632.797(6) (6) An insurer that provides aggregate health claims experience information in compliance with this section is immune from civil liability for its acts or omissions in providing such information.
632.797 History History: 1993 a. 448.
632.80 632.80 Restrictions on medical payments insurance. The provisions of this subchapter do not apply to medical payments insurance when it is a part of or supplemental to liability, steam boiler, elevator, automobile or other insurance covering loss of or damage to property, provided the loss, damage or expense arises out of a hazard directly related to such other insurance.
632.80 History History: 1975 c. 375.
632.81 632.81 Minimum standards for certain disability policies. The commissioner may by rule establish minimum standards for benefits, claims payments, marketing practices, compensation arrangements and reporting practices for medicare supplement policies, medicare replacement policies and long-term care insurance policies. The commissioner may by rule exempt from the minimum standards certain types of coverage, if the commissioner finds the exemption is not adverse to the interests of policyholders and certificate holders.
632.81 History History: 1981 c. 82; 1985 a. 29; 1989 a. 31, 332.
632.81 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also s. Ins 3.39, Wis. adm. code.
632.82 632.82 Renewability of long-term care insurance policies. Notwithstanding s. 631.36 (2) to (5), the commissioner shall, by rule, require long-term care insurance policies that are issued on an individual basis to include a provision restricting the insurer's ability to terminate or alter the long-term care insurance policy except for nonpayment of premium. The rule may specify exceptions to the restriction, including exceptions that allow insurers to do any of the following:
632.82(1) (1) Change the rates charged on a long-term care insurance policy if the rate change is made on a class basis.
632.82(2) (2) Refuse to renew a long-term care insurance policy if conditions specified in the rule are satisfied. The conditions shall, at a minimum, require all of the following:
632.82(2)(a) (a) That the nonrenewal be on other than an individual basis.
632.82(2)(b) (b) That the insurer demonstrate to the commissioner that renewal will affect the insurer's solvency or loss experience as specified in the rule.
632.82 History History: 1989 a. 31.
632.825 632.825 Midterm termination of long-term care insurance policy by insured.
632.825(1) (1)Permitted cancellation and refund.
632.825(1)(a)(a) No insurer that provides coverage under a long-term care insurance policy may prohibit the insured under the policy from canceling the policy before the expiration of the agreed term.
632.825(1)(b) (b) If an insured under a long-term care insurance policy cancels the policy before the expiration of the agreed term, the insurer shall issue a prorated premium refund to the insured.
632.825(1)(c) (c) If an insured under a long-term care insurance policy dies during the term of the policy, the insurer shall issue a prorated premium refund to the insured's estate.
632.825(2) (2)Policy provision. Every long-term care insurance policy shall contain a provision that apprises the insured of the insured's right to cancel and the insurer's premium refund responsibilities under sub. (1).
632.825 History History: 1993 a. 207.
632.83 632.83 Internal grievance procedure.
632.83(1) (1) In this section, "health benefit plan" has the meaning given in s. 632.745 (11), except that "health benefit plan" includes the coverage specified in s. 632.745 (11) (b) 10. and includes a policy, certificate or contract under s. 632.745 (11) (b) 9. that provides only limited-scope dental or vision benefits.
632.83(2) (2) Every insurer that issues a health benefit plan shall do all of the following:
632.83(2)(a) (a) Establish and use an internal grievance procedure that is approved by the commissioner and that complies with sub. (3) for the resolution of insureds' grievances with the health benefit plan.
632.83(2)(b) (b) Provide insureds with complete and understandable information describing the internal grievance procedure under par. (a).
632.83(2)(c) (c) Submit an annual report to the commissioner describing the internal grievance procedure under par. (a) and summarizing the experience under the procedure for the year.
632.83(3) (3) The internal grievance procedure established under sub. (2) (a) shall include all of the following elements:
632.83(3)(a) (a) The opportunity for an insured to submit a written grievance in any form.
632.83(3)(b) (b) Establishment of a grievance panel for the investigation of each grievance submitted under par. (a), consisting of at least one individual authorized to take corrective action on the grievance and at least one insured other than the grievant, if an insured is available to serve on the grievance panel.
632.83(3)(c) (c) Prompt investigation of each grievance submitted under par. (a).
632.83(3)(d) (d) Notification to each grievant of the disposition of his or her grievance and of any corrective action taken on the grievance.
632.83(3)(e) (e) Retention of records pertaining to each grievance for at least 3 years after the date of notification under par. (d).
632.83 History History: 1999 a. 155 ss. 8 to 17; Stats. 1999 s. 632.83.
632.835 632.835 Independent review of adverse and experimental treatment determinations.
632.835(1) (1)Definitions. In this section:
632.835(1)(a) (a) "Adverse determination" means a determination by or on behalf of an insurer that issues a health benefit plan to which all of the following apply:
632.835(1)(a)1. 1. An admission to a health care facility, the availability of care, the continued stay or other treatment that is a covered benefit has been reviewed.
632.835(1)(a)2. 2. Based on the information provided, the treatment under subd. 1. does not meet the health benefit plan's requirements for medical necessity, appropriateness, health care setting, level of care or effectiveness.
632.835(1)(a)3. 3. Based on the information provided, the insurer that issued the health benefit plan reduced, denied or terminated the treatment under subd. 1. or payment for the treatment under subd. 1.
632.835(1)(a)4. 4. Subject to sub. (5) (c), the amount of the reduction or the cost or expected cost of the denied or terminated treatment or payment exceeds, or will exceed during the course of the treatment, $250.
632.835(1)(b) (b) "Experimental treatment determination" means a determination by or on behalf of an insurer that issues a health benefit plan to which all of the following apply:
632.835(1)(b)1. 1. A proposed treatment has been reviewed.
632.835(1)(b)2. 2. Based on the information provided, the treatment under subd. 1. is determined to be experimental under the terms of the health benefit plan.
632.835(1)(b)3. 3. Based on the information provided, the insurer that issued the health benefit plan denied the treatment under subd. 1. or payment for the treatment under subd. 1.
632.835(1)(b)4. 4. Subject to sub. (5) (c), the cost or expected cost of the denied treatment or payment exceeds, or will exceed during the course of the treatment, $250.
632.835(1)(c) (c) "Health benefit plan" has the meaning given in s. 632.745 (11), except that "health benefit plan" includes the coverage specified in s. 632.745 (11) (b) 10.
632.835(1)(d) (d) "Treatment" means a medical service, diagnosis, procedure, therapy, drug or device.
632.835(2) (2)Review requirements; who may conduct.
632.835(2)(a)(a) Every insurer that issues a health benefit plan shall establish an independent review procedure whereby an insured under the health benefit plan, or his or her authorized representative, may request and obtain an independent review of an adverse determination or an experimental treatment determination made with respect to the insured.
632.835(2)(b) (b) If an adverse determination or an experimental treatment determination is made, the insurer involved in the determination shall provide notice to the insured of the insured's right to obtain the independent review required under this section, how to request the review, and the time within which the review must be requested. The notice shall include a current listing of independent review organizations certified under sub. (4). An independent review under this section may be conducted only by an independent review organization certified under sub. (4) and selected by the insured.
632.835(2)(bg) (bg) Notwithstanding par. (b), an insurer is not required to provide the notice under par. (b) to an insured until the insurer sends notice of the disposition of the internal grievance if all of the following apply:
632.835(2)(bg)1. 1. The health benefit plan issued by the insurer contains a description of the independent review procedure under this section, including an explanation of the insured's rights under par. (d), how to request the review, the time within which the review must be requested, and how to obtain a current listing of independent review organizations certified under sub. (4).
632.835(2)(bg)2. 2. The insurer includes on its explanation of benefits form a statement that the insured may have a right to an independent review after the internal grievance process and that an insured may be entitled to expedited independent review with respect to an urgent matter. The statement shall also include a reference to the section of the policy or certificate that contains the description of the independent review procedure as required under subd. 1. The statement shall provide a toll-free telephone number and website, if appropriate, where consumers may obtain additional information regarding internal grievance and independent review processes.
632.835(2)(bg)3. 3. For any adverse determination or experimental treatment determination for which an explanation of benefits is not provided to the insured, the insurer provides a notice that the insured may have a right to an independent review after the internal grievance process and that an insured may be entitled to expedited, independent review with respect to an urgent matter. The notice shall also include a reference to the section of the policy or certificate that contains the description of the independent review procedure as required under subd. 1. The notice shall provide a toll-free telephone number and website, if appropriate, where consumers may obtain additional information regarding internal grievance and independent review processes.
632.835(2)(c) (c) Except as provided in par. (d), an insured must exhaust the internal grievance procedure under s. 632.83 before the insured may request an independent review under this section. Except as provided in sub. (9), an insured who uses the internal grievance procedure must request an independent review as provided in sub. (3) (a) within 4 months after the insured receives notice of the disposition of his or her grievance under s. 632.83 (3) (d).
632.835(2)(d) (d) An insured is not required to exhaust the internal grievance procedure under s. 632.83 before requesting an independent review if any of the following apply:
632.835(2)(d)1. 1. The insured and the insurer agree that the matter may proceed directly to independent review under sub. (3).
632.835(2)(d)2. 2. Along with the notice to the insurer of the request for independent review under sub. (3) (a), the insured submits to the independent review organization selected by the insured a request to bypass the internal grievance procedure under s. 632.83 and the independent review organization determines that the health condition of the insured is such that requiring the insured to use the internal grievance procedure before proceeding to independent review would jeopardize the life or health of the insured or the insured's ability to regain maximum function.
632.835(3) (3)Procedure.
632.835(3)(a)(a) To request an independent review, an insured or his or her authorized representative shall provide timely written notice of the request for independent review, and of the independent review organization selected, to the insurer that made or on whose behalf was made the adverse or experimental treatment determination. The insurer shall immediately notify the commissioner and the independent review organization selected by the insured of the request for independent review. The insured or his or her authorized representative must pay a $25 fee to the independent review organization. If the insured prevails on the review, in whole or in part, the entire amount paid by the insured or his or her authorized representative shall be refunded by the insurer to the insured or his or her authorized representative. For each independent review in which it is involved, an insurer shall pay a fee to the independent review organization.
632.835(3)(b) (b) Within 5 business days after receiving written notice of a request for independent review under par. (a), the insurer shall submit to the independent review organization copies of all of the following:
632.835(3)(b)1. 1. Any information submitted to the insurer by the insured in support of the insured's position in the internal grievance under s. 632.83.
632.835(3)(b)2. 2. The contract provisions or evidence of coverage of the insured's health benefit plan.
632.835(3)(b)3. 3. Any other relevant documents or information used by the insurer in the internal grievance determination under s. 632.83.
632.835(3)(c) (c) Within 5 business days after receiving the information under par. (b), the independent review organization shall request any additional information that it requires for the review from the insured or the insurer. Within 5 business days after receiving a request for additional information, the insured or the insurer shall submit the information or an explanation of why the information is not being submitted.
632.835(3)(d) (d) An independent review under this section may not include appearances by the insured or his or her authorized representative, any person representing the health benefit plan or any witness on behalf of either the insured or the insurer.
632.835(3)(e) (e) In addition to the information under pars. (b) and (c), the independent review organization may accept for consideration any typed or printed, verifiable medical or scientific evidence that the independent review organization determines is relevant, regardless of whether the evidence has been submitted for consideration at any time previously. The insurer and the insured shall submit to the other party to the independent review any information submitted to the independent review organization under this paragraph and pars. (b) and (c). If, on the basis of any additional information, the insurer reconsiders the insured's grievance and determines that the treatment that was the subject of the grievance should be covered, the independent review is terminated.
632.835(3)(f) (f) If the independent review is not terminated under par. (e), the independent review organization shall, within 30 business days after the expiration of all time limits that apply in the matter, make a decision on the basis of the documents and information submitted under this subsection. The decision shall be in writing, signed on behalf of the independent review organization and served by personal delivery or by mailing a copy to the insured or his or her authorized representative and to the insurer. A decision of an independent review organization is binding on the insured and the insurer.
632.835(3)(g) (g) If the independent review organization determines that the health condition of the insured is such that following the procedure outlined in pars. (b) to (f) would jeopardize the life or health of the insured or the insured's ability to regain maximum function, the procedure outlined in pars. (b) to (f) shall be followed with the following differences:
632.835(3)(g)1. 1. The insurer shall submit the information under par. (b) within one day after receiving the notice of the request for independent review under par. (a).
632.835(3)(g)2. 2. The independent review organization shall request any additional information under par. (c) within 2 business days after receiving the information under par. (b).
632.835(3)(g)3. 3. The insured or insurer shall, within 2 days after receiving a request under par. (c), submit any information requested or an explanation of why the information is not being submitted.
632.835(3)(g)4. 4. The independent review organization shall make its decision under par. (f) within 72 hours after the expiration of the time limits under this paragraph that apply in the matter.
632.835(3m) (3m)Standards for decisions.
632.835(3m)(a)(a) A decision of an independent review organization regarding an adverse determination must be consistent with the terms of the health benefit plan under which the adverse determination was made.
632.835(3m)(b) (b) A decision of an independent review organization regarding an experimental treatment determination is limited to a determination of whether the proposed treatment is experimental. The independent review organization shall determine that the treatment is not experimental and find in favor of the insured only if the independent review organization finds all of the following:
632.835(3m)(b)1. 1. The treatment has been approved by the federal food and drug administration, if the treatment is subject to the approval of the federal food and drug administration.
632.835(3m)(b)2. 2. Medically and scientifically accepted evidence clearly demonstrates that the treatment meets all of the following criteria:
632.835(3m)(b)2.a. a. The treatment is proven safe.
632.835(3m)(b)2.b. b. The treatment can be expected to produce greater benefits than the standard treatment without posing a greater adverse risk to the insured.
632.835(3m)(b)2.c. c. The treatment meets the coverage terms of the health benefit plan and is not specifically excluded under the terms of the health benefit plan.
632.835(4) (4)Certification of independent review organizations.
632.835(4)(a)(a) The commissioner shall certify independent review organizations. An independent review organization must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the commissioner that it is unbiased, as defined by the commissioner by rule. An organization certified under this paragraph must be recertified on a biennial basis to continue to provide independent review services under this section.
632.835(4)(ag) (ag) An independent review organization shall have in operation a quality assurance mechanism to ensure the timeliness and quality of the independent reviews, the qualifications and independence of the clinical peer reviewers and the confidentiality of the medical records and review materials.
632.835(4)(ap) (ap) An independent review organization shall establish reasonable fees that it will charge for independent reviews and shall submit its fee schedule to the commissioner for a determination of reasonableness and for approval. An independent review organization may not change any fees approved by the commissioner more than once per year and shall submit any proposed fee changes to the commissioner for approval.
632.835(4)(b) (b) An organization applying for certification or recertification as an independent review organization shall pay the applicable fee under s. 601.31 (1) (Lp) or (Lr). Every organization certified or recertified as an independent review organization shall file a report with the commissioner in accordance with rules promulgated under sub. (5) (a) 4.
632.835(4)(c) (c) The commissioner may examine, audit or accept an audit of the books and records of an independent review organization as provided for examination of licensees and permittees under s. 601.43 (1), (3), (4) and (5), to be conducted as provided in s. 601.44, and with costs to be paid as provided in s. 601.45.
632.835(4)(d) (d) The commissioner may revoke, suspend or limit in whole or in part the certification of an independent review organization, or may refuse to recertify an independent review organization, if the commissioner finds that the independent review organization is unqualified or has violated an insurance statute or rule or a valid order of the commissioner under s. 601.41 (4), or if the independent review organization's methods or practices in the conduct of its business endanger, or its financial resources are inadequate to safeguard, the legitimate interests of consumers and the public. The commissioner may summarily suspend an independent review organization's certification under s. 227.51 (3).
632.835(4)(e) (e) The commissioner shall keep an up-to-date listing of certified independent review organizations and shall provide a copy of the listing to all of the following:
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