961.51 961.51 Powers of enforcement personnel.
961.51(1) (1) Any officer or employee of the pharmacy examining board designated by the examining board may:
961.51(1)(a) (a) Execute and serve search warrants, arrest warrants, administrative inspection warrants, subpoenas and summonses issued under the authority of this state;
961.51(1)(b) (b) Make arrests without warrant for any offense under this chapter committed in the officer's or employee's presence, or if the officer or employee has reasonable grounds to believe that the person to be arrested has committed or is committing a violation of this chapter which may constitute a felony; and
961.51(1)(c) (c) Make seizures of property pursuant to this chapter.
961.51(2) (2) This section does not affect the responsibility of law enforcement officers and agencies to enforce this chapter, nor the authority granted the department of justice under s. 165.70.
961.51 History History: 1971 c. 219; 1985 a. 29; 1993 a. 482; 1995 a. 448 s. 293; Stats. 1995 s. 961.51.
961.52 961.52 Administrative inspections and warrants.
961.52(1)(1) Issuance and execution of administrative inspection warrants shall be as follows:
961.52(1)(a) (a) A judge of a court of record, upon proper oath or affirmation showing probable cause, may issue warrants for the purpose of conducting administrative inspections authorized by this chapter or rules hereunder, and seizures of property appropriate to the inspections. For purposes of the issuance of administrative inspection warrants, probable cause exists upon showing a valid public interest in the effective enforcement of this chapter or rules hereunder, sufficient to justify administrative inspection of the area, premises, building or conveyance in the circumstances specified in the application for the warrant.
961.52(1)(b) (b) A warrant shall issue only upon an affidavit of a designated officer or employee of the pharmacy examining board or the department of justice having knowledge of the facts alleged, sworn to before the judge and establishing the grounds for issuing the warrant. If the judge is satisfied that grounds for the application exist or that there is probable cause to believe they exist, the judge shall issue a warrant identifying the area, premises, building or conveyance to be inspected, the purpose of the inspection, and, if appropriate, the type of property to be inspected, if any. The warrant shall:
961.52(1)(b)1. 1. State the grounds for its issuance and the name of each person whose affidavit has been taken in support thereof;
961.52(1)(b)2. 2. Be directed to a person authorized by law to execute it;
961.52(1)(b)3. 3. Command the person to whom it is directed to inspect the area, premises, building or conveyance identified for the purpose specified and, if appropriate, direct the seizure of the property specified;
961.52(1)(b)4. 4. Identify the item or types of property to be seized, if any;
961.52(1)(b)5. 5. Direct that it be served during normal business hours and designate the judge to whom it shall be returned.
961.52(1)(c) (c) A warrant issued pursuant to this section must be executed and returned within 10 days of its date unless, upon a showing of a need for additional time, the court orders otherwise. If property is seized pursuant to a warrant, a copy shall be given to the person from whom or from whose premises the property is taken, together with a receipt for the property taken. The return of the warrant shall be made promptly, accompanied by a written inventory of any property taken. The inventory shall be made in the presence of the person executing the warrant and of the person from whose possession or premises the property was taken, if present, or in the presence of at least one credible person other than the person executing the warrant. A copy of the inventory shall be delivered to the person from whom or from whose premises the property was taken and to the applicant for the warrant.
961.52(1)(d) (d) The judge who has issued a warrant shall attach thereto a copy of the return and all papers returnable in connection therewith and file them with the clerk of court for the county in which the inspection was made.
961.52(2) (2) The pharmacy examining board and the department of justice may make administrative inspections of controlled premises in accordance with the following provisions:
961.52(2)(a) (a) For purposes of this section only, “controlled premises" means:
961.52(2)(a)1. 1. Places where persons authorized under s. 961.32 to possess controlled substances in this state are required by federal law to keep records; and
961.52(2)(a)2. 2. Places including factories, warehouses, establishments and conveyances in which persons authorized under s. 961.32 to possess controlled substances in this state are permitted by federal law to hold, manufacture, compound, process, sell, deliver or otherwise dispose of any controlled substance.
961.52(2)(b) (b) When authorized by an administrative inspection warrant issued pursuant to sub. (1), an officer or employee designated by the pharmacy examining board or the department of justice, upon presenting the warrant and appropriate credentials to the owner, operator or agent in charge, may enter controlled premises for the purpose of conducting an administrative inspection.
961.52(2)(c) (c) When authorized by an administrative inspection warrant, an officer or employee designated by the pharmacy examining board or the department of justice may:
961.52(2)(c)1. 1. Inspect and copy records relating to controlled substances;
961.52(2)(c)2. 2. Inspect, within reasonable limits and in a reasonable manner, controlled premises and all pertinent equipment, finished and unfinished material, containers and labeling found therein, and, except as provided in par. (e), all other things therein, including records, files, papers, processes, controls and facilities bearing on violation of this chapter; and
961.52(2)(c)3. 3. Inventory any stock of any controlled substance therein and obtain samples thereof.
961.52(2)(d) (d) This section does not prevent entries and administrative inspections, including seizures of property, without a warrant:
961.52(2)(d)1. 1. If the owner, operator or agent in charge of the controlled premises consents;
961.52(2)(d)2. 2. In situations presenting imminent danger to health or safety;
961.52(2)(d)3. 3. In situations involving inspection of conveyances if there is reasonable cause to believe that the mobility of the conveyance makes it impracticable to obtain a warrant;
961.52(2)(d)4. 4. In any other exceptional or emergency circumstance where time or opportunity to apply for a warrant is lacking; or
961.52(2)(d)5. 5. In all other situations in which a warrant is not constitutionally required.
961.52(2)(e) (e) An inspection authorized by this section shall not extend to financial data, sales data, other than shipment data, or pricing data unless the owner, operator or agent in charge of the controlled premises consents in writing.
961.52 History History: 1971 c. 219; 1983 a. 538; 1985 a. 29; 1993 a. 482; 1995 a. 448 s. 294; Stats. 1995 s. 961.52.
961.53 961.53 Violations constituting public nuisance. Violations of this chapter constitute public nuisances under ch. 823, irrespective of any criminal prosecutions which may be or are commenced based on the same acts.
961.53 History History: 1971 c. 219; Sup. Ct. Order, 67 Wis. 2d 585, 775 (1975); 1995 a. 448 s. 295; Stats. 1995 s. 961.53.
961.54 961.54 Cooperative arrangements and confidentiality. The department of justice shall cooperate with federal, state and local agencies in discharging its responsibilities concerning traffic in controlled substances and in suppressing the abuse of controlled substances. To this end, it may:
961.54(1) (1) Arrange for the exchange of information among governmental officials concerning the use and abuse of controlled substances;
961.54(2) (2) Coordinate and cooperate in training programs concerning controlled substance law enforcement at local and state levels;
961.54(3) (3) Cooperate with the bureau by establishing a centralized unit to accept, catalog, file and collect statistics, including records of drug dependent persons and other controlled substance law offenders within the state, and make the information available for federal, state and local law enforcement purposes. It shall not furnish the name or identity of a patient or research subject whose identity could not be obtained under s. 961.335 (7); and
961.54(4) (4) Conduct programs of eradication aimed at destroying wild or illicit growth of plant species from which controlled substances may be extracted.
961.54 History History: 1971 c. 219, 336; 1975 c. 110; 1995 a. 448 s. 296; Stats. 1995 s. 961.54.
961.55 961.55 Forfeitures.
961.55(1)(1) The following are subject to forfeiture:
961.55(1)(a) (a) All controlled substances or controlled substance analogs which have been manufactured, delivered, distributed, dispensed or acquired in violation of this chapter.
961.55(1)(b) (b) All raw materials, products and equipment of any kind which are used, or intended for use, in manufacturing, compounding, processing, delivering, distributing, importing or exporting any controlled substance or controlled substance analog in violation of this chapter.
961.55(1)(c) (c) All property which is used, or intended for use, as a container for property described in pars. (a) and (b).
961.55(1)(d) (d) All vehicles which are used, or intended for use, to transport, or in any manner to facilitate the transportation, for the purpose of sale or receipt of property described in pars. (a) and (b) or for the purpose of transporting any property or weapon used or to be used or received in the commission of any felony under this chapter, but:
961.55(1)(d)1. 1. No vehicle used by any person as a common carrier in the transaction of business as a common carrier is subject to forfeiture under this section unless it appears that the owner or other person in charge of the vehicle is a consenting party or privy to a violation of this chapter;
961.55(1)(d)2. 2. No vehicle is subject to forfeiture under this section by reason of any act or omission established by the owner thereof to have been committed or omitted without the owner's knowledge or consent. This subdivision does not apply to any vehicle owned by a person who is under 16 years of age on the date that the vehicle is used, or is intended for use, in the manner described under par. (d) (intro.), unless the court determines that the owner is an innocent bona fide owner;
961.55(1)(d)3. 3. A vehicle is not subject to forfeiture for a violation of s. 961.41 (3g) (b) to (g); and
961.55(1)(d)4. 4. If forfeiture of a vehicle encumbered by a bona fide perfected security interest occurs, the holder of the security interest shall be paid from the proceeds of the forfeiture if the security interest was perfected prior to the date of the commission of the felony which forms the basis for the forfeiture and he or she neither had knowledge of nor consented to the act or omission.
961.55(1)(e) (e) All books, records, and research products and materials, including formulas, microfilm, tapes and data, which are used, or intended for use, in violation of this chapter.
961.55(1)(f) (f) All property, real or personal, including money, directly or indirectly derived from or realized through the commission of any crime under this chapter.
961.55(1)(g) (g) Any drug paraphernalia, as defined in s. 961.571, used in violation of this chapter.
961.55(1)(h) (h) Any masking agent, as defined in s. 961.69 (1), used in violation of this chapter.
961.55(2) (2) Property subject to forfeiture under this chapter may be seized by any officer or employee designated in s. 961.51 (1) or (2) or a law enforcement officer upon process issued by any court of record having jurisdiction over the property. Seizure without process may be made if:
961.55(2)(a) (a) The seizure is incident to an arrest or a search under a search warrant or an inspection under an administrative inspection warrant;
961.55(2)(b) (b) The property subject to seizure has been the subject of a prior judgment in favor of the state in a criminal injunction or forfeiture proceeding based upon this chapter;
961.55(2)(c) (c) The officer or employee or a law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe that the property is directly or indirectly dangerous to health or safety; or
961.55(2)(d) (d) The officer or employee or a law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe that the property was used or is intended to be used in violation of this chapter, that the property was derived from or realized through a crime under this chapter or that the property is a vehicle which was used as described in sub. (1) (d).
961.55(3) (3) In the event of seizure under sub. (2), proceedings under sub. (4) shall be instituted promptly. All dispositions and forfeitures under this section and ss. 961.555 and 961.56 shall be made with due provision for the rights of innocent persons under sub. (1) (d) 1., 2. and 4. Any property seized but not forfeited shall be returned to its rightful owner. Any person claiming the right to possession of property seized may apply for its return to the circuit court for the county in which the property was seized. The court shall order such notice as it deems adequate to be given the district attorney and all persons who have or may have an interest in the property and shall hold a hearing to hear all claims to its true ownership. If the right to possession is proved to the court's satisfaction, it shall order the property returned if:
961.55(3)(a) (a) The property is not needed as evidence or, if needed, satisfactory arrangements can be made for its return for subsequent use as evidence; or
961.55(3)(b) (b) All proceedings in which it might be required have been completed.
961.55(4) (4) Property taken or detained under this section shall not be subject to replevin, but is deemed to be in the custody of the sheriff of the county in which the seizure was made subject only to the orders and decrees of the court having jurisdiction over the forfeiture proceedings. When property is seized under this chapter, the person seizing the property may:
961.55(4)(a) (a) Place the property under seal;
961.55(4)(b) (b) Remove the property to a place designated by it; or
961.55(4)(c) (c) Require the sheriff of the county in which the seizure was made to take custody of the property and remove it to an appropriate location for disposition in accordance with law.
961.55(5) (5) When property is forfeited under this chapter, the agency whose officer or employee seized the property shall do one of the following:
961.55(5)(a) (a) Retain it for official use.
961.55(5)(b) (b) Sell that which is not required to be destroyed by law and which is not harmful to the public. The agency may use 50 percent of the amount received for payment of forfeiture expenses. The remainder shall be deposited in the school fund as proceeds of the forfeiture. In this paragraph, “forfeiture expenses" include all proper expenses of the proceedings for forfeiture and sale, including expenses of seizure, maintenance of custody, advertising, and court costs and the costs of investigation and prosecution reasonably incurred.
961.55(5)(c) (c) Require the sheriff of the county in which the property was seized to take custody of the property and remove it for disposition in accordance with law.
961.55(5)(d) (d) Forward it to the bureau for disposition.
961.55(5)(e) (e) If the property forfeited is money, retain the sum of all of the following for payment of forfeiture expenses, as defined in par. (b), and deposit the remainder in the school fund:
961.55(5)(e)1. 1. If the amount of money does not exceed $2,000, 70 percent of that amount.
961.55(5)(e)2. 2. Fifty percent of any amount seized in excess of $2,000.
961.55(6) (6) Controlled substances included in schedule I and controlled substance analogs of controlled substances included in schedule I that are possessed, transferred, sold, offered for sale or attempted to be possessed in violation of this chapter are contraband and shall be seized and summarily forfeited to the state. Controlled substances included in schedule I and controlled substance analogs of controlled substances included in schedule I that are seized or come into the possession of the state, the owners of which are unknown, are contraband and shall be summarily forfeited to the state.
961.55(6m) (6m) Flunitrazepam or ketamine that is possessed, transferred, sold, offered for sale or attempted to be possessed in violation of this chapter is contraband and shall be seized and summarily forfeited to the state. Flunitrazepam or ketamine that is seized or comes into the possession of the state, the owner of which is unknown, is contraband and shall be summarily forfeited to the state.
961.55(7) (7) Species of plants from which controlled substances in schedules I and II may be derived which have been planted or cultivated in violation of this chapter, or of which the owners or cultivators are unknown, or which are wild growths, may be seized and summarily forfeited to the state.
961.55(8) (8) The failure, upon demand by any officer or employee designated in s. 961.51 (1) or (2), of the person in occupancy or in control of land or premises upon which the species of plants are growing or being stored, to produce an appropriate federal registration, or proof that the person is the holder thereof, constitutes authority for the seizure and forfeiture of the plants.
961.55 Annotation A vehicle obtained out of state and used to transport a controlled substance is subject to forfeiture under sub. (1) (d). State v. S & S Meats, Inc. 92 Wis. 2d 64, 284 N.W.2d 712 (Ct. App. 1979).
961.55 Annotation A vehicle subject to sub. (1) (d) 4. is not subject to forfeiture unless the secured party consents. State v. Fouse, 120 Wis. 2d 471, 355 N.W.2d 366 (Ct. App. 1984).
961.55 Annotation Under sub. (1) (f), the state may seize property from an owner not charged with a crime. State v. Hooper, 122 Wis. 2d 748, 364 N.W.2d 175 (Ct. App. 1985).
961.55 Annotation This section and s. 973.075 both include the same “innocent owner" defense language, which bars forfeiture if the crime was committed without the property owner's knowledge or consent. In the absence of contrary evidence, the legislature intended “owner" to have the same meaning in both provisions. Ownership under s. 973.075 (1) (b) 2. (renumbered s. 973.075 (1) (b) 2m. b.) is not controlled by legal title, but will be found based on consideration of possession, title, control, and financial stake. State v. Kirch, 222 Wis. 2d 598, 587 N.W.2d 919 (Ct. App. 1998), 98-0582.
961.55 Annotation The “seized but not forfeited" language of sub. (3) means that the portion of that subsection related to return of property is only triggered by an unsuccessful forfeiture action brought by the state; in the event that the district attorney elects not to bring a forfeiture action, a person seeking the return of seized property may do so under s. 968.20. Jones v. State, 226 Wis. 2d 565, 594 N.W.2d 738 (1999), 97-3306.
961.55 Annotation For purposes of the statutory “innocent owner" exception in this case, while one co-titleholder had the largest financial interest in the forfeited vehicle, the 2nd co-titleholder, who used the vehicle in drug sales was the actual owner of the vehicle when that 2nd titleholder had nearly complete possession and control of the vehicle and paid for insurance, gas, and maintenance while the first titleholder had a different vehicle of her own. However, while forfeiture of the vehicle and 2nd co-titleholder's 's financial interest in it was constitutional, forfeiture of the first titleholder's full financial interest in the vehicle was unconstitutional under the Excessive Fines Clause. State v. One 2013, Toyota Corolla, 2015 WI App 84, 365 Wis. 2d 582, 872 N.W.2d 98, 14-2226.
961.55 Annotation A law enforcement agency may not retain unclaimed contraband money for its own use. In the absence of an asset forfeiture proceeding initiated by the state or a judicial determination that the money constitutes contraband, a local law enforcement agency should dispose of the money as unclaimed property under s. 59.66 (2). OAG 10-09.
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