94.66(3) (3) Application for license shall be made upon forms furnished upon request by the department and shall state the applicant's name and business address, the exact location of places of manufacture of the applicant's products, a description of the products that are to be sold, and any other information that the department requires. An application may be amended upon written notice from the applicant.
94.66(4) (4) Each application shall be accompanied by a fee of $10.
94.66(5) (5) Licenses to engage in the selling or distribution of liming material shall expire on December 31 next following date of issue.
94.66(6) (6)
94.66(6)(a)(a) Every person engaged in the business of selling or distributing liming material shall furnish each purchaser on final delivery of a lot or order of liming material a written statement showing total amount delivered in tons and the grade thereof as defined in par. (b). A written statement setting forth the grade of the liming material being transported shall accompany each vehicle when making delivery. All liming material shall be distributed on a scale weight basis, except that where no weighing facilities are readily available and on prior approval of the department, liming materials may be distributed by volume if each vehicle transporting liming materials is accurately and conspicuously marked to show cubic yard capacity from which the seller must guarantee a ton weight equivalent based on rules established by the department. This paragraph does not apply to marl or paper mill refuse lime as these materials are distributed on an equivalent cubic yard basis as prescribed by department rule.
94.66(6)(b)1.1. "Neutralizing index" means the effectiveness of liming material to change soil acidity expressed as a whole number calculated by the following method. The summation of the following 3 quantities is obtained:
94.66(6)(b)1.a. a. The percentage of material passing a U.S. standard 8 mesh sieve, but retained by a U.S. standard 20 mesh sieve is multiplied by 0.2;
94.66(6)(b)1.b. b. The percentage of material passing a U.S. standard 20 mesh sieve, but retained by a U.S. standard 60 mesh sieve is multiplied by 0.6; and
94.66(6)(b)1.c. c. The percentage of material passing a U.S. standard 60 mesh sieve is multiplied by 1.0.
94.66(6)(b)2. 2. This summation is multiplied by the calcium carbonate equivalent of the liming material under consideration to obtain the neutralizing index. The formula is: Neutralizing index = [(%8-20 mesh × 0.2) + (%20-60 mesh × 0.6) + (%finer than 60 mesh × 1.0)] × % calcium carbonate equivalent.
94.66(6)(b)3. 3. "Index zones" means the classification of liming material into numerical ranges of neutralizing indexes.
94.66(6)(c) (c) All weights as called for under par. (a) shall be expressed on the basis of not more than 8% of moisture. For the purposes of the specifications in par. (b), "calcium carbonate equivalent" means the acid neutralizing capacity of oven-dried material expressed as the percentage by weight of calcium carbonate. In addition to the grade designation, the actual screen analysis and neutralizing value may be given. Any misleading representation on the written statement of guarantee is unlawful.
94.66(7) (7) The department shall enforce this section by inspectors, chemical analyses and other appropriate methods and for such purposes employees and agents of the department shall have free access during business hours to all places of business, buildings and vehicles used in the manufacture, transportation, sale or storage of liming material.
94.66(8) (8) Except as provided in s. 93.135, the department may revoke a license, after reasonable notice, only for willful failure to comply with any of the provisions of this section and in the event the license is revoked the licensee may have the order of revocation reviewed by the circuit court of the county wherein the producing plant is located and the review by the court shall be of all questions therein whether of fact or law; any such appeal must be taken within 20 days of the date of the service of the order of revocation upon the licensee.
94.66(9) (9) A fee of one and one-quarter cent per ton on all liming materials, or the equivalent amount on marl and paper mill refuse lime, sold within the state, with a minimum fee of $1 shall be paid annually, for the preceding calendar year, on or before February 1 each year to the department by the licensee. These fees shall be used for research on liming materials or crop response thereto by the University of Wisconsin-Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, for the dissemination of the results of such research, and for other activities that will tend to promote the correct usage of liming materials. In case the University of Wisconsin-Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences is unable to carry on the recommended program the department may contract with another appropriate institution or agency.
94.66 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also s. ATCP 41.07, Wis. adm. code.
94.67 94.67 Pesticides; definitions. In ss. 94.67 to 94.71:
94.67(1) (1) "Active ingredient" means any ingredient which will:
94.67(1)(a) (a) Prevent, destroy, repel or mitigate pests;
94.67(1)(b) (b) Accelerate or retard the rate of growth or rate of maturation or otherwise alter the behavior of ornamental or crop plants or the product of the plants through physiological action;
94.67(1)(c) (c) Cause the leaves or foliage to drop from a plant; or
94.67(1)(d) (d) Artificially accelerate the drying of plant tissue.
94.67(2) (2) "Agricultural commodity" means any plant or part of a plant, animal or animal product produced by a person primarily for sale, consumption, propagation or other use by humans or animals.
94.67(3) (3) "Animal" means all vertebrate and invertebrate species, including but not limited to persons and other mammals, birds, fish and shellfish.
94.67(3m) (3m) "Business location" means any place from which a commercial application business operates on a regular basis as a commercial applicator for hire, except that it does not include a motor vehicle that contains a mobile telephone unit which is used to take pesticide application orders.
94.67(4) (4) "Certified applicator" means a private applicator certified by the department to use restricted-use pesticides or a commercial applicator certified by the department to use or direct the use of pesticides under s. 94.705.
94.67(5) (5)
94.67(5)(a)(a) "Commercial application business" means a corporation, a limited liability company, a cooperative association, an unincorporated cooperative association, a partnership, a natural person doing business as a sole proprietor or other nongovernmental business entity that does either of the following:
94.67(5)(a)1. 1. Operates as a commercial applicator for hire.
94.67(5)(a)2. 2. Uses or directs the use of a restricted-use pesticide as a commercial applicator, either directly or through an employee.
94.67(5)(b) (b) "Commercial application business" does not include a veterinary clinic that uses or directs the use of a pesticide if the pesticide is used or directed to be used only by a veterinarian or veterinary technician while lawfully practicing within the scope of his or her license or certificate.
94.67(6) (6) "Commercial applicator" means a person, whether or not a private applicator with respect to some uses, who uses or directs the use of any pesticide, either directly or through an employee, for any purpose or on any property other than as a private applicator. "Commercial applicator" does not include:
94.67(6)(a) (a) A person who applies a pesticide, other than a restricted-use pesticide, solely for household purposes in and around the person's residence.
94.67(6)(b) (b) A person who contracts with a commercial applicator for hire to apply a pesticide for the person, if the person does not otherwise use or direct the use of a pesticide as a commercial applicator.
94.67(6)(c) (c) A veterinarian or veterinary technician who uses or directs the use of a pesticide only while lawfully practicing within the scope of his or her license or certificate.
94.67(7) (7) "Commercial applicator for hire" means a commercial applicator who uses or directs the use of a pesticide as an independent contractor for hire, either directly or through an employee. "Commercial applicator for hire" does not include a provider of janitorial, cleaning or sanitizing services if the provider of the services uses no pesticides other than sanitizers, disinfectants and germicides, or a veterinarian or veterinary technician who uses a pesticide only while lawfully practicing within the scope of his or her license or certificate.
94.67(8) (8) "Dealer" means a person engaged in the sale of pesticides to consumers.
94.67(9) (9) "Defoliant" means any pesticide labeled, designed or intended for use in causing the leaves or foliage to drop from a plant with or without causing abscission.
94.67(10) (10) "Desiccant" means a pesticide labeled, designed or intended for use in artificially accelerating the drying of plant tissue.
94.67(10m) (10m) "Directs the use" means to select a pesticide for use by another person or to instruct or control the application of a pesticide by another person and to be available if and when needed during that application. "Directs the use" may, but does not necessarily, mean to be physically present at the time and place a pesticide is being applied.
94.67(11) (11) "Distributor" means a person engaged in the sale of pesticides for resale and includes a person who sells at wholesale or retail.
94.67(12) (12) "Environment" includes water, air, land and all plants and persons and other animals living in or on the water, air or land and the interrelationships which exist among them.
94.67(13) (13) "Federal act" means the federal insecticide, fungicide, and rodenticide act, as amended (7 USC 136 et. seq.) and regulations issued under that act.
94.67(14) (14) "Fungus" means any non-chlorophyll-bearing plant of a lower order than mosses and liverworts (thallophyte), including but not limited to rusts, smuts, mildews, molds and yeasts except those on or in persons or other animals and those on or in processed food, beverages or pharmaceuticals.
94.67(15m) (15m)
94.67(15m)(a)(a) "Individual commercial applicator" means a natural person who does any of the following:
94.67(15m)(a)1. 1. Personally uses or directs the use of any pesticide as a commercial applicator for hire, or as an employee of a commercial applicator for hire. This subdivision does not apply to a person performing janitorial, cleaning or sanitizing services if the person uses no pesticides other than sanitizers, disinfectants and germicides.
94.67(15m)(a)2. 2. Personally uses a restricted-use pesticide as a commercial applicator.
94.67(15m)(a)3. 3. Directs the use of a pesticide by a person specified under subd. 1. or 2.
94.67(15m)(b) (b) "Individual commercial applicator" does not include a veterinarian or veterinary technician who uses or directs the use of a pesticide only while lawfully practicing within the scope of his or her license or certificate.
94.67(16) (16) "Inert ingredient" means an ingredient which is not an active ingredient.
94.67(17) (17) "Ingredient statement" means a statement which contains the name and percentage of each active ingredient and the total percentage of all inert ingredients in the pesticide; and if the pesticide contains arsenic in any form, a statement of the percentages of total and water soluble arsenic, calculated as elementary arsenic.
94.67(18) (18) "Insect" means any of the numerous small invertebrate animals generally having the body segmented, usually belonging to the class insecta, comprising 6-legged, usually winged forms, including but not limited to beetles, bugs, bees and flies and other allied classes of arthropods whose members are wingless and usually have more than 6 legs, including but not limited to spiders, mites, ticks, centipedes and wood lice.
94.67(19) (19) "Label" means the written, printed, or graphic matter on, or attached to, the pesticide or any of its containers or wrappers.
94.67(20) (20) "Labeler" means a person who affixes his or her label to the pesticide or any of its containers or labeling.
94.67(21) (21) "Labeling" means all labels and all other written, printed or graphic matter accompanying the pesticide at any time or the matter to which reference is made on the label or in literature accompanying the pesticide, except current official publications of state agricultural colleges, experiment stations and extension services or any other state or federal agency authorized by law to conduct research in the field of pesticides.
94.67(21m) (21m) "Licensee" means a person required to obtain a license under s. 94.68, 94.685, 94.703 or 94.704.
94.67(22) (22) "Nematode" means invertebrate animals of the phylum nemathelminthes and class nematoda, consisting of unsegmented worms with elongated fusiform or saclike bodies covered with cuticle and inhabiting soil, water, plants or plant parts. Nematodes may also be called nemas or eelworms.
94.67(23) (23) "Person of limited English language ability" means a person whose ability to use the English language is limited because of the use of a non-English language in his or her family or in his or her daily surroundings and who has difficulty performing in English as a result of limited English language ability.
94.67(24) (24) "Pest" means any insect, rodent, nematode, fungus, weed or any other form of terrestrial or aquatic plant or animal life or virus, bacteria or other micro-organism, except viruses, bacteria or other micro-organisms on or in living persons or other living animals, declared to be a pest under the federal act or rules of the department.
94.67(25) (25) "Pesticide" means any substance or mixture of substances labeled or designed or intended for use in preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any pest, or as a plant regulator, defoliant or desiccant.
94.67(25m) (25m) "Pesticide product" means a pesticide, all of the containers in commerce of which are labeled with a unique combination of all of the following:
94.67(25m)(a) (a) The brand name.
94.67(25m)(b) (b) The pesticide registration number assigned to the pesticide under the federal act.
94.67(25m)(c) (c) The name of the pesticide labeler.
94.67(26) (26) "Plant regulator" means any pesticide labeled or designed or intended for use, through physiological action, in accelerating or retarding the rate of growth or maturation, or for otherwise altering the behavior of plants or the produce of the plant, but does not include substances to the extent labeled or designed or intended for use as plant nutrients, trace elements, nutritional chemicals, plant inoculants and soil amendments. The term also excludes nutrient mixtures or soil amendments commonly known as vitamin-hormone horticultural products intended for improvement, maintenance, survival, health and propagation of plants, if they are not labeled, designed or intended for use for pest destruction and are nontoxic and nonpoisonous in the undiluted packaged concentration.
94.67(26m) (26m) "Private applicator" means a person who uses or directs the use of any pesticide for the purpose of producing any agricultural commodity on property owned or rented by the person or the person's employer, or on property of another person if the pesticide is used without compensation other than the trading of goods or services between producers of agricultural commodities on an exchange basis. "Private applicator" does not include a veterinarian or veterinary technician who uses a pesticide only while lawfully practicing within the scope of his or her license or certificate.
94.67(27) (27) "Produce" or "manufacture" means to manufacture, formulate, prepare, compound, propagate, package, label or process any pesticide.
94.67(28) (28) "Producer" or "manufacturer" means the person who produces or manufactures any pesticide.
94.67(29) (29) "Protect health and the environment" means protection against any unreasonable adverse effects on the environment.
94.67(30) (30) "Registrant" means a person who has registered any pesticide under the federal act or rules of the department.
94.67(31) (31) "Restricted-use pesticide" means a pesticide for which certain or all of its uses are classified as being for restricted use under the federal act.
94.67(33) (33) "Unreasonable adverse effects on the environment" means unreasonable risk to persons or the environment, taking into account the economic, social and environmental costs and benefits of the use of any pesticide.
94.67(33m) (33m) "Veterinarian" means an individual who is licensed as a veterinarian under ch. 453.
94.67(33t) (33t) "Veterinary technician" means an individual who is certified as a veterinary technician under ch. 453.
94.67(34) (34) "Weed" means any plant which grows where not wanted.
94.67 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also chs. ATCP 29, 30, and 31 and ss. ATCP 160.19 and 160.21, Wis. adm. code.
94.675 94.675 Pesticides; adulteration. A pesticide is adulterated:
94.675(1) (1) If its strength, quality, purity or effectiveness falls below the standards expressed on the label.
94.675(2) (2) If any substance has been substituted wholly or in part for the articles.
94.675(3) (3) If any valuable constituent of the article has been wholly or in part abstracted.
94.675(4) (4) If it does not bear an identifying label or it does not conform to the name or description of ingredients given on the label.
94.675 History History: 1999 a. 83.
94.675 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also chs. ATCP 29, 30, and 31 and ss. ATCP 160.19 and 160.21, Wis. adm. code.
94.676 94.676 Pesticides; misbranding. A pesticide is misbranded if:
94.676(1) (1) Its labeling bears any statement, design or graphic representation relative to the pesticide, or to its ingredients, which is false or misleading in any particular.
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