213.10(1m)(a)(a) The members of the paid fire department in any city, who comply with the constitution and bylaws of the fire fighters relief association organized in that city, are constituted a body corporate in that city under the name of "The Fire Fighters Relief Association of the City of ....". Except as provided in par. (b), the purpose of a fire fighters relief association shall be giving relief to the sick and disabled members of the association and their families and to any other persons for whom the constitution and bylaws of the association may provide.
213.10(1m)(b) (b) If a member in good standing at the time of the member's death leaves no person entitled to relief under the constitution and bylaws of the association, the board of trustees of the association is empowered to pay the expenses of the last illness and funeral costs of the deceased member, limited to a sum to be fixed by the constitution and bylaws of the association.
213.10(2) (2)
213.10(2)(a)(a) A member of a fire fighters relief association for a city who ceases to be a member of that city's fire department after a period of 10 consecutive years of service shall be entitled to all of the advantages and benefits of the fire fighters relief association as long as that member pays dues and complies with the rules, regulations and bylaws of the association.
213.10(2)(b) (b) A member of a fire fighters relief association for a city who has not served as a member of the city's fire department for 10 consecutive years shall be entitled to all of the advantages and benefits of the fire fighters relief association as long as that member pays dues and complies with the rules, regulations and bylaws of the association and meets one of the following criteria:
213.10(2)(b)1. 1. The member is retired on a pension by reason of permanent disability due to injuries suffered while in the performance of duties as a member of the fire department.
213.10(2)(b)2. 2. The member has been granted a duty disability for injuries suffered while in the performance of duties as a member of the fire department and the member's actual term of service in the fire department, together with the period of time while on duty disability, equals 10 or more years.
213.10(3) (3) Each person on becoming a member of a fire department whose members have formed a fire fighters relief association shall be required to pay the association an initiation fee not exceeding $50 and annual dues so long as the person remains a member of the fire department. A person shall become a member of the association when that person's name is placed on the payroll of the fire department.
213.10(4) (4) Every fire fighters relief association shall have all of the usual powers of a corporation necessary and proper for the purpose of its organization, and may take by gift, grant or purchase, real and personal property, and hold, enjoy, lease, convey and dispose of its property subject to the association's bylaws and regulations. All of the real and personal property belonging to an association and the rents, issues and profits from that property shall be devoted solely to the purposes and objects of the association.
213.10(5) (5)
213.10(5)(a)(a) The control and disposal of the funds, property and estate and the direction and management of all of the concerns of a fire fighters relief association, subject to any directions and restrictions that may be imposed by the bylaws of the association, shall be vested in a board of trustees. The board of trustees shall consist of a president, vice president, treasurer, secretary and executive committee of 3, who shall be elected at such time and place and by such members of the association entitled to vote as is provided by the bylaws of the association. The officers so elected shall hold their respective offices for one year, unless the bylaws provide otherwise, and until their successors are elected and qualified. An association may elect or appoint such other officers for such terms as its bylaws may prescribe. The officers of an association shall give bonds for the faithful performance of their respective duties when required to do so by the association's bylaws.
213.10(5)(b) (b) No person shall be elected to or hold any office in a fire fighters relief association unless the person is in the active employment of the fire department of the city in which the association is organized. If a person's employment with that city is terminated while the person holds any office of the association, the person's term of office shall thereupon be terminated, and the members of the association who are entitled to vote, as provided in the association's bylaws, shall immediately elect a successor.
213.10(6) (6) The board of trustees of a fire fighters relief association may purchase group life insurance for the members of the association.
213.10(7) (7)
213.10(7)(a)(a) All members of a fire department who do not qualify as members of the paid fire department shall, upon commencement of their employment with a city department, have the option of joining the fire fighters relief association in that city.
213.10(7)(b) (b) The employees described in par. (a) who are, together with others who are transferred to or are, on March 27, 1969, performing duties other than fire fighting, fire fighting training and directly related skills, including fire prevention, investigation and inspection, shall have the option of continuing their membership in the fire fighters relief association.
213.10 History History: 1983 a. 242; 1991 a. 316; 1997 a. 254.
213.105 213.105 State Fire Fighters Memorial. The State Fire Fighters Memorial, located in the city of Wisconsin Rapids, is designated the official memorial to honor all fire fighters of this state who have given their lives in the public service.
213.105 History History: 1995 a. 217.
213.106 213.106 State Police and Fire Fighters Hall of Fame. The Old Firehouse Police and Fire Museum, located in the city of Superior, is designated the official hall of fame to honor police officers and fire fighters of this state for their dedicated public service.
213.106 History History: 1995 a. 217.
213.11 213.11 Police Relief Association.
213.11(1) (1) The members of the paid police department in any city heretofore or hereafter organized, who comply with the constitution and bylaws of the association hereinafter mentioned, are constituted a body corporate in such city under the name of "The Police Relief Association of the City of ....," for the purpose of providing death benefits to the beneficiaries of the members of such association and their families and to such other persons as the constitution and bylaws of such association may provide, the amount to be paid in benefits to be limited to a sum to be fixed by the constitution and bylaws of said association.
213.11(2) (2) Any member of the Police Relief Association who, after at least 5 years of service, ceases to act with the police department of which that person has been a member shall continue to enjoy all the advantages and benefits of the association as long as the person complies with the rules, regulations and bylaws of the same and pays dues, unless the connection of such person with said department was discontinued for the good of the service, and provided that the person ceases to be in the active employment of the police department by reason of any of the following:
213.11(2)(a) (a) The person is retired from active service on a pension or annuity.
213.11(2)(b) (b) The person is on a leave of absence for a purpose that is specified in the bylaws of the association.
213.11(2)(c) (c) The person is serving as a liaison between the police department and the city in which the department is located.
213.11(3) (3) A person who becomes a member of such police department after this section comes into force and effect in any city in this state shall, within one year after becoming a member of such department, be required to join such association and to pay an initiation fee not exceeding $50 and annual dues so long as the person remains a member.
213.11(4) (4) Every such association shall have all of the usual powers of a corporation necessary and proper for the purpose of its organization and may take by gift, grant or purchase, real and personal estate, and hold, enjoy, lease, convey and dispose of the same subject to its bylaws and regulations; and all such property and the rents, issues and profits thereof shall be devoted solely to the purposes and objects of such corporation.
213.11(5) (5) The control and disposal of the funds, property and estate and the direction and management of all the concerns of such corporation, under such direction and restrictions as may be imposed by the bylaws thereof, shall be vested in a board of trustees to consist of a president, vice president, treasurer, secretary and executive committee of 3, who shall be elected for such terms, at such time and place and by such members of the corporation as the bylaws of the corporation may provide; and such officers so elected shall hold their respective offices until their successors are elected and qualified; and such corporation may elect or appoint such other officers and for such terms as its bylaws may prescribe. The officers of such corporation shall give bonds for the faithful performance of their respective duties when required so to do by the laws thereof. No person may be elected to or hold any office in such corporation unless that person is employed by the city to which this section becomes effective and in the active employment of the police department of the city or no longer in the active employment of the police department because the person is serving as a liaison between the police department and the city. If that person's employment with such city is terminated while holding the office of trustee or any other office of such corporation, that person's term of office shall thereupon be terminated, and the members of such corporation as are, by the bylaws thereof, entitled to vote, shall forthwith elect that person's successor in the manner prescribed by the constitution and bylaws of the corporation.
213.11(6) (6) The board of trustees of any police relief association may purchase group life insurance for the members of the association.
213.11 History History: 1981 c. 390 s. 252; 1991 a. 316; 1997 a. 223, 254.
213.12 213.12 Pay. The common council of any city and the board of trustees of any village which owns a fire engine shall annually pay to each active fire fighter belonging to any fire company organized by authority of the city or village an amount that the common council or board of trustees considers a reasonable compensation for the services of the fire fighter.
213.12 History History: 1983 a. 242; 1997 a. 254.
213.13 213.13 Rest days for fire fighters.
213.13(1) (1) Except as provided in subs. (2) and (3), the common council or governing body of every city having a paid fire department shall provide for, and the chief engineer of the department shall assign to, each fire fighter in the service of the city full rest days as follows:
213.13(1)(a) (a) In 1st class cities, one full rest day of 24 consecutive hours during each 72 hours.
213.13(1)(b) (b) In 2nd and 3rd class cities, one full rest day of 24 consecutive hours during each 96 hours.
213.13(1)(c) (c) In 4th class cities, one full rest day of 24 consecutive hours during each 168 hours.
213.13(2) (2) The rest day requirements under sub. (1) do not apply in cases of positive necessity by some sudden and serious fire, accident or other peril, which, in the judgment of the chief engineer, or other officers in charge, demands that a day of rest not be given at that time, but arrangements shall be made so that each full rest day may be had at such time or times as will not impair the efficiency of the department.
213.13(3) (3) The provisions of this section shall not apply to cities having the 2 platoon or double shift.
213.13 History History: 1983 a. 242; 1997 a. 254.
213.15 213.15 Fire hose threads and fittings to be uniform. All fire hose fittings, apparatus fittings, 1.5 and 2.5 inches in diameter purchased or procured by a fire department or fire company shall be of the national standard hose thread as adopted by the national fire protection association. No fire department shall utilize hose and equipment not in conformance with the requirement that all threads shall be national standard hose thread as adopted by the National Fire Protection Association. Any person offering for sale nonstandard hose couplings, fittings or apparatus fittings may be fined not less than $100 nor more than $500.
213.15 History History: 1997 a. 254.
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