36.11(17)(g) (g) Funding for the sabbatical leave program shall be provided from the existing general operations appropriation for the system.
36.11(18) (18)Midwest technology development institute. The board may maintain membership of this state in the midwest technology development institute.
36.11(19) (19)Furnishing of services to school districts.
36.11(19)(a)(a) The board may furnish, and school districts may accept, services for educational study and research projects and they may enter into contracts under s. 66.0301 for that purpose.
36.11(19)(b) (b) A group of school districts, if authorized by each school board, may form a nonprofit-sharing corporation to contract with the state or the board for the furnishing of the services specified in par. (a).
36.11(19)(c) (c) The corporation shall be organized under ch. 181 and shall have the powers there applicable. Members of the school boards specified in par. (b) may serve as incorporators, directors and officers of the corporation.
36.11(19)(d) (d) The property of the corporation shall be exempt from taxation.
36.11(19)(e) (e) The corporation may receive gifts and grants and be subject to their use, control and investment as provided in s. 118.27, and the transfer of the property to the corporation shall be exempt from income, franchise and death taxes.
36.11(21) (21)Controlled substances and controlled substance analogs; discipline. Any student who engages in an activity, on campus or at an event sponsored by a college campus or institution or by the system, that constitutes a violation of ch. 961 is subject to nonacademic misconduct disciplinary sanctions, as provided by the board by rule. In determining the appropriate sanction, the board or its designee shall consider those penalties, including suspension and expulsion, that will contribute most effectively to maintaining a system environment that is free from controlled substances, as defined in s. 961.01 (4), and controlled substance analogs, as defined in s. 961.01 (4m).
36.11(22) (22)Orientation program; information on sexual assault and sexual harassment.
36.11(22)(a)(a) The board shall direct each institution and college campus to:
36.11(22)(a)1. 1. Incorporate in its orientation program for newly entering students oral and written or electronic information on sexual assault and sexual harassment, as defined in s. 111.32 (13), including information on sexual assault by acquaintances of the victims and on all of the following:
36.11(22)(a)1.a. a. The legal definitions of, and penalties for, sexual assault under ss. 940.225, 948.02 and 948.025, sexual exploitation by a therapist under s. 940.22 and harassment under s. 947.013.
36.11(22)(a)1.b. b. Generally available national and state statistics, and campus statistics as compiled under par. (c) and as reported under par. (d), on sexual assaults and on sexual assaults by acquaintances of the victims.
36.11(22)(a)1.c. c. The rights of victims under ch. 950 and the services available at the institution or college campus and in the community to assist a student who is the victim of sexual assault or sexual harassment.
36.11(22)(a)1.d. d. Protective behaviors, including methods of recognizing and avoiding sexual assault and sexual harassment and locations in the community where courses on protective behaviors are provided.
36.11(22)(a)2. 2. Annually supply to all students enrolled in the institution or college campus printed or electronic material that includes all of the information under par. (a).
36.11(22)(b) (b) Annually, the board shall submit a report to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172 (3). The report shall indicate the methods each institution and college campus have used to comply with par. (a).
36.11(22)(c) (c) Any person employed at an institution who witnesses a sexual assault on campus or receives a report from a student enrolled in the institution that the student has been sexually assaulted shall report to the dean of students of the institution. The dean of students shall compile reports for the purpose of disseminating statistical information under par. (a) 1. b.
36.11(22)(d) (d) Annually, each institution shall report to the office of justice assistance in the department of administration statistics on sexual assaults and on sexual assaults by acquaintances of the victims that occurred on each campus of the institution in the previous year. The office of justice assistance shall include the statistics in appropriate crime reports published by the office.
36.11(23) (23)Board staff. The board shall provide office space, furnishings and supplies for the staff provided by the department of administration under s. 16.57.
36.11(23m) (23m)Compliance with environmental laws. The board shall designate 2 positions, funded from the appropriation under s. 20.285 (3) (a), to coordinate system compliance with state and federal laws relating to the environment.
36.11(24) (24)State documents. The board shall assure that each campus identifies and collects significant state documents, as defined in s. 35.81 (3), relating to administration and academic programs of that campus. The board shall provide for the identification and collection of significant state documents, as defined in s. 35.81 (3), published by the board or the system administration.
36.11(25) (25)Training of health professionals. The board shall promote public awareness of, access to and training of health professionals for rural and underserved urban areas.
36.11(26) (26)Building program planning and approval. The board shall establish a process for submission of building projects to the building commission for approval. No building project for the system may be submitted by the board to the building commission unless the project is developed and approved by the board in conformity with this subsection. This subsection does not apply to building projects of the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority.
36.11(27) (27)Condition on financial assistance. The board may not provide any state financial assistance under this chapter to any person during the period that the person is required to register with the selective service system under 50 USC, Appendix, sections 451 to 473 if the person has not so registered.
36.11(28) (28)Lease agreement with the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority. Subject to 1995 Wisconsin Act 27, section 9159 (2) (k), the board shall negotiate and enter into a lease agreement with the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority that meets the requirements under s. 233.04 (7) and shall comply with s. 233.04 (7g).
36.11(28m) (28m)Affiliation agreement with the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority. Subject to 1995 Wisconsin Act 27, section 9159 (2) (k), the board shall negotiate and enter into an affiliation agreement with the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority that meets the requirements under s. 233.04 (7m) and shall comply with s. 233.04 (7p).
36.11(29) (29)Other agreements with the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority. The board may enter into joint purchasing contracts and other contracts, rental agreements and cooperative agreements and other necessary arrangements with the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority which may be necessary and convenient for the missions, objects and uses of the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority authorized by law. Purchasing contracts and agreements are subject to s. 16.73 (5).
36.11(29m) (29m)Report on expenditures. Beginning in the 1996-97 fiscal year, annually the board shall report to the department of administration and the joint committee on finance the amount of expenditures from the appropriations under s. 20.285 (1) (h) and (iz) and (3) (iz) in the previous fiscal year that were in excess of the dollar amounts shown in the appropriation schedule under s. 20.005 (3) for those appropriations in the previous fiscal year.
36.11(30) (30)Information technology reports. The board shall prepare and submit reports to the joint committee on information policy and technology upon request of the committee under s. 13.58 (5) (b) 3.
36.11(32) (32)Computer services data collection. The board shall collect and maintain data necessary to calculate numerical measures of the efficiency and effectiveness of the mainframe computer services provided by the board at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
36.11(33) (33)Report on management and staff positions.
36.11(33)(a)(a) The board shall categorize each position in the system as either a management position or a staff position. The board shall define "management" and "staff" for the purposes of this paragraph.
36.11(33)(b) (b) By January 1, 1998, and annually thereafter by January 1, the board shall submit a report to the joint committee on finance that includes all of the following:
36.11(33)(b)1. 1. The definitions of "management" and "staff" used by the board under par. (a).
36.11(33)(b)2. 2. A list of the position titles in each category.
36.11(33)(b)3. 3. The criteria used by the board to categorize the positions.
36.11(33)(b)4. 4. The current number of authorized positions in each category at each campus.
36.11(36) (36)Aquaculture demonstration facility. The board, in consultation with representatives of the aquaculture industry, shall operate the aquaculture demonstration facility authorized under 1999 Wisconsin Act 9, section 9107 (1) (i) 3.
36.11(36m) (36m)School safety research. The board shall direct the schools of education and other appropriate research-oriented departments within the system, to work with the technical college system board under s. 38.04 (27), school districts, private schools and the department of public instruction to present to school districts and private schools the results of research on models for and approaches to improving school safety and reducing discipline problems in schools and at school activities.
36.11(37) (37)Extension local planning program. The board shall offer a local planning program through the extension to educate local policymakers about local planning and the grant program under s. 16.965.
36.11(39) (39)Gaylord Nelson chair of integrated environmental studies. The board shall establish the Gaylord Nelson chair of integrated environmental studies and seek private funding for this chair.
36.11(40) (40)Center for cooperatives. The board shall maintain a center for cooperatives at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
36.11(43) (43)Programming at University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. The board shall ensure that the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay implements programming that is jointly developed by the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay and the Oneida Tribe.
36.11(44) (44)Report on courses. By October 31, 2001, and annually by October 31 thereafter, the board shall submit a report to the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance that contains the number and type of, and the number of students enrolled in, each course offered by the system for which the academic fees or tuition charged equals at least 100% of the cost of offering the course.
36.11(46) (46)Fond du Lac Avenue corridor study. The board shall ensure that the Center for Economic Development at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee completes an economic development study of the Fond du Lac Avenue corridor from North Avenue to Capitol Drive in Milwaukee.
36.11(47) (47)Armed forces. If a student who is a member of a national guard or a member of a reserve unit of the U.S. armed forces withdraws from school after September 11, 2001, because he or she is called into state active duty or into active service with the U.S. armed forces for at least 30 days, the board shall reenroll the student beginning in the semester in which he or she is discharged, demobilized, or deactivated from active duty or the next succeeding semester, whichever the student prefers, shall give the student the same priority in registering for courses that the student would have had if he or she had registered for courses at the beginning of the registration period, and, at the student's request, do one of the following for all courses from which the student had to withdraw:
36.11 Note NOTE: Sub. (47) (intro.) is affected by 2005 Wis. Acts 324 and 470. The 2 treatments are mutually inconsistent. Sub. (47) (intro.) is shown as affected by the last enacted act, 2005 Wis. Act 470. As affected by 2005 Wis. Act 324, it reads:
Effective date text (47) Armed forces. If a student who is a member of a national guard or a member of a reserve unit of the U.S. armed forces withdraws from school after September 11, 2001, because he or she is called into state active duty or into active service with the U.S. armed forces for at least 30 days, the board shall reenroll the student beginning in the semester following his or her discharge from active duty or the next succeeding semester, whichever the student prefers, and, at the student's request, do one of the following for all courses from which the student had to withdraw:
36.11(47)(a) (a) Reimburse the student all tuition and fees paid for all the courses and a prorated portion of room and board payments.
36.11(47)(b) (b) Grant the student an incomplete in all the courses and permit the student to complete the courses, within 6 months after leaving state service or active service, without paying additional tuition or fees.
36.11(48) (48)Report on utility charges; assessment of certain utility charges. The board shall ensure that the University of Wisconsin-Madison reports annually to the department of administration on utility charges in the following fiscal year to fund principal and interest costs incurred in purchasing the Walnut Street steam and chilled-water plant enumerated under 2003 Wisconsin Act 33, section 9106 (1) (g) 2., and the methodology used to calculate those charges. The board may not assess the utility charges until the charges are approved by the department of administration.
36.11(49) (49)Telecommunications services. The board may use telecommunications services, including data and voice over Internet services, procured by the board only for the purpose of carrying out its mission. The board shall not offer, resell, or provide telecommunications services, including data and voice over Internet services, that are available from a private telecommunications carrier to the general public or to any other public or private entity.
36.11(50) (50)Reserve officer training corps. The board may not allocate general purpose revenue for the operation of an institution or college campus that prohibits the reserve officer training corps from operating on its campus.
36.11(51) (51)Automobile allowance. The board may not use general purpose revenue, tuition, or academic fees for the president's or the chancellors' automobile allowance.
36.11(52) (52)Midwestern Higher Education Compact dues. The board shall make full annual payments of membership dues to the Midwestern Higher Education Compact.
36.11 Annotation The Board of Regents has the power to make reasonable rules governing student use of automobiles on university property and can enforce them by imposing reasonable monetary penalties and withholding records. A student court can be designated by the board of regents as an auxiliary enterprise. Moneys collected must be paid into the general fund. By regent action, they may be appropriated therefrom for operation of that activity. 59 Atty. Gen. 82.
36.11 Annotation The collective bargaining agreement between the University of Wisconsin and the teaching assistants association is valid. 59 Atty. Gen. 200.
36.11 Annotation A valid collective bargaining contract between the Board of Regents and the union representing unclassified employees may not be impaired, during its term, by the current or a future Board of Regents or the legislature. 60 Atty. Gen. 64.
36.11 Annotation The legality of student and faculty voting participation on the Board of Regents is discussed. 60 Atty. Gen. 395.
36.11 Annotation The University of Wisconsin System may sell a dormitory that no longer is needed for educational purposes upon terms that are agreeable to the Wisconsin state agencies building corporation and H.U.D. to guarantee the payment of the bonds issued for the initial construction of the building. 63 Atty. Gen. 252.
36.11 Annotation Campus police have jurisdiction under sub. (2) to arrest only on campuses unless deputized by a sheriff. Local ordinances are not applicable on campus. 68 Atty. Gen. 67.
36.12 36.12 Student discrimination prohibited.
36.12(1) (1) No student may be denied admission to, participation in or the benefits of, or be discriminated against in any service, program, course or facility of the system or its institutions because of the student's race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, disability, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital status or parental status.
36.12(2) (2)
36.12(2)(a)(a) The board shall direct each institution to establish policies and procedures to protect students from discrimination under sub. (1). The policies and procedures shall do all of the following:
36.12(2)(a)1. 1. Provide criteria for determining whether sub. (1) has been violated.
36.12(2)(a)2. 2. Provide remedies and sanctions for violations of sub. (1).
36.12(2)(a)3. 3. Require a complainant to file a complaint with the institution within 300 days of the alleged violation of sub. (1).
36.12(2)(a)4. 4. Provide periods within which the complainant and the institution must act for each procedural step leading to the issuance of a final decision and for appeal of the final decision to the chancellor of the institution.
36.12(2)(b) (b) The board shall establish policies and procedures for the appeal of the chancellor's or dean's decision to the board.
36.12(3) (3) By September 1, 1991, 1992, 1993, and 1994, the board shall submit a report to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172 (3). The report shall specify all of the following for the previous academic year:
36.12(3)(a) (a) The number of complaints received at each institution alleging a violation of sub. (1) and the disposition of each such complaint.
36.12(3)(b) (b) The number of requests for review received by the board and the disposition of each such request.
36.12 History History: 1989 a. 186; 1997 a. 237.
36.12 Annotation The exclusion of contraceptives from an employer or college or university sponsored benefits program that otherwise provides prescription drug coverage violates Wisconsin law prohibiting sex discrimination in employment and in higher education, ss. 111.31 to 111.395, 36.12, and 38.23. OAG 1-04.
36.12 Annotation Student body diversity is a compelling state interest that can justify the use of race in university admissions. A race-conscious admissions program cannot use a quota system, but may consider race or ethnicity as a plus factor for an applicant, without insulating the individual from comparison with all other candidates for the available seats. An admissions program must be flexible enough to consider all pertinent elements of diversity in light of the particular qualifications of each applicant, and to place them on the same footing for consideration, although not necessarily according them the same weight. Race-conscious admissions policies must be limited in time. Grutter v. Bollinger, 539 U.S. 306, 123 S. Ct. 2325 (2003). See also Gratz v. Bollinger, 539 U.S. 244, 156 L. Ed. 2d 304, 123 S. Ct. 2411 (2003).
36.13 36.13 Faculty tenure and probationary appointments.
36.13(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
36.13(1)(a) (a) "Probationary appointment" means an appointment by the board held by a faculty member during the period which may precede a decision on a tenure appointment.
36.13(1)(b) (b) "Tenure appointment" means an appointment for an unlimited period granted to a ranked faculty member by the board.
36.13(2) (2)Appointments.
36.13(2)(a)(a) Except as provided under par. (b), the board may grant a tenure appointment only upon the affirmative recommendation of the appropriate chancellor and the appropriate academic department or its functional equivalent. Neither the chancellor nor the academic department or its functional equivalent may base a tenure recommendation upon impermissible factors, as defined by the board by rule.
36.13(2)(b) (b) The board may grant a tenure appointment without the affirmative recommendation of the appropriate academic department or its functional equivalent if all of the following apply:
36.13(2)(b)1. 1. The board has the affirmative recommendation of the appropriate chancellor.
36.13(2)(b)2. 2. A faculty committee authorized by the board by rule to review the negative recommendation of the academic department or its functional equivalent finds that the decision of the academic department or its functional equivalent was based upon impermissible factors, as defined by the board by rule.
36.13(2)(b)3. 3. The board has the affirmative recommendation of a committee appointed according to the policies and procedures of the appropriate institution to review the individual's record with reference to criteria for tenure published by the institution under procedures established by the board by rule. No person may be appointed to the committee under this subdivision unless the person is knowledgeable or experienced in the individual's academic field or in a substantially similar academic field. No member of the committee appointed under this subdivision may be a member of the academic department, or its functional equivalent, that made the negative recommendation. The committee appointed under this subdivision may not base its tenure recommendation upon impermissible factors, as defined by the board by rule.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2005. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?