(3) Reinstatement after suspension. Except as provided in
s. 343.10, the department shall not issue a license to a person whose operating privilege has been duly suspended while the suspension remains in effect. Upon the expiration of the period of suspension, the person's operating privilege is reinstated as provided in
s. 343.39.
(4) First issuance of license in Wisconsin after suspension or revocation by another state. The department may issue an operator's license to a person moving to this state whose operating privileges have been previously suspended or revoked in another state when their operating privilege has been reinstated in that state and the following conditions have been met:
(a) When the period of suspension or revocation required by law for conviction for the same traffic violation in this state has terminated.
(b) Acceptable proof of financial responsibility has been filed.
(c) Application for a Wisconsin operator's license has been made.
(e) The fees required for the issuance of an original license have been paid.
(5) Restrictions on license. If a court has ordered that the person's operating privilege be restricted for a period of time after the revocation period is completed to operating vehicles equipped with an ignition interlock device, the license issued under this section shall include that restriction.
When operating privilege automatically reinstated. 343.39(1)(1) An operating privilege is automatically reinstated under any of the following circumstances:
(a) When, in the case of a suspended operating privilege, the period of suspension has terminated, the fees specified in
s. 343.21 (1) (j) and
(n) have been paid to the department and, for reinstatement of an operating privilege suspended under
ch. 344, the person files with the department proof of financial responsibility, if required, in the amount, form and manner specified under
ch. 344.
(b) When, in the case of a revocation or suspension based on a conviction, the conviction is reversed, set aside or vacated. This paragraph applies whether or not the conviction occurred in this state and whether or not the conviction was cause for revocation or suspension only when considered in connection with the person's previous operating record.
(c) Whenever any other provision of law provides for automatic reinstatement.
(2) Whenever a person's operating privilege is automatically reinstated, the department shall forthwith notify such person thereof and shall return any surrendered and unexpired license in its possession. If the license expired during the period of revocation or suspension, such person may renew the license at the standard renewal fee at any time within 30 days after the reinstatement of the operating privilege.
(3) If a court has ordered that the person's operating privilege be restricted for a period of time after the suspension period is completed to operating vehicles equipped with an ignition interlock device, the license shall include that restriction.
343.39 Annotation
Reinstatement under sub. (1) (b) is not retroactive to the date of conviction. State v. Orethun,
84 Wis. 2d 487,
267 N.W.2d 318 (1978).
Judicial review of suspension, revocation, cancellation or denial of license. The denial or cancellation of a license or the revocation or suspension of an operating privilege is subject to judicial review in the manner provided in
ch. 227 for the review of administrative decisions.
343.40 History
History: 1977 c. 43,
Unlawful use of license. 343.43(1)(a)
(a) Except as provided in
s. 343.35 (1) (b), represent as valid any canceled, revoked, suspended, fictitious or fraudulently altered license; or
(b) Sell or lend that person's license to any other person or knowingly permit the use thereof by another; or
(c) Represent as one's own any license not issued to that person; or
(d) Violate any of the restrictions placed on that person's license by or pursuant to law; or
(e) Permit any unlawful use of a license issued to that person; or
(f) Reproduce by any means whatever a copy of a license, unless the reproduction is done pursuant to rules promulgated by the department and for a valid business or occupational purpose; or
Effective date note
NOTE: Par. (g) is amended eff. the date stated in the notice provided by the secretary of transportation and published in the Wisconsin Administrative Register under section 85.515 (2) (b) of the statutes by
2007 Wis. Act 20 to read:
Effective date text
(g) Deface or alter a license except to endorse a change of address authorized by s. 343.22 (2).
(2) Whenever a license or identification card which appears to be altered is displayed to a law enforcement officer, agent of the secretary or the court, that person shall take possession of the license or identification card and return it to the department for cancellation. A notation of change of address properly endorsed on the license under
s. 343.22 shall not of itself be reason to consider the license altered.
(3) Except as provided in
sub. (3m), any person who violates
sub. (1) shall be:
(a) Fined not less than $200 nor more than $600 and may be imprisoned for not more than 6 months or both for the first such violation.
(b) Fined not less than $300 nor more than $1,000 and imprisoned for not less than 5 days nor more than 6 months for the 2nd offense occurring within 3 years.
(c) Fined not less than $1,000 nor more than $2,000 and imprisoned for not less than 10 days nor more than 6 months for the 3rd or subsequent offense occurring within 3 years.
(3m) Any person who violates
sub. (1) (d) while operating a "Class D" or "Class M" vehicle as described in
s. 343.04 (1) (d) and
(e), except a school bus, may be required to forfeit not more than $200 for the first offense, may be fined not more than $300 and imprisoned for not more than 30 days for the 2nd offense occurring within 3 years, and may be fined not more than $500 and imprisoned for not more than 6 months for the 3rd or subsequent offense occurring within 3 years. A violation of a local ordinance in conformity with this section shall count as a previous offense.
343.43 Annotation
Convictions for presenting a fraudulently altered driver license are restricted to situations having a direct bearing on the license, such as the granting of driving privileges. Changing the date of birth did not affect the owner's driving privileges. State v. Scholwin,
57 Wis. 2d 764,
204 N.W.2d 677 (1973).
License not to be used as security. 343.435(1)
(1) No person may require or accept an operator's license, chauffeur's license, occupational license, instructional permit or any other license or permit issued under this chapter as security.
(2) Any person violating this section may be required to forfeit not less than $20 nor more than $100.
(3) This section does not apply to the action by a state, county, city, village or town of requiring or accepting a license or permit when such action is authorized by some other provision of law.
343.435 History
History: 1983 a. 355.
Operating while suspended, revoked, ordered out-of-service or disqualified. 343.44(1)(a)(a)
Operating while suspended. No person whose operating privilege has been duly suspended under the laws of this state may operate a motor vehicle upon any highway in this state during the period of suspension or in violation of any restriction on an occupational license issued to the person during the period of suspension. A person's knowledge that his or her operating privilege is suspended is not an element of the offense under this paragraph. In this paragraph, "restriction on an occupational license" means restrictions imposed under
s. 343.10 (5) (a) as to hours of the day, area, routes or purpose of travel, vehicles allowed to be operated, use of an ignition interlock device, sobriety or use of alcohol, controlled substances or controlled substance analogs.
Knowingly operating while suspended. No person whose operating privilege has been duly suspended under the laws of this state may knowingly operate a motor vehicle upon any highway in this state during the period of suspension or in violation of any restriction on an occupational license issued to the person during the period of suspension. In this paragraph, "restriction on an occupational license" means restrictions imposed under
s. 343.10 (5) (a) as to hours of the day, area, routes or purpose of travel, vehicles allowed to be operated, use of an ignition interlock device, sobriety or use of alcohol, controlled substances, or controlled substance analogs.
(b) Operating while revoked. No person whose operating privilege has been duly revoked under the laws of this state may knowingly operate a motor vehicle upon any highway in this state during the period of revocation or in violation of any restriction on an occupational license issued to the person during the period of revocation. In this paragraph, "restriction on an occupational license" means restrictions imposed under
s. 343.10 (5) (a) as to hours of the day, area, routes or purpose of travel, vehicles allowed to be operated, use of an ignition interlock device, sobriety or use of alcohol, controlled substances or controlled substance analogs.
(c) Operating while ordered out-of-service. No person may operate a commercial motor vehicle while the person or the commercial motor vehicle is ordered out-of-service under state or federal law.
(d) Operating while disqualified. No person may operate a commercial motor vehicle while disqualified under
s. 343.315 or
49 CFR 383.51, under the law of another jurisdiction or Mexico that provides for disqualification of commercial drivers in a manner similar to
49 CFR 383.51, or under a determination by the federal motor carrier safety administration under the federal rules of practice for motor carrier safety contained in
49 CFR 386 that the person is no longer qualified to operate a vehicle under
49 CFR 391.
(1g) Reinstatement required. Notwithstanding any specified term of suspension, revocation, cancellation or disqualification, the period of any suspension, revocation, cancellation or disqualification of an operator's license issued under this chapter or of an operating privilege continues until the operator's license or operating privilege is reinstated.
343.44(2)(a)(a) Any person who violates
sub. (1) (a) or a local ordinance in conformity therewith shall be required to forfeit not less than $50 nor more than $200.
(am) Any person who violates
sub. (1) (b) before May 1, 2002, may be required to forfeit not more than $600, except that, if the person has been convicted of a previous violation of
sub. (1) (b), or of operating a motor vehicle in violation of s.
343.44 (1), 1997 stats., with an operating privilege that is revoked, within the preceding 5-year period, the penalty under
par. (b) shall apply.
(as) Any person who violates
sub. (1) (b) after July 27, 2005, shall forfeit not more than $2,500, except that, if the person has been convicted of a previous violation of
sub. (1) (b) within the preceding 5-year period or if the revocation identified under
sub. (1) (b) resulted from an offense that may be counted under
s. 343.307 (2), the penalty under
par. (b) shall apply.
(b) Except as provided in
pars. (am) and
(as), any person who violates
sub. (1) (b) or
(d) shall be fined not more than $2,500 or imprisoned for not more than one year in the county jail or both. In imposing a sentence under this paragraph, or a local ordinance in conformity with this paragraph, the court shall review the record and consider the following:
1. The aggravating and mitigating circumstances in the matter, using the guidelines described in
par. (d).
3. The number of prior convictions of the person for violations of this section within the 5 years preceding the person's arrest.
4. The reason that the person's operating privilege was revoked, or the person was disqualified or ordered out of service, including whether the person's operating privilege was revoked for an offense that may be counted under
s. 343.307 (2).
5. Any convictions for moving violations arising out of the incident or occurrence giving rise to sentencing under this section.
(bm) Any person who violates
sub. (1) (c) shall be fined not less than $1,100 nor more than $2,750 or imprisoned for not more than one year in the county jail or both. In imposing a sentence under this paragraph, the court shall review the record and consider the factors specified in
par. (b) 1. to
(c) In addition to other penalties for violation of this section, if a person violates this section while his or her operating privilege is revoked as provided in
ch. 351, the penalties may be enhanced by imprisonment and additional fines as provided in
s. 351.08. For the purpose of enforcing this paragraph, in any case in which the accused is charged with operating a motor vehicle while his or her operator's license, permit or privilege to operate is suspended or revoked or is charged with operating without a valid operator's license, the court, before hearing the charge, shall determine whether the person is a habitual traffic offender or repeat habitual traffic offender and therefore barred from operating a motor vehicle on the highways of this state.
(d) The chief judge of each judicial administrative district shall adopt guidelines, under the chief judge's authority to adopt local rules under
SCR 70.34, for the consideration of aggravating and mitigating factors. Such guidelines shall treat operators of commercial motor vehicles at least as stringently as operators of other classes of motor vehicles.
(e) Any person who, in the course of a violation of
sub. (1) (am) or
(b) or a local ordinance in conformity therewith, causes damage to the property of another shall be required to forfeit $1,000.
(f) Any person who, in the course of a violation of
sub. (1) (am) or
(b) or a local ordinance in conformity therewith, causes injury to another person shall be required to forfeit $5,000.
(g) Any person who, in the course of a violation of
sub. (1) (am) or
(b) or a local ordinance in conformity therewith, causes great bodily harm to another person is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
(h) Any person who, in the course of a violation of
sub. (1) (am) or
(b) or a local ordinance in conformity therewith, causes the death of another person is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
(2p) Sentencing option. The legislature intends that courts use the sentencing option under
s. 973.03 (4) whenever appropriate for persons subject to
sub. (2) to provide cost savings for the state and for local governments. This option shall not be used if the suspension or revocation was for one of the following:
(2r) Prior convictions. For purposes of determining prior convictions under this section, the 5-year period shall be measured from the dates of the violations that resulted in the convictions and each conviction under
sub. (2) shall be counted. Convictions of s.
343.44 (1), 1997 stats., other than for operating a commercial motor vehicle while ordered out-of-service shall be counted under this section as prior convictions.
(2s) Citations. Within 30 days after receipt by the department of a report from a law enforcement officer under
s. 343.305 (7) or a court order under
s. 343.28 of a violation committed by a person operating a commercial motor vehicle while subject to an out-of-service order under
s. 343.305 (7) (b) or
(9) (am), a traffic officer employed under
s. 110.07 may prepare a uniform traffic citation under
s. 345.11 for a violation of
sub. (1) (c) or
(d) and serve it on the person. The citation may be served anywhere in this state and shall be served by delivering a copy to the person personally or by leaving a copy at the person's usual place of abode with a person of discretion residing therein or by mailing a copy to the person's last-known residence address. The venue for prosecution may be the county where the alleged offense occurred or in the person's county of residence.
(3) Failure to receive notice. Refusal to accept or failure to receive an order of revocation, suspension or disqualification mailed by 1st class mail to such person's last-known address shall not be a defense to the charge of driving after revocation, suspension or disqualification. If the person has changed his or her address and fails to notify the department as required in
s. 343.22 then failure to receive notice of revocation, suspension or disqualification shall not be a defense to the charge of driving after revocation, suspension or disqualification.
(4) Impoundment. In addition to other penalties for violation of this section, if a person has violated this section with respect to a motor vehicle which he or she is the owner, the court may order the vehicle impounded. The court may determine the manner and period of impoundment. The cost of keeping the vehicle constitutes a lien on the vehicle.
(4r) Violation of out-of-service order. In addition to other penalties for violation of this section, if a person has violated this section after he or she was ordered out-of-service under state or federal law, the violation shall result in disqualification under
s. 343.315 (2) (h) or
(5) Vehicle impoundment; lessors and secured creditors. If a motor vehicle impounded under
sub. (4) is subject to a security agreement or lease contract, the vehicle shall be released by the court to the lessor or secured creditor upon the filing of an affidavit by the lessor or secured creditor that the security agreement or lease contract is in default and shall be delivered to the lessor or secured creditor upon payment of the accrued cost of keeping the motor vehicle.
343.44 History
History: 1971 c. 164 s.
1971 c. 280,
1973 c. 90;
1977 c. 29 s.
1654 (7) (a);
1977 c. 165,
1979 c. 221;
1981 c. 20;
1983 a. 535;
1989 a. 12,
1991 a. 39,
1995 a. 113;
1997 a. 84;
1999 a. 9,
2003 a. 33;
2005 a. 25,
343.44 Annotation
A certified copy of the department order revoking the defendant's driver license was admissible under s. 889.18 (2). State v. Mullis,
81 Wis. 2d 454,
260 N.W.2d 696 (1978).
343.44 Annotation
The time between the violations underlying convictions, not the time between convictions, determines whether penalty enhancers apply. State v. Walczak,
157 Wis. 2d 661,
460 N.W.2d 797 (Ct. App. 1990).
343.44 Annotation
The general requirements for establishing prior criminal offenses in s. 973.12 are not applicable to the penalty enhancement provisions for offenses under sub. (2). The convictions must be established by defendant's admission, copies of prior judgments, or a teletype of the DOT driving record. State v. Spaeth,
206 Wis. 2d 135,
556 N.W.2d 728 (1996),
343.44 Annotation
A circuit court may not determine the validity of a prior conviction during an enhanced sentencing proceeding predicated on the prior conviction unless the offender alleges that a violation of the right to a lawyer occurred in the prior conviction. The offender may use whatever means are available to challenge the other conviction in another forum, and if successful, seek to reopen the enhanced sentence. State v. Hahn, 2000 WI 118,
238 Wis. 2d 889,
618 N.W.2d 528,
343.44 Annotation
A person has a privilege, but not a right, to drive a motor vehicle upon a public highway. To exercise that privilege, the person must satisfy the licensing requirements of the state. Failing that, the person may be properly prosecuted and convicted of operating after suspension of his or her operating privileges. County of Fond du Lac v. Kevin C. Derksen, 2002 WI App 160,
256 Wis. 2d 490,
647 N.W.2d 922,
343.44 Annotation
Section 351.08 authorizes enhancements to penalties under 343.44; it does not create a separate substantive offense.
75 Atty. Gen. 106.
Permitting unauthorized person to drive.