects the amount guaranteed from the guarantor, the guarantor makes a contribution to the registrant and the registrant incurs an obligation to the guarantor in an amount equal to the amount collected by the lender from the guarantor. If more than one guarantor guarantees the same loan, the guarantors make contributions to the registrant and the registrant incurs obligations to the guarantors in equal shares, in the proportion that the number of guarantors bears to the total amount of the unpaid balance, unless a different share is specified in the loan instrument. If a registrant reports a contribution or incurred obligation in the form of a guarantee under s. 11.06 (1) at the time the guarantee is made, the registrant need not report the same contribution or incurred obligation at the time of a default and collection upon a guarantee.
11.17(4) (4) If a candidate secures a loan for both a political and a nonpolitical purpose, this chapter applies only to the portion of the loan made for a political purpose.
11.17 History History: 1979 c. 328; 1987 a. 370.
11.18 11.18 Support committee.
11.18(1)(1) A committee may be organized to support the prospective candidacy of an individual. No such committee authorized under s. 11.05 (3) (p) may be organized during a period in which the individual on whose behalf the committee is organized is registered as a candidate or has a personal campaign committee registered on his or her behalf.
11.18(2) (2) A committee organized under sub. (1) shall register under s. 11.05 as a support committee.
11.18(3) (3) A support committee authorized under s. 11.05 (3) (p) may not act on behalf of more than one individual but may make a contribution to another committee. No more than one support committee authorized under s. 11.05 (3) (p) may be organized on behalf of the same individual. Any subcommittee of a support committee authorized under s. 11.05 (3) (p) shall be authorized by the individual on whose behalf the subcommittee acts. Any committee which is organized or acts with the cooperation of or upon consultation with a support committee or the individual on whose behalf a support committee is organized or which acts in concert with or at the request or suggestion of a support committee or the individual on whose behalf a support committee is organized is deemed a subcommittee of the support committee.
11.18(4) (4) Notwithstanding s. 11.12 (1), a support committee may make direct disbursements from its campaign depository account to pay for the expenses incurred for a political purpose to support the prospective candidacy of an individual on whose behalf it is organized during a period in which the committee is permitted to operate under sub. (1).
11.18(5) (5) Except as provided in s. 11.25 (2) (b), no support committee authorized under s. 11.05 (3) (p) may utilize a contribution for a purpose not authorized under sub. (1).
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2003. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?