560.001 560.001 Definitions. In this chapter:
560.001(1) (1) "Department" means the department of commerce.
560.001(2) (2) "Secretary" means the secretary of the department.
560.001 History History: 1971 c. 321; 1979 c. 361; 1995 a. 27 s. 9116 (5).
560.01 560.01 Organization of the department.
560.01(1) (1)Purposes. The functions of the department are of an advocacy, regulatory, consultative, advisory, informational, coordinative, and promotional nature. Through research, planning, consultation, and promotion of the development and maximum wise use of the natural and human resources of the state, it shall foster the growth and diversification of the economy of the state. It shall serve as the central agency and clearinghouse for developmental activities concerning the economy of the state. It shall make recommendations to the governor for the purpose of guiding a coordinated and economically efficient development of the state and shall seek closer cooperation and coordination between units of state government, educational institutions, local governments, local planning agencies, including regional planning commissions, and business and industry to foster and encourage a pattern of community development and of state-local and business relationships so that the economy of the state may continue to develop fully and meet citizen and community needs. It shall make continuing studies of the problems affecting economic and community development and recommendations for relieving those problems, and function in any other reasonable manner that will accomplish the stated purposes of this chapter. The department may also coordinate training for local government officials provided by state agencies including, but not limited to, the University of Wisconsin-Extension and the technical college system.
560.01(2) (2)Duties.
560.01(2)(a)(a) State economic policy. The department shall develop a state economic policy. The department shall promote and provide technical assistance, consultative services and other assistance to commercial, industrial and recreational development and expansion; facilitate the establishment and retention of business enterprises in this state, including small and minority business enterprises; encourage cooperation between financial institutions and business persons to encourage commercial, industrial and recreational business expansion in this state; encourage creation of jobs throughout the state and especially in urban and rural economically depressed areas; develop and coordinate state public and private economic development plans and federal economic development assistance programs affecting local governments and business and industry; encourage the growth of tourism in the state; promote state products and industries in both foreign and domestic markets; provide informational clearinghouses for businesses and communities in their dealings with other state and federal agencies; advise the governor and legislature on the role of the state in state-local affairs; study the problems affecting local government relations as they impact on economic development and make recommendations for relieving these problems; develop a state-local relations policy to facilitate closer coordination and cooperation between state and local governments; advise the governor and the legislature regarding problems faced by local governments; develop an improved pattern of state-local relations; and develop recommendations for legislative or administrative action as may appear necessary.
560.01(2)(b) (b) Regulation of industry, buildings and safety. The department shall administer and enforce laws regulating industry, safety and buildings under chs. 101, 107, 145 and 168 and ss. 32.19 to 32.27, 167.10, 167.11 and 167.27 and as otherwise provided by statute.
560.01(3) (3)Foreign office agreements. The department may enter into agreements regarding compensation, space and other administrative matters as are necessary to operate departmental offices in other states and foreign countries. Such agreements shall be subject to the approval of the secretary of administration.
560.01 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also Comm, Wis. adm. code.
560.02 560.02 Secretary. The secretary shall:
560.02(1) (1) Direct the execution of the statutory duties and powers assigned to the department and shall advise the governor and legislature on matters regarding economic growth and development and community development in the state.
560.02(2) (2) Appoint the administrators for the various divisions of the department subject to s. 230.08 (4) (a). Administrators appointed under the unclassified service shall serve at the pleasure of the secretary.
560.02(3) (3) Delegate any of his or her powers and duties to such officers and employees of the department as he or she designates, and may authorize successive redelegations of such powers and duties.
560.02(4) (4) Submit and adopt all necessary plans; enter into contracts; accept gifts, grants and federal funds; make rules and do all things necessary and proper to carry out this chapter.
560.02 History History: 1971 c. 307 s. 104; 1971 c. 321; 1977 c. 29, 418; 1979 c. 361 ss. 29, 86.
560.03 560.03 Business and industrial development. The department shall foster, encourage and advocate economic development programs designed to broaden and strengthen the economy of the state, and it shall provide specific leadership in the following instances among others:
560.03(1) (1) Support and assist the efforts of local business and industry, local government, state, regional and local development corporations, industrial committees, chambers of commerce, labor organizations and other similar public and private agencies to foster expansion of existing agricultural, commercial, industrial and mining enterprises, and initiate efforts to attract new enterprises, including working jointly with the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection to develop deer farming under s. 93.46 (1) (am).
560.03(2) (2) Identify for the governor's attention those significant business and industrial problems which may be relieved by state action.
560.03(3) (3) Assist in the formulation and implementation of integrated economic and community development programs for northern Wisconsin and other areas or regions of the state and cooperate with and provide technical assistance to any organizations created for the purpose of aiding and encouraging an orderly, productive and coordinated development of the state.
560.03(4) (4) Assist in the formulation and development of a more intensive program to aid and expand the mining industry.
560.03(4m) (4m) Provide, to communities in northern Wisconsin that are affected by mining, technical assistance with planning to diversify their economies.
560.03(5) (5) Provide advice and assistance to Wisconsin business and labor.
560.03(6) (6) Locate and maintain information on prime industrial sites, together with recommendations for developing and preserving such sites.
560.03(7) (7) Perform such other functions as the governor may direct to aid in the industrial development of the state.
560.03(8) (8) Help local units of government to plan and initiate development projects.
560.03(9) (9) Establish and operate a small business ombudsman clearinghouse for business and industry to facilitate the flow of information from other state and federal agencies, to assist state agencies in establishing methods to encourage the participation of small businesses in rule making under s. 227.114 (4) and to serve as ombudsman for small business stationary sources, as defined in s. 285.79 (1), in connection with the implementation of the federal clean air act, 42 USC 7401 to 7671q.
560.03(10) (10) Explore the feasibility of new programs which will address, but not be limited to, the following areas of concern:
560.03(10)(a) (a) The capital development financing needs of business, industrial and agricultural enterprises.
560.03(10)(b) (b) The creation of job opportunities in inner cities and other economically depressed areas.
560.03(10)(c) (c) Credit assistance for business and economic development.
560.03(10)(d) (d) Optimum utilization of federal programs designed to encourage and aid economic development.
560.03(10)(e) (e) The potential of a program to promote and encourage inventions and technological innovations.
560.03(11) (11) Prepare and maintain comprehensive plans for the dynamic development of the economy of each area of the state in cooperation with representatives of the area.
560.03(15) (15) Annually, submit a summary of the employment impact estimates required under s. 560.034 (2) and a report to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature, for distribution to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2), analyzing the use of industrial revenue bond financing under s. 66.1103 and accurately reporting the benefits of that use, including the effect on employment in this state including, but not limited to:
560.03(15)(a) (a) The number of full-time equivalent employment positions created by each project financed; and
560.03(15)(b) (b) If use of industrial revenue bond financing results in the relocation of an operation which uses the project financed, the municipality from which the relocation occurs and the number of full-time equivalent employment positions eliminated in that municipality.
560.03(16) (16) Publish and distribute a list of all aid programs and services made available by this state to its communities. The department shall charge and collect a fee to cover the cost of publication and distribution under this subsection.
560.03(17) (17) Assist new businesses and small businesses receiving economic development loans under s. 234.65 (1) (a) or the assistance of the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority in locating sources of venture capital and in obtaining the state and federal licenses and permits necessary for business operations.
560.03(18) (18) Develop and implement a plan to promote and increase exports, including agricultural products, and foreign investment in this state. The plan shall provide for the secretary to take a leadership role in assuring collaboration and coordination among international trade activities conducted by governmental entities to assure efficiency and to avoid duplication and may include provisions for participation in trade fairs and missions, establishment and maintenance of foreign trade offices and preparation of research on foreign markets for exports from this state and on opportunities for foreign investment in this state. The plan shall describe the allocation of funds for support staff in this state to implement the plan and for all other costs in implementing each provision of the plan. In developing and implementing the plan, the department shall consult with the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection, the University of Wisconsin System, the technical college system and other public and private agencies and institutions supporting international trade education or activities. Any plan to establish a foreign trade office shall include the feasibility of establishing a system of graduated fees which a trade office may use to offset its operating costs, or a system of commissions for execution of successful transactions, or both.
560.03(19) (19) Establish a business development assistance center in the department to provide services as set forth in subch. III.
560.03(20) (20) Provide technical assistance to community development corporations, as defined in s. 234.94 (2), and to persons who are forming community development corporations.
560.03(21) (21) Promulgate rules for the rural hospital loan guarantee program, as required by s. 231.35 (7).
560.03(22) (22) Assist American Indian communities in economic development activities.
560.03(23) (23) Review business plans of persons who intend to apply for a permit under s. 170.12 and who have not previously engaged in commercial log raising. If the department determines, after the review, that the business plan is viable, the department shall approve the plan.
560.03(25) (25) In cooperation with the department of financial institutions and the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System, provide education and other support to facilitate the development networks of bona fide angel investors, as defined in s. 71.07 (5d) (a) 1.
560.03(26) (26) In cooperation with the department of financial institutions and the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System, annually conduct and publish the results of a study of Wisconsin businesses to determine new business formation trends and identify obstacles faced by new Wisconsin businesses and areas where changes in governmental policy may satisfy the needs of new Wisconsin businesses. As part of the study, the department of commerce shall conduct a survey of Wisconsin businesses.
560.031 560.031 Grants for ethanol production facilities. Notwithstanding ss. 560.135 (2), 560.138 (2) (a), and 560.17 (3), the department may not make a grant for an ethanol production facility on which construction begins after July 27, 2005, unless a competitive bidding process is used for the construction of the ethanol production facility.
560.031 History History: 2005 a. 25.
560.032 560.032 Allocation of volume cap on tax-exempt bonds.
560.032(1)(1)Allocation. The department, by rule, shall establish under 26 USC 146 and administer a system for the allocation of the volume cap on the issuance of private activity bonds, as defined under 26 USC 141 (a), among all municipalities, as defined in s. 67.01 (5), and any corporation formed on behalf of those municipalities, and among this state, the Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities Authority, the Wisconsin Aerospace Authority, and the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority.
560.032(2) (2)Amendment to allocation. At any time prior to December 31 in any year, the department may promulgate rules to revise the allocation system established for that year under sub. (1), except that any revision under this subsection does not apply to any allocation under which the recipient of that allocation has adopted a resolution authorizing the issuance of a private activity bond, as defined in 26 USC 141 (a).
560.032(3) (3)Conditions. The department may establish, by rule, any procedure for, and place any condition upon, the granting of an allocation under this section which the department deems to be in the best interest of the state including, but not limited to, a requirement that a cash deposit, at a rate established by the department in the rules, be a condition for an allocation.
560.032(4) (4)Certification. If the secretary receives notice of the issuance of a bond under an allocation under subs. (1) to (3), the secretary shall certify that that bond meets the requirements of 26 USC 146.
560.032 History History: 1987 a. 69, 403; 1989 a. 8; 1997 a. 27; 2005 a. 335.
560.034 560.034 Employment impact estimates.
560.034(1) (1) The department shall prescribe the notice forms to be used under ss. 66.1103 (4m) (a) 1. and 234.65 (3) (a). The department shall include on the forms a requirement for information on the number of jobs the person submitting the notice expects to be eliminated, created or maintained on the project site and elsewhere in this state by the project which is the subject of the notice. The department shall prescribe the forms to be used under ss. 66.1103 (4m) (b) and 234.65 (3r).
560.034(2) (2) If the department receives a notice under s. 66.1103 (4m) (a), the department shall estimate, no later than 20 days after receipt of the notice, whether the project which is the subject of the notice is expected to eliminate, create or maintain jobs on the project site and elsewhere in this state and the net number of jobs expected to be eliminated, created or maintained as a result of the project.
560.034(3) (3) If the department receives a notice under s. 234.65 (3) (a), the department shall estimate, no later than 20 days after receipt of the notice, whether the project which is the subject of the notice is expected to eliminate, create or maintain jobs on the project site and elsewhere in this state and the net number of jobs expected to be eliminated, created or maintained as a result of the project.
560.034(5) (5) The department shall issue an estimate made:
560.034(5)(a) (a) Under sub. (2), to the city, village or town which will issue the bonds to finance the project which is the subject of the estimate.
560.034(5)(b) (b) Under sub. (3), to the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority.
560.034 History History: 1985 a. 299; 1999 a. 85; 1999 a. 150 s. 672; 2001 a. 104.
560.035 560.035 Woman-owned businesses; certification; database.
560.035(1)(a)(a) In this subsection, "woman-owned business" means a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company, joint venture, or corporation that fulfills all of the following requirements:
560.035(1)(a)1. 1. It is at least 51 percent owned, controlled, and actively managed by a woman.
560.035(1)(a)2. 2. It is currently performing a useful business function in this state.
560.035(1)(b) (b) The department shall implement a program for the certification of woman-owned businesses. The department shall compile and periodically update a list of businesses certified under this section and shall make the list available to the public on the Internet.
560.035(1)(bm) (bm) The department may charge an applicant for certification under this subsection a processing fee of not more than $50.
560.035(1)(c) (c) The department shall promulgate rules necessary to implement this subsection.
560.035(2) (2) The department shall develop, maintain and keep current a computer database of businesses in the state that are owned by women, containing demographic statistics and information on the types of industries represented, sales volume and growth rates, generation of jobs by both new and existing businesses and any other relevant characteristics.
560.035 History History: 1991 a. 39; 1999 a. 185; 2005 a. 358.
560.036 560.036 Minority businesses.
560.036(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
560.036(1)(a) (a) "American Indian" means a person who is enrolled as a member of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band or who possesses documentation of at least one-fourth American Indian ancestry or documentation of tribal recognition as an American Indian.
560.036(1)(b) (b) "Asian-Indian" means a person whose ancestors originated in India, Pakistan or Bangladesh.
560.036(1)(c) (c) "Black" means a person whose ancestors originated in any of the black racial groups of Africa.
560.036(1)(d) (d) "Hispanic" means a person of any race whose ancestors originated in Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central America or South America or whose culture or origin is Spanish.
560.036(1)(e)1.1. "Minority business" means a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company, joint venture or corporation that fulfills both of the following requirements:
560.036(1)(e)1.a. a. It is at least 51% owned, controlled and actively managed by a minority group member or members who are U.S. citizens or persons lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence, as defined under 8 USC 1101 (a) (20).
560.036(1)(e)1.b. b. It is currently performing a useful business function.
560.036(1)(ep) (ep) "Minority financial adviser" means a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company, joint venture or corporation that fulfills all of the following requirements:
560.036(1)(ep)1. 1. It is at least 51% owned, controlled and actively managed by a minority group member or members who are U.S. citizens or persons lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence, as defined under 8 USC 1101 (a) (20).
560.036(1)(ep)2. 2. It serves as an adviser with regard to the sale of evidences of indebtedness or other obligations.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2005. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?