Section 59.06 (2) (intro.) [now 59.13 (2) (intro.)] does not prohibit payment of additional mileage under s. 59.03 (3) (g) [now 59.10 (3) (g)]. 68 Atty. Gen. 73.
County board resolutions creating special or standing committees under this section or creating rules of procedure relative to executive matters or the administration of law are subject to veto in counties under 500,000. 68 Atty. Gen. 182.
A county board's power to delegate authority concerning property transactions to its committees is discussed. 74 Atty. Gen. 227.
Except in self-organized counties under s. 59.03 (1) [now s. 59.10 (1)], a county board may not establish multiple per diem compensation for attendance at more than one committee meeting on the same day on days when the county board is not in session. 79 Atty. Gen. 122.
59.14 Publication of ordinances and proceedings.
(1) Whenever a board enacts an ordinance under this chapter the clerk shall immediately publish it as a class 1 notice, under ch. 985; and the clerk shall procure and distribute copies of the ordinance to the several town clerks, who shall file it in their respective offices.
(2) The board shall, by ordinance or resolution, provide for publication in one or more newspapers in the county as a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, a certified copy of all its proceedings had at any meeting, regular or special; said publication to be completed within 60 days after the adjournment of each session.
(3) The board may at any meeting, regular or special, provide by resolution for the publication in pamphlet form by the lowest and best bidder therefor, of a sufficient and designated number of copies of its duly certified proceedings, for general distribution.
(4) The board may order public notices relating to tax redemption and other affairs of the county to be published in a newspaper printed in any other than the English language, to be designated in such order, whenever the board considers it necessary for the better information of the inhabitants of the county, and it shall appear from the last previous census that one-fourth or more of the adult population of the county is of a nationality not speaking the English language, and that there shall have been a newspaper published in the county continuously for one year or more in the language spoken by that nationality; but all of the notices shall also be published in a newspaper published in the English language as provided by law. The compensation for all of the publications shall be paid by the county ordering the publications, and shall be the same as that prescribed by law for publication in the English language; and no extra charge shall be allowed for translation in any case. No irregularity, mistake or informality in any such publication shall affect the validity or regularity of any tax redemptions or other legal proceedings.
History: 1987 a. 378; 1995 a. 201 s. 244; Stats. 1995 s. 59.14.
Sub. (1) is discussed in reference to the effect of the failure to distribute and the requirements of distribution and publication. 62 Atty. Gen. 81.
Codification and publication of ordinances is discussed. 70 Atty. Gen. 124.
59.15 Neglect of duty. Any supervisor who refuses or neglects to perform any of the duties which are required of the supervisor by law as a member of the board, without just cause therefor, shall for each such refusal or neglect forfeit not less than $50 nor more than $200.
History: 1991 a. 316; 1995 a. 201 s. 246; Stats. 1995 s. 59.15; 1995 a. 225 s. 136; 1997 a. 35.
A county board may provide for a penalty in the nature of a forfeiture for the violation of a code of ethics ordinance but may not bar violators from running for office. A violation is not a neglect of duties under s. 59.15 or ipso facto cause for removal under s. 17.09 (1). 66 Atty. Gen. 148. See also 67 Atty. Gen. 164.
59.17 County executive.
(1)Election and term of office.
(a) In each county with a population of 500,000 or more, a county executive shall be elected for a 4-year term at the election to be held on the first Tuesday in April of each year in which county supervisors are elected, and shall take office on the first Monday in May following the election. The county executive shall be elected from residents of the county at large by a majority vote of all qualified electors in the county voting in the election. In any county which attains a population of 500,000 or more, the first election under this paragraph shall be held on the first Tuesday in April in the year following the official announcement of the federal census.
(b) Counties with a population of less than 500,000 may by resolution of the board or by petition and referendum create the office of county executive or abolish it by petition and referendum. If the office of county executive is abolished, the person serving in the office shall complete the term to which elected. The county executive shall be elected the same as a county executive is elected under par. (a) for a term of 4 years commencing with the first spring election occurring at least 120 days after the creation of the office and shall take office on the 3rd Tuesday in April of that year. Such petition and election shall follow the procedure provided in s. 9.20 (1) to (6), except that in case of conflict this subsection shall control.
(2)Duties and powers. The county executive shall be the chief executive officer of the county. The county executive shall take care that every county ordinance and state or federal law is observed, enforced and administered within his or her county if the ordinance or law is subject to enforcement by the county executive or any person supervised by the county executive. The duties and powers of the county executive shall be, without limitation because of enumeration, to:
(a) Coordinate and direct all administrative and management functions of the county government not otherwise vested by law in other elected officers.
(b) In any county with a population of 500,000 or more, appoint and supervise the heads of all departments except where the statutes provide that the appointment shall be made by a board or commission or by other elected officers. Notwithstanding any statutory provision that a board or commission or the county board or county board chairperson appoint a department head, except ss. 17.21 and 59.47 (3), the county executive shall appoint and supervise the department head. Notwithstanding any statutory provision that a board or commission supervise the administration of a department, the department head shall supervise the administration of the department and the board or commission shall perform any advisory or policy-making function authorized by statute. Any appointment by the county executive under this paragraph requires the confirmation of the county board unless the county board, by ordinance, elects to waive confirmation. Any department head appointed by a county executive under this subsection may be removed at the pleasure of the county executive.
1. In any county with a population of 500,000 or more, appoint the following persons:
a. The director of parks, recreation and culture under s. 27.03 (2).
b. The director of the county department of human services under s. 46.21 (1m) (a).
c. The director of the county department of administration under s. 59.52 (1) (a).
d. The director of personnel of the county civil service commission under s. 63.02 (2).
e. The director of transportation under s. 83.01 (1).
2. Each appointment under subd. 1. is subject to the confirmation of the county board and is in the unclassified service, serving at the pleasure of the county executive and holding office until a new appointment is made by the county executive and confirmed by the board. No prior appointee may serve longer than 6 months after the term for which he or she was appointed and confirmed expires, unless reappointed and reconfirmed. The term of each appointment is 4 years or less.
(br) In any county with a population of less than 500,000, appoint and supervise the heads of all county departments except those elected by the people and except where the statutes provide that the appointment shall be made by other elected officers. Notwithstanding any statutory provision that a board or commission or the county board or county board chairperson appoint a department head, except s. 17.21, the county executive shall appoint and supervise the department head. Notwithstanding any statutory provision that a board or commission supervise the administration of a department, the department head shall supervise the administration of the department and the board or commission shall perform any advisory or policy-making function authorized by statute. An appointment by the county executive under this subsection requires the confirmation of the board unless the board, by ordinance, elects to waive confirmation or unless the appointment is made under a civil service system competitive examination procedure established under s. 59.52 (8) or ch. 63. Any department head appointed by a county executive under this subsection may be removed at the pleasure of the county executive unless the department head is appointed under a civil service system competitive examination procedure established under s. 59.52 (8) or ch. 63.
(c) Appoint the members of all boards and commissions where appointments are required and where the statutes provide that the appointments are made by the county board or by the chairperson of the county board. All appointments to boards and commissions by the county executive are subject to confirmation by the county board.
(3)Administrative secretaries to county executive; staff. The county executive may appoint administrative secretaries using hiring procedures which shall be exempt from county civil service competitive examination procedures and such additional staff assistants as the board provides.
(4)Compensation of county executive, deputy, and staff assistants. The board shall fix the compensation of the county executive, the county executive's administrative secretary and the county executive's staff assistants, provided that the salary of the county executive shall be established at least 90 days prior to any election held to fill the office.
(5)Message to the board; submission of annual budget. The county executive shall annually, and otherwise as may be necessary, communicate to the board the condition of the county, and shall recommend such matters to the board for its consideration as he or she considers expedient. Notwithstanding any other provision of the law, he or she shall be responsible for the submission of the annual budget to the board and may exercise the power to veto any increases or decreases in the budget under sub. (6).
(6)County executive to approve or veto resolutions or ordinances; proceedings on veto. Every resolution adopted or ordinance enacted by the board shall, before it becomes effective, be presented to the county executive. If the county executive approves, the county executive shall sign it; if not, the county executive shall return it with his or her objections, which objections shall be entered at large upon the journal and the board shall proceed to reconsider the matter. Appropriations may be approved in whole or in part by the county executive and the part approved shall become law, and the part objected to shall be returned in the same manner as provided for in other resolutions or ordinances. If, after such reconsideration, two-thirds of the members-elect of the board agree to adopt the resolution or enact the ordinance or the part of the resolution or ordinance objected to, it shall become effective on the date prescribed but not earlier than the date of passage following reconsideration. In all such cases, the votes of the members of the board shall be determined by ayes and nays and the names of the members voting for or against the resolution or ordinance or the part thereof objected to shall be entered on the journal. If any resolution or ordinance is not returned by the county executive to the board at its first meeting occurring not less than 6 days, Sundays excepted, after it has been presented to the county executive, it shall become effective unless the board has recessed or adjourned for a period in excess of 60 days, in which case it shall not be effective without the county executive's approval.
(7)Removal from office; vacancy, how filled. The county executive may be removed from office by the governor for cause under s. 17.16. A vacancy in the office of county executive shall be filled temporarily, within 30 days of the date of the vacancy, by appointment by the chairperson of the board, subject to confirmation by the board, from among electors of the county. Within 7 days following the occurrence of the vacancy, the clerk shall order a special election to be held under s. 8.50 to fill the vacancy. If the vacancy occurs after October 31 but not later than 49 days before the day of the spring primary, the special election shall be held concurrently with the spring primary and election.
(8)Succession in office.
(a) In the event of the inability of the county executive to serve because of mental or physical disease, the powers and duties of the office shall devolve upon the chairperson of the board until such time as the disability shall cease.
(b) In the event that a vacancy in the office of county executive occurs, the chairperson of the board shall immediately succeed to the office and assume the duties and responsibilities thereof until the board has confirmed an appointment to the office under sub. (7).
A county executive's partial-veto power is similar to the governor's power. 73 Atty. Gen. 92.
The powers of an elected county executive are discussed. 77 Atty. Gen. 113.
A county board may adopt an ordinance creating the office of county executive and make the ordinance contingent upon approval in a countywide referendum. The office of county executive is created at the time the results of the referendum become final. The first election for the office occurs at least 120 days after the creation becomes effective. The county executive takes office on the 3rd Tuesday in April of the election year. 78 Atty. Gen. 227.
The veto of an appropriation under sub. (5) does not restore the appropriation to its level in the county executive's proposed budget. 80 Atty. Gen. 214.
59.18 County administrator.
(1)Appointment. Counties having a population of less than 500,000 may by resolution of the board or by petition and referendum create the office of county administrator. The county administrator shall be appointed by majority vote of the board. Such petition and election shall follow the procedure provided in s. 9.20 (1) to (6). If any member of the board is appointed as county administrator, his or her status as a member of the board is thereby terminated, except that in the case of a vacancy in the office of county administrator by reason of removal, resignation or other cause, the board may appoint any member of the board as acting county administrator to serve for a period of 15 days while the board is considering the selection of a county administrator.
(2)Duties and powers. The county administrator shall be the chief administrative officer of the county. The county administrator shall take care that every county ordinance and state or federal law is observed, enforced and administered within his or her county if the ordinance or law is subject to enforcement by the county administrator or any other person supervised by the county administrator. The duties and powers of the county administrator shall be, without limitation because of enumeration, to:
(a) Coordinate and direct all administrative and management functions of the county government not otherwise vested by law in boards or commissions, or in other elected officers.
(b) Appoint and supervise the heads of all departments of the county except those elected by the people and except where the statutes provide that the appointment shall be made by elected officers; but the county administrator shall also appoint and supervise all department heads where the law provides that the appointment shall be made by a board or commission, by the chairperson of the county board or by the county board. Notwithstanding any statutory provision that a board or commission supervise the administration of a department, the department head shall supervise the administration of the department and the board or commission shall perform any advisory or policy-making function authorized by statute. Any appointment by the county administrator under this paragraph requires the confirmation of the county board unless the board, by ordinance, elects to waive confirmation or unless the appointment is made under a civil service system competitive examination procedure established under s. 59.52 (8) or ch. 63. Any department head appointed by a county administrator under this paragraph may be removed at the pleasure of the county administrator unless the department head is appointed under a civil service system competitive examination procedure established under s. 59.52 (8) or ch. 63.
(c) Appoint the members of all boards and commissions where the statutes provide that such appointment shall be made by the county board or by the chairperson of the county board. All appointments to boards and commissions by the county administrator shall be subject to the confirmation of the county board.
(3)Administrative secretary to county administrator; staff. The county administrator may appoint an administrative secretary, and additional staff assistants, as necessary.
(4)Compensation of county administrator and staff. The board shall fix the compensation of the county administrator, the county administrator's administrative secretary and the county administrator's staff assistants.
(5)Message to the board; submission of annual budget. The county administrator shall annually, and otherwise as necessary, communicate to the board the condition of the county, and recommend such matters to the board for its consideration as the county administrator considers expedient. Notwithstanding any other provision of the law, the county administrator shall be responsible for the submission of the annual budget to the board.
(6)Qualifications for appointment. The county administrator shall be appointed solely on merit. In appointing the county administrator, the board shall give due regard to training, experience, administrative ability and general qualifications and fitness for performing the duties of the office, and no person shall be eligible to the office of county administrator, who is not by training, experience, ability and efficiency qualified and generally fit to perform the duties of such office. No weight or consideration shall be given by the board to residence, to nationality, or to political or religious affiliations.
(7)Removal. The board may remove the county administrator at any time that the county administrator's conduct of the county administration becomes unsatisfactory, and engage a successor. The action of the board in removing the county administrator shall be final.
(8)Vacancy, how filled. A vacancy in the office of the county administrator by reason of removal, resignation or other cause, shall be filled by appointment by majority vote of the board.
History: 1983 a. 192 ss. 118, 303 (2); 1985 a. 29, 176; 1989 a. 273; 1991 a. 316; 1995 a. 201 s. 102; Stats. 1995 s. 59.18.
A county board can abolish the office of county administrator by majority vote. 61 Atty. Gen. 322.
59.19 Administrative coordinator. In any county which has not created the office of county executive or county administrator, the board shall designate, no later than January 1, 1987, an elected or appointed official to serve as administrative coordinator of the county. The administrative coordinator shall be responsible for coordinating all administrative and management functions of the county government not otherwise vested by law in boards or commissions, or in other elected officers.
History: 1985 a. 29; 1995 a. 201 s. 103; Stats. s. 59.19.
59.20 County offices and officers.
(1)Eligibility for county office. No person may file nomination papers as a candidate for, have his or her name placed on a ballot for election to, or hold a county elective office who is not an elector of the county. No person may file nomination papers as a candidate for, have his or her name placed on a ballot for election to, or hold the office of county supervisor who is not an elector of the supervisory district from which he or she is chosen.
(2)County officers; terms.
(a) Except as provided in par. (c), a county clerk, treasurer, coroner, clerk of circuit court, register of deeds, and surveyor, who shall be a registered land surveyor, shall be elected in each county for full terms at the general election held in each even-numbered year. The regular term of office of each such officer shall commence on the first Monday of January next succeeding his or her election and shall continue 2 years and until his or her successor qualifies.
(b) A sheriff shall be elected for each county at the general election in 2002 and quadrennially thereafter. The regular term of the office of sheriff commences on the first Monday in January next succeeding the sheriff's election and shall continue 4 years and until his or her successor qualifies.
(c) In lieu of electing a surveyor in any county, the board may, by resolution, designate that the duties under ss. 59.45 (1) and 59.74 (2) be performed by any registered land surveyor employed by the county. Except as provided in par. (b), in any county containing one town only, the county board may, by resolution, designate any county office a part-time position, combine 2 or more county offices, and, if concurred in by the town board, combine the offices of county clerk and town clerk and any other county and town offices, provided that the offices combined are not incompatible and the combination is not expressly forbidden by law. If the town board so concurs, the election may be for the combined office and no separate election for the town office shall be held until after the county board has by resolution decided to abandon the combination and the town board has concurred by resolution. In counties having a population of 500,000 or more, no county coroner or county surveyor may be elected. In any county in which a medical examiner system is instituted, no coroner may be elected.
(3)Offices where kept; when open.
(a) Every sheriff, clerk of the circuit court, register of deeds, treasurer, register of probate, clerk and county surveyor shall keep his or her office at the county seat in the offices provided by the county or by special provision of law; or if there is none, then at such place as the board directs. The board may also require any elective or appointive county official to keep his or her office at the county seat in an office to be provided by the county. All such officers shall keep their offices open during the usual business hours of any day except Sunday, as the board directs. With proper care, the officers shall open to the examination of any person all books and papers required to be kept in his or her office and permit any person so examining to take notes and copies of such books, records, papers or minutes therefrom except as authorized in par. (c) and ss. 19.36 (10) to (12) and 19.59 (3) (d) or under ch. 69.
(b) If any officer described in par. (a) neglects or refuses to comply with any of the provisions of this subsection, the officer shall forfeit $5 for each day that the noncompliance continues. Actions for the collection of a forfeiture under this paragraph may be brought upon the complaint of the district attorney of the proper county or of any party aggrieved by the officer's refusal or neglect.
(c) Any board may, by ordinance, provide that the cutoff reception time for the filing and recording of documents shall be advanced by one hour in any official business day during which time the register of deeds office is open to the public, in order to complete the processing, recording, and indexing to conform to the day of reception. Any register of deeds may provide in his or her notice under s. 19.34 (1) that requests for inspection or copying of the records of his or her office may be made only during a specified period of not less than 35 hours per week. For all other purposes, the register of deeds office shall remain open to the public during usual business hours.
(d) Any register of deeds who in good faith makes an erroneous determination as to the accessibility of a portion of a record, to members of the public under s. 19.36 (6), is not subject to any penalty for denial of access to the record under s. 19.37 (4).
History: 1995 a. 201 ss. 248, 249, 251, 268; 1995 a. 225 s. 145; 1997 a. 35; 2003 a. 47, 321, 322; 2005 a. 41.
NOTE: 2003 Wis. Act 47, which affects this section, contains extensive explanatory notes.
Section 59.14, [now 59.20 (3)] is a legislative declaration granting those persons who come under its coverage an absolute right of inspection subject only to reasonable administrative regulations. State ex rel. Bilder v. Town of Delavan, 112 Wis. 2d 539, 334 N.W.2d 252 (1983).
A newspaper had the right to intervene to protect its right to examine sealed court files. State ex rel. Bilder v. Town of Delavan, 112 Wis. 2d 539, 334 N.W.2d 252 (1983).
Courts must apply the open records balancing test to questions involving disclosure of court records. Under the test, the party seeking nondisclosure must show that public interests favoring secrecy outweigh those favoring disclosure. C. L. v. Edson, 140 Wis. 2d 168, 409 N.W.2d 417 (Ct. App. 1987).
The appointment of a county surveyor under this section is constitutional. Ripley v. Brown, 143 Wis. 2d 686, 422 N.W.2d 608 (1988).
"Books and papers required to be kept" are not all those that the custodian is obliged merely to retain or preserve; rather they are only those that the custodian is obliged to maintain or engender. The requester has the burden of showing the authority requiring that the record be maintained or engendered. State ex rel. Schultz v. Bruendl, 168 Wis. 2d 101, 483 N.W.2d 238 (Ct. App. 1992).
To overcome the legislatively mandated policy favoring open records and to persuade the circuit court to exercise its inherent authority, the party seeking to close court records bears the burden of demonstrating, with particularity, that the administration of justice requires that the records be closed. Once documents are filed in the court they become a judicial record subject to the access accorded such records. Even the possibility that the parties may attempt to rescind a settlement agreement if the record is unsealed does not outweigh the public's right to inspect public documents. There are no requirements of a showing of harm to the public or that the inquiry must have indicia of public concern. Krier v. EOG Environmental, Inc. 2005 WI App 256, 288 Wis. 2d 623, 707 N.W.2d 915, 04-2670.
After a transcript of a court proceedings is filed with the clerk of court, any person may examine or copy the transcript. 68 Atty. Gen. 313.
A sheriff's criminal investigation files are not covered by a blanket exemption from the public records law. Denial of access may be justified on a case-by-case basis. 77 Atty. Gen. 42.
59.21 Official oaths and bonds.
(1) Each county officer named in this chapter, except county supervisors, shall execute and file an official bond and take and file the official oath within 20 days after receiving official notice of election or appointment, or if not officially notified, within 20 days after the commencement of the term for which the officer is elected or appointed, or the board may provide a schedule or blanket bond that includes any or all of these officials, except county supervisors. Every county supervisor shall take and file the official oath within 20 days after receiving official notice of election or appointment, or if not officially notified, within 20 days after the commencement of the term for which he or she is elected or appointed. Every deputy appointed by any such officer shall take and file the official oath and if the deputy neglects to do so, he or she shall forfeit $100. If the board does not provide a schedule or blanket bond, the official bonds shall be in sums and with sureties, as follows:
(a) Clerk, not less than $2,000.
(b) Treasurer, if the bond is furnished by individual sureties, not less than the amount nor exceeding twice the amount of all taxes directed by the board to be levied therein and to be received by the treasurer during the ensuing year, with 3 or more sureties; or, if the bond is furnished by a surety company in an amount not less than 10% of all taxes directed by the board to be levied therein, and to be received by the treasurer during the ensuing year, or $500,000, whichever is smaller.
(c) Sheriff, not less than $5,000 nor more than $25,000, with not less than 3 sureties.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2005. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?