100.05 100.05 Butter and cheese manufacturers; accounts accessible.
100.05(1)(1) No operator of a butter factory or cheese factory wherein the value of the milk or cream delivered is determined by the sale of the product manufactured shall use or allow any other person, unless the other person is entitled to the benefit thereof, to use any milk or cream brought to the operator, without the consent of the owner thereof.
100.05(2) (2) The operator of a butter or cheese factory wherein the value of the milk or cream delivered is determined by the sale of the product manufactured shall keep or cause to be kept a correct account of the amount of milk or cream received daily, and of the number of pounds of butter, and the number and style of cheese made each day, and of the number of cheese cut or otherwise disposed of and the weight of each, and the number of pounds of whey cream sold, with the test.
100.05(3) (3) The account kept under sub. (2) shall be open to the inspection of any person furnishing milk to the operator and to the department, its chemists, assistants, inspectors and agents.
100.05 History History: 1993 a. 492; 1995 a. 225.
100.057 100.057 Wisconsin cheese logotype. The department shall design an official logotype appropriate for affixation to and display in connection with natural cheese meeting quality standards established by the department and manufactured in this state entirely from milk which is produced under standards which are equal to or greater than standards established under s. 97.24 and rules adopted under s. 97.24. The design shall consist of an outline of the boundaries of the state and the words “100% Wisconsin Cheese" and such other specifications as the department deems appropriate. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the use of other appropriate labels or logotypes.
100.057 History History: 1975 c. 323; 1977 c. 157; 2013 a. 374; s. 35.17 correction.
100.07 100.07 Milk payments; audits.
100.07(1) (1) Whenever petitions signed by more than 60 percent of the producers of milk delivered to any dairy plant or petitions signed by more than 60 percent of the producers comprising any municipal milk shed shall be presented to the department asking for the audit of payments to producers, the department by investigation and public hearing shall determine the facts in support of and against such petition and render its decision thereon. The department by order shall define the plants and areas affected. All persons receiving from producers in any such plant or area milk any part of which is used for fluid distribution shall keep adequate records of all purchases and all usage or disposition of milk and shall make reports thereof as prescribed by the department. The department shall have free access to such records and shall after entry of such order audit the receipts and usage or disposition of milk and cream at intervals sufficiently frequent to keep the producers informed for bargaining purposes.
100.07(2) (2) Each such person shall deduct from the price to producers an amount sufficient to administer this section, to be the same for all, and not to exceed one-half cent per 100 pounds of milk received or its equivalent. Amounts so deducted are trust funds and shall be paid to the department.
100.07(3) (3) Whenever petitions signed by more than 51 percent of the producers of milk delivered to any such plant or in any such municipal milk shed shall be presented to the department asking for discontinuance of such auditing service, it shall promptly hold a public hearing to determine the sufficiency of such petitions, and if it shall appear that the required number of persons have so petitioned, the auditing service shall be ordered discontinued. Plants and areas now being audited by the department shall continue to receive such service until an order of discontinuance is made as herein provided.
100.07(4) (4) Authorized officials of any organization whose members are producers delivering milk to any such plant or in any such municipal milk shed may sign petitions for such auditing service or for the discontinuance thereof for and on behalf of the producer members of such organization.
100.07(5) (5) Any person who violates this section by failing to pay to the department the deductions required by this section, or by failing to make or to keep the required records or reports, or by willfully making any false entry in such records or reports, or by willfully failing to make full and true entries in such records or reports, or by obstructing, refusing or resisting other than through judicial process any department audit of such records, shall be fined not to exceed $200 or imprisoned in the county jail not more than 6 months or by both.
100.07(6) (6) Action to enjoin violation of this section may be commenced and prosecuted by the department in the name of the state in any court having equity jurisdiction.
100.07 History History: 2009 a. 177.
100.12 100.12 Refusal of commission merchant to furnish written statement of transaction prima facie evidence of gambling.
100.12(1)(1) Every person doing business as a commission merchant or broker shall furnish, upon demand, to any person for whom he or she has executed an order for the purchase or sale of a commodity, whether for immediate or future delivery, a written statement containing the following information:
100.12(1)(a) (a) The name of the party from whom the commodity was bought or to whom it was sold, whichever the case may be; and
100.12(1)(b) (b) The time when, the place where, and the price at which such commodity was bought or sold.
100.12(2) (2) Refusal upon demand to furnish the written statement specified in sub. (1) is prima facie evidence that the purchase or sale of the commodity was not a bona fide business transaction.
100.12(3) (3) Transactions by or between members of a lawfully constituted chamber of commerce or board of trade which has been organized pursuant to the laws of this state are prima facie valid if they are conducted in accordance with the charter of such chamber of commerce or board of trade and the rules, bylaws and regulations adopted thereunder.
100.12 History History: 1993 a. 492.
100.14 100.14 Uniform labels and trademarks.
100.14(1) (1) The department may adopt uniform labels and trademarks for brands of Wisconsin products and shall, upon request, permit the use of such labels and trademarks by any person engaged in the production or distribution of products who complies with regulations issued by the department for the use of such labels or trademarks.
100.14(2) (2) The department of financial institutions shall, upon application of the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection, record any such label or trademark under ss. 132.01 to 132.11. The department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection shall be entitled to protect such label or trademark under said sections and in any other manner authorized by law.
100.14 History History: 2011 a. 32.
100.15 100.15 Regulation of trading stamps.
100.15(1) (1) No person may use, issue or furnish within this state, in connection with the sale of any goods, any trading stamp or similar device, which entitles the purchaser to procure anything of value in exchange for the trading stamp or similar device.
100.15(3) (3) This section does not apply to:
100.15(3)(a) (a) Stamps, tokens, tickets, or similar devices, without any stated cash value, if such stamps, tokens, tickets, or similar devices are redeemable only in payment for parking privileges for automobiles or fares on urban passenger transit facilities.
100.15(3)(b) (b) A person who issues a trading stamp or other similar device, with the sale of any goods, which bears upon its face a stated cash value and is redeemable in cash upon presentation in amounts aggregating 25 cents or over of redemption value, or in merchandise at the option of the holder.
100.15(3)(c) (c) The publication by or distribution through newspapers, or other publications, of coupons in advertisements other than their own.
100.15(3)(d) (d) A coupon, certificate or similar device, which is within, attached to, or a part of any package or container as packed by the original manufacturer and is directly redeemed by such manufacturer.
100.15(3)(e) (e) A coupon, certificate or similar device, which is within, attached to, or a part of any package or container as packed by the original manufacturer or retailer and which is to be redeemed by a retailer or another manufacturer if:
100.15(3)(e)1. 1. The coupon, certificate or similar device clearly states the names and addresses of both the issuing manufacturer or retailer and any redeeming manufacturer; and
100.15(3)(e)2. 2. The issuing manufacturer or retailer is responsible to redeem the coupon, certificate or similar device if the redeeming retailer or manufacturer fails to do so.
100.15(3)(f) (f) A coupon, ticket, certificate, card or similar device issued, distributed or furnished by a retailer and redeemed by that retailer for any product or service the retailer sells or provides in the usual course of business. Redemption under this paragraph shall be made by the issuing retail outlet on request of the customer, and may be made by any other retail outlet operating under the same business name.
100.15(3)(g) (g) An entry blank or game piece redeemed for merchandise in a chance promotion exempt under s. 100.16 (2).
100.15 History History: 1977 c. 268; 1981 c. 351; 1983 a. 406; 1993 a. 213.
100.16 100.16 Selling with pretense of prize; in-pack chance promotion exception.
100.16(1) (1) No person shall sell or offer to sell anything by the representation or pretense that a sum of money or something of value, which is uncertain or concealed, is enclosed within or may be found with or named upon the thing sold, or that will be given to the purchaser in addition to the thing sold, or by any representation, pretense or device by which the purchaser is informed or induced to believe that money or something else of value may be won or drawn by chance by reason of the sale.
100.16(2) (2) This section does not apply to an in-pack chance promotion if all of the following are met:
100.16(2)(a) (a) Participation is available, free and without purchase of the package, from the retailer or by mail or toll-free telephone request to the sponsor for entry or for a game piece.
100.16(2)(b) (b) The label of the promotional package and any related advertising clearly states any method of participation and the scheduled termination date of the promotion.
100.16(2)(c) (c) The sponsor on request provides a retailer with a supply of entry forms or game pieces adequate to permit free participation in the promotion by the retailer's customers.
100.16(2)(d) (d) The sponsor does not misrepresent a participant's chances of winning any prize.
100.16(2)(e) (e) The sponsor randomly distributes all game pieces and maintains records of random distribution for at least one year after the termination date of the promotion.
100.16(2)(f) (f) All prizes are randomly awarded if game pieces are not used in the promotion.
100.16(2)(g) (g) The sponsor provides on request of a state agency a record of the names and addresses of all winners of prizes valued at $100 or more, if the request is made within one year after the termination date of the promotion.
100.16 History History: 1981 c. 351; 1997 a. 253.
100.16 Annotation A plan whereby a soft drink company would include with specified purchases a coupon for a Wisconsin lottery ticket that the customer could redeem at a retail lottery outlet would violate this section. 77 Atty. Gen. 303.
100.17 100.17 Guessing contests. No person or persons or corporations in their own name or under any assumed trade name, with intent to defraud, shall advertise or represent in printing or writing of any nature, any enigma, guessing or puzzle contest, offering to the participants therein any premium, prize or certificate entitling the recipient to a credit upon the purchase of merchandise in any form whatsoever; nor shall any person or corporation in the printing or writing, advertising or setting forth any such contests, fail to state definitely the nature of the prizes so offered; nor shall any person or corporation fail to state clearly upon all evidences of value issued as a result of such contest in the form of credit certificates, credit bonds, coupons, or other evidences of credit in any form whatsoever, whether the same are redeemable in money or are of value only as a credit upon the purchase of merchandise; nor shall any person or corporation issue to any person as a result of any such contest, any instrument in the form of a bank check or bank draft or promissory note or any colorable imitation of any of the foregoing; nor shall any person or corporation refuse or fail to award and grant the specific prizes offered to the persons determined to be entitled thereto under the terms of such contest, or fail to redeem any credit certificate, credit bonds, coupons or other evidences of credit issued as a result of any such contest, according to the terms thereof.
100.171 100.171 Prize notices.
100.171(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
100.171(1)(a) (a) “Prize" means a gift, award or other item or service of value.
100.171(1)(b)1.1. “Prize notice" means a notice given to an individual in this state that satisfies all of the following:
100.171(1)(b)1.a. a. Is or contains a representation that the individual has been selected or may be eligible to receive a prize.
100.171(1)(b)1.b. b. Conditions receipt of a prize on a payment from the individual or requires or invites the individual to make a contact to learn how to receive the prize or to obtain other information related to the notice.
100.171(1)(b)2. 2. “Prize notice" does not include any of the following:
100.171(1)(b)2.a. a. A notice given at the request of the individual.
100.171(1)(b)2.b. b. A notice informing the individual that he or she has been awarded a prize as a result of his or her actual prior entry in a game, drawing, sweepstakes or other contest, if the individual is awarded the prize stated in the notice.
100.171(1)(b)2.c. c. A notice given in the form of an in-pack chance promotion if it meets the requirements of s. 100.16 (2).
100.171(1)(c) (c) “Solicitor" means a person who represents to an individual that the individual has been selected or may be eligible to receive a prize.
100.171(1)(d) (d) “Sponsor" means a person on whose behalf a solicitor gives a prize notice.
100.171(1)(e) (e) “Verifiable retail value" of a prize means:
100.171(1)(e)1. 1. A price at which the solicitor or sponsor can demonstrate that a substantial number of the prizes have been sold by a person other than the solicitor or sponsor in the trade area in which the prize notice is given.
100.171(1)(e)2. 2. If the solicitor or sponsor is unable to satisfy subd. 1., no more than 1.5 times the amount the solicitor or sponsor paid for the prize.
100.171(2) (2)Written prize notice required. If a solicitor represents to an individual that the individual has been selected or may be eligible to receive a prize, the solicitor may not request, and the solicitor or sponsor may not accept, a payment from the individual in any form before the individual receives a written prize notice that contains all of the information required under sub. (3) (a) presented in the manner required under sub. (3) (b) to (f).
100.171(3) (3)Delivery and contents of written prize notices.
100.171(3)(a)(a) A written prize notice shall contain all of the following information presented in the manner required under pars. (b) to (f):
100.171(3)(a)1. 1. The name and address of the solicitor and sponsor.
100.171(3)(a)2. 2. The verifiable retail value of each prize the individual has been selected or may be eligible to receive.
100.171(3)(a)3. 3. If the notice lists more than one prize that the individual has been selected or may be eligible to receive, a statement of the odds the individual has of receiving each prize.
100.171(3)(a)4. 4. Any requirement or invitation for the individual to view, hear or attend a sales presentation in order to claim a prize, the approximate length of the sales presentation and a description of the property or service that is the subject of the sales presentation.
100.171(3)(a)5. 5. Any requirement that the individual pay shipping or handling fees or any other charges to obtain or use a prize.
100.171(3)(a)6. 6. If receipt of the prize is subject to a restriction, a statement that a restriction applies, a description of the restriction and a statement containing the location in the notice where the restriction is described.
100.171(3)(a)7. 7. Any limitations on eligibility.
100.171(3)(b)1.1. The verifiable retail value and the statement of odds required in a written prize notice under par. (a) 2. and 3. shall be stated in immediate proximity to each listing of the prize in each place the prize appears on the written prize notice and shall be in the same size and boldness of type as the prize.
100.171(3)(b)2. 2. The statement of odds shall include, for each prize, the total number of prizes to be given away and the total number of written prize notices to be delivered. The number of prizes and written prize notices shall be stated in Arabic numerals. The statement of odds shall be in the following form: “.... (number of prizes) out of.... written prize notices".
100.171(3)(b)3. 3. The verifiable retail value shall be in the following form: “verifiable retail value: $....".
100.171(3)(c) (c) If an individual is required to pay shipping or handling fees or any other charges to obtain or use a prize, the following statement shall appear in immediate proximity to each listing of the prize in each place the prize appears in the written prize notice and shall be in not less than 10-point boldface type: “YOU MUST PAY $.... IN ORDER TO RECEIVE OR USE THIS ITEM."
100.171(3)(d) (d) The information required in a written prize notice under par. (a) 4. shall be on the first page of the written prize notice in not less than 10-point boldface type. The information required under par. (a) 6. and 7. shall be in not less than 10-point boldface type.
100.171(3)(e) (e) If a written prize notice is given by a solicitor on behalf of a sponsor, the name of the sponsor shall be more prominently and conspicuously displayed than the name of the promoter.
100.171(3)(f) (f) A solicitor or sponsor may not do any of the following:
100.171(3)(f)1. 1. Place on an envelope containing a written prize notice any representation that the person to whom the envelope is addressed has been selected or may be eligible to receive a prize.
100.171(3)(f)2. 2. Deliver a written prize notice that contains language, or is designed in a manner, that would lead a reasonable person to believe that it originates from a government agency, public utility, insurance company, consumer reporting agency, debt collector or law firm unless the written prize notice originates from that source.
100.171(3)(f)3. 3. Represent directly or by implication that the number of individuals eligible for the prize is limited or that an individual has been selected to receive a particular prize unless the representation is true.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2015. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?