100.31(1)(c) (c) "Seller" means any person who trades in drugs for resale to purchasers in this state.
100.31(2) (2)Price discrimination prohibited. Every seller shall offer drugs from the list of therapeutically equivalent drugs published by the federal food and drug administration to every purchaser in this state, with all rights and privileges offered or accorded by the seller to the most favored purchaser, including purchase prices for similar volume purchases, rebates, free merchandise, samples and similar trade concessions. Nothing in this subsection prohibits the giving of a discount for volume purchases.
100.31(3) (3)Treble damages. Any purchaser damaged by violation of this section may bring an action against the seller to recover treble damages sustained by reason of such violation.
100.31(4) (4)Penalties. For any violation of this section, the department or a district attorney may commence an action on behalf of the state to recover a forfeiture of not less than $100 nor more than $10,000 for each offense. Each delivery of a drug sold to a purchaser at a price in violation of this section and each separate day in violation of an injunction issued under this section is a separate offense.
100.31(5) (5)Special remedies. The department or a district attorney may bring an action to enjoin a violation of this section without being compelled to allege or prove that an adequate remedy at law does not exist. An action under this subsection may be commenced and prosecuted by the department or a district attorney, in the name of the state, in a circuit court in the county where the offense occurred or in Dane County, notwithstanding s. 801.50.
100.31 History History: 1975 c. 168, 421, 422; 1983 a. 188, 189; 1993 a. 352.
100.31 Annotation State and local units of government are not "purchasers" under sub. (1), and sellers of drugs are not prohibited from offering or according to them pricing arrangements that are not made available to other purchasers. 65 Atty. Gen. 59.
100.31 Annotation "Most favored purchaser" under sub. (2) does not refer to purchasers outside Wisconsin. The constitutionality of this statute is upheld. K-S Pharmacies v. American Home Products, 962 F.2d 728 (1992).
100.33 100.33 Plastic container labeling.
100.33(1) (1)Definitions. In this section:
100.33(1)(a) (a) "Beverage" means any alcohol beverage, as defined in s. 125.02 (1), malt beverage, tea, bottled drinking water, as defined under s. 97.34 (1) (a), soda water beverage, as defined under s. 97.34 (1) (b), or fruit or vegetable juice or drink which is intended for human consumption.
100.33(1)(ad) (ad) "Blister pack" means a container in which an item has a covering of plastic film or preformed semirigid plastic and the covering is affixed to a rigid backing.
100.33(1)(ag) (ag) "Bottle" means a plastic container the neck of which is smaller than its body, with a screw-on or press-on lid.
100.33(1)(ar) (ar) "Labeling" means attaching information to or embossing or printing information on a plastic container.
100.33(1)(b) (b) "Material recovery" means the reuse, recycling, reclamation, composting or other recovery of useful materials from solid waste, with or without treatment.
100.33(1)(c) (c) "Plastic container" means an individual, separate, rigid plastic bottle, can, jar or carton, except for a blister pack, that is originally used to contain a product that is the subject of a retail sale, as defined under s. 100.30 (2) (h).
100.33(1)(d) (d) "Reclamation" means the treatment of solid waste and its return to productive use in a form or for a use that is different from its original form or use.
100.33(1)(e) (e) "Recycling" means the treatment of solid waste and its return to productive use in a form and for a use that is the same as or similar to the original form and use.
100.33(1)(f) (f) "Reuse" means the return of solid waste to productive use without treatment and without changing its form or use.
100.33(1)(g) (g) "Sales at retail" has the meaning given in s. 100.30 (2) (h).
100.33(1)(h) (h) "Sales at wholesale" has the meaning given in s. 100.30 (2) (i).
100.33(2) (2)Labeling rules required. The department shall promulgate rules establishing labeling requirements for plastic containers. The requirements shall be designed to provide information needed by operators of material recovery programs to facilitate the recycling, reclamation or reuse of plastic containers. The rules promulgated under this subsection shall permit a manufacturer of plastic containers and a person who places products in plastic containers to choose an appropriate method of labeling plastic containers. The department shall make an effort to develop rules which are consistent, to the greatest extent practicable, with national industry-wide plastic container coding systems. The rules shall exempt from the labeling requirements plastic containers that are readily identifiable because of their appearance.
100.33(3) (3)Prohibition.
100.33(3)(a)(a) Sale of plastic beverage bottles. On and after January 1, 1991, no person may sell or offer for sale at wholesale in this state a plastic beverage bottle with a capacity of 8 fluid ounces or more, or a beverage in such a plastic bottle, unless the bottle complies with the labeling requirements under sub. (2). On and after January 1, 1992, no person may sell or offer for sale at retail in this state a plastic beverage bottle with a capacity of 8 fluid ounces or more, or a beverage in such a plastic bottle, unless the bottle complies with the labeling requirements under sub. (2).
100.33(3)(b) (b) Sale of other plastic bottles.
100.33(3)(b)1.1. On and after January 1, 1991, no person may sell or offer for sale at wholesale in this state any plastic bottle with a capacity of 16 fluid ounces or more, or a product in such a plastic bottle, unless the bottle complies with the labeling requirements under sub. (2). On and after January 1, 1992, no person may sell or offer for sale at retail in this state any plastic bottle with a capacity of 16 fluid ounces or more, or a product in such a plastic bottle, unless the bottle complies with the labeling requirements under sub. (2).
100.33(3)(b)2. 2. On and after January 1, 1993, no person may sell or offer for sale at wholesale in this state any plastic bottle with a capacity of at least 8 fluid ounces but less than 16 fluid ounces, or a product in such a plastic bottle, unless the bottle complies with the labeling requirements under sub. (2). On and after January 1, 1994, no person may sell or offer for sale at retail in this state any plastic bottle with a capacity of at least 8 fluid ounces but less than 16 fluid ounces, or a product in such a plastic bottle, unless the bottle complies with the labeling requirements under sub. (2).
100.33(3)(b)3. 3. Subdivisions 1. and 2. do not apply to the sale or offer to sell of plastic beverage bottles or beverages in plastic bottles.
100.33(3)(c) (c) Sale of other plastic containers.
100.33(3)(c)1.1. On and after January 1, 1991, no person may sell or offer for sale at wholesale in this state any plastic container with a capacity of 16 fluid ounces or more, or a product in such a plastic container, unless the container complies with the labeling requirements under sub. (2). On and after January 1, 1992, no person may sell or offer for sale at retail in this state any plastic container with a capacity of 16 fluid ounces or more, or a product in such a plastic container, unless the container complies with the labeling requirements under sub. (2).
100.33(3)(c)2. 2. On and after January 1, 1992, no person may sell or offer for sale at wholesale in this state any plastic container with a capacity of at least 8 fluid ounces but less than 16 fluid ounces, or a product in such a plastic container, unless the container complies with the labeling requirements under sub. (2). On and after January 1, 1993, no person may sell or offer for sale at retail in this state any plastic container with a capacity of at least 8 fluid ounces but less than 16 fluid ounces, or a product in such a plastic container, unless the container complies with the labeling requirements under sub. (2).
100.33(3)(c)3. 3. Subdivisions 1. and 2. do not apply to the sale or offer to sell of any plastic bottles or any products in plastic bottles.
100.33(3m) (3m)Variances. Upon request, the department may grant a variance to a prohibition in sub. (3) for up to one year for a type of plastic container. The department may renew a variance. The department may only grant a variance if it is not technologically possible to label the plastic container.
100.33(4) (4)Penalty. Any person who violates sub. (3) shall forfeit not more than $500 for each violation. Each day of violation constitutes a separate offense.
100.33 History History: 1987 a. 293, 403; 1989 a. 31, 335.
100.33 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also s. ATCP 137.11, Wis. adm. code.
100.35 100.35 Furs to be labeled.
100.35(1)(1) No person shall sell or offer or display for sale any coat, jacket or other garment made wholly or partially of fur without having attached thereto and conspicuously displayed a tag or label bearing in plain print in English the species of fur or pelt used therein. This section shall not apply to such garments as are displayed or offered for sale or sold at a price of less than $50.
100.35(2) (2) Any person violating this section shall be punished as in s. 100.26 (1).
100.36 100.36 Frauds; substitute for butter; advertisement. No person may use the word "butter" in any way in connection or association with the sale or exposure for sale or advertisement of any substance designed to be used as a substitute for butter. No person may use terms such as "cream", "creamery" or "dairy", or the name or representation of any breed of dairy cattle, or any combination of such words and representation, or any other words or symbols or combinations thereof commonly used in the sale of butter unless at least 40% of the substitute is butterfat. If the term "butter" is used in connection with the name of any such product, it shall be qualified so as to distinguish it from butter as defined in s. 97.01 (1). Nothing in this section prohibits a person from using the term "light butter" or "lite butter" in the manner provided in s. 97.03 (3) (b).
100.36 History History: 1983 a. 189 s. 329 (20); 1991 a. 111.
100.37 100.37 Hazardous substances act.
100.37(1) (1) In this section:
100.37(1)(a) (a) "Corrosive" means any substance which in contact with living tissue will cause destruction of tissue by chemical action, but does not refer to action on inanimate surfaces.
100.37(1)(b) (b) "Extremely flammable" applies to any substance which has a flash point at or below 20 degrees Fahrenheit as determined by the Tagliabue open cup tester, and "flammable" applies to any substance which has a flash point of above 20 degrees to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, as determined by the Tagliabue open cup tester; "combustible" applies to any substance which has a flash point above 80 degrees Fahrenheit to 150 degrees as determined by the Tagliabue open cup tester, except that flammability or combustibility of solids and of the contents of self-pressurized containers shall be determined by methods as prescribed under the federal hazardous substances act (15 USC 1261 et seq) or found by the department to be generally applicable to such materials or containers, and established by rules adopted by the department, which shall also define "flammable", "combustible" and "extremely flammable" in accordance with such methods.
100.37(1)(c) (c) "Hazardous substance" means:
100.37(1)(c)1. 1. Any substance or mixture of substances, including a toy or other article intended for use by children, which is toxic, is corrosive, is an irritant, is a strong sensitizer, is flammable or combustible, or generates pressure through decomposition, heat or other means, if such substance or mixture of substances may cause substantial personal injury or substantial illness during or as a proximate result of any customary or reasonably foreseeable handling or use, including reasonably foreseeable ingestion by children.
100.37(1)(c)2. 2. Any substances which the department by rule finds, pursuant to sub. (2) (a), meet the requirements of subd. 1.
100.37(1)(c)2m. 2m. Any substance included under sub. (2) (e) 2.
100.37(1)(c)3. 3. Any radioactive substance, if, with respect to such substance as used in a particular class of article or as packaged, the department determines by rule that the substance is sufficiently hazardous to require labeling in accordance with this section in order to protect the public health.
100.37(1)(c)4. 4. Any toy or other article intended for use by children which the department by rule determines in accordance with this section to present an electrical, mechanical or thermal hazard or to contain a toxic substance either in or on the toy or other article.
100.37(1)(c)5. 5. Except as otherwise provided in this section, "hazardous substance" does not apply to pesticides subject to ss. 94.67 to 94.71, to foods, drugs and cosmetics, to bullets or other ammunition, or gun powder for reloading ammunition, nor to substances intended for use as fuels when stored in containers and used in the heating, cooking or refrigeration system of a house, nor does it include any source material, special nuclear material or by-product material as defined in the atomic energy act of 1954, as amended, and regulations of the nuclear regulatory commission under such act.
100.37(1)(d) (d) "Highly toxic" means any substance which falls within any of the following categories: Produces death within 14 days in half or more of a group of 10 or more laboratory white rats each weighing between 200 and 300 grams, at a single dose of 50 milligrams or less per kilogram of body weight, when orally administered; or produces death within 14 days in half or more of a group of 10 or more laboratory white rats each weighing between 200 and 300 grams, when inhaled continuously for a period of one hour or less at an atmosphere concentration of 200 parts per million by volume or less of gas or vapor or 2 milligrams per liter by volume or less of mist or dust, provided such concentration is likely to be encountered by persons when the substance is used in any reasonably foreseeable manner; or produces death within 14 days in half or more of a group of 10 or more rabbits tested in a dosage of 200 milligrams or less per kilogram of body weight, when administered by continuous contact with the bare skin for 24 hours or less. If the department finds that available data on human experience with any substance indicate results different from those obtained on animals in the above named dosages or concentrations, the human data shall take precedence.
100.37(1)(e) (e) "Immediate container" does not include package liners.
100.37(1)(f) (f) "Irritant" means any substance not corrosive which on immediate, prolonged or repeated contact with normal living tissue will induce a local inflammatory reaction.
100.37(1)(g) (g) "Label" means a display of written, printed or graphic matter upon the immediate container of any substance or upon an article or tag attached thereto in the case of unpackaged articles; and a requirement made by or under authority of this section that any word, statement or other information appear on the label shall not be considered to be complied with unless such word, statement or other information also appears on the outside container or wrapper, if there is any, unless it is easily legible through the outside container or wrapper, and on all accompanying literature where there are directions for use, written or otherwise.
100.37(1)(h) (h) "Misbranded package" or "misbranded package of a hazardous substance" means a hazardous substance in a container intended or suitable for household use, and includes a toy or other article intended for use by children whether or not in package form, which, except as otherwise provided under sub. (2), fails to bear a label:
100.37(1)(h)1. 1. Which states conspicuously the name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer, distributor or seller; the common or usual name, or the chemical name if there is no common or usual name, of the hazardous substance or of each component which contributes substantially to its hazard, unless the department by rule permits or requires the use of a recognized generic name; the signal word "DANGER" on substances which are extremely flammable, corrosive or highly toxic; the signal word "WARNING" or "CAUTION" on all other hazardous substances; an affirmative statement of the principal hazards, such as "Flammable", "Combustible", "Vapor harmful", "Causes burns", "Absorbed through skin" or similar wording descriptive of the hazard; precautionary measures describing the action to be followed or avoided, except when modified by rule of the department pursuant to sub. (2); instruction, when necessary or appropriate, for first-aid treatment; the word "poison" for any hazardous substance which is highly toxic; instructions for handling and storage of packages which require special care in handling or storage; and the statement "Keep out of the reach of children", or its practical equivalent or, if the article is intended for use by children and is not a banned hazardous substance, adequate directions for the protection of children from the hazard; and
100.37(1)(h)2. 2. On which any statements required under subd. 1. are located prominently and are in the English language in conspicuous and legible type in contrast by typography, layout or color with other printed matter on the label.
100.37(1)(hm) (hm) "Practitioner" has the meaning given in s. 961.01 (19).
100.37(1)(i) (i) "Radioactive substance" means a substance which emits ionizing radiation.
100.37(1)(j) (j) "Strong sensitizer" means a substance which will cause on normal living tissue, through an allergic or photodynamic process, a hypersensitivity which becomes evident on reapplication of the same substances and which is designated as such by the department. Before designating any substance as a strong sensitizer, the department, upon consideration of the frequency of occurrence and severity of the reaction, shall find that the substance has a significant potential for causing hypersensitivity.
100.37(1)(k) (k) "Toxic" applies to any substance, other than a radioactive substance, which has the capacity to produce personal injury or illness to persons through ingestion, inhalation, or absorption through any body surface.
100.37(1m) (1m)
100.37(1m)(a)(a) An article may be determined to present an electrical hazard if, in normal use or when subjected to reasonably foreseeable damage or abuse, its design or manufacture may cause personal injury or illness by electric shock.
100.37(1m)(b) (b) An article may be determined to present a mechanical hazard if, in normal use or when subjected to reasonably foreseeable damage or abuse, its design or manufacture presents an unreasonable risk of personal injury or illness from any of the following:
100.37(1m)(b)1. 1. Fracture, fragmentation or disassembly of the article.
100.37(1m)(b)2. 2. Propulsion of the article, or any part or accessory of the article.
100.37(1m)(b)3. 3. Points or other protrusions, surfaces, edges, openings or closures.
100.37(1m)(b)4. 4. Moving parts.
100.37(1m)(b)5. 5. Lack or insufficiency of controls to reduce or stop motion.
100.37(1m)(b)6. 6. Self-adhering characteristics of the article.
100.37(1m)(b)7. 7. Aspiration or ingestion of the article, or any part or accessory of the article.
100.37(1m)(b)8. 8. Instability of the article.
100.37(1m)(b)9. 9. Any other aspect of the article's design or manufacture including the capability of producing sounds at a level of 138 decibels or higher.
100.37(1m)(c) (c) An article may be determined to present a thermal hazard if, in normal use or when subjected to reasonably foreseeable damage or abuse, its design or manufacture presents an unreasonable risk of personal injury or illness because of heat as from heated parts, substances or surfaces.
100.37(2) (2)
100.37(2)(a)(a) Whenever in the judgment of the department such action will promote the objectives of this section by avoiding or resolving uncertainty as to its application, the department may by rule declare to be a hazardous substance, for the purposes of this section, any substance or mixture of substances which it finds meets the requirements of sub. (1) (c) 1.
100.37(2)(b) (b) If the department finds that the requirements of this section are not adequate for the protection of the public health and safety in view of the special hazards presented by any particular hazardous substance, it may by rule establish such reasonable variations or additional requirements as it finds necessary for the protection of the public health and safety.
100.37(2)(c) (c) If the department finds that, because of the size of the package involved or because of the minor hazard presented by the substance contained therein, or for other good and sufficient reasons, full compliance with the labeling requirements otherwise applicable under this section is impracticable or is not necessary for the adequate protection of the public health and safety, it may exempt such substances from these requirements to the extent it determines to be consistent with adequate protection of the public health and safety.
100.37(2)(d) (d) The department may by rule prohibit the sale of a hazardous substance if it finds that notwithstanding cautionary labeling that is or may be required the degree or nature of the hazard involved in the presence or use of such substance is such that the public health and safety can only be protected by keeping such substance out of the channels of commerce in this state.
100.37(2)(e)1.1. The department may summarily ban the sale or distribution of any hazardous substance or article if it finds that the hazard to public health or safety is so great that such hazard should not be permitted to continue. The department shall follow the procedure specified in s. 93.18 (3).
100.37(2)(e)2. 2. In addition to subd. 1. and except as provided in subd. 3., all of the following are hazardous substances, possess such a degree of hazard that adequate cautionary labeling cannot be written and may not be sold or distributed:
100.37(2)(e)2.a. a. Propyl nitrite, isopropyl nitrite and mixtures containing propyl nitrite or isopropyl nitrite.
100.37(2)(e)2.b. b. The nitrous acid esters of all alcohols having the formula of 5 carbon atoms, 12 hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom including 1-pentyl nitrite, 2-pentyl nitrite, 3-pentyl nitrite, 2-methyl-1-butyl nitrite, 3-methyl-1-butyl nitrite (also known as isoamyl nitrite or isopentyl nitrite), 2-methyl-2-butyl nitrite (also known as tertiary pentyl nitrite), 3-methyl-2-butyl nitrite, 2, 2-dimethylpropyl nitrite (also known as neopentyl nitrite) and mixtures containing more than 5% of 1-pentyl nitrite, 2-pentyl nitrite, 3-pentyl nitrite, 2-methyl-1-butyl nitrite, 3-methyl-1-butyl nitrite, 2-methyl-2-butyl nitrite, 3-methyl-2-butyl nitrite or 2, 2-dimethyl nitrite.
100.37(2)(e)2.c. c. Ethyl chloride and ethyl nitrite.
100.37(2)(e)2.d. d. Any toy containing elemental mercury.
100.37(2)(e)3. 3. Subdivisions 1. and 2. do not apply to the sale or distribution of isoamyl nitrite (3-methyl-1-butyl nitrite) or ethyl chloride as prescription drugs obtained from, or pursuant to a valid prescription or order of, a practitioner while acting in the course of professional practice.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2005. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?