15.137(3)(a) (a) There is created in the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection a farm to school council.
15.137(3)(b) (b) The secretary of agriculture, trade and consumer protection shall appoint to the council an employee of the department and shall appoint farmers, experts in child health, school food service personnel, and other persons with interests in agriculture, nutrition, and education.
15.137(3)(c) (c) The secretary of health services shall appoint to the council an employee of the department of health services.
15.137(3)(d) (d) The superintendent of public instruction shall appoint to the council an employee of the department of public instruction.
15.137(5) (5)Fertilizer research council. There is created in the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection a fertilizer research council consisting of the following members:
15.137(5)(a) (a) Nonvoting members. The secretary of agriculture, trade and consumer protection, the secretary of natural resources and the dean of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, or their designees, shall serve as nonvoting members.
15.137(5)(b) (b) Voting members.
15.137(5)(b)1.1. Six voting members shall be appointed jointly by the secretary of the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection and the dean of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, to serve for 3-year terms. Three of the members appointed under this subdivision shall be industry representatives selected from a list of candidates provided by the fertilizer industry. Three of the members appointed under this subdivision shall represent farmers who are crop producers.
15.137(5)(b)2. 2. One voting member shall be appointed by the secretary of natural resources to serve for a 3-year term. The member appointed under this subdivision shall be knowledgeable about water quality.
15.137(5)(b)3. 3. No voting member may serve more than 2 consecutive 3-year terms.
15.137(6) (6)Bioenergy council. There is created a bioenergy council which is attached to the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection under s. 15.03. The secretary of agriculture, trade and consumer protection shall appoint the members of the council, to serve at the pleasure of the secretary.
15.14 15.14 Department of corrections; creation. There is created a department of corrections under the direction and supervision of the secretary of corrections.
15.14 History History: 1989 a. 31.
15.145 15.145 Same; attached boards, commissions, and councils.
15.145(1)(1)Parole commission. There is created in the department of corrections a parole commission consisting of 4 members. Members shall have knowledge of or experience in corrections or criminal justice. The members shall include a chairperson who is nominated by the governor, and with the advice and consent of the senate appointed, for a 2-year term expiring March 1 of the odd-numbered years, subject to removal under s. 17.07 (3m), and the remaining members in the classified service appointed by the chairperson.
15.145(2) (2)Prison industries board. There is created a prison industries board which is attached to the department of corrections under s. 15.03. The board shall consist of 9 members appointed for 4-year terms. Three members shall be appointed to represent private business and industry and 3 members shall be appointed to represent private labor organizations. One member shall be appointed to represent each of the following:
15.145(2)(c) (c) The technical college system.
15.145(2)(d) (d) The department of corrections.
15.145(2)(f) (f) The department of administration.
15.145(3) (3)Interstate adult offender supervision board. There is created an interstate adult offender supervision board which is attached to the department of corrections under s. 15.03. The board shall consist of 5 members appointed for 4-year terms. The governor shall comply with the requirements of s. 304.16 (4) when appointing members of the board. The board shall have the powers, duties, and responsibilities set forth under s. 304.16.
15.145(4) (4)State board for interstate juvenile supervision. There is created a state board for interstate juvenile supervision, which is attached to the department of corrections under s. 15.03. The board shall consist of 5 members appointed for 3-year terms. The governor shall comply with the requirements of s. 938.999 (9) when appointing members of the board. The board shall have the powers, duties, and responsibilities set forth under s. 938.999.
15.145(5) (5)Council on offender reentry. There is created a council on offender reentry which is attached to the department of corrections under s. 15.03, which shall have the duties, responsibilities, and powers set forth under s. 301.095. The council shall consist of 21 members, and the appointed members shall serve for 2-year terms and may be appointed for a maximum of 2 consecutive terms. The chairperson of the council shall be the secretary of corrections or the reentry director, as decided by the secretary of corrections. The chairperson may appoint subcommittees and the council shall meet no less frequently than 4 times per year at a date and location to be determined by the chairperson. Members of the council shall include the secretary of corrections, or his or her designee; the secretary of workforce development, or his or her designee; the secretary of health services, or his or her designee; the secretary of children and families, or his or her designee; the secretary of transportation, or his or her designee; the attorney general, or his or her designee; the chairperson of the parole commission, or his or her designee; the state superintendent of public instruction; the reentry director as appointed by the secretary of corrections; a current or former judge, as appointed by the director of state courts; an individual who has been previously convicted of, and incarcerated for, a crime in Wisconsin, as appointed by the secretary of corrections; and the following persons, as appointed by the governor:
15.145(5)(a) (a) A law enforcement officer.
15.145(5)(b) (b) A representative of a crime victim rights or crime victim services organization.
15.145(5)(c) (c) A representative of a faith-based organization that is involved with the reintegration of offenders into the community.
15.145(5)(d) (d) A representative of a county department of human services.
15.145(5)(e) (e) A representative of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state.
15.145(5)(f) (f) A representative of a nonprofit organization that is involved with the reintegration of offenders into the community and that is not a faith-based organization.
15.145(5)(g) (g) A district attorney.
15.145(5)(h) (h) A representative of the office of the state public defender.
15.145(5)(i) (i) An academic professional in the field of criminal justice.
15.145(5)(j) (j) A representative of the Wisconsin Technical College System.
15.145(6) (6)Corrections system formulary board. There is created in the department of corrections a corrections system formulary board. The board shall consist of the following members appointed to serve at the pleasure of the secretary of corrections:
15.145(6)(a) (a) Two physicians, as defined in s. 448.01 (5), one of whom specializes in psychiatry.
15.145(6)(b) (b) A pharmacist, as defined in s. 450.01 (15).
15.145(6)(c) (c) Any other members appointed by the secretary in his or her discretion.
15.16 15.16 Department of employee trust funds; creation. There is created a department of employee trust funds under the direction and supervision of the employee trust funds board.
15.16(1) (1)Employee trust funds board. The employee trust funds board shall consist of the governor or the governor's designee on the group insurance board, the administrator of the division of personnel management in the department of administration or the administrator's designee and 11 persons appointed or elected for 4-year terms as follows:
15.16(1)(a) (a) Four members shall be members of the teachers retirement board, appointed by that board.
15.16(1)(a)1. 1. At least one appointee under this paragraph shall have been appointed or elected to the board under s. 15.165 (3) (a) 1. or 2.
15.16(1)(a)2. 2. At least one appointee under this paragraph shall have been appointed to the board under s. 15.165 (3) (a) 4.
15.16(1)(a)3. 3. At least one appointee under this paragraph shall have been elected to the board under s. 15.165 (3) (a) 7.
15.16(1)(a)4. 4. At least one appointee under this paragraph shall have been appointed to the board under s. 15.165 (3) (a) 3. or 5.
15.16(1)(b) (b) Four members shall be members of the Wisconsin retirement board, appointed by that board.
15.16(1)(b)1. 1. At least one appointee under this paragraph shall have been appointed to the board under s. 15.165 (3) (b) 1., 2., 4., 5. or 8.
15.16(1)(b)2. 2. At least one appointee under this paragraph shall have been appointed to the board under s. 15.165 (3) (b) 3., 6. or 7.
15.16(1)(b)3. 3. At least one appointee under this paragraph shall have been appointed to the board under s. 15.165 (3) (b) 7. or 8.
15.16(1)(c) (c) One member shall be a public member who is not a participant in or beneficiary of the Wisconsin retirement system, with at least 5 years of experience in actuarial analysis, administration of an employee benefit plan or significant administrative responsibility in a major insurer. It is the intent of the legislature that the member appointed under this paragraph shall represent the interests of the taxpayers of this state and shall not be representative of public employee or employer interests.
15.16(1)(d) (d) One member shall be an annuitant, as defined for purposes other than life insurance under s. 40.02 (4), elected by annuitants, as defined for purposes other than life insurance under s. 40.02 (4).
15.16(1)(f) (f) One member who is a participant in the Wisconsin retirement system and who is a technical college educational support personnel employee, as defined in s. 40.02 (55g), or an educational support personnel employee, as defined in s. 40.02 (22m), elected by participating employees meeting the same criteria.
15.16 Annotation Membership requirements under sub. (1) (a) and (b) apply only at the time of appointment. Appointees serve “at pleasure" of the appointing boards under sub. (1) (a) and (b). 75 Atty. Gen. 127 (1986).
15.165 15.165 Same; attached boards.
15.165(1)(1)Board members.
15.165(1)(a)(a) Any member of a board created under this section who loses the status upon which the appointment or election was based shall cease to be a member of the board upon appointment or election to the board of a qualified successor.
15.165(1)(b) (b) For purposes of this section, annuitants are deemed to be employees in the last position in which they were covered by the Wisconsin retirement system, except that annuitants may not be elected, appointed or vote under sub. (3) (a) 1., 2., 4. or 7.
15.165(2) (2)Group insurance board. There is created in the department of employee trust funds a group insurance board. The board shall consist of the governor, the attorney general, the secretary of administration, the director of the office of state employment relations, and the commissioner of insurance or their designees, and 6 persons appointed for 2-year terms, of whom one shall be an insured participant in the Wisconsin Retirement System who is not a teacher, one shall be an insured participant in the Wisconsin Retirement System who is a teacher, one shall be an insured participant in the Wisconsin Retirement System who is a retired employee, one shall be an insured employee of a local unit of government, and one shall be the chief executive or a member of the governing body of a local unit of government that is a participating employer in the Wisconsin Retirement System.
15.165(3) (3)Retirement boards.
15.165(3)(a) (a) Teachers retirement board. There is created in the department of employee trust funds a teachers retirement board. The board shall consist of 13 members, to serve for staggered 5-year terms. The board shall consist of the following members:
15.165(3)(a)1. 1. Six public school teachers who are participating employees in the Wisconsin retirement system and who are not eligible for election under any other subdivision of this paragraph, elected by participating employees meeting the same criteria.
15.165(3)(a)2. 2. One public school teacher from a technical college district who is a participating employee in the Wisconsin retirement system, elected by teacher participating employees from technical college districts.
15.165(3)(a)3. 3. One administrator in Wisconsin's public schools who is not a classroom teacher.
15.165(3)(a)4. 4. Two University of Wisconsin System representatives who are teacher participants in the Wisconsin retirement system. The representatives under this subdivision shall not be from the same campus.
15.165(3)(a)5. 5. One representative who is a member of a school board.
15.165(3)(a)6. 6. One annuitant who was a teacher participant in the Wisconsin retirement system, elected by the annuitants who were teacher participants.
15.165(3)(a)7. 7. One teacher in the city of Milwaukee who is a participating employee in the Wisconsin retirement system, elected by the teachers of the public schools in that city who are participating employees.
15.165(3)(b) (b) Wisconsin retirement board. There is created in the department of employee trust funds a Wisconsin retirement board. The board shall consist of 9 members, and board members appointed under subds. 1. to 8. shall serve for staggered 5-year terms. The member appointed under subd. 1. shall be appointed from a list of 5 names submitted by the board of directors of the League of Wisconsin Municipalities, and the member appointed under subd. 4. shall be appointed from a list of 5 names submitted by the executive committee of the Wisconsin Counties Association. Each member appointed under subds. 1., 2., and 3. shall be from a different county. Each member appointed under subds. 4., 5., and 6. shall be appointed from a different county. The board shall consist of the following members:
15.165(3)(b)1. 1. One member who is the chief executive or a member of the governing body of a participating city or village.
15.165(3)(b)2. 2. One member who is a participating employee and the principal finance officer of a participating city or village.
15.165(3)(b)3. 3. One member who is a participating employee of a participating city or village.
15.165(3)(b)4. 4. One member who is the chairperson or a member of the governing body of a participating county or town.
15.165(3)(b)5. 5. One member who is a county clerk or deputy county clerk of a participating county.
15.165(3)(b)6. 6. One member who is a participating employee of a participating local employer other than a city or village.
15.165(3)(b)7. 7. One member who is a participating state employee.
15.165(3)(b)8. 8. One member who is a public member not a participant in or beneficiary of the Wisconsin retirement system. It is the intent of the legislature that the members appointed under this paragraph shall represent the interests of the taxpayers of this state and shall not be representative of public employee or employer interests.
15.165(3)(b)9. 9. The commissioner of insurance or an experienced actuary in the office of the commissioner designated by the commissioner.
15.165(4) (4)Deferred compensation board. There is created in the department of employee trust funds a deferred compensation board consisting of 5 members appointed for 4-year terms.
15.165 Annotation Public school administrators are eligible to be candidates for and to vote for teacher representatives on the teachers retirement board. 76 Atty. Gen. 141.
15.18 15.18 Department of financial institutions. There is created a department of financial institutions under the direction and supervision of the secretary of financial institutions.
15.18 History History: 1995 a. 27.
15.183 15.183 Same; specified divisions.
15.183(1)(1)Division of banking. There is created a division of banking. Prior to July 1, 2000, the division is attached to the department of financial institutions under s. 15.03. After June 30, 2000, the division is created in the department of financial institutions. The administrator of the division shall be appointed outside the classified service by the secretary of financial institutions and shall serve at the pleasure of the secretary.
15.183(3) (3)Division of securities. There is created a division of securities. Prior to July 1, 2000, the division is attached to the department of financial institutions under s. 15.03. After June 30, 2000, the division is created in the department of financial institutions. The administrator of the division shall be appointed outside the classified service by the secretary of financial institutions and shall serve at the pleasure of the secretary.
15.183 History History: 1995 a. 27; 1999 a. 9; 2003 a. 33.
15.185 15.185 Same; attached boards and offices.
15.185(1)(1)Banking review board. There is created in the department of financial institutions a banking review board consisting of 5 persons, appointed for staggered 5-year terms. At least 3 members shall be experienced bankers having at least 5 years' experience in the banking business. No member is qualified to act in any matter involving a bank in which the member is an officer, director or stockholder, or to which the member is indebted.
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