100.37(2)(f) (f) The department may by rule prescribe the methods of sale of hazardous substances, including but not limited to glues, cements and hobby kit fuels, and may regulate the manner of display and restrict access by the general public to hazardous substances.
100.37(2)(g) (g) The department may by rule prescribe package safety standards, including type of package material and safety closures for hazardous substances and pesticides, and may prohibit the sale of noncomplying or defective packages.
100.37(2)(h) (h) The department may by rule limit or ban the use of any ingredient or combination of ingredients in any hazardous substance if it finds such action necessary to adequately protect the public health and safety.
100.37(3) (3) The following acts and the causing thereof are prohibited:
100.37(3)(a) (a) The sale, or offering or exposing for sale of any misbranded package of a hazardous substance.
100.37(3)(b) (b) The alteration, mutilation, destruction, obliteration or removal of the whole or any part of the label of, or the doing of any other act with respect to, a hazardous substance, if such act is done while the substance is held for sale, and results in the hazardous substance being in a misbranded package.
100.37(3)(c) (c) The sale, or offering or exposing for sale of a hazardous substance in a reused food, drug or cosmetic container or in a container which, though not a reused container, is identifiable as a food, drug or cosmetic container by its labeling or by other identification. The reuse of a food, drug or cosmetic container as a container for a hazardous substance shall be deemed to be an act which results in the hazardous substance being in a misbranded package.
100.37(3)(d) (d) The sale or offering for sale of any hazardous substance contrary to this section or to any rule or order of the department issued under this section.
100.37(3)(e) (e) The sale or offering for sale, in violation of this section, of any article or substance which is a hazardous substance within the meaning of this section or the federal hazardous substances act (15 USC 1261 et seq).
100.37(4) (4) The department may apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for a temporary or permanent injunction restraining any person from violating sub. (3); irrespective of whether or not there exists an adequate remedy at law.
100.37(5) (5) If the department has reasonable cause to believe that any substance is in violation of this section or poses an imminent hazard to public health or safety, it may deliver to the owner or custodian thereof an order prohibiting the sale or movement of such substance until an analysis or examination has been completed. Such holding order is not effective for more than 14 days from the time of delivery thereof. The substance described in any such holding order may not be sold or moved for any purpose without the approval of the department. If the department, after analysis or examination, determines that the substance described in such order is not in violation of this section, it shall promptly notify the owner or custodian thereof and such notice shall terminate the holding order. If the analysis or examination shows that the substance is in violation of this section, the owner or custodian thereof shall be so notified in writing within the effective time of the holding order. Upon receipt of such notice the owner or custodian may dispose of the substance only as authorized by the department. The owner or custodian of the substance or article may within 10 days of receipt of such notice petition for a hearing as provided in s. 93.18.
100.37(6) (6) Nothing in this section shall affect the application of any law of this state specifically regulating any substance regulated by this section.
100.37(7) (7) Any manufacturer, distributor or retailer of a misbranded or banned package containing a hazardous substance shall, on demand of any person purchasing such products from it, if the package is misbranded at the time of sale or banned, repurchase such product and refund the full purchase price thereof to the purchaser making the demand for refund. If the purchaser is required to return the product to the manufacturer, distributor or retailer as a condition to the repurchase and refund, the purchaser shall be reimbursed for any reasonable and necessary charges incurred in its return.
100.37(8) (8) Whoever violates this section may be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned not more than one year in the county jail or both.
100.37 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also ch. ATCP 139, Wis. adm. code.
100.37 Annotation Federal preemption—The consumer product safety act of 1976 and its effect on Wisconsin law. 1977 WLR 813.
100.38 100.38 Antifreeze.
100.38(1)(1)Definition. "Antifreeze" includes all substances intended for use as the cooling medium, or to be added to the cooling liquid, in the cooling system of internal combustion engines in order to prevent freezing of the cooling liquid, or to lower its freezing point.
100.38(2) (2)Adulteration. An antifreeze is adulterated if:
100.38(2)(a) (a) It consists in whole or in part of any substance which will render it injurious to the cooling system of an internal combustion engine; or
100.38(2)(b) (b) It will make the operation of an engine dangerous to the user; or
100.38(2)(c) (c) Its strength, quality or purity falls below the standards represented.
100.38(3) (3)Misbranding. An antifreeze shall be deemed to be misbranded if:
100.38(3)(a) (a) Its labeling is false or misleading in any particular; or
100.38(3)(b) (b) When in package form it does not bear a label containing the name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer, seller or distributor, together with an accurate statement of the quantity of the content in terms of weight and measure on the outside of the package; or
100.38(3)(c) (c) It does not bear a statement warning of any hazard of substantial injury to human beings which may result from the intended use or reasonably foreseeable misuse of the antifreeze, and which complies with the requirements of s. 100.37.
100.38(5) (5)Inspection. The department shall enforce this section by inspection, chemical analyses or any other appropriate method and the department may promulgate such rules as are necessary to effectively enforce this section.
100.38(6) (6)Enforcement. It is unlawful to sell any antifreeze which is adulterated or misbranded. In addition to the penalties provided under sub. (7), the department may bring an action to enjoin violations of this section.
100.38(7) (7)Penalty. Any person violating this section may be fined not less than $50 or not more than $500 for each offense.
100.38 History History: 1971 c. 40 s. 93; 1979 c. 89, 342.
100.38 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also ch. ATCP 139, Wis. adm. code.
100.41 100.41 Flammable fabrics.
100.41(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
100.41(1)(a) (a) "Article of wearing apparel" means any costume or article of clothing worn or designed to be worn by individuals.
100.41(1)(b) (b) "Clear and present hazard" means a hazard found by the department to constitute a demonstrable danger to human safety, life or property.
100.41(1)(c) (c) "Fabric" means any material woven, knitted, felted or otherwise produced from or in combination with any natural or synthetic fiber, film or substitute therefor which is manufactured or designed for use and may reasonably be expected to be used in any product or to cover any product.
100.41(1)(d) (d) "Federal act" means the federal flammable fabrics act, 15 USC 1191 et seq.
100.41(1)(e) (e) "Furnishing" means any type of furnishing made in whole or in part of fabric or related material and which is manufactured or designed for use and may reasonably be expected to be used in or around homes, offices or other places of assembly or accommodation.
100.41(1)(f) (f) "Product" means any article of wearing apparel, fabric or furnishing, including tents, awnings and knapsacks.
100.41(1)(g) (g) "Related material" means paper, plastic, rubber, synthetic film or synthetic foam which is manufactured or designed for use or which may reasonably be expected to be used in or on any product.
100.41(2) (2)Standards of flammability. The department may by rule prescribe standards of flammability that have been promulgated pursuant to the federal act.
100.41(3) (3)Prohibited acts. No person may manufacture for sale, sell or offer for sale in this state any furnishing, product, fabric or related material in violation of this section or of any standards or rules adopted by the department under this section, or which fails to conform with applicable standards under the federal act.
100.41(4) (4)Rules. In addition to standards of flammability, the department may by rule prescribe labeling requirements that have been established by rules promulgated pursuant to the federal act, and may ban the sale of any product or material if it finds that its flammability is such as to constitute a clear and present hazard to personal safety or property.
100.41(5) (5)Removal from sale. The department may summarily ban the sale or distribution of any furnishing, fabric, product or related material if it finds that the hazard of flammability is so great that such hazard should not be permitted to continue prior to the time a hearing can be held. The department shall follow the procedure specified in s. 93.18 (3).
100.41 History History: 1975 c. 117.
100.42 100.42 Product safety.
100.42(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
100.42(1)(a) (a) "Aircraft" has the meaning given under s. 114.002 (3).
100.42(1)(b) (b) "Boat" has the meaning given under s. 30.50 (2).
100.42(1)(c) (c) "Consumer product" means any article, or component part thereof, produced or distributed for sale, or sold to consumers for personal use, consumption or enjoyment in or around the home, or for recreational or other purposes; but does not include bullets or other ammunition, or gun powder for reloading ammunition, motor vehicles or motor vehicle equipment, aircraft or aircraft equipment, boats or marine equipment, pesticides, hazardous substances, food and drugs, including animal feeds and drugs, or other products to the extent that they are regulated under other state or federal laws, or the state is specifically preempted from further regulation under federal law.
100.42(1)(d) (d) "Drug" has the meaning given under s. 450.01 (10).
100.42(1)(e) (e) "Federal act" means the federal consumer product safety act, 15 USC 2051 et seq.
100.42(1)(f) (f) "Food" has the meaning given under s. 97.01 (6).
100.42(1)(g) (g) "Labeling" means all labels and other written, printed or graphic matter on or attached to or accompanying any consumer product.
100.42(1)(h) (h) "Motor vehicle" has the meaning given under s. 340.01 (35).
100.42(1)(i) (i) "Pesticide" has the meaning given under s. 94.67 (25).
100.42(2) (2)Safety standards. The department may by rule adopt consumer product safety standards that have been promulgated pursuant to the federal act.
100.42(3) (3)Removal from sale: repair or replacement.
100.42(3)(a)(a) The department may summarily ban the sale of any consumer product manufactured, sold or distributed in violation of this section or any rule adopted under this section, or which presents an unreasonable risk of injury or imminent hazard to the public health, welfare and safety. Any such product may be summarily banned notwithstanding the existence of applicable safety standards or action taken toward the development or adoption of a standard. The department shall follow the procedure specified in s. 93.18 (3).
100.42(3)(b) (b) If the department determines that a product presents a substantial hazard or risk of injury, the department may, after notice and opportunity for hearing under s. 93.18, order the manufacturer, distributor or retailer of such product:
100.42(3)(b)1. 1. To bring such product into compliance with requirements of applicable consumer product safety standards, to recall such product or to repair any defects in products which have been sold;
100.42(3)(b)2. 2. To replace such product with a like or equivalent product which complies with applicable consumer product safety standards or which does not contain the defect; or
100.42(3)(b)3. 3. To refund the purchase price of the product.
100.42(4) (4)Prohibited acts; enforcement. No person may manufacture, sell or distribute for sale any consumer product which is not in compliance with applicable consumer product safety standards under the federal act or rules of the department, or which has been banned as a hazardous product or ordered from sale by the department. No person may fail or refuse to comply with an order under sub. (3) (b) or any other rule or order under this section. In addition to other penalties and enforcement procedures, the department may apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for a temporary or permanent injunction restraining any person from violating this section or rules adopted under this section.
100.42(5) (5)Exemptions. Except with respect to a consumer product which is the subject of a temporary or permanent injunction or an order of the department banning its manufacture, sale or distribution, sub. (4) does not apply to any person who holds a certificate issued in accordance with section 14 (a) of the federal act to the effect that such consumer product conforms to all applicable consumer product safety standards under such act, unless such person knows that such consumer product does not conform; or to any person who relies in good faith on the representation of the manufacturer or distributor of such product that the product is not subject to an applicable safety standard under the federal act.
100.42 Annotation Federal preemption—The consumer product safety act of 1976 and its effect on Wisconsin law. 1977 WLR 813.
100.42 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also ch. ATCP 139, Wis. adm. code.
100.43 100.43 Packaging standards; poison prevention.
100.43(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
100.43(1)(a) (a) "Cosmetic" means articles other than soap, applied to the human body or any part thereof for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance, or any component of any such article.
100.43(1)(b) (b) "Drug" has the meaning given under s. 450.01 (10), and includes animal drugs.
100.43(1)(c) (c) "Federal act" means the federal poison prevention packaging act, 15 USC 1471 et seq.
100.43(1)(d) (d) "Food" has the meaning given under s. 97.01 (6), and includes animal feeds.
100.43(1)(e) (e) "Hazardous substance" has the meaning given under s. 100.37 (1) (c).
100.43(1)(f) (f) "Household substance" means any substance customarily produced, distributed for sale, or sold to individuals for consumption or use in or about the household, or which is customarily kept or stored by individuals in or about the household, and which is a hazardous substance, a pesticide, a food, drug or cosmetic, or a substance intended for use as fuel when stored in a portable container and used in the heating, cooking, or refrigeration system of a house.
100.43(1)(g) (g) "Labeling" means all labels and other written, printed, or graphic matter upon any household substance or its package, or accompanying such substance.
100.43(1)(h) (h) "Package" means the immediate container or wrapping in which any household substance is contained for consumption, use or storage by individuals in or about the household and, for purposes of labeling conventional packaging under sub. (3), includes any outer container or wrapping used for retail display of any such substance to consumers. The term does not apply to shipping containers or wrappings used solely for the transportation of household substances in bulk or quantity to manufacturers, packers, or processors, or to wholesale or retail distributors thereof, or to containers or wrappings used by retailers to ship or deliver household substances to consumers, unless they are the only containers or wrappings used to ship or deliver the household substance to the consumer.
100.43(1)(i) (i) "Pesticide" has the meaning given under s. 94.67 (25).
100.43(1)(j) (j) "Special packaging" means packaging designed or constructed to make it significantly difficult for children under 5 years of age to open or obtain a toxic or harmful amount of the household substance contained therein within a reasonable time, but which may be readily opened by normal adults.
100.43(2) (2)Packaging standards. The department may by rule adopt special packaging standards that have been promulgated pursuant to the federal act.
100.43(3) (3)Conventional packaging exemptions.
100.43(3)(a)(a) The manufacturer or packer of a household substance subject to special packaging standards may, as necessary to make such substance available to elderly or handicapped persons unable to use such substances when packaged in compliance with such standards, package any household substances subject to such standards in conventional packaging of a single size which does not comply with such standard if:
100.43(3)(a)1. 1. The manufacturer or packer also supplies such substance in packages which comply with applicable standards; and
100.43(3)(a)2. 2. The packages bear conspicuous labeling stating: "This package for households without young children", or such other statement as may be prescribed under applicable standards.
100.43(3)(b) (b) If it is determined that a household substance packaged in noncomplying package is not also being supplied by the manufacturer or packer in popular size packages which comply with special packaging standards, the department may by special order require the manufacturer or packer of such substance to package it exclusively in special packaging complying with applicable standards.
100.43(3)(c) (c) A household substance, subject to special packaging standards, which is dispensed pursuant to a prescription of a physician, dentist, or other licensed medical practitioner may be sold in conventional or noncomplying packages when directed in such prescription or requested by the purchaser.
100.43(4) (4)Prohibited acts; enforcement.
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