40.71(3) (3)Whenever any death benefit is payable in a single cash sum, it shall be paid only after receipt by the department of the following:
40.71(3)(a) (a) A copy of the death certificate of the participant or annuitant;
40.71(3)(b) (b) A written application of the beneficiary for the benefit; and
40.71(3)(c) (c) Any additional evidence deemed necessary or desirable by the department.
40.71 History History: 1981 c. 96; 1987 a. 309.
40.71 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also s. ETF 20.37, Wis. adm. code.
40.71 Annotation Nothing in s. 40.73 creates an entitlement in the beneficiary to the annuity-value single cash sum benefit as of the date of death even though the value of the single cash sum benefit is calculated as of the date of death. A beneficiary does not acquire a property interest in a single cash sum death benefit under s. 40.73 (1) (c) until the beneficiary applies for a death benefit as required by sub. (3). Fazio v. Department of Employee Trust Funds, 2006 WI 7, 287 Wis. 2d 106, 708 N.W.2d 326, 04-0064.
40.72 40.72 Life insurance benefits.
40.72(1)(1)Except as provided in sub. (2), (3), (3m), (8) or (10), the amount of group life insurance of an insured employee under age 70 shall be $1,000 of insurance for each $1,000 or part of $1,000 of the employee's annual earnings during the prior calendar year, notwithstanding any limitation of amount that may otherwise be provided by law. For persons covered initially the earnings shall be a projection on an annual basis of the compensation at the time of coverage until the date determined by the group insurance board for establishing new annual amounts of insurance.
40.72(2) (2)Except as provided by sub. (3), the amount of life insurance for any insured eligible employee who is 70 years of age or older or insured retired eligible employee under sub. (4) who is 65 years of age or over shall be the amount as computed under sub. (1) reduced by 25 percent of that amount on each birthday of the employee commencing with the employee's 65th birthday, with a maximum reduction of 75 percent.
40.72(3) (3)The maximum reduction in the amount of insurance for any insured employee to whom this subsection applies by an election under s. 40.70 (3) and for any insured state employee shall be 50 percent.
40.72(3m) (3m)The group insurance board may, by contract, limit the amount of group life insurance for any insured employee who becomes insured by electing coverage under s. 40.70 (6).
40.72(4) (4)The amount of life insurance for any insured employee who was either a participating employee before January 1, 1990, or who has been covered under the group life insurance plan in at least 5 calendar years after 1989, who terminates employment shall be the same as if the employee had not terminated employment and earnings had continued at the same amount as at the time of termination, except as provided in subs. (2) and (3) and s. 40.70 (3), if any of the following applies on the date of termination:
40.72(4)(a) (a) The employee meets all of the requirements for receiving an immediate annuity except the filing of an application.
40.72(4)(b) (b) The sum of the employee's creditable service on January 1, 1990, and the number of calendar years after 1989 in which the employee has been covered under the group life insurance plan equals at least 20 years.
40.72(4)(c) (c) The employee's number of years of service with the participating employer by whom the employee was employed immediately before termination equals at least 20 years.
40.72(4g) (4g)Any individual who became an employee of the state under chapter 90, laws of 1973, section 546, as affected by chapter 333, laws of 1973, section 189b, may use service as a member of the Milwaukee County employee's retirement system to meet any service requirements under this subchapter.
40.72(4r) (4r)At any time after an insured employee's amount of life insurance is reduced under subs. (2) and (3) and life insurance premiums are no longer required under s. 40.05 (6) (b), the employee may convert the present value of the life insurance to pay the premiums for health or long-term care insurance provided under subch. IV, but only if the department determines that the value of the conversion is exempt from taxation under the Internal Revenue Code.
40.72(5) (5)The amount of insurance specified under sub. (4) shall be adjusted when the person again becomes an employee of an employer participating in the group life insurance plan and while employed again the person shall pay premiums under s. 40.05 (6) for the insurance.
40.72(6) (6)The amount of insurance of an employee who retires on disability annuity shall be the same as if the employee had not retired and his or her earnings had continued in the same amount as at the time of his or her retirement, except as provided by subs. (2) and (3).
40.72(7) (7)During a period of disability in which premiums are waived under the terms of the insurance contract the amount of insurance shall be the same as if the employee had not become disabled and earnings had continued at the same amount as at the time of becoming disabled, and the contract may provide that the insurance continues during the continuance of the disability even if the person ceases to be an employee.
40.72(8) (8)The life insurance in effect during the previous year shall not be reduced during subsequent consecutive years of eligible employment with the same employer unless the employee elects to have the amount of life insurance recomputed under subs. (1) to (3) or cancels coverage. The election shall be made under procedures established by the department. This subsection is subject to the limitations of subs. (2) and (3).
40.72(9) (9)In addition to the insurance provided under sub. (1), insurance may be provided against accidental death and dismemberment as defined by the group insurance board in accordance with benefit schedules established by contract.
40.72(10) (10)Each insured state employee, and each insured employee to whom this subsection applies by an election under s. 40.70 (3), who is under 70 years of age, or 65 years of age if retired, shall be provided an amount of group life insurance in addition to that provided under sub. (1) equal to 100 percent of the employee's earnings rounded to the next higher $1,000, if earnings are not in even $1,000 increments. The employee may cancel, in accord with the procedures specified by s. 40.70, the amount of additional insurance provided under this subsection.
40.72 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also ss. ETF 60.31 and 60.60, Wis. adm. code.
40.73 40.73 Death benefits.
40.73(1)(1)The amount of the Wisconsin retirement system death benefit shall be:
40.73(1)(a) (a) Upon the death of a participant, other than an annuitant or a participating employee, the sum of the additional and employee required contribution accumulations credited to the participant's account on the beneficiary annuity effective date or, in the case of a lump sum payment, the first day of the month in which the death benefit is approved. In addition:
40.73(1)(a)1. 1. For teacher participants who were members of the state teachers retirement system or the Milwaukee teachers retirement fund on June 30, 1966, the amount shall be increased by the employer contribution accumulation credited to the participant's account on or prior to June 30, 1973, plus interest at the effective rate subsequently credited to the accumulations.
40.73(1)(a)2. 2. For participants who were participants of the Wisconsin retirement fund on or prior to December 31, 1965, the amount shall be increased by the employer contribution accumulation credited to the participant's account on December 31, 1965, plus interest at the effective rate subsequently credited to the accumulations.
40.73(1)(am) (am) Upon the death of a participating employee, except as otherwise provided by par. (c), the sum of all of the following accumulations, including any interest credited to the accumulations, that are credited to the participant's account on the beneficiary annuity effective date or, in the case of a lump sum payment, the first day of the month in which the death benefit is approved:
40.73(1)(am)1. 1. Additional contributions.
40.73(1)(am)2. 2. Accumulated contributions to purchase other governmental service under s. 40.25 (7), 2001 stats., or s. 40.285 (2) (b).
40.73(1)(am)3. 3. Twice the employee required contributions, after first subtracting the accumulations under subd. 2., including interest on the accumulations.
40.73(1)(b) (b) Upon the death of an annuitant, in addition to any amounts payable by virtue of the annuity option elected by an annuitant, the amount determined under par. (a) for contributions made under s. 40.05 (1) subsequent to the effective date of the annuity, or additional contributions not applied to provide an annuity, provided the amounts have not been previously paid out as a lump sum under s. 40.25.
40.73(1)(c) (c) Upon the death of a participating employee who, prior to death, met the applicable minimum age under s. 40.23 (1) (a) (intro.), if the beneficiary to whom a death benefit is payable is a natural person, or a trust in which the natural person has a beneficial interest, the present value on the day following the date of death of the life annuity to the beneficiary which would have been payable if the participating employee had been eligible to receive a retirement annuity, computed under s. 40.23 or 40.26, beginning on the date of death and had elected to receive the annuity in the form of a joint and survivor annuity providing the same amount of annuity to the surviving beneficiary as the reduced amount payable during the participant's lifetime. If there is more than one beneficiary the amount of the annuity and its present value will be determined as if the oldest of the beneficiaries were the sole beneficiary. If the death benefit payable to the beneficiary under this paragraph would be less than the amount determined under par. (am) the death benefit shall be payable under par. (am) and this paragraph shall not be applicable to the beneficiary. An annuitant receiving an annuity only under s. 40.24 (1) (f), which annuity was an immediate annuity, shall be deemed a participating employee for purposes of this paragraph only, but the amount payable under s. 40.24 (1) (f) shall not be changed.
40.73(1)(d) (d) Increased, upon the death of a participant who had elected the additional benefit provided by s. 42.81 (14), 1979 stats., and continued making the contributions provided for in s. 42.81 (14), 1979 stats., and was eligible for the benefit on December 15, 1988, by an amount and for a period determined by the actuary and approved by the board as being appropriate to the level of contributions provided for in s. 42.81 (14), 1979 stats., or any lower level of contributions, as determined by the actuary and approved by the board. The board may require that the payment of benefits under an insurance contract be paid in lieu of any benefits provided under this paragraph, but only if the benefits under the insurance contract are at least equal to the benefits that would otherwise have been paid under this paragraph on the date on which the insurance contract went into effect.
40.73(2) (2)
40.73(2)(a)(a) Upon the death, prior to the expiration of the guarantee period, of an annuitant receiving an annuity which provides a guaranteed number of monthly payments, monthly payments shall be continued until payments have been made for the guaranteed number of months. Any beneficiary under this paragraph may elect at any time to receive the then present value of the annuity, including monthly interest at the assumed benefit rate for each full month between the termination of annuity payments and the month in which the single sum payment is approved, in a single sum.
40.73(2)(b) (b) In lieu of the continuation of monthly payments under par. (a), the then present value of the annuity shall be paid as a death benefit under sub. (1) if:
40.73(2)(b)1. 1. The estate of the annuitant is the beneficiary;
40.73(2)(b)2. 2. No beneficiary of the annuitant survives;
40.73(2)(b)3. 3. The death of the beneficiary occurs after having become entitled to receive payments under par. (a), but prior to the end of the period guaranteed;
40.73(2)(b)4. 4. The amount of the monthly payments to the beneficiary, including any amount payable under s. 40.27, is less than the amount determined under s. 40.25 (1) (a); or
40.73(2)(b)5. 5. At the death of the annuitant the remainder of the period for which payments are guaranteed is less than 12 months.
40.73(3) (3)
40.73(3)(a)(a) A death benefit may be paid as an annuity for the life of the beneficiary, if the amount of the death benefit is sufficient to provide a beneficiary annuity in the normal form at least equal to the amount determined under s. 40.25 (1) (a) and the beneficiary or the participant has elected to have the death benefit paid as a beneficiary annuity.
40.73(3)(c) (c) Whenever any death benefit is payable in the form of an annuity, the annuity may begin on the day following the date of death of the participant or annuitant if the department has received a copy of the death certificate of the participant or annuitant, and a written application of the beneficiary for the benefit, subject to the same restrictions on effective dates as set forth for retirement annuities.
40.73(3)(d) (d) The amount of any beneficiary annuity shall be that which can be provided from the death benefit, determined in accordance with the actuarial tables in effect on the effective date of the annuity.
40.73(3)(e) (e) Any beneficiary who is eligible to receive a beneficiary annuity may elect to receive the annuity in any of the optional annuity forms provided for retirement annuities, other than as an annuity payable over the joint life expectancies of the beneficiary and another person. The number of guaranteed monthly payments available to a beneficiary may not exceed the life expectancy of the beneficiary.
40.73(3)(f) (f) Any beneficiary between ages 18 and 21 or the legal or natural guardian of a minor beneficiary may, in lieu of a life annuity, elect that the death benefit be paid in the form of a temporary life annuity, beginning on the day following the date of death of the participant or annuitant and ending with the monthly payment immediately prior to the beneficiary's 21st birthday, and a final payment, payable one month after the termination of the temporary annuity, in the amounts specified in the application, provided the amounts can be provided from the death benefit, on the basis of the actuarial tables in effect on the date of initial approval of the annuity. A beneficiary, prior to the final payment, may, if the amount of the final payment is sufficient to provide an immediate beneficiary annuity in the normal form of at least an amount equal to the amount determined under s. 40.25 (1) (a) monthly, elect to receive in lieu of the final payment an annuity commencing on the day following the date of termination of the temporary annuity, determined on the basis of the actuarial tables in effect on the date of initial approval of the annuity.
40.73 Annotation Whatever effect the Marital Property Act, ch. 766, may have with respect to property rights between spouses, it has no effect on the Board's determination of a beneficiary under ch. 40. Jackson v. Employee Trust Funds Board, 230 Wis. 2d 677, 602 N.W.2d 543 (Ct. App. 1999), 98-3063.
40.73 Annotation The board's consistent interpretation of “Mr. & Mrs." beneficiary designations as relating to the identity of the beneficiaries on the date of the designation. was reasonable. Jackson v. Employee Trust Funds Board, 230 Wis. 2d 677, 602 N.W.2d 543 (Ct. App. 1999), 98-3063.
40.73 Annotation Nothing in s. 40.73 creates an entitlement in the beneficiary to the annuity-value single cash sum benefit as of the date of death even though the value of the single cash sum benefit is calculated as of the date of death. A beneficiary does not acquire a property interest in a single cash sum death benefit under sub. (1) (c) until the beneficiary applies for a death benefit as required by s. 40.71 (3). Fazio v. Department of Employee Trust Funds, 2006 WI 7, 287 Wis. 2d 106, 708 N.W.2d 326, 04-0064.
40.74 40.74 Beneficiaries.
40.74(1)(1)Payment to 2 or more persons as joint beneficiaries shall be equal unless the participant, employee or annuitant has designated otherwise in the written designation of beneficiary on file with the department.
40.74(2) (2)A beneficiary of a deceased participant, annuitant, alternate payee, beneficiary, or employee may waive absolutely and without right of reconsideration or recovery all or part of any benefit payable under this chapter. The beneficiary shall then be determined as if the waiving beneficiary had died prior to the decedent except that if the person was a beneficiary under group 2 under s. 40.02 (8) (a) 2., payment shall be made as if at least one child had survived the participant, alternate payee, beneficiary, employee, or annuitant. Unless the department receives the beneficiary's written request to cancel the waiver before the date on which it would otherwise become effective, the waiver shall be effective 30 days after it is received by the department or the date specified in the waiver, if earlier. The waiver may be cancelled by the beneficiary in writing before the effective date. A waiver received after the effective date on which a beneficiary has commenced a monthly annuity under s. 40.73 (2) or (3) shall apply to monthly payments payable after the effective date of the waiver. Payment shall be subject to the restrictions specified in s. 40.73 (2) (b).
40.74(4) (4)If a participant, employee or annuitant fully terminates all coverage and closes all accounts to which a written beneficiary designation applies, the designation does not apply if the individual again becomes a participant, employee or annuitant.
40.74(5) (5)A designation of a testamentary trust as beneficiary shall satisfy the requirement of s. 40.02 (8) (a) 1. that a person or trust be specifically named in a written designation of beneficiary whether the will establishing the trust is written before or after the designation of beneficiary is received by the department. If, however, a designation specified the date or otherwise identified a specific will, the designation shall not apply if the will is not the last will and testament of the participant, employee or annuitant.
40.74(6) (6)Any potential primary beneficiary under s. 40.02 (8) who cannot be located by reasonable efforts within 12 months after the later of the date of death of the participant or the date on which the department determines the person, trust, or estate initially became a potential primary beneficiary may be treated as a beneficiary that predeceased the participant and all other potential beneficiaries.
40.74(7) (7)A trust that does not exist on the date of the participant's death or an estate not opened or reopened within 12 months after the department determines the estate initially became a potential primary beneficiary under s. 40.02 (8) may be treated as a beneficiary that predeceased the participant and all other potential beneficiaries.
40.74 History History: 1981 c. 96; 1987 a. 309; 2005 a. 151; 2007 a. 131.
subch. VII of ch. 40 SUBCHAPTER VII
40.80 40.80 State deferred compensation plan.
40.80(1)(1)The deferred compensation board shall select and contract with deferred compensation plan providers to be used by state agencies for providing deferred compensation plans to state employees.
40.80(2) (2)The deferred compensation board shall:
40.80(2)(a) (a) Determine the requirements for and the qualifications of the deferred compensation plan providers.
40.80(2)(b) (b) Approve the terms and conditions of the proposed contracts for administrative and investment services.
40.80(2)(c) (c) Determine the procedure for the selection of the deferred compensation plan providers.
40.80(2)(d) (d) Approve the terms and conditions of model salary reduction agreements which shall be used by each state agency.
40.80(2)(e) (e) Require as a condition of the contractual agreements entered into under this section that approved deferred compensation plan providers shall provide service to state agencies only as approved by the deferred compensation board.
40.80(2)(f) (f) Require as a condition of the contractual agreements entered into under this section that the deferred compensation plan providers shall reimburse the department, to be credited to the administrative account of the public employee trust fund in s. 40.04 (2), for any costs incurred directly or indirectly by the department in soliciting, evaluating, monitoring and servicing deferred compensation plans.
40.80(2)(g) (g) Serve as trustee of any deferred compensation plan established under this section, hold the assets and income of the plan in trust for the exclusive benefit of the employees who participate in the plan and their beneficiaries, and maintain the plan as an eligible deferred compensation plan, as defined in section 457 (b) of the Internal Revenue Code, and as a governmental plan for eligible employers, as defined in section 457 (e) (1) (A) of the Internal Revenue Code.
40.80(2g) (2g)The deferred compensation board may accept timely appeals of determinations made by the department affecting any right or benefit under any deferred compensation plan provided for under this section.
40.80(2m) (2m)The deferred compensation board shall promulgate rules establishing procedures, requirements and qualifications for offering deferred compensation plans to state employees in addition to the deferred compensation plans offered by deferred compensation providers selected and contracted with under sub. (2).
40.80(2r) (2r)
40.80(2r)(a)(a) In this subsection, “domestic relations order" means a judgment, decree, or order issued by a court pursuant to a domestic relations law of any state or territory of the United States that does all of the following:
40.80(2r)(a)1. 1. Relates to a marriage that terminated after December 1, 2001.
40.80(2r)(a)2. 2. Assigns all or part of a participant's accumulated assets held in a deferred compensation plan under this subchapter to a spouse, former spouse, child, or other dependent to satisfy a family support or marital property obligation.
40.80(2r)(a)3. 3. Names the deferred compensation plan established under this subchapter and is submitted to the deferred compensation plan provider selected under sub. (1).
40.80(2r)(a)4. 4. Satisfies the requirements established by the deferred compensation board under par. (c).
40.80(2r)(c) (c) The deferred compensation board shall prescribe the requirements for a domestic relations order and the administrative procedure for dividing an account in the deferred compensation plan established under this subchapter. The requirements shall be included in any deferred compensation plan and trust document approved by the deferred compensation board.
40.80(2r)(d) (d) The deferred compensation board and any member or agent thereof, the department and any employee or agent thereof, and the deferred compensation plan provider selected under sub. (1) are immune from civil liability for all of the following:
40.80(2r)(d)1. 1. Any act or omission while performing official duties relating to implementing a domestic relations order under this subsection.
40.80(2r)(d)2. 2. Any act or omission of a participant with respect to the participant's account under a deferred compensation plan, including specifically any deferral or investment election or distribution, during the period that begins on the day on which the participant's marriage is terminated by a court and ends on the day on which his or her account is divided pursuant to a domestic relations order.
40.80(2t) (2t)The deferred compensation board may require a deferred compensation plan under this subchapter, upon election by a participant who is an eligible retired public safety officer, to allow for the deduction of insurance premiums for health or long-term care insurance coverage from an amount distributed from a participant's account and for the payment of the premiums directly to an insurer.
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