46.56(6)(d)10. 10. Support service providers in developing strategies to enhance existing programs, to increase resources, and to establish new resources relevant to project goals and objectives.
46.56(6)(d)11. 11. Ensure that local and state agencies submit data and reports in an accurate and timely manner.
46.56(6)(d)12. 12. If directed to do so by the coordinating committee, perform any of the duties set forth in sub. (3) (e).
46.56(6)(e) (e) This subsection does not apply with respect to multi-entity initiatives to the extent that the department has adopted requirements under sub. (14) (e) that conflict with those contained in this subsection.
46.56(7) (7)Eligibility of children and families. Except when otherwise provided in requirements established by the department under sub. (14) (e) that apply with respect to multi-entity initiatives, children who are involved in 2 or more systems of care and their families shall be eligible for the initiative, except that the coordinating committee may establish specific additional criteria for eligibility for services and may establish certain target groups of children who are involved in 2 or more systems of care to receive services. If target groups are established, only children falling within the target groups may be enrolled in the initiative. Any eligibility criteria shall meet all of the following conditions:
46.56(7)(a) (a) Be based on a community assessment that identifies areas of greatest need for coordinated services.
46.56(7)(b) (b) Give priority to children who are at risk of placement outside the home or who are in an institution and are not receiving coordinated services based in the community and other resources, or who would be able to return to community placement or their homes from an institutional placement if the services and other resources were provided.
46.56(7)(c) (c) Not exclude a child or his or her family from services or other resources because of lack of ability to pay.
46.56(8) (8)Referral, intake, assessment, plan of care development, and service coordination.
46.56(8)(a)(a) Referrals to the initiative may come from county departments, tribal agencies, agencies, school districts, cooperative educational service agencies, county children with disabilities education boards, technical college districts, courts assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938, tribal courts, or any other organization, or a child who is involved in 2 or more systems of care or his or her family may contact the administering agency or service coordination agency to request services and resources.
46.56(8)(b) (b) Upon referral, staff from the service coordination agency or individuals designated by the coordinating committee shall screen the referral to determine if the child and his or her family appear to meet the eligibility criteria and any target group requirements established by the coordinating committee. If the child and his or her family appear to be eligible, the staff shall assist the entity that made the referral under par. (a), and the parent or parents, in gathering information necessary to prepare an application for the initiative.
46.56(8)(c) (c) Consent for release of information relating to a child shall be obtained from the child's parent, or the child, if appropriate or required by federal statute or regulation or state statute or rule, or by order of a court with appropriate jurisdiction.
46.56(8)(cm) (cm) Consent for participation of a child and his or her family in the initiative and in the initiative evaluation shall be obtained from the child's parent or, if appropriate, the child.
46.56(8)(d) (d) The service coordination agency or individuals designated by the coordinating committee shall review the completed application with the family, and, in light of the eligibility criteria in the interagency agreement and sub. (7), determine whether the child and his or her family are eligible for and appropriate for enrollment in the initiative. The service coordination agency or the individuals designated by the coordinating committee shall approve or disapprove each application within 30 days after the date on which the application was completed.
46.56(8)(e) (e) If the child who is involved in 2 or more systems of care and his or her family are found to be ineligible, or if it is determined that enrollment in the initiative is not the best method of meeting the needs of the child and his or her family, staff from the service coordination agency or individuals designated by the coordinating committee shall assist the child and family in identifying and accessing needed services or resources from appropriate providers.
46.56(8)(f) (f) If the child and his or her family are found to be eligible for and are enrolled in the initiative, the agency shall assign a service coordinator who shall assemble a coordinated services team to assess the strengths and needs of the child and his or her family's need for treatment, education, care, and support. The service coordinator shall coordinate the operations of the coordinated services team.
46.56(8)(g) (g) The service coordinator shall assemble the results of all prior relevant assessments and evaluations documenting the strengths and needs of a child enrolled in the initiative and his or her family, including educational, medical, vocational, and psychosocial evaluations.
46.56(8)(h) (h) The coordinated services team, the family of the child enrolled in the initiative, and the service coordinator shall, based on a review of a summary of existing assessments of strengths and needs that have been assembled and any additional evaluations and plans that the team, the coordinator, or the family finds to be necessary, prepare a strength-based, gender-competent and culturally competent, family-centered, coordinated services plan of care within 60 days after the date on which the application was approved. The coordinated services plan of care shall include all of the following:
46.56(8)(h)1. 1. The child's present level of functioning expressed in objective terms that will permit ongoing evaluation of the child's progress.
46.56(8)(h)2. 2. The short-term and long-term goals to address the needs of the child and his or her family.
46.56(8)(h)3. 3. The services and resources needed by the child and his or her family, including the identity of each individual and organization that will be responsible for providing the services and other resources. The coordinated services plan of care shall place emphasis on services and resources that are available through community and informal sources.
46.56(8)(h)4. 4. Criteria for measuring the effectiveness and appropriateness of the coordinated services plan of care so that it can be modified as needed to better meet the child's and the child's family's needs. A coordinated services plan of care shall be oriented so as to produce meaningful outcomes and to provide services in the least restrictive setting possible.
46.56(8)(h)5. 5. Identification of any administrative or judicial procedures under ch. 48, 51, 55, 115, 118, or 938 that may be necessary in order to fully implement the coordinated services plan of care and the identity of the individual or organization that will be responsible for initiating those procedures, if any are required.
46.56(8)(h)6. 6. Identification of available sources of funding to support the services and other resources needed for the child and his or her family and an allocation of funding responsibility among organizations if more than one organization is responsible for the child's and his or her family's treatment, education and support services.
46.56(8)(h)7. 7. Clear statements articulating the specific needs of the child and family that are to be addressed. Needs may not be stated solely in terms of the need for services but may be described in a strength-based manner with a response that is readily achievable.
46.56(8)(h)8. 8. Plans for responding to possible crisis situations that may occur with the child and his or her family.
46.56(8)(i) (i) If additional evaluations are needed, the coordinated services team shall arrange for them or assist the child's family in obtaining them.
46.56(8)(j) (j) The proposed coordinated services plan of care shall be submitted to any service providers who are included in the proposed plan of care.
46.56(8)(k) (k) Upon written approval of the coordinated services plan of care by the proposed service providers, the child's family, and the coordinated services team, the plan of care shall be implemented by the service coordination agency and the individuals and organizations designated to provide services and other resources under the plan of care.
46.56(8)(m) (m) Each organization or service provider designated to provide services and other resources under the coordinated services plan of care shall identify a specific individual who shall serve as the ongoing contact person to ensure continuity and communication while services are being provided to the child and his or her family under the plan of care.
46.56(8)(n) (n) The service coordinator shall advocate for the child and his or her family and ensure that they are provided the opportunity to participate in assessment, planning, and ongoing review of services to the fullest extent possible.
46.56(8)(o) (o) Services and other resources under this section shall be provided in the community, preferably in the child's home or home community, in the least restrictive and least intrusive setting and manner that meets the best interests of the child.
46.56(8)(r) (r) On a regular basis, and at least every 3 months, the service coordinator shall assemble the coordinated services team, the family of the child, the child if appropriate, and any counsel, guardian ad litem, or other person advocating for the interests of the child or his or her family to review the plan of care and progress toward the goals of the plan of care, establish new goals, request the inclusion of new participating organizations or individuals, or otherwise modify the coordinated services plan of care to better meet the needs of the child and his or her family. Decisions to amend the coordinated services plan of care must be approved by the service coordinator, the coordinated services team, the family and, if the plan of care is being provided under a court order, the court.
46.56(8)(s) (s) Coordination of services by a coordinated services team may be ended by the agreement of all participants on the coordinated services team that the goals of treatment and support have been met or are being met; by withdrawal of the family of the child; by the service coordination agency upon a recommendation from the service coordinator and the coordinated services team; by the family's refusal to participate in the process; if the child and his or her family no longer meet the eligibility criteria for the coordinated services team; or by court order, if services are being provided under court order.
46.56(8)(t) (t) This subsection does not apply with respect to multi-entity initiatives to the extent that the department has adopted requirements under sub. (14) (e) that conflict with those contained in this subsection.
46.56(9) (9)Immediate care. Individual county departments, tribal agencies, other agencies, and other service providers shall provide immediate services and other resources as necessary and appropriate to children who are involved in 2 or more systems of care and their families who have been referred for an evaluation of eligibility for and appropriateness of enrollment in the initiative while assessment and planning take place. This subsection does not apply with respect to multi-entity initiatives to the extent that the department has adopted requirements under sub. (14) (e) that conflict with those contained in this subsection.
46.56(11) (11)Conflict management. The department, administering agency, service coordination agencies, and service coordinators shall establish and use informal means for conflict management, including consultation, mediation, and independent assessment, whenever possible. A formal conflict management policy shall be established in writing by the coordinating committee for use by families, providers, and other individuals involved in the initiative. This subsection does not apply with respect to multi-entity initiatives to the extent that the department has adopted requirements under sub. (14) (e) that conflict with those contained in this subsection.
46.56(12) (12)Administrative appeals. Decisions by the service coordination agency regarding eligibility, enrollment, denial, termination, reduction, or appropriateness of services and decisions by the individuals designated by the coordinating committee regarding eligibility, enrollment, or denial may be appealed to the coordinating committee by a child who is a service applicant or recipient or by the parent or guardian or guardian ad litem of the applicant or recipient. Decisions of the coordinating committee may be appealed to the department under ch. 227. This subsection does not apply with respect to multi-entity initiatives to the extent that the department has adopted requirements under sub. (14) (e) that conflict with those contained in this subsection.
46.56(13) (13)Review of actions by individual agencies. Nothing in this section shall limit, modify, or expand the rights, remedies, or procedures established in federal statutes or regulations or state statutes or rules for individuals or families receiving services provided by individual organizations that are participating in the coordinated services plan of care. This subsection does not apply with respect to multi-entity initiatives to the extent that the department has adopted requirements under sub. (14) (e) that conflict with those contained in this subsection.
46.56(14) (14)Duties of department.
46.56(14)(a)(a) In order to support the development of a comprehensive service system of coordinated care for children who are involved in 2 or more systems of care and their families, the department shall establish a state advisory committee with representatives of county departments and tribal governing bodies, the department of public instruction, educational agencies, the department of children and families, the department of corrections, the juvenile correctional system, professionals experienced in the provision of services to children who are involved in 2 or more systems of care and their families, advocates for such families and their children, the subunit of the department of workforce development that administers vocational rehabilitation, a representative of the local workforce development board established under 29 USC 2832, a representative of the philanthropy community, the technical college system, health care providers, courts assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938, child welfare officials, and other appropriate persons as selected by the department. The department may use an existing committee for this purpose if it has representatives from the listed groups and is willing to perform the required functions. This committee shall establish principles and core values for administering initiatives, monitor the development of initiatives throughout the state, and support communication and mutual assistance among operating initiatives as well as those that are being developed.
46.56(14)(b) (b) The department shall provide, either directly or through purchase of services, the following support services to the counties and tribes that elect to participate in the initiative and to multi-entity initiatives:
46.56(14)(b)1. 1. Consultation in the areas of developing and maintaining individual initiatives and finding appropriate resources.
46.56(14)(b)2. 2. Mediation to assist in the management of conflict among service providers or funding organizations or between service recipients and organizations.
46.56(14)(b)3. 3. Assessment resources for cases where no local evaluation resource is available or sufficient to enable development of an effective coordinated services plan of care. These resources may be provided directly through state-operated programs or by referral to private service providers.
46.56(14)(c) (c) The department shall evaluate the initiatives funded under this section. All organizations participating in the initiatives shall cooperate with the evaluation. The evaluation shall include information about all of the following:
46.56(14)(c)1. 1. The number of days that children enrolled in the initiative spent in out-of-home placement compared to other children who are involved in 2 or more systems of care and are not enrolled in the initiative and the costs associated with these placements.
46.56(14)(c)3. 3. A comparison between any changes in problem behaviors of enrollees before and after enrollment in the initiative.
46.56(14)(c)4. 4. A comparison between school attendance and performance of enrollees before and after enrollment in the initiative.
46.56(14)(c)5. 5. A comparison between recidivism rates of enrollees who have a history of delinquency.
46.56(14)(c)6. 6. Parent and child satisfaction with the initiative.
46.56(14)(c)7. 7. Types of services provided to children and their families through the initiative and the cost of these services.
46.56(14)(c)9. 9. A systems change and sustainability plan under sub. (3) (d) 13.
46.56(14)(d) (d) Notwithstanding eligibility requirements for enrollment in the initiative, if the state is funding the initiative in a particular county or for a tribe or is funding a multi-entity initiative under sub. (15), the department may permit the county, tribe, or multi-entity initiative to serve under this section any individual who has a severe disability and who has not attained 22 years of age, and his or her family, if the individual's mental, physical, sensory, behavioral, emotional, or developmental disability or whose combination of multiple disabilities meets the requirements specified in sub. (1) (om) 1. to 4.
46.56(14)(e) (e) The department may establish additional requirements to apply with respect to multi-entity initiatives, including requirements that conflict with any requirements in subs. (3) to (13).
46.56(15) (15)Funding.
46.56(15)(a)(a) From the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (5) (co), the department shall make available funds to implement initiatives under this section.
46.56(15)(b) (b) In order to apply for funds under this subsection, the county board of supervisors, Milwaukee County mental health board, or tribe or, for a multi-entity initiative, the county board of the lead administrative county, the Milwaukee County mental health board, if Milwaukee County is the lead administrative county, or the lead administrative tribe shall do all of the following:
46.56(15)(b)1. 1. Establish a coordinating committee and designate an administering agency under sub. (2).
46.56(15)(b)1r. 1r. Demonstrate that the coordinating services team approach to providing services to children who are involved in 2 or more systems of care and families will be followed, and principles and core values, as outlined by the advisory committee established by the department, will be adhered to.
46.56(15)(b)2. 2. Establish the priority target group to be served by the initiative as severely emotionally disturbed children.
46.56(15)(b)3. 3. Submit a plan to the department for implementation of the initiative in accordance with the requirements of this section.
46.56(15)(b)4. 4. Submit a description of the existing services and other resources in the county or tribe or in the area or areas served by a multi-entity initiative for children who are involved in 2 or more systems of care, an assessment of any gaps in services, and a plan for using the funds received under this subsection or funds from other sources to develop or expand the initiative.
46.56(15)(b)5. 5. Agree to comply with this section.
46.56(15)(c) (c) In order for a county or tribe or a multi-entity initiative to obtain funds under this subsection, all of the participating agencies and organizations shall provide matching funds that, in total, equal 20 percent of the requested funding. The match may be cash or in-kind. The department shall determine what may be used as in-kind match.
46.56(15)(d) (d) In order to apply for funding, a county or tribe or a multi-entity initiative shall have a coordinating committee that meets the requirements under sub. (3) (a) and (b) and, if applicable, sub. (3) (bm) that will carry out the responsibilities under sub. (3) (d).
46.56(15)(f) (f) Funds allocated under this subsection may not be used to replace any other state and federal funds or any county funds that are being used to fund services for children who are involved in 2 or more systems of care.
46.57 46.57 Grants for services to persons with epilepsy.
46.57(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
46.57(1)(a) (a) “Agency" means a private nonprofit organization or a county department under s. 46.215, 46.22, 46.23, 51.42 or 51.437 which provides or proposes to provide direct services or indirect services to or on behalf of persons with epilepsy, their families or both.
46.57(1)(b) (b) “Direct services" means services provided to a person with epilepsy or a member of the family of a person with epilepsy and includes counseling, referral to other services, case management, daily living skills training, providing information, parent helper services, employment services and support group services.
46.57(1)(c) (c) “Indirect services" means services provided to a person working with or on behalf of a person with epilepsy and includes service provider training, community education, prevention programs and advocacy.
46.57(2) (2)Purpose; allocation.
46.57(2)(a)(a) As provided under s. 46.48 (14), the department shall distribute funds to agencies to provide direct services or indirect services to or on behalf of persons with epilepsy or their families or both.
46.57(2)(b) (b) The department may not allocate more than $50,000 per year to any agency for the program under this section.
46.57(3) (3)Criteria for awarding grants. In reviewing applications for grants, the department shall consider the following:
46.57(3)(a) (a) The need for direct services and indirect services to persons with epilepsy and their families in the area in which the applicant provides services or proposes to provide services.
46.57(3)(b) (b) Ways to ensure that both urban and rural areas receive services under the grant program.
46.57(4) (4)Reporting. After each year that an agency operates a program funded under this section the agency shall provide the following information to the department:
46.57(4)(a) (a) The estimated number of persons with epilepsy that reside within the area served by the agency.
46.57(4)(b) (b) The number of persons with epilepsy and other persons and organizations who received services within the area served by the agency.
46.57 History History: 1987 a. 399; 1989 a. 31; 1991 a. 39; 1993 a. 16.
46.65 46.65 Treatment alternative program.
46.65(1) (1) The department shall implement a treatment alternative program. The department shall make grants to provide alcohol or other drug abuse services, as a treatment alternative in lieu of imprisonment, for eligible persons in need of those services. The department shall make grants so that the treatment alternative program serves a variety of geographic locations.
46.65(2) (2) The department shall promulgate rules to implement the treatment alternative program. The rules shall include all of the following:
46.65(2)(a) (a) Organizational and administrative requirements for independent program units.
46.65(2)(b) (b) Procedures for communicating and reaching agreements with representatives of the criminal justice system and treatment providers.
46.65(2)(c) (c) Eligibility criteria for participants who obtain services under the program.
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