(j) Gifts and donations. All moneys received from gifts, grants, bequests and devises, to carry out the purposes for which made and received.
(jm) Employee development and training services. The amounts in the schedule for providing employee development and training services under s. 230.046 (10). All moneys received for employee development and training services provided by the department shall be credited to this appropriation.
(k) General program operations. The amounts in the schedule to administer state employment relations functions and the civil service system under subchs. V and VI of ch. 111 and ch. 230, to pay awards under s. 230.48, and to defray the expenses of the state employees suggestion board. All moneys received from state agencies for materials and services provided by the office of state employment relations shall be credited to this appropriation.
(ka) Publications. The amounts in the schedule for the cost of producing periodicals and other publications. All moneys received from the sale of subscriptions and publications and all moneys received from state agencies under s. 230.14 (4) shall be credited to this appropriation.
(km) Collective bargaining grievance arbitrations. The amounts in the schedule for the payment of the state's share of costs related to collective bargaining grievance arbitrations under s. 111.86 and related to collective bargaining grievance arbitrations under s. 111.993. All moneys received from state agencies for the purpose of reimbursing the state's share of the costs related to grievance arbitrations under s. 111.86 and to reimburse the state's share of costs for training related to grievance arbitrations, and all moneys received from institutions, as defined in s. 36.05 (9), for the purpose of reimbursing the state's share of the costs related to grievance arbitrations under s. 111.993 and to reimburse the state's share of costs for training related to grievance arbitrations shall be credited to this appropriation account.
(m) Federal grants and contracts. All moneys received from the federal government to carry out the purposes for which made.
(pz) Indirect cost reimbursements. All moneys received from the federal government as reimbursement of indirect costs of grants and contracts for the purposes authorized in s. 16.54 (9) (b).
History: 2003 a. 33 ss. 623 to 630d, 646m, 9160; 2007 a. 20; 2009 a. 28.
20.550 Public defender board. There is appropriated to the public defender board for the following program:
(1)Legal assistance.
(a) Program administration. The amounts in the schedule for program administration costs of the office of the state public defender, excluding the costs under pars. (e) and (fb).
(b) Appellate representation. The amounts in the schedule for the costs of appellate representation provided by the office of the state public defender.
(c) Trial representation. The amounts in the schedule for the costs of trial representation provided by the office of the state public defender.
(d) Private bar and investigator reimbursement. Biennially, the amounts in the schedule for the reimbursement of private attorneys appointed to act as counsel for a child or an indigent person under s. 977.08 and reimbursement for contracting for services of private investigators.
(e) Private bar and investigator payments; administration costs. The amounts in the schedule for the administration costs of appointing private attorneys to act as counsel for children and indigent persons under s. 977.08 and of contracting for the services of private investigators.
(f) Transcripts, discovery, and interpreters. The amounts in the schedule for the costs of interpreters and discovery materials and for the compensation of court reporters or clerks of circuit court for preliminary examination, trial, and appeal transcripts, and the payment of related costs under s. 967.06 (3).
(fb) Payments from clients; administrative costs. The amounts in the schedule for the costs of determining, collecting and processing the payments received from persons as payment for legal representation under s. 977.075 or 977.076.
NOTE: Par. (fb) is shown as amended eff. 6-19-11 by 2009 Wis. Act 164. Prior to 6-19-11 it reads:
(fb) Payments from clients; administrative costs. The amounts in the schedule for the costs of determining, collecting and processing the payments received from persons as payment for legal representation under s. 977.07 (2), 977.075 or 977.076.
(g) Gifts, grants, and proceeds. All moneys received from gifts and grants and, except as provided in pars. (fb), (h), (i), (kj), and (L), all proceeds from services, conferences, and sales of publications and promotional materials for the purposes for which made or received.
(h) Contractual agreements. The amounts in the schedule to carry out contractual agreements with other state agencies. All moneys received from contractual agreements with other state agencies shall be credited to this appropriation.
(i) Tuition payments. All moneys received from tuition payments under s. 977.05 (5) (e) to sponsor conferences or training under s. 977.05 (5) (e).
(kj) Conferences and training. The amounts in the schedule to sponsor conferences and training under ch. 977. All moneys transferred from the appropriation account under s. 20.455 (2) (i) 15. shall be credited to this appropriation account.
(L) Private bar and investigator reimbursement; payments for legal representation. All moneys received, after first deducting the amounts appropriated under par. (fb), from persons as payment for legal representation to be used for the reimbursement of private attorneys appointed to act as counsel under s. 977.08 and for reimbursement for contracting for services of private investigators.
(m) Federal aid. All moneys received as federal aid as authorized by the governor under s. 16.54 to carry out the purposes for which made and received.
20.566 Revenue, department of. There is appropriated to the department of revenue for the following programs:
(1)Collection of taxes.
(a) General program operations. The amounts in the schedule for the administration of income, franchise, sales, excise and death tax laws. From this appropriation, there are allotted, subject to the approval of the joint committee on finance, such sums as are necessary to be used as contingent funds to redeem bad checks, share drafts or other drafts returned to the state treasurer or state depositories and for establishing change funds in the amount considered necessary by the department.
(g) Administration of county sales and use taxes. From moneys received from the appropriation under s. 20.835 (4) (g), the amounts in the schedule for the purpose of administering the county taxes under subch. V of ch. 77. The balance of all taxes collected under subch. V of ch. 77, after the distribution under s. 77.76 (3), shall be credited to this appropriation. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), at the end of the fiscal year the unencumbered balance of this appropriation account lapses to the general fund.
(ga) Cigarette tax stamps. The amounts in the schedule to pay for the printing and shipping of cigarette tax stamps under s. 139.32 (2). The amounts received from cigarette manufacturers and distributors under s. 139.32 (1) shall be credited to this appropriation.
(gb) Business tax registration. The amounts in the schedule for administration of business tax registration. All moneys received from the fees established under s. 73.03 (50) shall be credited to this appropriation account. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), at the end of each fiscal year, the unencumbered balance in this appropriation account that exceeds 10% of the expenditures from this appropriation account during the fiscal year lapses to the general fund.
(gc) Administration of transit authority taxes. From the moneys received from the appropriation account under s. 20.835 (4) (gc), the amounts in the schedule for the purpose of administering the transit authority taxes imposed under s. 77.708. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), at the end of the fiscal year the unencumbered balance in this appropriation account shall be transferred to the appropriation account under s. 20.835 (4) (gc).
(gd) Administration of special district taxes. From the moneys received from the appropriation account under s. 20.835 (4) (gb), the amounts in the schedule for the purpose of administering the special district taxes imposed under s. 77.705 by a district created under subch. III of ch. 229. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), beginning with the 2005-06 fiscal year, at the end of the fiscal year the unencumbered balance in this appropriation account shall be transferred to the appropriation account under s. 20.835 (4) (gb) to be used as provided under s. 77.705.
(ge) Administration of local professional football stadium district taxes. From the moneys transferred from the appropriation account under s. 20.835 (4) (ge), the amounts in the schedule for administering the special district taxes imposed under s. 77.706 by a local professional football stadium district created under subch. IV of ch. 229. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), beginning with the 2005-06 fiscal year, at the end of the fiscal year the unencumbered balance in this appropriation account shall be transferred to the appropriation account under s. 20.835 (4) (ge) to be used as provided under s. 77.706.
(gf) Administration of resort tax. From moneys received from the appropriation account under s. 20.835 (4) (gd), the amounts in the schedule for administering the tax under subch. X of ch. 77. Three percent of those taxes shall be credited to this appropriation account. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), beginning with the 2005-06 fiscal year, at the end of the fiscal year the unencumbered balance in this appropriation account shall be transferred to the appropriation account under s. 20.835 (4) (gd).
(gg) Administration of local taxes. The amounts in the schedule for administering the taxes under s. 66.0615 (1m) (a) and (b) and subchs. VIII and IX of ch. 77. An amount equal to 2.55% of all moneys received from the taxes imposed under s. 66.0615 (1m) (a) and (b) and subchs. VIII and IX of ch. 77 shall be credited to this appropriation. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), at the end of each fiscal year the unencumbered balance in this appropriation account that exceeds 10% of the expenditures from this appropriation during the fiscal year shall be transferred to the appropriation account under s. 20.835 (4) (gg).
(gh) Administration of southeastern regional transit authority fees. The amounts in the schedule for administering the fees imposed under subch. XIII of ch. 77. An amount equal to 2.55% of all moneys received from the fees imposed under subch. XIII of ch. 77 shall be credited to this appropriation. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), at the end of each fiscal year the unencumbered balance in this appropriation account that exceeds 10% of the expenditures from this appropriation during the fiscal year shall be transferred to the appropriation account under s. 20.835 (4) (gh).
(gm) Administration of tax on controlled substances dealers. From moneys received from the collection of taxes, penalties and interest from dealers of controlled substances under s. 139.96, the amounts in the schedule to pay the costs of the department of revenue in administering subch. IV of ch. 139.
(gn) Ambulatory surgical center assessment. All moneys received under s. 146.98 for administration of the assessment under s. 146.98 and to transfer moneys to the Medical Assistance trust fund as required under s. 146.98 (4).
(h) Debt collection. From moneys received from the collection of debts owed to state agencies under ss. 71.93 and 565.30 (5), from the collection of unpaid fines, forfeitures, costs, fees, surcharges, and restitution payments under s. 565.30 (5r) (b), from the collection of fees under s. 73.03 (52) and (52n), and from moneys received from the collection of debts owed to municipalities and counties under s. 71.935, the amounts in the schedule to pay the administrative expenses of the department of revenue for the collection of those debts, fines, forfeitures, costs, surcharges, fees, and restitution payments. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), at the end of the fiscal year the unencumbered balance of this appropriation account lapses to the general fund.
(ha) Administration of liquor tax and alcohol beverages enforcement. The amounts in the schedule for computer, audit, and enforcement costs incurred in administering the tax under s. 139.03 (2m) and for costs incurred in enforcing the 3-tier system for alcohol beverages production, distribution, and sale under ch. 125. All moneys received from the administration fee under s. 139.06 (1) (a) and any permit fee under s. 125.535 (2) shall be credited to this appropriation. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), at the end of each fiscal year, the unencumbered balance of this appropriation account, minus an amount equal to 10% of the sum of the amounts expended and the amounts encumbered from the account during the fiscal year, shall lapse to the general fund.
(hb) Collections by the department. From moneys received from the collection of extraordinary, targeted state delinquent taxes, the amounts in the schedule to pay for the costs of collecting those taxes. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), at the end of the fiscal year, the unencumbered balance of this appropriation account lapses to the general fund.
(hc) Collections from the financial record matching program. From moneys received from the collection of delinquent Wisconsin taxes and other debts under s. 71.91, that are collected as a result of the program under s. 71.91 (8), the amounts in the schedule to pay the costs incurred by the department of revenue and financial institutions to match account holders at financial institutions to the department's delinquent account database, as provided under s. 71.91 (8). Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), at the end of the fiscal year the unencumbered balance of this appropriation account lapses to the general fund.
(hm) Collections under contracts. From moneys received from the collection of delinquent Wisconsin taxes under s. 73.03 (28), a sum sufficient to pay the costs of contracts and court costs for the collection of those taxes.
(hn) Collections under the multistate tax commission audit program. From moneys received from the amounts assessed under the multistate tax commission audit program as provided under s. 73.03 (28d), a sum sufficient to pay the fees necessary to participate in the multistate tax commission audit program.
(ho) Collections under multistate streamlined sales tax project. From moneys collected under the multistate streamlined sales tax project as provided under s. 73.03 (28e), a sum sufficient to pay the dues necessary to participate in the governing board of the multistate streamlined sales tax project.
(hp) Administration of income tax checkoff voluntary payments. The amounts in the schedule for the payment of all administrative costs, including data processing costs, incurred in administering ss. 71.10 (5), (5e), (5f), (5fm), (5g), (5h), (5i), (5j), and (5m), and 71.30 (10). All moneys specified for deposit in this appropriation under ss. 71.10 (5) (h) 5., (5e) (h) 4., (5f) (i), (5fm) (i), (5g) (i), (5h) (i), (5i) (i), (5j), (i), and (5m) (i), and 71.30 (10) (i) and (11) (i) shall be credited to this appropriation.
(i) Gifts and grants. All moneys received from gifts, grants, bequests and devises to carry out the purposes for which made and received.
(m) Federal funds; state operations. All federal moneys received as authorized under s. 16.54 to carry out the purposes for which made and received.
(q) Recycling surcharge administration. From the recycling and renewable energy fund, the amounts in the schedule for the costs, including data processing costs, incurred in administering the recycling surcharge under subch. VII of ch. 77.
(qm) Administration of rental vehicle fee. From the transportation fund, the amounts in the schedule for the administration of the rental vehicle fee under subch. XI of ch. 77.
(r) Administration of dry cleaner fees. From the dry cleaner environmental response fund, the amounts in the schedule for the purpose of administering the fees under subch. XII of ch. 77.
(s) Petroleum inspection fee collection. From the petroleum inspection fund, the amounts in the schedule to cover the cost of collecting the petroleum inspection fee that is authorized under s. 168.12 (1).
(t) Farmland preservation credit, 2010 and beyond. From the working lands fund, the amounts in the schedule for administration of the farmland preservation tax credit under s. 71.613.
(u) Motor fuel tax administration. From the transportation fund, the amounts in the schedule to cover the costs, including data processing costs, incurred in administering the motor fuel tax law, except s. 341.45.
(2)State and local finance.
(a) General program operations. The amounts in the schedule for administration of property tax laws, public utility tax laws and distribution of state taxes, administration of general program operations under s. 73.10 and administration of the assessor educational program under s. 73.08.
(b) Valuation error loans. The amounts in the schedule to make the payments under s. 70.57 (4) (a).
(bm) Integrated property assessment system technology. The amounts in the schedule for technology expenses necessary to create an integrated property assessment system, including expenses necessary to publish the manual under s. 73.03 (2a) on the Internet.
(g) County assessment studies. All moneys received under s. 70.99 (1m), for the performance of studies under s. 70.99 (1m).
(gb) Manufacturing property assessment. The amounts in the schedule for the administration of the assessment of manufacturing property under s. 70.995. All moneys received from the fees established under s. 70.995 (14) shall be credited to this appropriation account.
(gi) Municipal finance report compliance. The amounts in the schedule for purposes of s. 73.10 (3) and (6). All moneys received under s. 73.10 (6) shall be credited to this appropriation.
(h) Reassessments. The amounts in the schedule for the purposes of ss. 70.055 and 70.75. All moneys received under ss. 70.055 and 70.75 shall be credited to this appropriation. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), at the end of the 2005-06 fiscal year the unencumbered balance of this appropriation account shall lapse to the general fund.
(hm) Administration of tax incremental, and environmental remediation tax incremental, financing programs. All moneys received from the fees imposed under ss. 60.85 (5) (a) and (6) (am), 66.1105 (4e) (f), (5) (a), and (6) (ae), and 66.1106 (7) (am) and (13) (b) to pay the costs of the department of revenue in providing staff and administrative services associated with tax incremental districts under ss. 60.85, 66.1105, and 66.1106, and to reimburse a municipality for costs incurred by the municipality related to the department's administration of the tax incremental financing program.
(i) Gifts and grants. All moneys received from gifts, grants, bequests and devises to carry out the purpose for which made and received.
(m) Federal funds; state operations. All federal moneys received as authorized under s. 16.54 to carry out the purposes for which made and received.
(q) Railroad and air carrier tax administration. From the transportation fund, the amounts in the schedule to cover the costs of administering the taxes imposed on railroads and air carriers under ch. 76.
(r) Lottery and gaming credit administration. From the lottery fund, the amounts in the schedule for the administration of the lottery and gaming credit.
(3)Administrative services and space rental.
(a) General program operations. The amounts in the schedule for the office of the secretary, the legal staff, stenographic reporter services, research and analysis, administrative services and space rental.
(b) Integrated tax system technology. The amounts in the schedule for technology expenses necessary to create an integrated tax system.
(c) Expert professional services. Biennially, the amounts in the schedule to pay the expenses associated with the employment of accountants, appraisers, counsel and other special assistants to aid in tax determination, property valuation, assessment of property, and other functions related to the administration of state taxes, oversight of local property tax administration, and administration of property tax relief programs.
(g) Services. The amounts in the schedule to provide services, except as provided in sub. (2) (h). All moneys received from services rendered by the department, except as provided in sub. (2) (h), shall be credited to the appropriation. Insofar as practicable all such services shall be billed at cost.
(gm) Reciprocity agreement and publications. The amounts in the schedule to provide services for the Minnesota income tax reciprocity agreement under s. 71.10 (7) and for publications except as provided in par. (g) and sub. (2) (bm). All moneys received by the department of revenue in return for the provision of these services shall be credited to this appropriation. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (a), at the end of the 2006-07 fiscal year, the unencumbered balance of this appropriation account shall lapse to the general fund.
(go) Reciprocity agreement, Illinois. The amounts in the schedule to provide services for the Illinois income tax reciprocity agreement under s. 71.10 (7e). All moneys received by the department of revenue in return for the provision of these services shall be credited to this appropriation.
(i) Gifts and grants. All moneys received from gifts, grants, bequests and devises to carry out the purposes for which made and received.
(k) Internal services. The amounts in the schedule to provide internal services to departmental programs. All moneys received by the department from the department for this purpose shall be credited to this appropriation account.
(m) Federal funds; state operations. All federal moneys received as authorized under s. 16.54 to carry out the purposes for which made and received.
(7)Investment and local impact fund.
(e) Investment and local impact fund supplement. The amounts in the schedule to supplement par. (v) for the purposes of ss. 70.395, 293.33 (4) and 293.65 (5) (a).
(g) Investment and local impact fund administrative expenses. The amounts in the schedule for administrative expenses, travel, materials and other necessary expenses for the purposes of s. 70.395. All moneys received under s. 70.3965 shall be credited to this appropriation account.
(n) Federal mining revenue. As a continuing appropriation, all federal mining revenue received from the sales, bonuses, royalties and rentals of federal public lands within this state, to be distributed under s. 70.395 (3).
(v) Investment and local impact fund. From the investment and local impact fund, all moneys received under s. 70.395 (1e) and (2) (dc) and (dg), less the moneys appropriated under s. 20.370 (2) (gr), to be disbursed under ss. 70.395 (2) (d) to (g), 293.33 (4) and 293.65 (5) (a).
(q) General program operations. From the lottery fund, the amounts in the schedule for general program operations under ch. 565. Annually, of the moneys appropriated under this paragraph, an amount equal to the amounts in the schedule for the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (5) (kg) shall be transferred to the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (5) (kg).
(r) Retailer compensation. From the lottery fund, a sum sufficient to pay compensation to retailers under s. 565.10 (14) (b).
(s) Prizes. From the lottery fund, a sum sufficient to pay holders of winning lottery tickets or lottery shares under ch. 565.
(v) Vendor fees. From the lottery fund, a sum sufficient to pay vendors for on-line and instant ticket services and supplies provided by the vendors under contract under s. 565.25 (2) (a).
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2009. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?