167.10(3)(b)6. 6. A possessor or manufacturer of explosives in possession of a license or permit under 18 USC 841 to 848 if the possession of the fireworks is authorized under the license or permit.
167.10(3)(b)7. 7. Except as provided in par. (bm), the possession of fireworks in any city, town or village while transporting the fireworks to a city, town or village where the possession of the fireworks is authorized by permit or ordinance.
167.10(3)(bm) (bm) Paragraph (a) applies to a person transporting fireworks under par. (b) 7. if, in the course of transporting the fireworks through a city, town or village, the person remains in that city, town or village for a period of at least 12 hours.
167.10(3)(c) (c) A permit under this subsection may be issued only to the following persons:
167.10(3)(c)1. 1. A public authority.
167.10(3)(c)2. 2. A fair association.
167.10(3)(c)3. 3. An amusement park.
167.10(3)(c)4. 4. A park board.
167.10(3)(c)5. 5. A civic organization.
167.10(3)(c)6. 6. Any individual or group of individuals.
167.10(3)(c)7. 7. An agricultural producer for the protection of crops from predatory birds or animals.
167.10(3)(d) (d) A person issued a permit for crop protection shall erect appropriate warning signs disclosing the use of fireworks for crop protection.
167.10(3)(e) (e) The person issuing a permit under this subsection may require an indemnity bond with good and sufficient sureties or policy of liability insurance for the payment of all claims that may arise by reason of injuries to person or property from the handling, use or discharge of fireworks under the permit. The bond or policy, if required, shall be taken in the name of the city, village or town wherein the fireworks are to be used, and any person injured thereby may bring an action on the bond or policy in the person's own name to recover the damage the person has sustained, but the aggregate liability of the surety or insurer to all persons shall not exceed the amount of the bond or policy. The bond or policy, if required, together with a copy of the permit shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the city, village or town.
167.10(3)(f) (f) A permit under this subsection shall specify all of the following:
167.10(3)(f)1. 1. The name and address of the permit holder.
167.10(3)(f)2. 2. The date on and after which fireworks may be purchased.
167.10(3)(f)3. 3. The general kind and approximate quantity of fireworks which may be purchased.
167.10(3)(f)4. 4. The date and location of permitted use.
167.10(3)(f)5. 5. Other special conditions prescribed by ordinance.
167.10(3)(fm) (fm) If a city, village, or town requires that a user's permit be signed or stamped, a person who is authorized to issue the permit under par. (a) may sign or stamp the permit before the permit is issued rather than signing or stamping the permit at the time that it is issued.
167.10(3)(g) (g) A copy of a permit under this subsection shall be given to the municipal fire or law enforcement official at least 2 days before the date of authorized use. This paragraph does not apply to a permit authorizing only the sale or possession of fireworks that are classified by the federal department of transportation as Division 1.4 explosives, as defined in 49 CFR 173.50.
167.10(3)(h) (h) A permit under this subsection may not be issued to a minor.
167.10(4) (4)Out-of-state and in-state shipping. This section does not prohibit a vendor from selling fireworks to a nonresident person or to a person or group granted a permit under sub. (3) (c) 1. to 7. A vendor that ships fireworks sold under this subsection shall package and ship the fireworks in accordance with applicable state and federal law.
167.10(5) (5)Local regulation.
167.10(5)(a)(a) Subject to pars. (b) to (e), a city, village, town or county may enact an ordinance for any of the following:
167.10(5)(a)1. 1. Defining “fireworks" to include all items included under sub. (1) (intro.) and anything under sub. (1) (e), (f), (i), (j), (k), (L), (m) and (n).
167.10(5)(a)2. 2. Prohibiting the sale, possession or use, as defined by ordinance, of fireworks.
167.10(5)(a)3. 3. Regulating the sale, possession or use, as defined by ordinance, of fireworks.
167.10(5)(b) (b) An ordinance under par. (a) may not be less restrictive in its coverage, prohibition or regulation than this section but may be more restrictive than this section.
167.10(5)(d) (d) A county ordinance enacted under par. (a) does not apply and may not be enforced within any city, village or town that has enacted or enacts an ordinance under par. (a).
167.10(5)(e) (e) Notwithstanding par. (a) or par. (b), no city, village, town or county may enact an ordinance that prohibits the possession of fireworks in that city, town, village or county while transporting the fireworks to a city, town, village or county where the possession of the fireworks is authorized by permit or ordinance.
167.10(6) (6)Storage and handling.
167.10(6)(a)(a) No wholesaler, dealer or jobber may store or handle fireworks in premises unless the premises are equipped with fire extinguishers approved by the fire official of the municipality where the premises are located.
167.10(6)(b) (b) No person may smoke where fireworks are stored or handled.
167.10(6)(c) (c) A person who stores or handles fireworks shall notify the fire official of the municipality in which the fireworks are stored or handled of the location of the fireworks.
167.10(6)(d) (d) No wholesaler, dealer or jobber may store fireworks within 50 feet of a dwelling.
167.10(6)(e) (e) No person may store fireworks within 50 feet of a public assemblage or place where gasoline or volatile liquid is dispensed in quantities exceeding one gallon.
167.10(6m) (6m)Licensing and inspecting manufacturers.
167.10(6m)(a)(a) No person may manufacture in this state fireworks or a device listed under sub. (1) (e), (f) or (i) to (n) without a fireworks manufacturing license issued by the department of safety and professional services under par. (d).
167.10(6m)(b) (b) No person may manufacture in this state fireworks or a device listed under sub. (1) (e), (f) or (i) to (n) unless the person complies with the rules of the department of safety and professional services promulgated under par. (e).
167.10(6m)(c) (c) Any person who manufactures in this state fireworks or a device listed under sub. (1) (e), (f) or (i) to (n) shall provide the department of safety and professional services with a copy of each federal license issued under 18 USC 843 to that person.
167.10(6m)(d) (d) The department of safety and professional services shall issue a license to manufacture fireworks or devices listed under sub. (1) (e), (f) or (i) to (n) to a person who complies with the rules of the department promulgated under par. (e). The department may not issue a license to a person who does not comply with the rules promulgated under par. (e). The department may revoke a license under this subsection for the refusal to permit an inspection at reasonable times by the department or for a continuing violation of the rules promulgated under par. (e).
167.10(6m)(e) (e) The department of safety and professional services shall promulgate rules to establish safety standards for the manufacture in this state of fireworks and devices listed under sub. (1) (e), (f) or (i) to (n).
167.10(6m)(f) (f) The department of safety and professional services may inspect at reasonable times the premises on which each person licensed under this subsection manufactures fireworks or devices listed under sub. (1) (e), (f) or (i) to (n).
167.10(7) (7)Parental liability. A parent, foster parent, legal guardian, or other out-of-home care provider, as defined in s. 48.02 (12r), of a minor who consents to the use of fireworks by the minor is liable for damages caused by the minor's use of the fireworks.
167.10(7m) (7m)Municipal liability. No city, village, or town, or committee, official, or employee of a city, village, or town, is civilly liable for damage to any person or property caused by fireworks for the sole reason that the city, village, or town issued a permit in accordance with the requirements of sub. (3) and any applicable requirements authorized under sub. (5), that authorized the purchase, possession, or use of the fireworks.
167.10(8) (8)Enforcement.
167.10(8)(a)(a) A city, village or town may petition the circuit court for an order enjoining violations of sub. (2), (3) or (6) or an ordinance adopted under sub. (5).
167.10(8)(b) (b) Fireworks stored, handled, sold, possessed or used by a person who violates this section, an ordinance adopted under sub. (5) or a court order under par. (a) may be seized and held as evidence of the violation. Except as provided in s. 968.20 (4), only the fireworks that are the subject of a violation of this section, an ordinance adopted under sub. (5) or a court order under par. (a) may be destroyed after conviction for a violation. Except as provided in s. 968.20 (4), fireworks that are seized as evidence of a violation for which no conviction results shall be returned to the owner in the same condition as they were when seized to the extent practicable.
167.10(9) (9)Penalties.
167.10(9)(a)(a) A person who violates a court order under sub. (8) (a) shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than 9 months or both.
167.10(9)(b) (b) A person who violates sub. (2), (3) or (6) or an ordinance adopted under sub. (5) shall forfeit not more than $1,000.
167.10(9)(c) (c) A parent or legal guardian of a minor who consents to the use of fireworks by the minor shall forfeit not more than $1,000.
167.10(9)(g) (g) Whoever violates sub. (6m) (a), (b) or (c) or a rule promulgated under sub. (6m) (e) is guilty of a Class G felony.
167.10 Note NOTE: 2003 Wis. Act 298, which created sub. (7m), contains explanatory notes.
167.10 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also ss. SPS 305.21, 307.50, and 307.51, Wis. adm. code.
167.10 Annotation Sub. (3) (b) lists those situations for which a permit is not needed to use or possess fireworks. City of Wisconsin Dells v. Dells Fireworks, Inc. 197 Wis. 2d 1, 539 N.W.2d 916 (Ct. App. 1995), 94-1999.
167.10 Annotation Fireworks permits issued to groups do not authorize sales of fireworks to group members for their individual use. City of Wisconsin Dells v. Dells Fireworks, Inc. 197 Wis. 2d 1, 539 N.W.2d 916 (Ct. App. 1995), 94-1999.
167.12 167.12 Safety appliances. Any person, firm, or corporation who shall sell, offer or expose for sale, or use any machine to be operated by steam, or other power, for the purpose of husking or shredding corn or corn stalks shall provide such machine with safety or automatic feeding devices for the protection from accident by the snapping rollers, husking rollers, and shredding knives of any person using or operating such machine in the discharge of their duty, and such machine shall be so guarded that the person feeding said machine shall be compelled to stand at a safe distance from the snapping rollers; and any person, firm, or corporation operating such machine shall maintain thereon such safety or automatic feeding devices. The duty to equip such machine with safety or automatic feeding devices, as well as the duty to maintain the same, shall be absolute; and the exercise of ordinary care on the part of such person, firm, or corporation operating such machine shall not be deemed a compliance with such duty; and in case any person in the employ of such person, firm, or corporation operating such machine continues in such employment when such device has not been installed and maintained, as above provided, such employee shall not be deemed guilty of a want of ordinary care, on account of so continuing in such employment.
167.13 167.13 Operation. No person, firm or corporation shall use, operate or permit to be used or operated any such machine purchased prior to June 12, 1909, unless during all the time such machine shall be used and operated it shall be in charge of a competent person whose sole duty shall be to oversee and attend to the operation and use of the same; nor use, operate or permit to be used or operated any such machine whatever while the safety devices or guards are detached.
167.14 167.14 Sale regulated. No such machine shall be sold or offered or exposed for sale unless the said machine shall have plainly marked upon it the name and location of the person, firm or corporation manufacturing the same.
167.151 167.151 Unlawful operation of corn shredders. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of ss. 167.12 to 167.14 shall be punished by a fine of not less than $25 or more than $100 for each offense.
167.18 167.18 Threshing machine joints to be covered. Any person owning or running any threshing machine in this state so constructed that any joint, knuckle or jack thereof is dangerously exposed, who shall neglect to cover or secure the same in some suitable manner so as to prevent injury to persons passing over or near the same, shall be punished by fine not exceeding $50 nor less than $2.
167.19 167.19 Farm machinery storage.
167.19(1) (1) Retail dealer's buildings for the storage of farm tractors, trucks and motorized farm machinery may be metal covered, pole type or frame and if other than metal or concrete covered shall not be closer than 30 feet to any other building. If the building is more than 50 feet in length it shall have more than one door.
167.19(2) (2) Motor fuel and storage batteries must be removed from units stored in such buildings, and any repairing or overhauling of the units in such buildings is prohibited.
167.20 167.20 Stairway guards.
167.20(1)(1) The owner of any building or other structure which has an open stairway or area way leading to or abutting upon any sidewalk, and the owner of any real estate adjacent to or abutting upon any sidewalk and which is lower than such sidewalk, shall sufficiently guard such stairway or area way or property as to prevent accidents.
167.20(2) (2) Any person who violates this section shall be fined not less than $25 nor more than $100 or imprisoned for not less than 30 days nor more than 6 months. Each day during which a violation of this section continues shall be considered a separate offense.
167.20 History History: 1997 a. 254.
167.21 167.21 Movable soccer goals.
167.21(1) (1) In this section:
167.21(1)(a) (a) “Commission" means the federal consumer product safety commission.
167.21(1)(b) (b) “Department" means the department of safety and professional services.
167.21(1)(c) (c) “Movable soccer goal" means a freestanding structure that consists of at least 2 upright posts, a crossbar, and support bars and that is designed to be used as a soccer goal and to be movable to different locations.
167.21(2) (2) The department shall promulgate rules that establish safety standards for anchoring and securing, and using counterweights on, movable soccer goals. The standards shall be consistent with guidelines for movable soccer goal safety published by the commission in January 1995.
167.21(3) (3) No person may erect a movable soccer goal on public land unless the person erects the goal in the manner required by the rules promulgated under sub. (2).
167.21(4) (4) A person who violates sub. (3) is subject to a forfeiture of not more than $500.
167.21 History History: 2009 a. 390; 2011 a. 32.
167.21 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also ch. SPS 309, Wis. adm. code.
167.22 167.22 Cigars not to be manufactured in basements. No shop or place wherein cigars are manufactured shall be located below the ground floor.
167.25 167.25 Refrigerators and iceboxes.
167.25(1) (1) Any person who discards or abandons any refrigerator, icebox or deep freeze locker, having a capacity of 1 1/2 cubic feet or more, which is no longer in use, and which has not had the door removed, or such portion of the latch mechanism removed to prevent latching or locking of the door, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Any owner, lessee or manager who knowingly permits such a refrigerator, icebox or deep freeze locker to remain on premises under his or her control without having the door removed or such portion of the latch mechanism removed to prevent latching or locking of the door is guilty of a misdemeanor. Any person violating this section shall be fined not more than $50 or imprisoned not more than 30 days or both.
167.25(2) (2) Guilt of a violation of this section shall not, in itself, render one guilty of manslaughter, battery or other crime against a person who may suffer death or injury from entrapment in such refrigerator, icebox or deep freeze locker.
167.25 History History: 1993 a. 482.
167.26 167.26 Leaving unguarded ice holes.
167.26(1b) (1b) In this section:
167.26(1b)(a) (a) “Nonprofit membership corporation" means a corporation as described in s. 779.70 (1).
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