86.303(7)(b) (b) If the county or municipality fails to conduct an independent audit when ordered to do so by the department, the aids payable during the following year shall be equal to 90 percent of the aids actually paid during the preceding year. If the department has reason to believe that the 90 percent payment will be greater than the actual payment should be, the department may itself order an independent audit and deduct the audit costs from the transportation aids paid to the county or municipality under s. 86.30 (2). Any underpayment or overpayment of aids resulting from financial reporting errors shall be rectified by adjusting aids paid in the following year.
86.303(7)(c) (c) Any municipality having a population of 2,500 or less which has submitted its financial report form may amend it prior to March 31 or prior to May 15 if a written request for extension has been received by the department of revenue. Any county or any municipality having a population over 2,500 which has submitted its financial report form may amend it prior to May 1 or prior to May 15 if a written request for extension has been received by the department of revenue. Any amendments shall be submitted to the department of revenue. Any county or municipality which desires to amend its financial report form after May 15 shall submit an independent, certified audit to the department of revenue no later than August 15.
86.303(7)(d) (d) Any county or municipality that desires to amend past-year cost reports shall submit an independent, certified audit to the department. Any county or municipality that desires to amend past-year financial report forms shall submit amendments to the department of revenue.
86.305 86.305 Eligibility for transportation aids. The restriction of access to a street under s. 66.0429 (3) may not affect the eligibility of a city to receive any state transportation aids.
86.305 History History: 1993 a. 113; 1999 a. 150 s. 672.
86.31 86.31 Local roads improvement program.
86.31(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
86.31(1)(a) (a) “County highway improvement program district" means a group of counties established by the department by rule under sub. (6) (f).
86.31(1)(am) (am) “County highway improvement program district committee" means a committee established by the department by rule under sub. (6) (f) consisting of all of the county highway commissioners from counties within a county highway improvement program district.
86.31(1)(ar) (ar) “Entitlement" means the amount of aid made available under sub. (3) for reimbursement within a county for the components specified in sub. (3) (a) 1. to 3.
86.31(1)(b) (b) “Improvement" means a highway construction project with a projected design life of at least 10 years or a feasibility study of a highway construction project with a projected design life of at least 10 years.
86.31(1)(c) (c) “Local roads" means county trunk highways, town roads, or streets under the authority of cities or villages.
86.31(1)(d) (d) “Political subdivision" means a county, city, village or town.
86.31(1)(e) (e) “Program" means the local roads improvement program.
86.31(1)(f) (f) “Street" has the meaning given in s. 340.01 (64).
86.31(2) (2)Administration.
86.31(2)(a) (a) The department shall administer a local roads improvement program to accelerate the improvement of seriously deteriorating local roads by reimbursing political subdivisions for improvements. The selection of improvements that may be funded under the program shall be performed by officials of each political subdivision, consistent with par. (h) and the requirements of subs. (3), (3g), (3m), and (3r). The department shall notify each county highway commissioner of any deadline that affects eligibility for reimbursement under the program no later than 15 days before such deadline.
86.31(2)(b) (b) Except as provided in par. (d), improvements for highway construction projects funded under the program shall be under contracts. Such contracts shall be awarded on the basis of competitive bids and shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. If a city or village does not receive a responsible bid for an improvement, the city or village may contract with a county for the improvement. Subject to s. 59.52 (30), a town may contract with a county for the improvement subject to the criteria and procedures promulgated as rules under sub. (6) (h).
86.31(2)(c) (c) Improvements consisting of feasibility studies funded under the program may be performed by political subdivisions or the department of transportation, including the making and execution of all contracts.
86.31(2)(d) (d) County trunk highway improvements funded under the program, including the hauling and laying of asphaltic hot mix, may be performed by county highway departments, subject to the following restrictions:
86.31(2)(d)1m. 1m. The county highway department demonstrates that it is cost-effective for it to perform the work and that competitive bidding is to be used for improvements with an estimated total cost at least equal to the total funds allocated for its county trunk highway improvements under the program during the current biennium.
86.31(2)(d)4. 4. Contracts for the purchase of asphaltic hot mix shall be awarded on the basis of competitive sealed bidding.
86.31(2)(d)5. 5. Each county highway improvement program district committee shall do all of the following with respect to any work to be performed by any county highway department within the county highway improvement program district:
86.31(2)(d)5.a. a. Review the proposed work and determine that it is cost-effective for the county highway department to perform the work.
86.31(2)(d)5.b. b. Approve the proposed work prior to its being performed by the county highway department.
86.31(2)(e) (e) The department of transportation may not require as a condition of reimbursement that the design and construction of any improvement with eligible costs totaling $65,000 or less be certified by a registered professional engineer.
86.31(2)(h) (h) A double seal coat project on a town road may be funded under the program if it has a projected life of at least 10 years, similar projects in the same geographic area have performed satisfactorily, and the county highway commissioner of the county in which the project is located approves the project's eligibility for funding.
86.31(3) (3)Entitlement component.
86.31(3)(a) (a) Funds provided under s. 20.395 (2) (fr) shall be distributed under this subsection. For purposes of entitlement, the program shall consist of the following components:
86.31(3)(a)1. 1. County trunk highway improvements.
86.31(3)(a)2. 2. Town road improvements.
86.31(3)(a)3. 3. City and village street improvements.
86.31(3)(b) (b) From the appropriation under s. 20.395 (2) (fr), the department shall allocate funds for entitlement as follows:
86.31(3)(b)1. 1. For county trunk highway improvements, 43 percent.
86.31(3)(b)2. 2. For town road improvements, 28.5 percent.
86.31(3)(b)3. 3. For city and village street improvements, 28.5 percent.
86.31(3)(c) (c) Entitlements for each component under this subsection will be determined by a formula and calculated for each county, except that cities and villages with a population of 20,000 or more shall receive a proportionate share of the entitlement for city and village street improvements for the applicable county. No county may receive less than 0.5 percent of the total funds allocated to counties for county trunk highway improvements under par. (b) 1.
86.31(3g) (3g)County trunk highway improvements — discretionary grants. From the appropriation under s. 20.395 (2) (ft), the department shall allocate $5,127,000 in fiscal years 2014-15 to 2016-17 and $5,393,400 in fiscal year 2017-2018 and each fiscal year thereafter, to fund county trunk highway improvements with eligible costs totaling more than $250,000. The funding of improvements under this subsection is in addition to the allocation of funds for entitlements under sub. (3).
86.31(3m) (3m)Town road improvements — discretionary grants. From the appropriation under s. 20.395 (2) (ft), the department shall allocate $5,732,500 in fiscal years 2011-12 to 2016-17 and $5,923,600 in fiscal year 2017-18 and each fiscal year thereafter, to fund town road improvements with eligible costs totaling $100,000 or more. The funding of improvements under this subsection is in addition to the allocation of funds for entitlements under sub. (3).
86.31(3r) (3r)Municipal street improvements — discretionary grants. From the appropriation under s. 20.395 (2) (ft), the department shall allocate $976,500 in fiscal years 2009-10 to 2016-17 and $3,850,400 in fiscal year 2017-18 and each fiscal year thereafter, to fund municipal street improvement projects having total estimated costs of $250,000 or more. The funding of improvements under this subsection is in addition to the allocation of funds for entitlements under sub. (3).
86.31(3t) (3t)Payments related to environmental review of local projects. Notwithstanding limitations on the amount and use of aids provided under this section, or on eligibility requirements for receiving aids under this section, and subject to any applicable interagency agreement between the department of transportation and the department of natural resources, the department of transportation may make a payment in each fiscal year to the department of natural resources to support 3.0 full-time equivalent positions in the department of natural resources related to the environmental review of local transportation projects. Notwithstanding sub. (3), any payment under this subsection shall be made from the appropriation under s. 20.395 (2) (fr) before making any other allocation of funds under sub. (3). After the department of transportation makes the payment under this subsection, the allocation of funds under sub. (3) shall be reduced proportionately to reflect the amount of the payment.
86.31(4) (4)Reimbursement for improvements. All costs of an improvement funded under this section shall be the responsibility of the political subdivision. At the completion of an improvement, the political subdivision may apply to the department for reimbursement of not more than 50 percent of eligible costs in the manner and form prescribed by the department. Eligible costs for which no reimbursement is made by the department may be paid by the political subdivision from contributions of tribal funds received from federally recognized American Indian tribes or bands in this state.
86.31(5) (5)Exceptions. Nothing in this section prevents improvements under other highway aid programs if applicable.
86.31(6) (6)Rules. The department shall promulgate rules to implement and administer the program. The rules shall include all of the following:
86.31(6)(a) (a) Criteria for county administrative responsibilities.
86.31(6)(b) (b) Reallocation of any uncommitted funds, including a procedure to reallocate uncommitted funds between counties.
86.31(6)(c) (c) Formulas and procedures for entitlements and reimbursements for each program component under sub. (3) (a) 1. to 3.
86.31(6)(d) (d) Procedures for reimbursements for county trunk highway improvements under sub. (3g), for town road improvements under sub. (3m) and for municipal street improvements under sub. (3r).
86.31(6)(e) (e) Procedures for the selection and administration of improvements.
86.31(6)(f) (f) Procedures for the establishment, administration and operation of county highway improvement program districts and county highway improvement program district committees.
86.31(6)(g) (g) Specific criteria for making determinations of cost-effectiveness under sub. (2) (d) 5. a. and procedures for review by the department of disputes relating to whether proposed work to be performed by a county highway department is cost-effective for purposes of sub. (2) (d) 5. a.
86.31(6)(h) (h) Subject to s. 59.52 (30), criteria and procedures for contracting with a county for a town road improvement that includes at least all of the following:
86.31(6)(h)1. 1. A requirement that a written and sealed estimate of the cost of the improvement that includes the source of the estimate be prepared prior to the time set for the opening of bids for the improvement and not be opened until after the opening of all bids.
86.31(6)(h)2. 2. A requirement that all bids may be rejected and the contract awarded to a county for the improvement if the lowest bid exceeds the cost estimate under subd. 1. by at least 10 percent and the town board notifies the 2 lowest bidders or, if only one bid was received, the bidder to provide information on the accuracy of the cost estimate under subd. 1.
86.31(6)(h)3. 3. A requirement that the amount of the contract with a county for the improvement be at least 10 percent below the lowest bid received for the improvement.
86.31(6)(h)4. 4. A provision that permits rebidding if the amount of the proposed contract with a county for the improvement is less than 10 percent below the lowest bid received for the improvement.
86.31(6)(i) (i) Authorization for a political subdivision to apply towards its eligible expenses for which reimbursement is not sought under sub. (4) contributions of tribal funds deriving from any source to the extent allowed under federal law.
86.31 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also ch. Trans 206, Wis. adm. code.
86.312 86.312 Local roads for job preservation program.
86.312(1)(1)In this section:
86.312(1)(a) (a) “Job" means an employment position providing full-time equivalent employment. “Job" does not include initial training before an employment position begins.
86.312(1)(b) (b) “Local roads" means streets under the authority of cities or villages, county trunk highways or town roads.
86.312(1)(c) (c) “Political subdivision" means any city, village, town or county.
86.312(1)(d) (d) “Population" means the number of inhabitants in the previous year determined by the department of administration under s. 16.96 (2) for purposes of revenue sharing distribution.
86.312(1)(e) (e) “Project" means the development, construction, repair or improvement of a local road.
86.312(2) (2)
86.312(2)(a)(a) The department shall administer a local roads for job preservation program to award grants to political subdivisions for any project that the department determines is necessary to support business and retain jobs in the vicinity of the local road. The department may award grants under this section for any costs related to a project, including costs of acquiring rights-of-way, planning, designing, engineering, and constructing a local road. The department may specify the pavement to be used in any project funded under this section for the purpose of enhancing the pavement life and cost-effectiveness of the project.
86.312(2)(b) (b) The department may, upon application, award a grant to any political subdivision under this section for a project if the secretary determines all of the following:
86.312(2)(b)1. 1. That if the project is not completed, the political subdivision could lose a number of jobs equal to or greater than 5 percent of the population of the political subdivision, or that the project is necessary to retain jobs of one or more employer who employs at least 5 percent of the work force residing in the political subdivision.
86.312(2)(b)2. 2. That the political subdivision will provide the local share required under sub. (3).
86.312(3) (3)Each political subdivision that receives a grant under this section shall provide a local contribution toward the costs of the project in an amount equal to at least 20 percent of the cost of the project.
86.312(4) (4)
86.312(4)(a)(a) Except as provided in this subsection, grants under this section may be paid from the appropriations under ss. 20.395 (2) (fb) and (fz) and 20.866 (2) (uwz). Notwithstanding par. (b), the department may pay from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (uwz) that portion of a grant that is intended to be used to acquire rights-of-way or to plan, design or engineer a project.
86.312(4)(b)1.1. Except as provided in subds. 2. and 3., the portion of any grant awarded under this section for local road construction shall be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.395 (2) (fz).
86.312(4)(b)2. 2. Except as provided in subd. 3., if the portion of any grant awarded under this section for local road construction exceeds the amount of unencumbered funds under s. 20.395 (2) (fz), the department shall pay from the appropriation under s. 20.395 (2) (fb) the amount by which that portion exceeds the unencumbered funds available in the appropriations under s. 20.395 (2) (fz).
86.312(4)(b)3. 3. If the portion of any grant awarded under this section for local road construction exceeds the amount of unencumbered funds under s. 20.395 (2) (fb) and (fz), the department shall pay from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (uwz) the amount by which that portion exceeds the unencumbered funds available in the appropriations under s. 20.395 (2) (fb) and (fz).
86.312(5) (5)Costs incurred by a city, village, town or county for a project awarded under this section are not eligible for reimbursement under s. 86.31.
86.312(6) (6)The sum of grants awarded under this section may not exceed $10,000,000.
86.312 History History: 1999 a. 146; 2001 a. 109.
86.315 86.315 County forest road aids.
86.315(1)(1)From the appropriation under s. 20.395 (1) (fu), the department shall annually, on March 10, pay to counties having county forests established under ch. 28, for the improvement of public roads within the county forests which are open and used for travel and which are not state or county trunk highways or town roads and for which no aids are paid under s. 86.30, the amount of $336 per mile of road designated in the comprehensive county forest land use plan as approved by the county board and the department of natural resources. If the amount appropriated under s. 20.395 (1) (fu) is insufficient to make the payments required under this subsection, the department shall prorate the amount appropriated in the manner it considers desirable.
86.315(2) (2)The amounts allotted under this section shall be paid into the county forest road fund and shall be administered by the committee designated to administer the county forest program for the maintenance, brush control, snow plowing and rebuilding of the roads.
86.315(3) (3)County forest roads must meet the minimum design standards under s. 82.50 (1) (a) 2. and 3. in order to qualify for aids under this section.
86.315(4) (4)
86.315(4)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b), the committee designated to administer the county forest program shall, not later than September 15 of every odd-numbered year, file with the department and the county clerk a certified plat of the county forests showing the roads to be open and used for travel as of the succeeding January 1. The certified plat shall show the mileage of the roads for use by the department in making computations of road aids under this section.
86.315(4)(b) (b) The committee designated to administer the county forest program need not file a certified plat under par. (a) if the county has not added or deleted public road mileage within the county forests as specified in sub. (1) since the committee last filed a certified plat under par. (a).
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