(b) The department shall require each applicant for the renewal of an operator's license with an endorsement authorizing the operation of school buses to take and pass the knowledge test under sub. (1) and an abbreviated driving skills test including, but not limited to, pretrip inspection, the loading and unloading of passengers and railroad crossing procedures.
(4)Conduct of driving skills test.
(a) An applicant who holds an expired instruction permit, expired out-of-state license or who seeks to reinstate his or her operating privilege may drive a motor vehicle only when accompanied by an authorized license examiner for the purpose of examining the applicant's ability to operate a motor vehicle. Such applicant must be driven to and from the examining area by a licensed driver. This exception to the requirement to hold a valid operator's license does not apply to the operation of a commercial motor vehicle. For purposes of examining applicants for a special restricted operator's license under s. 343.135, the department may waive the requirements of this paragraph in any case in which it considers a waiver desirable.
(b) More than one authorized operator's license examiner or supervisor may ride with any licensed operator or applicant for an operator's license for the purpose of examining the person's ability to operate a motor vehicle.
(5)Medical or other special examinations.
(a) The secretary may require any applicant for a license or any licensed operator to submit to a special examination by such persons or agencies as the secretary may direct to determine incompetency, physical or mental disability, disease, or any other condition that might prevent such applicant or licensed person from exercising reasonable and ordinary control over a motor vehicle. If the department requires the applicant to submit to an examination, the applicant shall pay for the examination. If the department receives an application for a renewal or duplicate license after voluntary surrender under s. 343.265 or receives a report from a physician, advanced practice nurse prescriber certified under s. 441.16 (2), or optometrist under s. 146.82 (3), or if the department has a report of 2 or more arrests within a one-year period for any combination of violations of s. 346.63 (1) or (5) or a local ordinance in conformity with s. 346.63 (1) or (5) or a law of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state in conformity with s. 346.63 (1) or (5), or s. 346.63 (1m), 1985 stats., or s. 346.63 (2) or (6) or 940.25, or s. 940.09 where the offense involved the use of a vehicle, the department shall determine, by interview or otherwise, whether the operator should submit to an examination under this section. The examination may consist of an assessment. If the examination indicates that education or treatment for a disability, disease or condition concerning the use of alcohol, a controlled substance or a controlled substance analog is appropriate, the department may order a driver safety plan in accordance with s. 343.30 (1q). If there is noncompliance with assessment or the driver safety plan, the department shall revoke the person's operating privilege in the manner specified in s. 343.30 (1q) (d).
(b) Whenever the department receives the results of a special examination required under this subsection, the department shall give fair consideration to the recommendation of the examining person or agency together with other evidence in determining if it is in the interest of public safety to issue, renew, deny or cancel a license. If a license is denied or canceled by the department after a special examination as provided in par. (a), such denial or cancellation shall be reviewed by a reviewing board upon written request of the applicant filed with the department within 10 days after receipt of notice of such denial or cancellation. Notice of denial or cancellation shall be in writing and contain specific reasons. The notice shall contain a statement that the applicant has 10 days within which to file a written request with the department for review of the department's decision by the reviewing board. The applicant shall have the right to appear personally before the review board, to present witnesses and additional information, and to be represented by counsel. The department's representative may administer oaths, issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant documents and may require a reexamination of the applicant. No law enforcement officer or other witness produced by the applicant to testify on the applicant's behalf shall be paid a witness fee nor shall any law enforcement officer called to appear for the department be paid any witness fee. A record including the recommendations of the board shall be made of the proceeding. If a license is denied or canceled, the applicant shall be given specific reasons in writing. Review boards shall consist of the department's representative and at least 2 members appointed by the secretary from a list of physicians licensed to practice medicine in this state and a list of optometrists licensed to practice optometry in this state. Optometrists shall be limited to reviewing cases concerning vision only. In cases concerning mental disability or disease at least one of the physicians shall have specialized training in psychiatry. In cases concerning seizure disorders at least one of the physicians shall have specialized training in neurology. The members of the board shall receive the per diem and expenses provided in s. 15.08 (7) which shall be charged to the appropriation under s. 20.395 (5) (cq). A decision of the department based on the recommendation of a reviewing board is subject to judicial review under s. 343.40.
(c) All reports, records or information furnished by or on behalf of an applicant or licensed operator under this subsection are confidential and shall be for the sole use of the department, the applicant or licensed driver, the review board and the courts in administering this section and are not admissible as evidence for any other purpose in any civil or criminal action. The applicant or licensed driver may give informed written consent for release of this information to others.
(d) Nothing in this subsection shall be interpreted to require the release of this information which was obtained under a pledge of confidentiality and such a clear pledge was made in order to obtain the information and was necessary to obtain the information.
(6)Special retesting of licensed operators.
(a) Whenever the secretary has good cause to believe that a licensed operator is incompetent or otherwise not qualified to be licensed, the secretary may, upon written notice of at least 5 days to the licensee, require the licensee to submit to an examination including all or part of the tests specified in sub. (1). Upon the conclusion of such examination the secretary shall take such action as is appropriate under this chapter, including cancellation of the license or permitting the licensee to retain the license subject to such restrictions as the secretary may order or without restrictions.
(b) Whenever the department requires an examination for renewal of an operator's license, it shall issue a receipt at the time of request for appearance for such examination which receipt shall constitute a temporary license to operate a motor vehicle for not to exceed 60 days pending such examination.
(a) Any person required by or pursuant to this section to submit to an examination who by any means secures the services of another person to appear in that person's place to take such examination may be fined not less than $100 nor more than $200 or imprisoned not more than 6 months or both.
(b) Any person who appears for an examination under this section in the place of another person required to take such examination may be fined not less than $100 nor more than $200 or imprisoned not more than 6 months or both for the first offense and may be fined not less than $200 nor more than $500 or imprisoned not more than one year in county jail or both for the second or each subsequent offense thereafter.
Cross Reference: See also ch. Trans 104, Wis. adm. code.
343.17 Contents and issuance of operator's license.
(1)License issuance. The department shall issue an operator's license and endorsements, as applied for, to every qualifying applicant who has paid the required fees.
(2)License document. The license shall be a single document, in one-part, consisting of 2 sides, except as otherwise provided in sub. (4) and s. 343.10 (7) (d). The document shall be, to the maximum extent practicable, tamper proof.
(a) The front side of the license document shall include, without limitation, all of the following:
1. The full name, date of birth and residence address of the person.
2. A color photograph of the person.
3. A physical description of the person, including sex, height, weight and hair and eye color, but excluding any mention of race.
4. A unique identifying driver number assigned by the department.
5. A facsimile of the person's signature, or a space upon which the licensee shall immediately write his or her usual signature with a pen and ink on receipt of the license, without which the license is not valid.
6. The classes of vehicles that the person is authorized to operate under par. (c), together with any endorsements or restrictions.
7. The name of this state.
8. The date of issuance of the license.
9. The date of expiration of the license.
10. A space for the sticker under s. 343.175 (3).
11. If the license authorizes the operation of certain commercial motor vehicles, the legend "Commercial Driver License", a readily recognizable abbreviation thereof or "CDL".
12. If the person is not the legal drinking age, as defined in s. 125.02 (8m), at the time of issuance of the license, a distinctive appearance specified by the department that clearly identifies to the public that the person was not the legal drinking age at the time of issuance of the license.
13. If the person is under 18 years of age at the time of issuance of the license, a distinctive appearance specified by the department that clearly identifies to the public that the person was under 18 years of age at the time of issuance of the license.
14. If the person is not a citizen of the United States, the date on which the person's legal presence in the United States expires.
NOTE: Subd. 14. is created eff. 4-1-07 by 2005 Wis. Act 126.
(b) The reverse side of the license shall contain an explanation of any restriction codes or endorsement abbreviations used on the front of the license, in sufficient detail to identify the nature of the restrictions or endorsements to a law enforcement officer of this state or another jurisdiction. Except for a commercial driver license, a part of the reverse side of each license shall be printed to serve as a document of gift under s. 157.06 (2) (b) and (c) or a document of refusal to make an anatomical gift under s. 157.06 (2) (i).
(c) The classifications on operator's licenses shall be as follows:
1. Classification "A", which authorizes the operation of "Class A" vehicles as described in s. 343.04 (1) (a). A driver who has passed the knowledge and driving skills tests for operating "Class A" vehicles shall receive a license authorizing the operation of "Class A", "Class B" and "Class C" vehicles if the person possesses any requisite endorsement.
2. Classification "B", which authorizes the operation of "Class B" vehicles as described in s. 343.04 (1) (b). A driver who has passed the knowledge and driving skills tests for operating "Class B" vehicles shall receive a license authorizing the operation of "Class B" and "Class C" vehicles if the person possesses any requisite endorsement.
3. Classification "C", which authorizes the operation of "Class C" vehicles as described in s. 343.04 (1) (c) if the person possesses any requisite endorsement.
4. Classification "D", which authorizes the operation of "Class D" vehicles as described in s. 343.04 (1) (d) if the person possesses any requisite endorsement.
5. Classification "M", which authorizes the operation of Type 1 motorcycles.
(d) The endorsements on operator's licenses shall be as follows:
1g. "F" endorsement, which authorizes a seasonal employee of a farm service industry employer who is eligible for a restricted commercial driver license under applicable federal law or regulation to operate "Class B" and "Class C" vehicles as described in s. 343.04 (1) (b) and (c) for a seasonal period not to exceed 180 days in any calendar year. This endorsement permits the transporting of liquid fertilizers in vehicles or implements of husbandry with total capacities of 3,000 gallons or less, solid fertilizers that are not transported with any organic substance or 1,000 gallons or less of diesel fuel, but no combination of these materials. The endorsement does not permit operation of a commercial motor vehicle beyond 150 miles of the farm service industry employer's place of business or, in the case of custom harvesters, the farm currently being served.
1m. "H" endorsement, which authorizes the driver to operate vehicles transporting hazardous materials requiring placarding or any quantity of a material listed as a select agent or toxin under 42 CFR 73.
2. "N" endorsement, which authorizes operating tank vehicles.
3. "P" endorsement, which authorizes operating vehicles designed to carry, or actually carrying, 16 or more passengers including the driver, except this endorsement does not authorize the operation of school buses unless the licensee also holds an "S" endorsement.
4. "S" endorsement, which authorizes operating school buses.
5. "T" endorsement, which authorizes operating commercial motor vehicles with double or triple trailers where the operation of such combination vehicles is permitted.
6. "X" endorsement, which is an optional endorsement that may be used to indicate that the licensee holds both "H" and "N" endorsements. The department may not issue or renew an endorsement under this subdivision after November 1, 2003.
(e) The standard restriction codes used on commercial driver licenses include:
1. "K" restriction, which restricts a person issued a license under s. 343.065 from operating commercial motor vehicles in interstate commerce.
2. "L" restriction, which prohibits a person from operating commercial motor vehicles equipped with air brakes, as required in s. 343.13 (2).
(4)Special restrictions cards.
(a) When an operator's license is subject to lengthy special restrictions or other restrictions not described in the standard codes on the front side of the license, the department shall indicate on the license document that the license is subject to restrictions contained on one or more separate special restrictions cards.
(b) A separate special restrictions card shall describe the restrictions, bear the issuance date of the card, specify the identifying driver number of the license to which it applies, and indicate the number and order of special restrictions cards currently issued by the department to the person, in the manner "1 of 2".
(5)No photos on temporary licenses. The temporary licenses issued under ss. 343.10, 343.11 (1) and (3), 343.16 (6) (b) and 343.305 (8) (a) shall be on forms provided by the department and shall contain the information required by sub. (3), except the license is not required to include a photograph of the licensee.
(6)Rules. Subject to subs. (2) and (3), the department shall promulgate rules setting the design and specifications for the license document and subsequent changes thereto.
343.175 Organ donor information.
(1)Department to solicit and record information. As part of every application for an original, duplicate, reinstated, reissued or renewal license or endorsement, the department shall inquire whether the applicant desires to be an organ donor. The department shall record the organ donor response in its file of the person.
(1r)Department to provide information. In addition to the inquiry under sub. (1), if the applicant is at least 18 years of age, the department shall orally state to the applicant that he or she has the opportunity to indicate his or her willingness to be an organ donor. If the applicant indicates that he or she is undecided in response to the inquiry under sub. (1), the department shall provide the applicant with written information that all organ procurement organizations and the department have together developed. If the applicant makes an affirmative response to the inquiry under sub. (1), the department shall request at that time that the applicant write on the license the information that is specified under sub. (2) (ar) and affix a sticker, as described in sub. (3) (a), to the front side of the license document.
(2)Document of gift or refusal.
(a) Except as provided in par. (ag), a part of the reverse side of each license shall be printed to serve as a document of gift under s. 157.06 (2) (b) and (c) or a document of refusal to make an anatomical gift under s. 157.06 (2) (i).
(ag) The department shall print a separate document to be issued to all persons issued a commercial driver license and make provisions so that the document may be attached to the reverse side of the license document along one edge. This document shall serve as a document of gift under s. 157.06 (2) (b) and (c) or a document of refusal to make an anatomical gift under s. 157.06 (2) (i).
(ar) If the person desires to be an organ donor, he or she may so indicate in the space provided on the license. The donor may supply information in the space provided on the license, including the specific body parts or organs to be donated, the name of the donee, the purpose for which the gift is made and the physician whom the donor wishes to carry out the appropriate procedures. The anatomical gift described on the license shall be signed by the licensee.
(b) The licensee may revoke or amend his or her gift by crossing out the donor authorization in the space provided on the license or as otherwise prescribed in s. 157.06. The licensee may refuse to make an anatomical gift by so indicating in the space provided on the license or as otherwise prescribed in s. 157.06.
(c) Persons authorizing gifts of their body parts remain subject to s. 157.06.
(3)Organ donor sticker.
(a) The department shall designate a space on the front side of the license document where the licensee may affix a sticker which indicates that the licensee is a potential donor of body organs or parts for the purposes of transplantation, therapy, medical research or education. The sticker shall not be larger than one-half inch in diameter and shall not conceal any of the contents required by s. 343.17 (3). The sticker shall be of a distinctive design and supplied to the donor by a nationally recognized organization that enlists donors of body organs or parts for the purposes of transplantation, therapy, medical research or education.
(b) The use of the sticker on the license document is proper and authorized only if the bearer has indicated his or her intent to make body organs or parts available by filling out and carrying a donor card.
History: 1989 a. 105, 298; 1995 a. 446; 2003 a. 33.
343.18 License to be carried; verification of signature.
(1) Every licensee shall have his or her license document, including any special restrictions cards issued under s. 343.10 (7) (d) or 343.17 (4), in his or her immediate possession at all times when operating a motor vehicle and shall display the same upon demand from any judge, justice or traffic officer.
(1m) A person charged with violating sub. (1) may not be convicted if he or she produces in court or in the office of the arresting officer a license theretofore issued to the licensee and valid at the time of his or her arrest.
(2) For the purpose of verifying the signature on a license, any judge, justice or traffic officer may require the licensee to write the licensee's signature in the presence of such officer.
(a) Except as provided in par. (c), any person who violates sub. (1) shall forfeit not more than $200.
(c) If the person is operating a commercial motor vehicle at the time of the violation, any person who violates sub. (1) shall forfeit not less than $250 nor more than $2,500.
History: 1989 a. 105; 1991 a. 316; 1997 a. 84.
There is a public interest in permitting police to request a motorist's license and to run a status check on the license. State v. Ellenbecker, 159 Wis. 2d 91, 464 N.W.2d 427 (Ct. App. 1990).
Under Ellenbecker, it was reasonable for an officer who stopped a motorist whose vehicle and general appearance matched that of a criminal suspect to make a report of the incident, even if the officer had already decided that the driver was not the suspect. For that purpose, it was reasonable to ask for the motorist's name and identification. Once the motorist stated that he had no identification, there was a reasonable grounds for further detention. State v. Williams, 2002 WI App 306, 258 Wis. 2d 395, 655 N.W.2d 462, 02-0384.
343.19 Duplicate licenses or identification cards.
(1) If a license issued under this chapter or an identification card issued under s. 343.50 is lost or destroyed or the name or address named in the license or identification card is changed or the condition specified in s. 343.17 (3) (a) 12. or 13. no longer applies, the person to whom the license or identification card was issued may obtain a duplicate thereof or substitute therefor upon furnishing proof satisfactory to the department of name and date of birth and that the license or identification card has been lost or destroyed or that application for a duplicate license or identification card is being made for a change of address or name or because the condition specified in s. 343.17 (3) (a) 12. or 13. no longer applies. If the applicant is a male who is at least 18 years of age but less than 26 years of age, the application shall include the information required under s. 343.14 (2) (em). If the original license or identification card is found it shall immediately be transmitted to the department. Duplicates of nonphoto licenses shall be issued as nonphoto licenses.
(1m) If a license issued under this chapter has been surrendered under s. 343.265 and has not expired, the person to whom the license was issued may obtain a duplicate license upon furnishing to the department the applicable information under sub. (1) and complying with the requirements for reissuance of a license after surrender provided under s. 343.265 (2).
(2) No person may knowingly make a false statement or fail to return the original license or identification card to the department upon finding it or fail to comply with any other requirement of this section relating to an application for any of the following:
(a) A duplicate license.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2005. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?