100.51   Motor fuel dealerships.
100.52   Telephone solicitations.
100.525   Telephone records; obtaining, selling, or receiving without consent.
100.53   Vehicle rentals; title and registration fees.
100.54   Access to credit reports.
100.545   Security freezes for protected consumers.
100.55   Furnishing or using certain consumer loan information to make solicitations.
100.57   Tax preparers; privacy of client information.
100.60   State renewable fuels goal.
100.65   Residential contractors.
Ch. 100 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See definitions in s. 93.01.
100.01 100.01 Produce wholesalers, unfair conduct, liability for damages.
100.01(1)(1) Definitions. When used in this section:
100.01(1)(a) (a) "Broker" means a person engaged in negotiating sales or purchases of produce for or on behalf of the seller or the buyer.
100.01(1)(b) (b) "Commission merchant" means a person engaged in receiving produce for sale for or on behalf of another.
100.01(1)(c) (c) "Dealer" means a person who for resale buys, sells, offers or exposes for sale, or has in his or her possession with intent to sell, any produce except that raised by him or her and that purchased by him or her exclusively for his or her own sale at retail.
100.01(1)(d) (d) "Produce" means any kinds of fresh fruit or fresh vegetable, including potatoes and onions intended for planting.
100.01(1)(e) (e) "Produce wholesaler" means a commission merchant, dealer or broker.
100.01(2) (2)Unfair conduct. It shall be unlawful:
100.01(2)(a) (a) For a dealer to reject or fail to deliver in accordance with the contract, without reasonable cause, produce bought or sold or contracted to be bought or sold by such dealer.
100.01(2)(b) (b) For a commission merchant, without reasonable cause, to fail to deliver produce in accordance with the contract.
100.01(2)(c) (c) For a commission merchant to fail to render a true itemized statement of the sale or other disposition of a consignment of produce with full payment promptly in accordance with the terms of the agreement between the parties, or, if no agreement, within 15 days after receipt of the produce. Such statement of sale shall clearly express the gross amount for which the produce was sold and the proper, usual or agreed selling charge, and other expenses necessarily and actually incurred or agreed to in the handling thereof.
100.01(2)(d) (d) For a commission merchant or broker to make a fraudulent charge in respect to produce.
100.01(2)(e) (e) For a commission merchant or broker to discard, dump or destroy without reasonable cause produce received by the merchant or broker.
100.01(2)(f) (f) For a produce wholesaler to make for a fraudulent purpose or for the purpose of depressing the market a false or misleading statement concerning the grade, condition, markings, quality, quantity, market quotations or disposition of any produce or of the condition of the market therefor.
100.01(2)(g) (g) For a produce wholesaler to receive produce from another state or country for sale or resale within this state and give the buyer the impression that the commodity is of Wisconsin origin.
100.01(2)(h) (h) For a produce wholesaler, for a fraudulent purpose, to remove, alter or tamper with any card, stencil, stamp, tag, certificate or other notice placed upon any container or railroad car containing produce by the original packer or by or under authority of any federal or state inspector and bearing a certificate as to the grower, grade or quality of such produce.
100.01(3) (3)Acceptance implied. If any dealer fails to notify the seller of rejection within 24 hours after the dealer receives notice of arrival of the produce, the dealer will be deemed to have accepted it as being in accordance with the contract.
100.01(4) (4)Double damages. A produce wholesaler who violates any provision of sub. (2) shall be liable to any person injured thereby for twice the amount of damages sustained in consequence of such violation and such liability may be enforced by suit in any court of competent jurisdiction.
100.01 History History: 1983 a. 189; 1993 a. 492.
100.01 Annotation It defies common sense to think that the legislature intended to allow parties to contract around the double damages provision in sub. (4). Nothing in s. 100.01 suggests that the legislature intended the statute's applicability to rise or fall on the relative sophistication of the parties. Wisconsin Central Farms, Inc. v. Heartland Agricultural Marketing, Inc. 2006 WI App 199, 296 Wis. 2d 779, 724 N.W. 2d 364, 04-2971.
100.02 100.02 Commission merchants, duties, must account.
100.02(1)(1) No person receiving any fruits, vegetables, melons, dairy, or poultry products or any perishable farm products of any kind or character, other than cattle, sheep, hogs or horses, referred to in this section as produce, for or on behalf of another, may without good and sufficient cause therefor, destroy, or abandon, discard as refuse or dump any produce directly or indirectly, or through collusion with any person, nor may any person knowingly and with intent to defraud make any false report or statement to the person from whom any produce was received, concerning the handling, condition, quality, quantity, sale or disposition thereof, nor may any person knowingly and with intent to defraud fail truly and correctly to account and pay over to the consignor therefor.
100.02(2) (2) The department shall by rule provide for the making of prompt investigations and the issuing of certificates as to the quality and condition of produce received, upon application of any person shipping, receiving or financially interested in, the produce. The rules shall designate the classes of persons qualified and authorized to make the investigations and issue the certificates, except that any investigation shall be made and any certificate shall be issued by at least 2 disinterested persons in any case where the investigation is not made by an officer or employee of the department.
100.02(3) (3) A certificate made in compliance with the rules shall be prima facie evidence in all courts of the truth of the statements contained in the certificate as to the quality and condition of the produce; but if any such certificate is put in evidence by any party, in any civil or criminal proceeding, the opposite party shall be permitted to cross-examine any person signing the certificate, called as a witness at the instance of either party, as to his or her qualifications and authority and as to the truth of the statements contained in the certificate.
100.02 History History: 1977 c. 29; 1993 a. 213.
100.025 100.025 Classification of dairy heifer calves.
100.025(1) (1) As used in this section, "dairy heifer calf" means a female bovine animal, of a recognized dairy breed, at least 2 weeks and less than 4 months of age.
100.025(2) (2) The owner of the herd of origin of any healthy dairy heifer calf may classify such calf as a "Wisconsin Blue Tag" dairy heifer calf by certifying that he or she is the owner of the herd of origin; that the sire of such calf is a registered purebred sire; and that the dam is of the same breed as the sire. Such certification shall be on forms prescribed by the department and shall include identification of the calf and its sire and dam, and such other information as the department requires. Dairy heifer calves so classified shall be identified by the owner of the herd of origin or the owner's agent by inserting a blue ear tag in the right ear and shall be accompanied by the certificate.
100.025(4) (4) Blue ear tags for dairy heifer calves shall be purchased from the department. Each tag shall bear a distinctive serial number. No person shall possess or use, for identification pursuant to this section, ear tags which have not been issued by the department. Ear tag applicators and other supplies may be purchased from the department.
100.025(5) (5) No person shall falsely execute any herd owner's certificate or falsely represent the identity or classification of any calves provided for in this section.
100.025 History History: 1991 a. 201; 1993 a. 492.
100.04 100.04 Livestock production contracts.
100.04(1) (1) Definition. In this section, "livestock" means swine, cattle, poultry, sheep, goats or farm-raised deer, as defined in s. 95.001 (1) (ag).
100.04(2) (2)Required contract terms. Every written contract under which livestock owned by one party is possessed by another party for breeding, feeding or the production of animal products shall set forth, in clear language, the manner in which any payments received because of the destruction of the livestock due to disease, fire or other unanticipated cause shall be divided between the party owning the livestock and the party possessing the livestock.
100.04(3) (3)Responsible party. The party who drafts or otherwise provides the text of a written contract described in sub. (2) is responsible for including language that fulfills the requirement of sub. (2).
100.04(4) (4)Resolution of disputes. If a written contract described in sub. (2) does not include language that fulfills the requirement of sub. (2) and one of the parties to the contract begins an action claiming an interest in payments received because of the destruction of livestock, the court shall divide the payments among the parties in an equitable manner.
100.04 History History: 1995 a. 210; 2001 a. 56.
100.05 100.05 Butter and cheese manufacturers; accounts accessible.
100.05(1)(1) No operator of a butter factory or cheese factory wherein the value of the milk or cream delivered is determined by the sale of the product manufactured shall use or allow any other person, unless the other person is entitled to the benefit thereof, to use any milk or cream brought to the operator, without the consent of the owner thereof.
100.05(2) (2) The operator of a butter or cheese factory wherein the value of the milk or cream delivered is determined by the sale of the product manufactured shall keep or cause to be kept a correct account of the amount of milk or cream received daily, and of the number of pounds of butter, and the number and style of cheese made each day, and of the number of cheese cut or otherwise disposed of and the weight of each, and the number of pounds of whey cream sold, with the test.
100.05(3) (3) The account kept under sub. (2) shall be open to the inspection of any person furnishing milk to the operator and to the department, its chemists, assistants, inspectors and agents.
100.05 History History: 1993 a. 492; 1995 a. 225.
100.057 100.057 Wisconsin cheese logotype. The department shall design an official logotype appropriate for affixation to and display in connection with natural cheese meeting quality standards established by the department and manufactured in this state entirely from milk which is produced under standards which are equal to or greater than standards established under s. 97.24 and rules adopted under s. 97.24. The design shall consist of an outline of the boundaries of the state and the words "100% Wisconsin Cheese" and such other specifications as the department deems appropriate. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the use of other appropriate labels or logotypes.
100.057 History History: 1975 c. 323; 1977 c. 157; 2013 a. 374.
100.07 100.07 Milk payments; audits.
100.07(1) (1) Whenever petitions signed by more than 60 percent of the producers of milk delivered to any dairy plant or petitions signed by more than 60 percent of the producers comprising any municipal milk shed shall be presented to the department asking for the audit of payments to producers, the department by investigation and public hearing shall determine the facts in support of and against such petition and render its decision thereon. The department by order shall define the plants and areas affected. All persons receiving from producers in any such plant or area milk any part of which is used for fluid distribution shall keep adequate records of all purchases and all usage or disposition of milk and shall make reports thereof as prescribed by the department. The department shall have free access to such records and shall after entry of such order audit the receipts and usage or disposition of milk and cream at intervals sufficiently frequent to keep the producers informed for bargaining purposes.
100.07(2) (2) Each such person shall deduct from the price to producers an amount sufficient to administer this section, to be the same for all, and not to exceed one-half cent per 100 pounds of milk received or its equivalent. Amounts so deducted are trust funds and shall be paid to the department.
100.07(3) (3) Whenever petitions signed by more than 51 percent of the producers of milk delivered to any such plant or in any such municipal milk shed shall be presented to the department asking for discontinuance of such auditing service, it shall promptly hold a public hearing to determine the sufficiency of such petitions, and if it shall appear that the required number of persons have so petitioned, the auditing service shall be ordered discontinued. Plants and areas now being audited by the department shall continue to receive such service until an order of discontinuance is made as herein provided.
100.07(4) (4) Authorized officials of any organization whose members are producers delivering milk to any such plant or in any such municipal milk shed may sign petitions for such auditing service or for the discontinuance thereof for and on behalf of the producer members of such organization.
100.07(5) (5) Any person who violates this section by failing to pay to the department the deductions required by this section, or by failing to make or to keep the required records or reports, or by willfully making any false entry in such records or reports, or by willfully failing to make full and true entries in such records or reports, or by obstructing, refusing or resisting other than through judicial process any department audit of such records, shall be fined not to exceed $200 or imprisoned in the county jail not more than 6 months or by both.
100.07(6) (6) Action to enjoin violation of this section may be commenced and prosecuted by the department in the name of the state in any court having equity jurisdiction.
100.07 History History: 2009 a. 177.
100.12 100.12 Refusal of commission merchant to furnish written statement of transaction prima facie evidence of gambling.
100.12(1)(1) Every person doing business as a commission merchant or broker shall furnish, upon demand, to any person for whom he or she has executed an order for the purchase or sale of a commodity, whether for immediate or future delivery, a written statement containing the following information:
100.12(1)(a) (a) The name of the party from whom the commodity was bought or to whom it was sold, whichever the case may be; and
100.12(1)(b) (b) The time when, the place where, and the price at which such commodity was bought or sold.
100.12(2) (2) Refusal upon demand to furnish the written statement specified in sub. (1) is prima facie evidence that the purchase or sale of the commodity was not a bona fide business transaction.
100.12(3) (3) Transactions by or between members of a lawfully constituted chamber of commerce or board of trade which has been organized pursuant to the laws of this state are prima facie valid if they are conducted in accordance with the charter of such chamber of commerce or board of trade and the rules, bylaws and regulations adopted thereunder.
100.12 History History: 1993 a. 492.
100.14 100.14 Uniform labels and trademarks.
100.14(1) (1) The department may adopt uniform labels and trademarks for brands of Wisconsin products and shall, upon request, permit the use of such labels and trademarks by any person engaged in the production or distribution of products who complies with regulations issued by the department for the use of such labels or trademarks.
100.14(2) (2) The department of financial institutions shall, upon application of the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection, record any such label or trademark under ss. 132.01 to 132.11. The department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection shall be entitled to protect such label or trademark under said sections and in any other manner authorized by law.
100.14 History History: 2011 a. 32.
100.15 100.15 Regulation of trading stamps.
100.15(1) (1) No person may use, issue or furnish within this state, in connection with the sale of any goods, any trading stamp or similar device, which entitles the purchaser to procure anything of value in exchange for the trading stamp or similar device.
100.15(3) (3) This section does not apply to:
100.15(3)(a) (a) Stamps, tokens, tickets, or similar devices, without any stated cash value, if such stamps, tokens, tickets, or similar devices are redeemable only in payment for parking privileges for automobiles or fares on urban passenger transit facilities.
100.15(3)(b) (b) A person who issues a trading stamp or other similar device, with the sale of any goods, which bears upon its face a stated cash value and is redeemable in cash upon presentation in amounts aggregating 25 cents or over of redemption value, or in merchandise at the option of the holder.
100.15(3)(c) (c) The publication by or distribution through newspapers, or other publications, of coupons in advertisements other than their own.
100.15(3)(d) (d) A coupon, certificate or similar device, which is within, attached to, or a part of any package or container as packed by the original manufacturer and is directly redeemed by such manufacturer.
100.15(3)(e) (e) A coupon, certificate or similar device, which is within, attached to, or a part of any package or container as packed by the original manufacturer or retailer and which is to be redeemed by a retailer or another manufacturer if:
100.15(3)(e)1. 1. The coupon, certificate or similar device clearly states the names and addresses of both the issuing manufacturer or retailer and any redeeming manufacturer; and
100.15(3)(e)2. 2. The issuing manufacturer or retailer is responsible to redeem the coupon, certificate or similar device if the redeeming retailer or manufacturer fails to do so.
100.15(3)(f) (f) A coupon, ticket, certificate, card or similar device issued, distributed or furnished by a retailer and redeemed by that retailer for any product or service the retailer sells or provides in the usual course of business. Redemption under this paragraph shall be made by the issuing retail outlet on request of the customer, and may be made by any other retail outlet operating under the same business name.
100.15(3)(g) (g) An entry blank or game piece redeemed for merchandise in a chance promotion exempt under s. 100.16 (2).
100.15 History History: 1977 c. 268; 1981 c. 351; 1983 a. 406; 1993 a. 213.
100.16 100.16 Selling with pretense of prize; in-pack chance promotion exception.
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