938.991(8)(a)(a) That subs. (4) (b), (5) (b) and (7) (d) shall not be construed to alter or affect any internal relationship among the departments, agencies and officers of and in the government of a party state, or between a party state and its subdivisions, as to the payment of costs, or responsibilities therefor.
938.991(8)(b) (b) That nothing in this compact shall be construed to prevent any party state or subdivision thereof from asserting any right against any person, agency or other entity in regard to costs for which such party state or subdivision thereof may be responsible pursuant to sub. (4) (b), (5) (b) or (7) (d).
938.991(9) (9)Article IX — Detention Practices. That, to every extent possible, it shall be the policy of states party to this compact that no juvenile or delinquent juvenile shall be placed or detained in any prison, jail or lockup nor be detained or transported in association with criminal, vicious or dissolute persons.
938.991(10) (10)Article X — Supplementary Agreements. That the duly constituted administrative authorities of a state party to this compact may enter into supplementary agreements with any other state or states party hereto for the cooperative care, treatment and rehabilitation of delinquent juveniles whenever they shall find that such agreements will improve the facilities or programs available for such care, treatment and rehabilitation. Such care, treatment and rehabilitation may be provided in an institution located within any state entering into such supplementary agreement. Such supplementary agreements shall:
938.991(10)(a) (a) Provide the rates to be paid for the care, treatment and custody of such delinquent juveniles, taking into consideration the character of facilities, services and subsistence furnished;
938.991(10)(b) (b) Provide that the delinquent juvenile shall be given a court hearing prior to being sent to another state for care, treatment and custody;
938.991(10)(c) (c) Provide that the state receiving such a delinquent juvenile in one of its institutions shall act solely as agent for the state sending such delinquent juvenile;
938.991(10)(d) (d) Provide that the sending state shall at all times retain jurisdiction over delinquent juveniles sent to an institution in another state;
938.991(10)(e) (e) Provide for reasonable inspection of such institutions by the sending state;
938.991(10)(f) (f) Provide that the consent of the parent, guardian, person or agency entitled to the legal custody of said delinquent juvenile shall be secured prior to the delinquent juvenile's being sent to another state; and
938.991(10)(g) (g) Make provision for such other matters and details as shall be necessary to protect the rights and equities of such delinquent juveniles and of the cooperating states.
938.991(11) (11)Article XI — Acceptance of Federal and Other Aid. That any state party to this compact may accept any and all donations, gifts and grants of money, equipment and services from the federal or any local government, or any agency thereof and from any person, firm or corporation, for any of the purposes and functions of this compact, and may receive and utilize the same subject to the terms, conditions and regulations governing such donations, gifts and grants.
938.991(12) (12)Article XII — Compact Administrators. That the governor of each state party to this compact shall designate an officer who, acting jointly with like officers of other party states, shall promulgate rules and regulations to carry out more effectively the terms and provisions of this compact.
938.991(13) (13)Article XIII — Execution of Compact. That this compact shall become operative immediately upon its execution by any state as between it and any other state or states so executing. When executed it shall have the full force and effect of law within such state, the form of execution to be in accordance with the laws of the executing state.
938.991(14) (14)Article XIV — Renunciation. That this compact shall continue in force and remain binding upon each executing state until renounced by it. Renunciation of this compact shall be by the same authority which executed it, by sending 6 months notice in writing of its intention to withdraw from the compact to the other states party hereto. The duties and obligations of a renouncing state under sub. (7) shall continue as to parolees, probationers and persons on extended supervision residing therein at the time of withdrawal until retaken or finally discharged. Supplementary agreements entered into under sub. (10) shall be subject to renunciation as provided by such supplementary agreements, and shall not be subject to the 6 months' renunciation notice of the present Article.
938.991(15) (15)Article XV — Severability. That the provisions of this compact shall be severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence or provision of this compact is declared to be contrary to the constitution of any participating state or of the United States or the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person or circumstance is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this compact and the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person or circumstance shall not be affected thereby. If this compact shall be held contrary to the constitution of any state participating therein, the compact shall remain in full force and effect as to the remaining states and in full force and effect as to the state affected as to all severable matters.
938.991 History History: 1981 c. 390; 1983 a. 189; 1991 a. 316; 1995 a. 77 s. 388; Stats. 1995 s. 938.991; 1997 a. 283; 1999 a. 85.
938.991 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See the appendix for a list of states that have ratified this compact.
938.992 938.992 Definitions. As used in the interstate compact on juveniles, the following words and phrases have the following meanings as to this state:
938.992(1) (1)
938.992(1)(a)(a) The "appropriate court" of this state to issue a requisition under s. 938.991 (4) is the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under this chapter and ch. 48 for the county of the petitioner's residence, or, if the petitioner is a child welfare agency, the court so assigned for the county where the agency has its principal office, or, if the petitioner is the department, any court so assigned in the state.
938.992(1)(b) (b) The "appropriate court" of this state to receive a requisition under s. 938.991 (4) or (5) or 938.998 is the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under this chapter and ch. 48 for the county where the juvenile is located.
938.992(2) (2) "Executive authority" means the compact administrator.
938.992(3) (3) Notwithstanding s. 938.991 (3) (b), "delinquent juvenile" does not include a person subject to an order under s. 48.366 who is confined to a state prison under s. 302.01.
938.992 History History: 1977 c. 449; 1981 c. 390; 1983 a. 189; 1985 a. 294; 1987 a. 27; 1989 a. 31, 107; 1995 a. 27; 1995 a. 77 s. 389 to 392; Stats. 1995 s. 938.992; 2005 a. 344.
938.993 938.993 Juvenile compact administrator.
938.993(1) (1) Under the interstate compact on juveniles, the governor may designate an officer or employee of the department to be the compact administrator, who, acting jointly with like officers of other party states, shall promulgate rules to carry out more effectively the terms of the compact. The compact administrator shall serve subject to the pleasure of the governor. If there is a vacancy in the office of compact administrator or in the case of absence or disability, the functions shall be performed by the secretary of corrections, or other employee designated by the secretary. The compact administrator may cooperate with all departments, agencies and officers of and in the government of this state and its political subdivisions in facilitating the proper administration of the compact or of any supplementary agreement entered into by this state.
938.993(2) (2) The compact administrator shall determine for this state whether to receive juvenile probationers, parolees and persons on extended supervision of other states under s. 938.991 (7) and shall arrange for the supervision of each such probationer, parolee or person on extended supervision received, either by the department or by a person appointed to perform supervision service for the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under this chapter and ch. 48 for the county where the juvenile is to reside, whichever is more convenient. Those persons shall in all such cases make periodic reports to the compact administrator regarding the conduct and progress of the juveniles.
938.993 History History: 1977 c. 449; 1981 c. 390; 1989 a. 31, 107; 1995 a. 27; 1995 a. 77 s. 393; Stats. 1995 s. 938.993; 1997 a. 35, 283.
938.994 938.994 Supplementary agreements. The department may enter into supplementary agreements with appropriate officials of other states under s. 938.991 (10). If the supplementary agreement requires or contemplates the use of any institution or facility of this state or the provision of any service by this state, the supplementary agreement has no effect until approved by the department or agency under whose jurisdiction the institution or facility is operated or which shall be charged with the rendering of the service.
938.994 History History: 1981 c. 390; 1989 a. 31, 107; 1995 a. 27; 1995 a. 77 s. 394; Stats. 1995 s. 938.994.
938.995 938.995 Financial arrangements. The expense of returning juveniles to this state pursuant to s. 938.991 shall be paid as follows:
938.995(1) (1) In the case of a runaway under s. 938.991 (4), the court making the requisition shall inquire summarily regarding the financial ability of the petitioner to bear the expense and if it finds the petitioner is able to do so, shall order the petitioner to pay all the expenses of returning the juvenile; otherwise the court shall arrange for the transportation at the expense of the county and order that the county reimburse the person, if any, who returns the juvenile, for that person's actual and necessary expenses; and the court may order that the petitioner reimburse the county for so much of the expense as the court finds the petitioner is able to pay. If the petitioner fails, without good cause, or refuses to pay that sum, the petitioner may be proceeded against for contempt.
938.995(2) (2) In the case of an escapee or absconder under s. 938.991 (5) or (6), if the juvenile is in the legal custody or under the supervision of the department, it shall bear the expense of his or her return; otherwise the appropriate court shall, on petition of the person entitled to the juvenile's custody or charged with his or her supervision, arrange for the transportation at the expense of the county and order that the county reimburse the person, if any, who returns the juvenile, for the person's actual and necessary expenses. In this subsection "appropriate court" means the court which adjudged the juvenile to be delinquent or, if the juvenile is under supervision for another state under s. 938.991 (7), then the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under this chapter and ch. 48 for the county of the juvenile's residence during the supervision.
938.995(3) (3) In the case of a voluntary return of a runaway without requisition under s. 938.991 (6), the person entitled to the juvenile's legal custody shall pay the expense of transportation and the actual and necessary expenses of the person, if any, who returns the juvenile; but if the person is financially unable to pay all the expenses he or she may petition the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under this chapter and ch. 48 for the county of the petitioner's residence for an order arranging for the transportation as provided in sub. (1). The court shall inquire summarily into the financial ability of the petitioner and, if it finds the petitioner is unable to bear any or all of the expense, the court shall arrange for the transportation at the expense of the county and shall order the county to reimburse the person, if any, who returns the juvenile, for the person's actual and necessary expenses. The court may order that the petitioner reimburse the county for so much of the expense as the court finds the petitioner is able to pay. If the petitioner fails, without good cause, or refuses to pay that sum, he or she may be proceeded against for contempt.
938.995(4) (4) In the case of a juvenile subject to a petition under s. 938.998, the appropriate court shall arrange for the transportation at the expense of the county in which the violation of criminal law is alleged to have been committed and order that the county reimburse the person, if any, who returns the juvenile, for the person's actual and necessary expenses. In this subsection "appropriate court" means the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under this chapter and ch. 48 for the county in which the violation of criminal law is alleged to have been committed.
938.995 History History: 1977 c. 354, 447, 449; 1981 c. 390; 1985 a. 294; 1989 a. 31, 107; 1991 a. 316; 1995 a. 27; 1995 a. 77 s. 395 to 397; Stats. 1995 s. 938.995.
938.996 938.996 Compensation. Any judge of this state who appoints counsel or a guardian ad litem pursuant to the provisions of the interstate compact on juveniles may, in the judge's discretion, allow reasonable compensation in an amount not to exceed the compensation paid to private attorneys under s. 977.08 (4m) (b), to be paid by the county on order of the court.
938.996 History History: 1991 a. 316; 1993 a. 16; 1995 a. 27; 1995 a. 77 s. 398; Stats. 1995 s. 938.996.
938.996 Annotation The courts' power to appropriate compensation for court-appointed counsel is necessary for the effective operation of the judicial system. In ordering compensation for court ordered attorneys, a court should abide by the s. 977.08 (4m) rate when it can retain effective counsel at that rate, but should order compensation at the rate under SCR 81.01 or 81.02 or a higher rate when necessary to secure effective counsel. Friedrich v. Dane County Circuit Court, 192 Wis. 2d 1, 531 N.W.2d 32 (1995).
938.997 938.997 Responsibilities of state departments, agencies and officers. The courts, departments, agencies and officers of this state and its political subdivisions shall enforce the interstate compact on juveniles and shall do all things appropriate to the effectuation of its purposes which may be within their respective jurisdictions.
938.997 History History: 1995 a. 77 s. 399; Stats. 1995 s. 938.997.
938.998 938.998 Rendition of juveniles alleged to be delinquent.
938.998(1)(1) This amendment shall provide additional remedies, and shall be binding only as among and between those party states which specifically execute the same.
938.998(2) (2) All provisions and procedures of s. 938.991 (5) and (6) shall be construed to apply to any juvenile charged with being a delinquent by reason of a violation of any criminal law. Any juvenile, charged with being a delinquent by reason of violating any criminal law shall be returned to the requesting state upon a requisition to the state where the juvenile may be found. A petition in such case shall be filed in a court of competent jurisdiction in the requesting state where the violation of criminal law is alleged to have been committed. The petition may be filed regardless of whether the juvenile has left the state before or after the filing of the petition. The requisition described in s. 938.991 (5) shall be forwarded by the judge of the court in which the petition has been filed.
938.998 History History: 1985 a. 294; 1995 a. 77 s. 400; Stats. 1995 s. 938.998.
938.9985 938.9985 Renunciation of Interstate Compact on Juveniles. Sections 938.991 to 938.998 do not apply to a juvenile from this state who is located in another state and who is a runaway, as described in s. 938.991 (4), an escapee or absconder, as described in s. 938.991 (5), a probationer, person on extended supervision, or parolee under the supervision of that other state, as described in s. 938.991 (7), or a juvenile charged as being a delinquent, as described in s. 938.998, or to a juvenile from another state who is located in this state and who is a runaway, as described in s. 938.991 (4), an escapee or absconder, as described in s. 938.991 (5), a probationer, person on extended supervision, or parolee under the supervision of this state, as described in s. 938.991 (7), or a juvenile charged as being a delinquent, as described in s. 938.998, if all of the following have occurred:
938.9985(1) (1) The Interstate Compact for Juveniles under s. 938.999 is in effect as provided in s. 938.999 (10) (b).
938.9985(2) (2) Both this state and the other state are parties to the Interstate Compact for Juveniles under s. 938.999.
938.9985(3) (3) Both this state and the other state have renounced the Interstate Compact on Juveniles as provided under s. 938.991 (14).
938.9985 History History: 2005 a. 234.
938.999 938.999 Interstate Compact for Juveniles.
938.999(1) (1)Article I — Purpose.
938.999(1)(a)(a) The compacting states to this interstate compact recognize that each state is responsible for the proper supervision or return of juveniles, delinquents, and status offenders who are on probation or parole and who have absconded, escaped, or run away from supervision and control and in so doing have endangered their own safety and the safety of others. The compacting states also recognize that each state is responsible for the safe return of juveniles who have run away from home and in doing so have left their state of residence. The compacting states also recognize that the U.S. Congress, by enacting the Crime Control Act, 4 USC 112, has authorized and encouraged compacts for cooperative efforts and mutual assistance in the prevention of crime.
938.999(1)(b) (b) It is the purpose of this compact, through means of joint and cooperative action among the compacting states, to do all of the following:
938.999(1)(b)1. 1. Ensure that the adjudicated juveniles and status offenders who are subject to this compact are provided with adequate supervision and services in the receiving state as ordered by the adjudicating judge or parole authority in the sending state.
938.999(1)(b)2. 2. Ensure that the public safety interests of the citizens, including the victims of juvenile offenders, in both the sending and receiving states are adequately protected.
938.999(1)(b)3. 3. Return juveniles who have run away, absconded, or escaped from supervision or control or who have been accused of an offense to the state requesting their return.
938.999(1)(b)4. 4. Make contracts for the cooperative institutionalization in public facilities in member states of delinquent youth needing special services.
938.999(1)(b)5. 5. Provide for the effective tracking and supervision of juveniles.
938.999(1)(b)6. 6. Equitably allocate the costs, benefits, and obligations of the compact among the compacting states.
938.999(1)(b)7. 7. Establish procedures to manage the movement between states of juvenile offenders who are released to the community under the jurisdiction of courts, juvenile departments, or other criminal or juvenile justice agencies that have jurisdiction over juvenile offenders.
938.999(1)(b)8. 8. Ensure that immediate notice is given to jurisdictions where defined offenders are authorized to travel or to relocate across state lines.
938.999(1)(b)9. 9. Establish procedures to resolve pending charges or detainers against juvenile offenders before transfer or release to the community under this compact.
938.999(1)(b)10. 10. Establish a system of uniform data collection of information pertaining to juveniles who are subject to this compact that allows access by authorized juvenile justice and criminal justice officials and a system of regular reporting of compact activities to heads of state executive, judicial, and legislative branches and juvenile and criminal justice administrators.
938.999(1)(b)11. 11. Monitor compliance with the rules governing the interstate movement of juveniles and intervene to address and correct any noncompliance with those rules.
938.999(1)(b)12. 12. Coordinate training and education regarding the regulation of the interstate movement of juveniles for officials who are involved in that activity.
938.999(1)(b)13. 13. Coordinate the implementation and operation of this compact with the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children under ss. 48.988 and 48.989, the Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children under s. 48.99, the Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision under s. 304.16, and other compacts affecting juveniles, particularly in those cases in which concurrent or overlapping supervision issues arise.
938.999(1)(c) (c) It is the policy of the compacting states that the activities conducted by the interstate commission are the formation of public policies and, therefore, are public business. Furthermore, the compacting states shall cooperate with each other and observe their individual and collective duties and responsibilities for the prompt return and acceptance of juveniles who are subject to this compact.
938.999(1)(d) (d) The compact shall be reasonably and liberally construed to accomplish the purposes and policies of the compact.
938.999(2) (2)Article II — Definitions. In this section:
938.999(2)(a) (a) "Bylaws" means the bylaws established by the interstate commission for its governance or for directing or controlling its actions or conduct.
938.999(2)(b) (b) "Commissioner" means the voting representative of each compacting state appointed under sub. (3) (b).
938.999(2)(c) (c) "Compact administrator" means the person appointed under this compact in each compacting state who is responsible for the administration and management of the state's supervision and transfer of juveniles who are subject to this compact, the rules, and the policies adopted by the state board under this compact.
938.999(2)(d) (d) "Compacting state" means a state that has enacted the enabling legislation for this compact.
938.999(2)(e) (e) "Court" means a court having jurisdiction over delinquent, neglected, or dependent juveniles.
938.999(2)(f) (f) "Deputy compact administrator" means the person, if any, appointed in each compacting state to act on behalf of a compact administrator in the administration and management of the state's supervision and transfer of juveniles who are subject to this compact, the rules, and the policies adopted by the state board under this compact.
938.999(2)(g) (g) "Interstate commission" means the interstate commission for juveniles established under sub. (3) (a).
938.999(2)(h) (h) "Juvenile" means a person who is defined as a juvenile under the law of any compacting state or by the rules, including all of the following:
938.999(2)(h)1. 1. An accused delinquent. For purposes of this subdivision, "accused delinquent" means a person who is charged with an offense that, if committed by an adult, would be a criminal offense.
938.999(2)(h)2. 2. An adjudicated delinquent. For purposes of this subdivision, "adjudicated delinquent" means a person who has been found to have committed an offense that, if committed by an adult, would be a criminal offense.
938.999(2)(h)3. 3. An accused status offender. For purposes of this subdivision, "accused status offender" means a person who is charged with an offense that would not be a criminal offense if committed by an adult.
938.999(2)(h)4. 4. An adjudicated status offender. For purposes of this subdivision, "adjudicated status offender" means a person who has been found to have committed an offense that would not be a criminal offense if committed by an adult.
938.999(2)(h)5. 5. A nonoffender. For purposes of this subdivision, "nonoffender" means a person who is in need of supervision, but who has not been charged with or found to have committed an offense.
938.999(2)(i) (i) "Noncompacting state" means a state that has not enacted the enabling legislation for this compact.
938.999(2)(j) (j) "Probation or parole" means any kind of supervision or conditional release of a juvenile that is authorized under the laws of a compacting state.
938.999(2)(k) (k) Except as provided in sub. (6) (f), "rule" means a written statement by the interstate commission promulgated under sub. (6) that is of general applicability; that implements, interprets, or prescribes a policy or provision of the compact or an organizational, procedural, or practice requirement of the interstate commission; and that has the force of statutory law in a compacting state. "Rule" includes the amendment, repeal, or suspension of an existing rule.
938.999(2)(L) (L) "State" means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, or the Northern Marianas Islands.
938.999(2)(m) (m) "State board" means the state board for interstate juvenile supervision created by each compacting state under sub. (9).
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