71.07(3n)(a)2. 2. "Dairy farm modernization or expansion" means the construction, the improvement, or the acquisition of buildings or facilities, or the acquisition of equipment, for dairy animal housing, confinement, animal feeding, milk production, or waste management, including the following, if used exclusively related to dairy animals and if acquired and placed in service in this state during taxable years that begin after December 31, 2003, and before January 1, 2010:
71.07(3n)(a)2.a. a. Freestall barns.
71.07(3n)(a)2.b. b. Fences.
71.07(3n)(a)2.c. c. Watering facilities.
71.07(3n)(a)2.d. d. Feed storage and handling equipment.
71.07(3n)(a)2.e. e. Milking parlors.
71.07(3n)(a)2.f. f. Robotic equipment.
71.07(3n)(a)2.g. g. Scales.
71.07(3n)(a)2.h. h. Milk storage and cooling facilities.
71.07(3n)(a)2.i. i. Bulk tanks.
71.07(3n)(a)2.j. j. Manure pumping and storage facilities.
71.07(3n)(a)2.k. k. Digesters.
71.07(3n)(a)2.L. L. Equipment used to produce energy.
71.07(3n)(a)4. 4. "Livestock" means cattle, not including dairy animals; swine; poultry, including farm-raised pheasants, but not including other farm-raised game birds or ratites; fish that are raised in aquaculture facilities; sheep; and goats.
71.07(3n)(a)5. 5. "Livestock farm modernization or expansion" means the construction, the improvement, or the acquisition of buildings or facilities, or the acquisition of equipment, for livestock housing, confinement, feeding, or waste management, including the following, if used exclusively related to livestock and if acquired and placed in service in this state during taxable years that begin after December 31, 2005, and before January 1, 2012:
71.07(3n)(a)5.a. a. Birthing structures.
71.07(3n)(a)5.b. b. Rearing structures.
71.07(3n)(a)5.c. c. Feedlot structures.
71.07(3n)(a)5.d. d. Feed storage and handling equipment.
71.07(3n)(a)5.e. e. Fences.
71.07(3n)(a)5.f. f. Watering facilities.
71.07(3n)(a)5.g. g. Scales.
71.07(3n)(a)5.h. h. Manure pumping and storage facilities.
71.07(3n)(a)5.i. i. Digesters.
71.07(3n)(a)5.j. j. Equipment used to produce energy.
71.07(3n)(a)5.k. k. Fish hatchery buildings.
71.07(3n)(a)5.L. L. Fish processing buildings.
71.07(3n)(a)5.m. m. Fish rearing ponds.
71.07(3n)(a)6.a.a. For taxable years that begin after December 31, 2003, and before January 1, 2006, "used exclusively," related to dairy animals, means used to the exclusion of all other uses except for use not exceeding 5 percent of total use.
71.07(3n)(a)6.b. b. For taxable years that begin after December 31, 2005, and before January 1, 2010, "used exclusively," related to livestock, dairy animals, or both, means used to the exclusion of all other uses except for use not exceeding 5 percent of total use.
71.07(3n)(a)6.c. c. For taxable years that begin after December 31, 2009, and before January 1, 2012, "used exclusively," related to livestock, means used to the exclusion of all other uses except for use not exceeding 5 percent of total use.
71.07(3n)(b)1.1. Subject to the limitations provided in this subsection, for taxable years that begin after December 31, 2003, and before January 1, 2010, a claimant may claim as a credit against the tax imposed under ss. 71.02 and 71.08 an amount equal to 10% of the amount the claimant paid in the taxable year for dairy farm modernization or expansion related to the operation of the claimant's dairy farm.
71.07(3n)(b)2. 2. Subject to the limitations provided in this subsection, for taxable years that begin after December 31, 2005, and before January 1, 2012, a claimant may claim as a credit against the tax imposed under ss. 71.02 and 71.08 an amount equal to 10 percent of the amount the claimant paid in the taxable year for livestock farm modernization or expansion related to the operation of the claimant's livestock farm.
71.07(3n)(c) (c) No credit may be allowed under this subsection for any amount that the claimant paid for expenses described under par. (b) that the claimant also claimed as a deduction under section 162 of the Internal Revenue Code.
71.07(3n)(d) (d) The aggregate amount of credits that a claimant may claim under this subsection is $50,000.
71.07(3n)(e)1.1. Partnerships, limited liability companies, and tax-option corporations may not claim the credit under this subsection, but the eligibility for, and the amount of, the credit are based on their payment of expenses under par. (b), except that the aggregate amount of credits that the entity may compute shall not exceed $50,000. A partnership, limited liability company, or tax-option corporation shall compute the amount of credit that each of its partners, members, or shareholders may claim and shall provide that information to each of them. Partners, members of limited liability companies, and shareholders of tax-option corporations may claim the credit in proportion to their ownership interest.
71.07(3n)(e)2. 2. If 2 or more persons own and operate the dairy or livestock farm, each person may claim a credit under par. (b) in proportion to his or her ownership interest, except that the aggregate amount of the credits claimed by all persons who own and operate the farm shall not exceed $50,000.
71.07(3n)(f) (f) Section 71.28 (4) (e), (f), (g), and (h), as it applies to the credit under s. 71.28 (4), applies to the credit under this subsection.
71.07(3s) (3s)Manufacturing sales tax credit.
71.07(3s)(a)(a) In this subsection:
71.07(3s)(a)1. 1. "Manufacturing" has the meaning given in s. 77.54 (6m).
71.07(3s)(a)2. 2. "Sales and use tax under ch. 77 paid by the person" includes use taxes paid directly by the person and sales and use taxes paid by the person's supplier and passed on to the person whether separately stated on the invoice or included in the total price.
71.07(3s)(b) (b) The tax imposed under s. 71.02 or 71.08 shall be reduced by an amount equal to the sales and use tax under ch. 77 paid by the person in such taxable year on fuel and electricity consumed in manufacturing tangible personal property in this state. Shareholders in a tax-option corporation and partners may claim the credit under this subsection, based on eligible sales and use taxes paid by the partnership or tax-option corporation, in proportion to the ownership interest of each partner or shareholder. The partnership or tax-option corporation shall calculate the amount of the credit which may be claimed by each partner or shareholder and shall provide that information to the partner or shareholder.
71.07(3s)(c)1.1. The credit under par. (b), including any credits carried over, may be offset only against the amount of the tax imposed upon or measured by the business operations of the claimant in which the fuel and electricity are consumed. Except as provided in subd. 7., if the credit computed is not entirely offset against taxes otherwise due, the unused balance shall be carried forward and credited against taxes otherwise due for the following 20 taxable years to the extent not offset by taxes otherwise due in all intervening years between the year in which the expense was incurred and the year in which the carry-forward credit is claimed.
71.07(3s)(c)2. 2. For shareholders in a tax-option corporation, the credit may be offset only against the tax imposed on the shareholder's prorated share of the tax-option corporation's income.
71.07(3s)(c)3. 3. For partners, the credit may be offset only against the tax imposed on the partner's distributive share of partnership income.
71.07(3s)(c)4. 4. If a tax-option corporation becomes liable for tax for a taxable year that begins on or after January 1, 1998, the corporation may offset the credit against the tax due, with any remaining credit computed for a taxable year that begins on or after January 1, 1998, passing through to the shareholders.
71.07(3s)(c)5. 5. If a corporation that is not a tax-option corporation has a carry-over credit from a taxable year that begins on or after January 1, 1998, and becomes a tax-option corporation before the credit carried over is used, the unused portion of the credit may be used by the tax-option corporation's shareholders on a prorated basis.
71.07(3s)(c)6. 6. If the shareholders of a tax-option corporation have carry-over credits and the corporation becomes a corporation other than a tax-option corporation after October 14, 1997, and before the credits carried over are used, the unused portion of the credits may be used by the corporation that is not a tax-option corporation.
71.07(3s)(c)7. 7. No credit may be claimed under this subsection for taxable years that begin after December 31, 2005. For credits that are claimed but unused under this subsection for taxable years that begin before January 1, 2006, up to 50 percent may be used in each of the following 2 taxable years if the taxpayer has $25,000 or less in unused credits as of January 1, 2006. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005, and before January 1, 2008, a taxpayer who has more than $25,000 in unused credits as of January 1, 2006, may deduct an amount in each year that is equal to 50 percent of the amount the taxpayer added back to income under s. 71.05 (6) (a) at the time that the taxpayer first claimed the credit or, with regard to credits passed through from a partnership, limited liability company, or tax-option corporation, 50 percent of the amount that the entity added back to its income and was included in the partner's, member's, or shareholder's Wisconsin net income at the time that the credit was first claimed.
71.07(3t) (3t)Manufacturing investment credit.
71.07(3t)(a)(a) Definition. In this subsection, "claimant" means a person who files a claim under this subsection.
71.07(3t)(b) (b) Credit. Subject to the limitations provided in this subsection and in s. 560.28, for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007, a claimant may claim as a credit, amortized over 15 taxable years starting with the taxable year beginning after December 31, 2007, against the tax imposed under s. 71.02 and 71.08, up to the amount of the tax, an amount equal to the claimant's unused credits under s. 71.07 (3s).
71.07(3t)(c) (c) Limitations.
71.07(3t)(c)1.1. No credit may be claimed under this subsection unless the claimant submits with the claimant's return a copy of the claimant's certification by the department of commerce under s. 560.28, except that, with regard to credits claimed by partners of a partnership, members of a limited liability company, or shareholders of a tax-option corporation, the entity shall provide a copy of its certification under s. 560.28 to the partner, member, or shareholder to submit with his or her return.
71.07(3t)(c)2. 2. Partnerships, limited liability companies, and tax-option corporations may not claim the credit under this subsection, but the eligibility for, and the amount of, the credit are based on the amount of their unused credits under s. 71.07 (3s). A partnership, limited liability company, or tax-option corporation shall compute the amount of credit that each of its partners, members, or shareholders may claim and shall provide that information to each of them. Partners, members of limited liability companies, and shareholders of tax-option corporations may claim the credit in proportion to their ownership interest.
71.07(3t)(d) (d) Administration.
71.07(3t)(d)1.1. Section 71.28 (4) (e), (g), and (h), as it applies to the credit under s. 71.28 (4), applies to the credit under this subsection.
71.07(3t)(d)2. 2. The amount of any unused credit under this subsection in any taxable year may be carried forward to subsequent taxable years, up to 15 taxable years.
71.07(3w) (3w)Enterprise zone jobs credit.
71.07(3w)(a)(a) Definitions. In this subsection:
71.07(3w)(a)1. 1. "Base year" means the taxable year beginning during the calendar year prior to the calendar year in which the enterprise zone in which the claimant is located takes effect.
71.07(3w)(a)2. 2. "Claimant" means a person who is certified to claim tax benefits under s. 560.799 (5) and who files a claim under this subsection.
71.07(3w)(a)3. 3. "Full-time employee" means an individual who is employed in a regular, nonseasonal job and who, as a condition of employment, is required to work at least 2,080 hours per year, including paid leave and holidays.
71.07(3w)(a)4. 4. "Enterprise zone" means a zone designated under s. 560.799.
71.07(3w)(a)5. 5. "State payroll" means the amount of payroll apportioned to this state, as determined under s. 71.04 (6).
71.07(3w)(a)6. 6. "Zone payroll" means the amount of state payroll that is attributable to compensation paid to individuals for services that are performed in a enterprise zone. "Zone payroll" does not include the amount of compensation paid to any individual that exceeds $100,000.
71.07(3w)(b) (b) Filing claims; payroll. Subject to the limitations provided in this subsection and s. 560.799, a claimant may claim as a credit against the tax imposed under s. 71.02 or 71.08 an amount calculated as follows:
71.07(3w)(b)1. 1. Determine the amount that is the lesser of:
71.07(3w)(b)1.a. a. The claimant's zone payroll in the taxable year, minus the claimant's zone payroll in the base year.
71.07(3w)(b)1.b. b. The claimant's state payroll in the taxable year, minus the claimant's state payroll in the base year.
71.07(3w)(b)2. 2. Subtract the number of full-time employees that the claimant employed in the area that comprises the enterprise zone in the base year from the number of full-time employees that the claimant employed in the enterprise zone in the taxable year.
71.07(3w)(b)3. 3. Multiply the amount determined under subd. 2., but not an amount less than zero, by $30,000.
71.07(3w)(b)4. 4. Subtract the amount determined under subd. 3. from the amount determined under subd. 1.
71.07(3w)(b)5. 5. Multiply the amount determined under subd. 4. by 7 percent.
71.07(3w)(bm) (bm) Filing supplemental claims. In addition to the credit under par. (b) and subject to the limitations provided in this subsection and s. 560.799, a claimant may claim as a credit against the tax imposed under s. 71.02 or 71.08 an amount equal to all of the following:
71.07(3w)(bm)3. 3. If all of the claimant's payroll is zone payroll and all of the claimant's business-related property is located in a enterprise zone, the amount obtained by multiplying 20 percent of the sum of the claimant's zone payroll in the taxable year and the adjusted basis of the claimant's property at the time that the property is first placed in service in the enterprise zone by 6.5 percent.
71.07(3w)(bm)4. 4. The amount the claimant paid in the taxable year to upgrade or improve the skills of any of the claimant's full-time employees, to train any of the claimant's full-time employees on the use of new technologies, or to train any full-time employee whose employment with the claimant represents the employee's first full-time job. This subdivision does not apply to employees who do not work in a enterprise zone.
71.07(3w)(c) (c) Limitations.
71.07(3w)(c)1.1. If the allowable amount of the claim under this subsection exceeds the taxes otherwise due on the claimant's income under s. 71.02, the amount of the claim that is not used to offset those taxes shall be certified by the department of revenue to the department of administration for payment by check, share draft, or other draft drawn from the appropriation under s. 20.835 (2) (cm) [s. 20.835 (2) (co)].
71.07 Note NOTE: The correct cross-reference is shown in brackets. Corrective legislation is pending.
71.07(3w)(c)2. 2. Partnerships, limited liability companies, and tax-option corporations may not claim the credit under this subsection, but the eligibility for, and the amount of, the credit are based on their payment of amounts described under pars. (b) and (bm). A partnership, limited liability company, or tax-option corporation shall compute the amount of credit that each of its partners, members, or shareholders may claim and shall provide that information to each of them. Partners, members of limited liability companies, and shareholders of tax-option corporations may claim the credit in proportion to their ownership interests.
71.07(3w)(c)3. 3. No credit may be allowed under this subsection unless the claimant includes with the claimant's return a copy of the claimant's certification for tax benefits under s. 560.799 (5).
71.07(3w)(c)4. 4. No claimant may claim a credit under this subsection if the basis for which the credit is claimed is also the basis for which another credit is claimed under this subchapter.
71.07(3w)(d) (d) Administration. Section 71.28 (4) (g) and (h), as it applies to the credit under s. 71.28 (4), applies to the credit under this subsection.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2005. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?