6.48(2)(a)(a) In cities of more than 500,000 population, objections may be made before the board of election commissioners which shall sit on the last Wednesday before each election from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. to hear objections then made or deferred under sub. (1). If all the objections cannot then be determined, the commissioners shall sit during the same hours the next day.
6.48(2)(b) (b) Upon appearing in person, objectors shall be examined, under oath, by the commissioners and testimony taken. Judgment rests with the board of election commissioners and decisions shall be rendered as soon as heard. All cases are heard and decided summarily. The commissioners shall determine whether the person objected to is qualified. If they determine that a person is not qualified, the executive director of the board of election commissioners shall change the elector from eligible to ineligible status on the registration list and shall notify the proper ward officials of the change immediately.
6.48(3) (3)Challenge based on incompetency. Section 6.03 (3) applies to any challenge which is made to registration based on an allegation that an elector is incapable of understanding the objective of the elective process and thereby ineligible for registration.
6.48(4) (4)Disqualification. The municipal clerk or board of election commissioners may not disqualify an elector under this section except upon the grounds and in accordance with the procedure specified in s. 6.325.
6.50 6.50 Revision of registration list.
6.50(1)(1)No later than June 15 following each general election, the commission shall examine the registration records for each municipality and identify each elector who has not voted within the previous 4 years if qualified to do so during that entire period and shall mail a notice to the elector in substantially the following form:
You are hereby notified that your voter registration will be suspended, according to state law, for failure to vote within the previous 4-year period, unless you apply for continuation of your registration within 30 days. You may continue your registration by signing the statement below and returning it to the office of the municipal clerk .... (mailing address and telephone number of office of municipal clerk or board of election commissioners) by mail or in person.
I hereby certify that I still reside at the address at which I am registered and apply for continuation of registration.
Signed ....
Present Address ....
If you have changed your residence within this municipality or changed your name, please contact the office of the municipal clerk .... (mailing address and telephone number of office of municipal clerk or board of election commissioners) to complete a change of name or address form.
[Office of clerk or board of election commissioners
6.50(2) (2)If an elector to whom a notice of suspension was mailed under sub. (1) has not applied for continuation of registration within 30 days of the date of mailing, the commission shall change the registration status of that elector from eligible to ineligible on the day that falls 30 days after the date of mailing.
6.50(2g) (2g)The commission may delegate to a municipal clerk or board of election commissioners of a municipality the responsibility to change the registration status of electors when required under sub. (2).
6.50(2r) (2r)As soon as practicable, but no later than August 1 following the completion of the process under subs. (1) and (2), the commission shall publish on its Internet site the following information obtained through that process:
6.50(2r)(a) (a) The number of notices mailed under sub. (1).
6.50(2r)(b) (b) The number of notices described under par. (a) that were returned to the commission as undeliverable.
6.50(2r)(c) (c) The number of notices described under par. (a) that were returned requesting continuation of registration.
6.50(2r)(d) (d) The number of notices described under par. (a) that were returned requesting cancellation of registration.
6.50(2r)(e) (e) The number of notices described under par. (a) that were returned with an indication that the named elector is deceased.
6.50(2r)(f) (f) The number of notices described under par. (a) that were not returned.
6.50(2r)(g) (g) The number of electors who received notices under sub. (1) and whose status changed from eligible to ineligible.
6.50(2r)(h) (h) Any other information requested by the legislature or that the commission considers relevant.
6.50(3) (3)Upon receipt of reliable information that a registered elector has changed his or her residence to a location outside of the municipality, the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners shall notify the elector by mailing a notice by 1st class mail to the elector's registration address stating the source of the information. All municipal departments and agencies receiving information that a registered elector has changed his or her residence shall notify the clerk or board of election commissioners. If the elector no longer resides in the municipality or fails to apply for continuation of registration within 30 days of the date the notice is mailed, the clerk or board of election commissioners shall change the elector's registration from eligible to ineligible status. Upon receipt of reliable information that a registered elector has changed his or her residence within the municipality, the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners shall change the elector's registration and mail the elector a notice of the change. This subsection does not restrict the right of an elector to challenge any registration under s. 6.325, 6.48, 6.925, 6.93, or 7.52 (5).
6.50(4) (4)The municipal clerk or board of election commissioners shall change the registration of deceased electors from eligible to ineligible status by means of checking vital statistics reports. No notice need be sent of registration changes made under this subsection.
6.50(5) (5)The registration of any elector whose address is listed at a building which has been condemned for human habitation by the municipality under s. 66.0413 (1) (j) shall be investigated by the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners. If the clerk or board of election commissioners can find no reason why the registration of such an elector should not be changed from eligible to ineligible status, the clerk or board of election commissioners shall change the elector's registration status. If the elector has left a forwarding address with the U.S. postal service, a notice of change in status shall be mailed by the clerk or board of election commissioners to the forwarding address.
6.50(6) (6)The municipal clerk, upon authorization by an elector, shall change the elector's registration from eligible to ineligible status.
6.50(7) (7)When an elector's registration is changed from eligible to ineligible status, the commission, municipal clerk, or board of election commissioners shall make an entry on the registration list, giving the date of and reason for the change.
6.50(8) (8)Any municipal governing body may direct the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners to arrange with the U.S. postal service pursuant to applicable federal regulations, to receive change of address information with respect to individuals residing within the municipality for revision of the elector registration list. If required by the U.S. postal service, the governing body may create a registration commission consisting of the municipal clerk or executive director of the board of election commissioners and 2 other electors of the municipality appointed by the clerk or executive director for the purpose of making application for address changes and processing the information received. The municipal clerk or executive director shall act as chairperson of the commission. Any authorization under this subsection shall be for a definite period or until the municipal governing body otherwise determines. The procedure shall apply uniformly to the entire municipality whenever used. The procedure shall provide for receipt of complete change of address information on an automatic basis, or not less often than once every 2 years during the 60 days preceding the close of registration for the partisan primary. If a municipality adopts the procedure for obtaining address corrections under this subsection, it need not comply with the procedure for mailing address verification cards under subs. (1) and (2).
6.50(10) (10)Any qualified elector whose registration is changed from eligible to ineligible status under this section may reregister as provided under s. 6.28 (1), 6.29 (2), or 6.55 (2), or, if the elector has a current and valid operator's license issued to the elector under ch. 343 or a current and valid identification card issued under s. 343.50, may reregister under s. 6.30 (5).
6.54 6.54 Failure to register; rights. No name may be added to the registration list after the close of registration, but any person whose name is not on the registration list but who is otherwise a qualified elector is entitled to vote at the election upon compliance with s. 6.29 or 6.55.
6.54 History History: 1985 a. 304 s. 60.
6.55 6.55 Polling place registration; voting by certification.
6.55(2)(a) (a) Except where the procedure under par. (c) or (cm) is employed, any person who qualifies as an elector in the ward or election district where he or she desires to vote, but has not previously filed a registration form, or was registered at another location, may request permission to vote at the polling place for that ward or election district, or at an alternate polling place assigned under s. 5.25 (5) (b). When a proper request is made, the inspector shall require the person to execute a registration form prescribed by the commission. The registration form shall be completed in the manner provided under s. 6.33 (2) and shall contain all information required under s. 6.33 (1), together with the following certification:
“I, ...., hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, I am a qualified elector, having resided at .... for at least 28 consecutive days immediately preceding this election, and I have not voted at this election."
6.55 Note NOTE: In One Wisconsin Institute, Inc. et al. v. Thomsen et al, 15-cv-324, 198 F. Supp. 3d 896, the United States District Court, Western District of Wisconsin ordered that “the increase of the durational residency requirement from 10 days to 28 days is unconstitutional."
6.55(2)(b) (b) Upon executing the registration form under par. (a), the elector shall provide proof of residence under s. 6.34. The signing by the elector executing the registration form shall be in the presence of the election registration official or inspector. Upon receipt of the registration form, the official or inspector shall enter both the type of identifying document submitted by the elector as proof of residence and the name of the entity or institution that issued the identifying document, and, if the identifying document includes a number that applies only to the individual holding that document, that number in the space provided on the form. The official or inspector shall then print his or her name on and sign the form, indicating that the official or inspector has accepted the form. Upon compliance with this procedure, the elector shall be permitted to cast his or her vote, if the elector complies with all other requirements for voting at the polling place.
6.55(2)(c)1.1. As an alternative to registration at the polling place under pars. (a) and (b), the board of election commissioners, or the governing body of any municipality, may by resolution require a person who qualifies as an elector and who is not registered and desires to register on the day of an election to do so at another readily accessible location in the same building as the polling place serving the elector's residence or at an alternate polling place assigned under s. 5.25 (5) (b), instead of at the polling place serving the elector's residence. In such case, the municipal clerk shall prominently post a notice of the registration location at the polling place. An eligible elector who desires to register shall execute a registration form as prescribed under par. (a) and provide proof of residence as provided under s. 6.34. The signing by the person executing the registration form shall be in the presence of the municipal clerk, deputy clerk, or election registration official. Upon receipt of the registration form, the municipal clerk, deputy clerk, or election registration official shall enter the type of identifying document submitted by the elector as proof of residence, the name of the entity or institution that issued the identifying document, and, if the identifying document includes a number that applies only to the individual holding that document, the last 4 digits of that number in the space provided on the form. If the number on the identifying document submitted by the elector has 6 or fewer digits, the clerk shall enter only the last 2 digits of that number. The municipal clerk, the deputy clerk, or the election registration official shall then print his or her name and sign the form, indicating that the clerk, deputy clerk, or official has accepted the form. Upon proper completion of registration, the municipal clerk, deputy clerk, or election registration official shall serially number the registration and give one copy to the person for presentation at the polling place serving the person's residence or an alternate polling place assigned under s. 5.25 (5) (b).
6.55(2)(c)2. 2. Upon compliance with the procedures under subd. 1., the municipal clerk or deputy clerk shall issue a certificate addressed to the inspectors of the proper polling place directing that the elector be permitted to cast his or her vote if the elector complies with all requirements for voting at the polling place. The clerk shall enter the name and address of the elector on the face of the certificate. The certificate shall be numbered serially and prepared in duplicate. The municipal clerk shall preserve one copy in his or her office.
6.55(2)(c)3. 3. The elector, at the time he or she appears to vote at the polling place, shall deliver the certificate issued under subd. 2. to the inspectors.
6.55(2)(cm) (cm) If an elector who is not registered wishes to obtain a confidential listing under s. 6.47 (2), the elector shall register at the office of the municipal clerk of the municipality where the elector resides. Upon completion of registration, the municipal clerk or a deputy clerk shall serially number the registration form and issue a voting identification card to the elector under s. 6.47 (3). The elector may vote at the polling place serving his or her residence by presenting the identification card or by providing his or her name and identification serial number to the inspectors.
6.55(2)(cs) (cs) The commission shall provide to each municipal clerk a list prepared for use at each polling place showing the name and address of each person whose name appears on the list provided by the department of corrections under s. 301.03 (20m) as ineligible to vote on the date of the election, whose address is located in the area served by that polling place, and whose name does not appear on the poll list for that polling place. Prior to permitting an elector to register to vote under this subsection or s. 6.86 (3) (a) 2., the inspectors or election registration officials shall review the list. If the name of an elector who wishes to register to vote appears on the list, the inspectors or election registration officials shall inform the elector or the elector's agent that the elector is ineligible to register to vote. If the elector or the elector's agent maintains that the elector is eligible to vote in the election, the inspectors or election registration officials shall permit the elector to register but shall mark the elector's registration form as “ineligible to vote per Department of Corrections." If the elector wishes to vote, the inspectors shall require the elector to vote by ballot and shall challenge the ballot as provided in s. 6.79 (2) (dm).
6.55(2)(d) (d) A registered elector who has changed his or her name but resides at the same address, and has not previously provided notice of the change to the municipal clerk, shall notify the inspector of the change before voting. The inspector shall then notify the municipal clerk at the time when materials are returned under s. 6.56 (1). If an elector has changed both a name and address, the elector shall register at the polling place or other registration location under pars. (a) and (b).
6.55(3) (3)
6.55(3)(a)(a) Any qualified elector in the ward or election district where the elector desires to vote whose name does not appear on the registration list but who claims to be registered to vote in the election may request permission to vote at the polling place for that ward or election district. When the request is made, the inspector shall require the person to give his or her name and address. If the elector is not at the polling place which serves the ward or election district where the elector resides, the inspector shall provide the elector with directions to the correct polling place. If the elector is at the correct polling place, the elector shall complete registration as provided in sub. (2).
6.55(3)(b) (b) Prior to permitting an elector to vote under this subsection, the inspectors shall review the list provided by the commission under sub. (2) (cs). If the name of the elector appears on the list, the inspectors shall inform the elector that he or she is ineligible to vote at the election. If the elector maintains that he or she is eligible to vote in the election, the inspectors shall permit the elector to vote, but shall require the elector to vote by ballot, and shall challenge the ballot as provided in s. 6.79 (2) (dm).
6.55(5) (5)Any person who violates this section may be punished as provided in ss. 12.13 (3) (g) and 12.60 (1) (b).
6.55(6) (6)Any of the registration duties of inspectors under sub. (2) may be carried out in the municipality by the municipal clerk. The municipal clerk, however, may not carry out the registration duties of the inspectors under sub. (2) if the municipal clerk is a candidate on the ballot for that election day.
6.56 6.56 Verification of voters not appearing on list.
6.56(1)(1)The list containing the names of persons voting under ss. 6.29 and 6.55 (2) shall be returned together with all forms and certificates to the municipal clerk.
6.56(3) (3)Upon receipt of the list under sub. (1), the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners shall make an audit of all electors registering to vote at the polling place or other registration location under s. 6.55 (2) and all electors registering by agent on election day under s. 6.86 (3) (a) 2. unless the clerk or board of election commissioners receives notice from the elections commission under sub. (7) that the elections commission will perform the audit. The audit shall be made by 1st class postcard. The postcard shall be marked in accordance with postal regulations to ensure that it will be returned to the clerk, board of election commissioners, or elections commission if the elector does not reside at the address given on the postcard. If any postcard is returned undelivered, or if the clerk, board of election commissioners, or elections commission is informed of a different address than the one specified by the elector which was apparently improper on the day of the election, the clerk, board of election commissioners, or elections commission shall change the status of the elector from eligible to ineligible on the registration list, mail the elector a notice of the change in status, and provide the name of the elector to the district attorney for the county where the polling place is located and the elections commission.
6.56(3m) (3m)As soon as possible after all information relating to registrations after the close of registration for an election is entered on the registration list following the election under s. 6.33 (5) (a), the commission shall compare the list of new registrants whose names do not appear on the poll lists for the election because the names were added after the commission certified the poll lists for use at the election with the list containing the names transmitted to the commission by the department of corrections under s. 301.03 (20m) as of election day. If the commission finds that the name of any person whose name appears on the list transmitted under s. 301.03 (20m) has been added to the registration list, the commission shall enter on the list the information transmitted to the commission under s. 301.03 (20m) and shall notify the district attorney for the county where the polling place is located that the person appears to have voted illegally at the election.
6.56(4) (4)After each election, the municipal clerk shall perform an audit to assure that no person has been allowed to vote more than once. Whenever the municipal clerk has good reason to believe that a person has voted more than once in an election, the clerk shall send the person a 1st class letter marked in accordance with postal regulations to ensure that it will be returned to the clerk if the elector does not reside at the address given on the letter. The letter shall inform the person that all registrations relating to that person may be changed from eligible to ineligible status within 7 days unless the person contacts the office of the clerk to clarify the matter. A copy of the letter and of any subsequent information received from or about the addressee shall be sent to the district attorney for the county where the person resides and the commission.
6.56(6) (6)The municipal clerk may not disqualify an elector under this section except upon the grounds and in accordance with the procedures specified in s. 6.325.
6.56(7) (7)The commission may elect to perform the duties of municipal clerks to conduct the audits required under subs. (3) and (4) for any election on behalf of all municipalities in the state. If the commission so elects, the commission shall, no later than the date of the election for which the audits will be performed, notify the municipal clerk of each municipality that the commission will perform the audits.
6.57 6.57 Registration list for special elections. The municipal clerk of each municipality where a special election is held nonconcurrently with a regularly scheduled election shall obtain a copies of the current registration list from the commission for use in the special election.
6.57 History History: 1975 c. 85 s. 30; Stats. 1975 s. 6.57; 1977 c. 394; 2003 a. 265; 2015 a. 118 s. 266 (10).
subch. III of ch. 6 SUBCHAPTER III
6.76 6.76 Time off for voting.
6.76(1)(1)Any person entitled to vote at an election is entitled to be absent from work while the polls are open for a period not to exceed 3 successive hours to vote. The elector shall notify the affected employer before election day of the intended absence. The employer may designate the time of day for the absence.
6.76(2) (2)No penalty, other than a deduction for time lost, may be imposed upon an elector by his or her employer by reason of the absence authorized by this section.
6.76(3) (3)This section applies to all employers including the state and all political subdivisions of the state and their employees, but does not affect the employees' right to holidays existing on June 28, 1945, or established after that date.
6.76 History History: 1977 c. 394; 1991 a. 316.
6.77 6.77 Place for voting.
6.77(1)(1)An elector may vote only at the polling place for his or her residence designated by the governing body or board of election commissioners.
6.77(2) (2)Whenever territory which was formerly a part of one municipality becomes a part of another municipality, an elector of the territory shall vote in the municipality in which the territory is included on the day of the election.
6.77 History History: 1975 c. 85; 1985 a. 304.
6.78 6.78 Poll hours.
6.78(1m)(1m)The polls at every election shall be open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m.
6.78(4) (4)Any elector waiting to vote, whether within the polling booth or in the line outside the booth at the time the polls officially close, shall be permitted to vote.
6.78 History History: 1985 a. 304; 1991 a. 316; 2005 a. 333.
6.79 6.79 Recording electors.
6.79(1m)(1m)Separate poll lists. The municipal clerk may elect to maintain the information on the poll list manually or electronically. If the clerk elects to maintain the list electronically, an election official at each election ward shall be in charge of and shall maintain the poll list. The system employed to maintain the list electronically is subject to the approval of the commission. If the clerk elects to maintain the information manually, 2 election officials at each election ward shall be in charge of and shall maintain 2 separate poll lists.
6.79(2) (2)Voting procedure.
6.79(2)(a) (a) Unless information on the poll list is entered electronically, the municipal clerk shall supply the inspectors with 2 copies of the most current official registration list or lists prepared under s. 6.36 (2) (a) for use as poll lists at the polling place. Except as provided in subs. (6) and (7), each eligible elector, before receiving a serial number, shall state his or her full name and address and present to the officials proof of identification. The officials shall verify that the name on the proof of identification presented by the elector conforms to the name on the poll list or separate list and shall verify that any photograph appearing on that document reasonably resembles the elector. The officials shall then require the elector to enter his or her signature on the poll list, supplemental list, or separate list maintained under par. (c) unless the elector is exempt from the signature requirement under s. 6.36 (2) (a). The officials shall verify that the name and address stated by the elector conform to the elector's name and address on the poll list.
6.79(2)(am) (am) If an elector previously signed his or her registration form or is exempt from a registration requirement and is unable, due to physical disability, to enter his or her signature at the election, the officials shall waive the signature requirement if the officials determine that the elector is unable, due to physical disability, to enter his or her signature. In this case, the officials shall enter next to the name and address of the elector on the poll, supplemental, or separate list the words “exempt by order of inspectors". If both officials do not waive the signature requirement and the elector wishes to vote, the official or officials who do not waive the requirement shall require the elector to vote by ballot and shall challenge the elector's ballot as provided in s. 6.92 and treat the ballot in the manner provided in s. 6.95. The challenged elector may then provide evidence of his or her physical disability to the board of canvassers charged with initially canvassing the returns prior to the completion of the initial canvass.
6.79(2)(b) (b) Upon the poll list, after the name of each elector, the officials shall enter a serial number for each elector in the order that votes are cast, beginning with number one.
6.79(2)(c) (c) The officials shall maintain separate lists for electors who are voting under s. 6.15, 6.29, or 6.55 (2) or (3) and electors who are reassigned from another polling place under s. 5.25 (5) (b) and shall enter the full name, address, and serial number of each of these electors on the appropriate separate list. Alternatively, if the poll list is maintained electronically, the officials may enter on the poll list the information that would otherwise appear on a separate list if the information that would be obtainable from a separate list is entered on the poll list.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2017. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?