(i) "Sophisticated system" means a basic system with automatic location identification and automatic number identification.
(k) "Transfer method" means a telecommunications system which receives telephone requests for emergency services and transfers such requests directly to an appropriate public safety agency or other provider of emergency services.
(2)Emergency phone system.
(a) Every public agency may establish and maintain within its respective jurisdiction a basic or sophisticated system under this section. Such a system shall be in a central location.
(b) Every basic or sophisticated system established under this section shall be capable of transmitting requests for law enforcement, fire fighting and emergency medical and ambulance services to the public safety agencies providing such services. Such system may provide for transmittal of requests for poison control to the appropriate regional poison control center under s. 146.57, suicide prevention and civil defense services and may be capable of transmitting requests to ambulance services provided by private corporations. If any agency of the state which provides law enforcement, fire fighting, emergency medical or ambulance services is located within the boundaries of a basic or sophisticated system established under this section, such system shall be capable of transmitting requests for the services of such agency to the agency.
(c) The digits "911" shall be the primary emergency telephone number within every basic or sophisticated system established under this section. A public agency or public safety agency located within the boundaries of a basic or sophisticated system established under this section shall maintain a separate 7-digit phone number for nonemergency telephone calls. Every such agency may maintain separate secondary 7-digit back-up numbers.
(d) Public agencies, including agencies with different territorial boundaries, may combine to establish a basic or sophisticated system established under this section.
(e) If a public agency or group of public agencies combined to establish an emergency phone system under par. (d) has a population of 250,000 or more, such agency or group of agencies shall establish a sophisticated system.
(f) Every basic or sophisticated system established under this section shall utilize the direct dispatch method, the relay method or the transfer method.
(g) Every telecommunications utility providing coin-operated telephones for public use within the boundaries of a basic or sophisticated system established under this section shall convert, by December 31, 1987, all such telephones to telephones which enable a user to reach "911" without inserting a coin. Any coin-operated telephone installed by a telecommunications utility after December 31, 1987, in an agency which has established an emergency phone system under this section shall enable a user to reach "911" without inserting a coin.
(h) A commercial mobile radio service provider shall permit a user of the provider to access a basic or sophisticated system if the provider operates within the boundaries of a system.
(i) If a user reaches a basic or sophisticated system through a commercial mobile radio service provider and the service requested is to be provided outside of the jurisdiction served by the system, the public agency operating the system shall transfer the request for services to the appropriate jurisdiction.
(3)Funding for countywide systems.
(a) Definitions. In this subsection:
1. "Commission" means the public service commission.
2. "Costs" means the costs incurred by a service supplier after August 1, 1987, in installing and maintaining the trunking and central office equipment used only to operate a basic or sophisticated system and the database used only to operate a sophisticated system.
3. "Service supplier" means a telecommunications utility which provides exchange telephone service within a county.
4. "Service user" means any person who is provided telephone service by a service supplier which includes access to a basic or sophisticated system.
(b) Charge authorized. A county by ordinance may levy a charge on all service users in the county to finance the costs related to the establishment of a basic or sophisticated system in that county under sub. (2) if:
1. The county has adopted by ordinance a plan for that system.
2. Every service user in that county has access to a system.
3. The county has entered into a contract with each service supplier in the county for the establishment of that system to the extent that each service supplier is capable of providing that system on a reasonable economic basis on the effective date of the contract and that contract includes all of the following:
a. The amount of nonrecurring charges service users in the county will pay for all nonrecurring services related to providing the trunking and central office equipment used only to operate a basic or sophisticated system established in that county and the database used only to operate that sophisticated system.
b. The amount of recurring charges service users in the county will pay for all recurring services related to the maintenance and operation of a basic or sophisticated system established in that county.
c. Every provision of any applicable schedule which the service supplier has filed with the commission under s. 196.19 or 196.20, which is in effect on the date the county signs the contract and which is related to the provision of service for a basic or sophisticated system.
4. The charge is calculated, under a schedule filed under s. 196.19 or 196.20, by dividing the costs related to establishing a basic or sophisticated system in that county by the total number of exchange access lines, or their equivalents, which are in the county and which are capable of accessing that system.
5. The charge is billed to service users in the county in a service supplier's regular billing to those service users.
6. Every public safety answering point in the system is in constant operation.
7. Every public safety agency in the county maintains a telephone number in addition to "911".
8. The sum of the charges under subd. 3. a. and b. does not exceed any of the following:
a. Twenty-five cents each month for each exchange access line or its equivalent in the county if the county has a population of 500,000 or more.
b. One dollar each month for each exchange access line or its equivalent if the county has a population of less than 500,000 and the county is recovering charges under subd. 3. a.
c. Forty cents each month for each exchange access line or its equivalent if the county has a population of less than 500,000 and the county is not recovering charges under subd. 3. a.
(c) If 2 or more counties combine under sub. (2) (b) to establish a basic or sophisticated system, they may levy a charge under par. (b) if every one of those counties adopts the same ordinance, as required under par. (b).
(d) Charges under par. (b) 3. a. may be recovered in rates assessed over a period not to exceed 36 months.
(e) If a county has more than one service supplier, the service suppliers in that county jointly shall determine the method by which each service supplier will be compensated for its costs in that county.
1. Except as provided under subd. 2., a service supplier which has signed a contract with a county under par. (b) 3. may apply to the commission for authority to impose a surcharge on its service users who reside outside of that county and who have access to the basic or sophisticated system established by that county.
2. A service supplier may not impose a surcharge under subd. 1. on any service user who resides in any governmental unit which has levied a property tax or other charge for a basic or sophisticated system, except that if the service user has access to a basic or sophisticated system provided by the service supplier, the service supplier may impose a surcharge under subd. 1. for the recurring services related to the maintenance and operation of that system.
3. The surcharge under subd. 1. shall be equal to the charge levied under par. (b) by that county on service users in that county. A contract under par. (b) 3. may be conditioned upon the commission's approval of such a surcharge. The commission's approval under this paragraph may be granted without a hearing.
(g) No service supplier may bill any service user for a charge levied by a county under par. (b) unless the service supplier is actually participating in the countywide operation of a basic or sophisticated system in that county.
(h) Every service user subject to and billed for a charge under this subsection is liable for that charge until the service user pays the charge to the service supplier.
(i) Any rate schedule filed under s. 196.19 or 196.20 under which a service supplier collects a charge under this subsection shall include the condition that the contract which established the charge under par. (b) 3. is compensatory and shall include any other condition and procedure required by the commission in the public interest. Within 20 days after that contract or an amendment to that contract has been executed, the service supplier which is a party to the contract shall submit the contract to the commission. The commission may disapprove the contract or an amendment to the contract if the commission determines within 60 days after the contract is received that the contract is not compensatory, is excessive or does not comply with that rate schedule. The commission shall give notice to any person, upon request, that such a contract has been received by the commission. The notice shall identify the service supplier and the county that have entered into the contract.
(j) A service supplier providing telephone service in a county, upon request of that county, shall provide the county information on its capability and an estimate of its costs to install and maintain trunking and central office equipment to operate a basic or sophisticated system in that county and the database required to operate a sophisticated system.
(3m)Wireless providers.
(a) Definitions. In this subsection:
1. "Commercial mobile radio service provider" has the meaning given in s. 196.01 (2g).
2. "Commission" means the public service commission.
3. "Federal wireless orders" means the orders of the federal communications commission regarding 911 emergency services for wireless telephone users in FCC docket no. 94-102.
4. "Local government" means a city, village, town, or county, or an entity formed by a contract under s. 66.0301 (2) by a city, village, town, or county.
5. "Reimbursement period" means the period beginning on September 3, 2003, and ending on the last day of the 3-year period beginning on the first day of the 2nd month beginning after the effective date of the rules promulgated under par. (f) 1.
6. "Wireless provider" means a commercial mobile radio service provider that is subject to the federal wireless orders.
7. "Wireless public safety answering point" means a facility to which a person dialing the digits "911" on a wireless provider's system is initially routed for response, and on which a public agency directly dispatches the appropriate emergency service provider, relays a message to the appropriate emergency service provider, transfers the call to the appropriate emergency services provider, or relays a message or transfers the call to a local government emergency call center that dispatches the appropriate emergency services provider.
(am) Designated public safety answering points. A wireless public safety answering point shall be a designated public safety answering point for the purpose of implementing the federal wireless orders only if the wireless public safety answering point is identified in a resolution adopted under par. (c) 3. or 6.
(b) Grant applications; wireless providers.
1. Except as provided in subd. 2. and par. (d) 1e., a wireless provider may not receive a grant under par. (d) unless, no later than the first day of the 3rd month beginning after the effective date of the rules promulgated under par. (d) 4., the wireless provider applies to the commission with an estimate, and supporting documentation, of the costs that it has incurred, or will incur, during the reimbursement period to upgrade, purchase, lease, program, install, test, operate, or maintain all data, hardware, and software necessary to comply with the federal wireless orders in this state. The estimate may not include, and a wireless provider may not seek reimbursement for, any such costs that the wireless provider recovers or has recovered from customers in this state during or before the reimbursement period for the implementation of wireless 911 emergency service in this state.
2. A wireless provider that does not provide service to customers in this state prior to September 3, 2003, may make an application under subd. 1. after the date specified in subd. 1. pursuant to rules promulgated by the commission under par. (d) 4.
(c) Grant applications; local governments.
1. Except as provided in par. (d) 1e., a local government that operates a wireless public safety answering point, or local governments that jointly operate a wireless public safety answering point, may not receive a grant under par. (d) unless the requirements under subds. 3. to 5. are satisfied and, no later than the first day of the 3rd month beginning after the effective date of the rules promulgated under par. (d) 4., every county that itself is one of the local governments or in which any of the local governments is located applies to the commission with an estimate, and supporting documentation, of the costs specified in subd. 1r. and the costs that the local government or local governments have directly and primarily incurred, or will directly and primarily incur, during the reimbursement period for leasing, purchasing, operating, or maintaining the wireless public safety answering point, including costs for all of the following:
a. Necessary network equipment, computer hardware and software, database equipment, and radio and telephone equipment, that are located within the wireless public safety answering point.
b. Training operators of a wireless public safety answering point.
c. Network costs for delivery of calls from a wireless provider to a wireless public safety answering point.
d. Collection and maintenance of data used by the wireless public safety answering point, including data to identify a caller and the location of a caller.
e. Relaying messages regarding wireless emergency 911 telephone calls via data communications from the wireless public safety answering point to local government emergency call centers in operation before June 1, 2003, that dispatch the appropriate emergency service providers, but only if the rules promulgated under par. (d) 4. allow for reimbursement of such costs.
1m. The estimate under subd. 1. may not include, and a local government may not seek reimbursement for, any costs described in subd. 1. that the local government recovers in the form of a gift or grant received by the local government for the purposes described in subd. 1.
1r. An application under subd. 1. may include an estimate of costs directly and primarily incurred by the local government or local governments between January 1, 1999, and September 3, 2003, for any of the costs identified in subd. 1. a. and d.
2. If an application under subd. 1. is for the joint operation of a wireless public safety answering point by local governments, the application shall specify the manner in which the estimated costs are apportioned among the local governments.
3. A local government that operates a wireless public safety answering point, or local governments that jointly operate a wireless public safety answering point, are not eligible for grants under par. (d) unless, no later than the first day of the 3rd month beginning after the effective date of the rules promulgated under par. (d) 4., every county that itself is one of the local governments or in which any of the local governments is located has passed a resolution specifying that the wireless public safety answering point is eligible for the grants. Except as provided in subd. 4., only one wireless public safety answering point in each county is eligible for local governments to receive grants under par. (d).
4. If a county or local government in a county jointly operates a wireless public safety answering point with another county or local government in another county, the resolution passed by each county under subd. 3. shall specify the same wireless public safety answering point, and the counties shall submit a joint application under subd. 1. that complies with the requirement under subd. 2. In each county that submits a joint application, only the wireless public safety answering point specified in the resolutions is eligible for local governments to receive grants under par. (d).
5. Except as provided in subd. 6. a., a local government that operates, or local governments that jointly operate, a wireless public safety answering point are not eligible for grants under par. (d) unless the wireless public safety answering point serves the entire geographic area of all of the following:
a. For each local government that is not a county, each county in which the local government is located.
b. For each local government that is a county, the county itself.
a. A local government is not required to serve, with its wireless public safety answering point, the area of a city, village, or town that, by resolution, states its intention to establish a wireless public safety answering point separate from the wireless public safety answering point specified in a resolution under subd. 3. passed by the county in which the city, village, or town is located. A city, village, or town that adopts a resolution under this subd. 6. a. shall ensure that its entire geographic area is served by another wireless public safety answering point.
b. A city, village, or town that adopts a resolution under subd. 6. a. is not required to receive wireless 911 emergency service from the wireless public safety answering point specified in a resolution under subd. 3. passed by the county in which the city, village, or town is located. A city, village, or town that rescinds a resolution adopted under subd. 6. a. is required to receive wireless 911 emergency service from the wireless public safety answering point specified in a resolution under subd. 3. passed by the county in which the city, village, or town located, unless the city, village, or town subsequently adopts a new resolution under subd. 6. a.
c. A city, village, or town that adopts a resolution under subd. 6. a. shall submit a copy of the resolution to the county in which it is located and to the commission.
(d) Grants; commission approval and rules.
1. The commission shall approve an application under par. (b) or (c) if the commission determines that the costs estimated in the application are reasonable and have been, or will be, incurred for the purpose of promoting a cost-effective and efficient statewide system for responding to wireless emergency 911 telephone calls and, for an application under par. (c), if the requirements under subd. 1g. are satisfied.
1e. If a wireless provider or local government submits an application after the deadline specified in par. (b) 1. or (c) 1. (intro.), the commission shall reduce the costs approved under subd. 1. by the following amounts:
a. If the application is no more than 1 week late, 5%.
b. If the application is 1 week or more but less than 2 weeks late, 10%.
c. If the application is 2 weeks or more but less than 4 weeks late, 25%.
d. If the application is 4 weeks or more late, the wireless provider or local government is not eligible for a grant.
1g. If an application under par. (c) includes an estimate of costs identified in par. (c) 1. d. incurred during the reimbursement period or between January 1, 1999, and September 3, 2003, the commission may approve the application only if the commission determines that the local government's collection of land information, as defined in s. 16.967 (1) (b), and development of a land information system, as defined in s. 16.967 (1) (c), that is related to that purpose are consistent with the applicable county land records modernization plans developed under s. 59.72 (3) (b), conform to the standards on which such plans are based, and do not duplicate land information collection and other efforts funded through the land information program under s. 16.967 (7). The commission shall obtain the advice of the department of administration in making determinations under this subdivision.
1r. If the commission does not approve an application under subd. 1., the commission shall provide the applicant or applicants with the commission's reasons and give the applicant or applicants an opportunity to resubmit the application.
2. From the appropriation under s. 20.155 (3) (q), the commission shall make grants to reimburse wireless providers and local governments for costs approved under subd. 1. that are actually incurred by the wireless providers and local governments, except that no wireless provider or local government may receive a total amount in grants that exceeds the estimated amount approved by the commission under subd. 1. for that wireless provider or local government. For applications for the joint operation of a wireless public safety answering point, the commission shall apportion the grants in the manner specified under par. (c) 2.
3. No grant to a local government under subd. 2. may be used to reimburse costs for any of the following:
a. Emergency service dispatch, including personnel, training, equipment, software, records management, radio communications, and mobile data network systems.
b. Vehicles and equipment in vehicles.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2005. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?