32.22(5)(a)(a) A municipality may present a verified petition to the circuit court for the county in which the property to be taken is located, for proceedings to take immediate possession of blighted residential property and for proceedings to determine the necessity of taking, where such determination is required. The compensation offered for the property shall accompany the petition.
32.22(5)(b) (b) The petition shall:
32.22(5)(b)1. 1. Describe the property and interests sought to be acquired.
32.22(5)(b)2. 2. Name all owners of record of the property.
32.22(5)(b)3. 3. State the authority of the municipality to condemn the property.
32.22(5)(b)4. 4. Describe the facts which indicate that property is blighted.
32.22(5)(b)5. 5. Itemize the compensation offered for the property according to the items of damages under s. 32.09.
32.22(5)(b)6. 6. Describe the condemnor's plan to preserve the property pending rehabilitation.
32.22(5)(b)7. 7. Describe the condemnor's plan to rehabilitate the property and return it to the housing market.
32.22(6) (6)Action on the petition.
32.22(6)(a)(a) Immediately upon receipt of the petition, the circuit court shall examine the evidence presented by the municipality showing that the property is blighted. If the circuit court finds that the property is blighted, the court shall immediately direct the municipality to serve a copy of the petition and a notice on the owner under s. 801.12 (1), and to post a copy of the petition and notice on the main entrance to the residential building. The notice shall state that:
32.22(6)(a)1. 1. The owner may accept the compensation offered by filing a petition with the clerk of the court.
32.22(6)(a)2. 2. The owner may commence a court action to contest the right of condemnation as provided in sub. (8) within 40 days from completion of service of process.
32.22(6)(a)3. 3. The owner may appeal for greater compensation without prejudice to the right to use the compensation given by the award under sub. (10) within 2 years from the date of taking of the property.
32.22(6)(a)4. 4. Acceptance of the award is an absolute bar to an action to contest the right of condemnation under sub. (8).
32.22(6)(b) (b) If any owner is a minor or an individual adjudicated incompetent, a special guardian shall be appointed under s. 32.05 (4).
32.22(7) (7)Possession and protection of the property. Within one working day after the municipality files proof of service of the petition and notice under s. 801.12 (1), the court shall grant the municipality immediate possession of the property. After obtaining the right to possession of the property, the municipality may take any action necessary to protect the property. The municipality shall post a notice on the main entrance to the building directing any occupant of the property to contact the municipality for information on relocation assistance.
32.22(8) (8)Action to contest right of condemnation.
32.22(8)(a)(a) If an owner desires to contest the right of the condemnor to condemn the property described in the petition, for any reason other than that the amount of compensation offered is inadequate, the owner may within 40 days from the date of service and posting of the notice under sub. (6) commence an action in the circuit court of the county in which the property is located, naming the condemnor as defendant. If the action is based on the allegation that the condemned property is not blighted, the owner shall demonstrate by a preponderance of the credible evidence that the property is not blighted.
32.22(8)(b) (b) An action under this subsection shall be the only manner in which any issue other than the amount of just compensation, or other than proceedings to perfect title under ss. 32.11 and 32.12, may be raised pertaining to the condemnation of the property described in the petition. The trial of the issues raised by the pleadings in an action under this subsection shall be given precedence over all other actions in the circuit court then not actually on trial. If the action under this subsection is not commenced within the time limited, or if compensation offered for the condemned property is accepted, the owner or other person having any interest in the property shall be barred from raising any objection to the condemnor's right to condemn the property under this section in any manner.
32.22(8)(c) (c) Nothing in this subsection limits in any respect the right to determine the necessity of taking under s. 32.07. Nothing in this subsection limits the right of the municipality to exercise control over the property under sub. (7).
32.22(8)(d) (d) If the final judgment of the court is that the municipality is not authorized to condemn the property, the court shall award the owner a sum equal to actual damages, if any, caused by the municipality in exercising control over the property, in addition to the amounts provided in s. 32.28.
32.22(9) (9)Payment of compensation; transfer of title.
32.22(9)(a)(a) If the owner accepts the compensation offered, or if the owner does not accept the compensation offered but no timely action is commenced under sub. (8), or if in an action under sub. (8) the circuit court holds that the municipality may condemn the property, the court shall order the title transferred to the municipality and the compensation paid to the owner.
32.22(9)(b) (b) The clerk of court shall give notice of the order under par. (a) by certified mail, or by a class 3 notice under ch. 985, if any owner cannot be found, or any owner's address is unknown. The notice shall indicate that the owner may receive his or her proper share of the award by petition to and order of the court. The petition may be filed with the clerk of the court without fee.
32.22(10) (10)Action to contest amount of compensation. Within 2 years after the date of taking under this section, an owner may appeal from the award using the procedures in s. 32.05 (9) to (12) and chs. 808 and 809 without prejudice to the owner's right to use the compensation received under sub. (9) pending final determination under this subsection. For purposes of this subsection, the "date of taking" and the "date of evaluation" shall be the date of filing the petition in circuit court under sub. (5). For the purposes of this subsection, the "basic award" shall be the amount paid into the circuit court by the municipality under sub. (5). If the owner is successful on the appeal and the circuit court awards an amount higher than the basic award, the court shall award the owner the amounts provided in s. 32.28.
32.22(11) (11)Claims by occupants.
32.22(11)(a)(a) If within 2 years after the petition is filed by the municipality, any person claims to have been a lawful occupant of the property condemned on the date the petition was filed, that individual may submit a request for relocation assistance under s. 32.25 to the municipality. The municipality shall, within 30 days after receipt of the request, either grant this request or apply to the circuit court for the county in which the property is located for a resolution of the claim.
32.22(11)(b) (b) If an application is made to the circuit court under par. (a), the court shall conduct a hearing and determine whether the claimant had a lawful right to occupy the property and whether the claimant actually occupied the property on the date the petition was filed. If the court finds in favor of the claimant, the court shall direct the municipality to provide the relocation assistance and other aid available under s. 32.25 to a displaced person at the time of condemnation, unless the municipality abandons the proceedings and the claimant is able to resume occupancy of the property.
32.22(11)(c) (c) No determination by a court under par. (b) in favor of a claimant affects the right of the municipality to condemn the property under this section in any case in which the owner accepts the compensation offered by the municipality or in which the claim under par. (a) is made after the latest date on which the owner could have filed an action under sub. (8).
32.22(12) (12)Disposition of condemned property.
32.22(12)(a)(a) Nothing in this section requires the municipality to rehabilitate a residential building, if it appears at any time that total cost of rehabilitation, including structural repairs and alterations, exceeds 80% of the estimated fair market value of the building when rehabilitation is complete. If the municipality determines under this paragraph not to rehabilitate a residential building condemned under this section, the municipality shall sell the building to any corporation organized under ch. 181 that is a nonprofit corporation, as defined in s. 181.0103 (17), or any cooperative organized under ch. 185 or 193 which:
32.22(12)(a)1. 1. Offers to purchase the building within 60 days after the municipality determines not to rehabilitate the building for an amount which is not less than the amount paid by the municipality to acquire the building from the previous owner under this section;
32.22(12)(a)2. 2. Agrees to submit to the municipality its plans to rehabilitate the building within 3 months after the date on which the nonprofit corporation or cooperative acquires title to the building, to commence significant rehabilitation activities within 6 months after that date and to complete the rehabilitation program and return the building to residential use within 18 months after that date; and
32.22(12)(a)3. 3. Agrees to execute a quitclaim deed returning the property to the municipality without compensation or reimbursement if the nonprofit corporation or cooperative fails to satisfy any of the requirements of subd. 2.
32.22(12)(b) (b) If the municipality undertakes and completes the rehabilitation of any residential building acquired under this section, the municipality shall:
32.22(12)(b)1. 1. Sell, lease or otherwise convey the rehabilitated building to any person authorized to exercise condemnation powers under this section.
32.22(12)(b)2. 2. Sell the rehabilitated building to any person not authorized to exercise condemnation powers under this section. If the condemnor sells the building to any person not authorized to exercise condemnation powers under this section, the sale price shall be not less than fair market value of the rehabilitated building at the time of the sale.
32.22(12)(c) (c) If a residential building is not rehabilitated or conveyed under par. (a) or (b), the municipality may use the property condemned under this section for any lawful purpose, including any purpose which requires razing of the building.
32.22 Note NOTE: Chapter 37, laws of 1979, which created this section, gives the legislative intent in section 1.
32.22 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also s. Comm 202.001, Wis. adm. code.
32.25 32.25 Relocation payment plan and assistance services.
32.25(1)(1) Except as provided under sub. (3) and s. 85.09 (4m), no condemnor may proceed with any activity that may involve the displacement of persons, business concerns or farm operations until the condemnor has filed in writing a relocation payment plan and relocation assistance service plan and has had both plans approved in writing by the department of commerce.
32.25(2) (2) The relocation assistance service plan shall contain evidence that the condemnor has taken reasonable and appropriate steps to:
32.25(2)(a) (a) Determine the cost of any relocation payments and services or the methods that are going to be used to determine such costs.
32.25(2)(b) (b) Assist owners of displaced business concerns and farm operations in obtaining and becoming established in suitable business locations or replacement farms.
32.25(2)(c) (c) Assist displaced owners or renters in the location of comparable dwellings.
32.25(2)(d) (d) Supply information concerning programs of federal, state and local governments which offer assistance to displaced persons and business concerns.
32.25(2)(e) (e) Assist in minimizing hardships to displaced persons in adjusting to relocation.
32.25(2)(f) (f) Secure, to the greatest extent practicable, the coordination of relocation activities with other project activities and other planned or proposed governmental actions in the community or nearby areas which may affect the implementation of the relocation program.
32.25(2)(g) (g) Determine the approximate number of persons, farms or businesses that will be displaced and the availability of decent, safe and sanitary replacement housing.
32.25(2)(h) (h) Assure that, within a reasonable time prior to displacement, there will be available, to the extent that may reasonably be accomplished, housing meeting the standards established by the department of commerce for decent, safe and sanitary dwellings. The housing, so far as practicable, shall be in areas not generally less desirable in regard to public utilities, public and commercial facilities and at rents or prices within the financial means of the families and individuals displaced and equal in number to the number of such displaced families or individuals and reasonably accessible to their places of employment.
32.25(2)(i) (i) Assure that a person shall not be required to move from a dwelling unless the person has had a reasonable opportunity to relocate to a comparable dwelling.
32.25(3) (3)
32.25(3)(a)(a) Subsection (1) does not apply to any of the following activities engaged in by a condemnor:
32.25(3)(a)1. 1. Obtaining an appraisal of property.
32.25(3)(a)2. 2. Obtaining an option to purchase property, regardless of whether the option specifies the purchase price, if the property is not part of a program or project receiving federal financial assistance.
32.25 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also s. Comm 202.001, Wis. adm. code.
32.26 32.26 Authority of the department of commerce.
32.26(1) (1) In addition to all other powers granted in this subchapter, the department of commerce shall formulate local standards for decent, safe and sanitary dwelling accommodations.
32.26(2) (2)
32.26(2)(a)(a) The department of commerce shall promulgate rules to implement and administer ss. 32.19 to 32.27.
32.26(2)(b) (b) The department of commerce and the department of transportation shall establish interdepartmental liaison procedures for the purpose of cooperating and exchanging information to assist the department of commerce in promulgating rules under par. (a).
32.26(3) (3) The department of commerce may make investigations to determine if the condemnor is complying with ss. 32.19 to 32.27. The department may seek an order from the circuit court requiring a condemnor to comply with ss. 32.19 to 32.27 or to discontinue work on that part of the project which is not in substantial compliance with ss. 32.19 to 32.27. The court shall give hearings on these actions precedence on the court's calendar.
32.26(4) (4) Upon the request of the department of commerce, the attorney general shall aid and prosecute all necessary actions or proceedings for the enforcement of this subchapter and for the punishment of all violations of this subchapter.
32.26(5) (5) Any displaced person may, prior to commencing court action against the condemnor under s. 32.20, petition the department of commerce for review of his or her complaint, setting forth in the petition the reasons for his or her dissatisfaction. The department may conduct an informal review of the situation and attempt to negotiate an acceptable solution. If an acceptable solution cannot be negotiated within 90 days, the department shall notify all parties, and the petitioner may then proceed under s. 32.20. The informal review procedure provided by this subsection is not a condition precedent to the filing of a claim and commencement of legal action pursuant to s. 32.20. In supplying information required by s. 32.25 (2) (d), the condemnor shall clearly indicate to each displaced person his or her right to proceed under this paragraph and under s. 32.20, and shall supply full information on how the displaced person may contact the department of commerce.
32.26(6) (6) The department of commerce, with the cooperation of the attorney general, shall prepare pamphlets in simple language and in readable format describing the eminent domain laws of this state, including the reasons for condemnation, the procedures followed by condemnors, how citizens may influence the condemnation process and the rights of property owners and citizens affected by condemnation. The department shall make copies of the pamphlets available to all condemnors, who may be charged a price for the pamphlets sufficient to recover the costs of production.
32.26(7) (7) The department of commerce shall provide technical assistance on relocation plan development and implementation to any condemnor carrying out a project which may result in the displacement of any person.
32.26 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also s. Comm 202.001, Wis. adm. code.
32.27 32.27 Records to be kept by condemnor.
32.27(1) (1)Contents of records. The condemnor shall maintain records for each project requiring a relocation payment plan. The records shall contain such information as are necessary to carry out ss. 32.19 and 32.25 to 32.27. The records shall be preserved by the condemnor for a period of not less than 3 years after conclusion of the project to which the records pertain.
32.27(2) (2)Costs of relocation payments and services; sharing formula.
32.27(2)(a)(a) The costs of relocation payments and services shall be computed and paid by the condemnor and included as part of the total project cost.
32.27(2)(b) (b) If there is a project cost-sharing agreement between the condemnor and another unit or level of government, the costs of relocation payments and services shall be shared in the same proportion as other project costs unless otherwise provided. This direct proportion formula may be changed to take advantage of federal relocation subsidies. It is intended that the payments and services described by ss. 32.19 to 32.27 are required for any project whether or not it is subject to federal regulation under P.L. 91-646; 84 Stat. 1894. The intent of this paragraph is to assure that condemnors take maximum advantage of federal payment or assistance for relocation, and to ensure that in no event will any displaced person receive a combined payment in excess of payments authorized or required by s. 32.19 or by federal law.
32.27 History History: 1971 c. 103; 1977 c. 418; 1991 a. 189.
32.27 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also s. Comm 202.001, Wis. adm. code.
32.28 32.28 Costs.
32.28(1)(1) In this section, "litigation expenses" means the sum of the costs, disbursements and expenses, including reasonable attorney, appraisal and engineering fees necessary to prepare for or participate in actual or anticipated proceedings before the condemnation commissioners, board of assessment or any court under this chapter.
32.28(2) (2) Except as provided in sub. (3), costs shall be allowed under ch. 814 in any action brought under this chapter. If the amount of just compensation found by the court or commissioners of condemnation exceeds the jurisdictional offer or the highest written offer prior to the jurisdictional offer, the condemnee shall be deemed the successful party under s. 814.02 (2).
32.28(3) (3) In lieu of costs under ch. 814, litigation expenses shall be awarded to the condemnee if:
32.28(3)(a) (a) The proceeding is abandoned by the condemnor;
32.28(3)(b) (b) The court determines that the condemnor does not have the right to condemn part or all of the property described in the jurisdictional offer or there is no necessity for its taking;
32.28(3)(c) (c) The judgment is for the plaintiff in an action under s. 32.10;
32.28(3)(d) (d) The award of the condemnation commission under s. 32.05 (9) or 32.06 (8) exceeds the jurisdictional offer or the highest written offer prior to the jurisdictional offer by at least $700 and at least 15% and neither party appeals the award to the circuit court;
32.28(3)(e) (e) The jury verdict as approved by the court under s. 32.05 (11) exceeds the jurisdictional offer or the highest written offer prior to the jurisdictional offer by at least $700 and at least 15%;
32.28(3)(f) (f) The condemnee appeals an award of the condemnation commission which exceeds the jurisdictional offer or the highest written offer prior to the jurisdictional offer by at least $700 and at least 15%, if the jury verdict as approved by the court under s. 32.05 (10) or 32.06 (10) exceeds the award of the condemnation commission by at least $700 and at least 15%;
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