938.245(2)(a)8.b. b. The juvenile is alleged to have committed a delinquent act that would be a misdemeanor if committed by an adult or a civil law or ordinance violation.
938.245(2)(a)8.c. c. The juvenile admits to the intake worker, in the presence of the juvenile's parent, guardian, or legal custodian, that the juvenile committed the alleged delinquent act or civil law or ordinance violation.
938.245(2)(a)8.d. d. The juvenile has not successfully completed participation in a teen court program during the 2 years before the date of the alleged delinquent act or civil law or ordinance violation.
938.245(2)(a)9m. 9m. `Youth report center.' That the juvenile report to a youth report center after school, in the evening, on weekends, on other nonschool days, or at any other time that the juvenile is not under immediate adult supervision, for participation in the social, behavioral, academic, community service, and other programming of the center. Section 938.34 (5g) applies to any community service work performed by a juvenile under this subdivision.
938.245(2)(b) (b) No out-of-home placement; term of agreement. A deferred prosecution agreement may not include any form of out-of-home placement and may not exceed one year.
938.245(2)(c) (c) Alcohol or other drug abuse treatment; informed consent. If the deferred prosecution agreement provides for alcohol and other drug abuse outpatient treatment under par. (a) 4., the juvenile and the juvenile's parent, guardian or legal custodian shall execute an informed consent form that indicates that they are voluntarily and knowingly entering into a deferred prosecution agreement for the provision of alcohol and other drug abuse outpatient treatment.
938.245(2g) (2g)Graffiti violation. If the deferred prosecution agreement is based on an allegation that the juvenile violated s. 943.017 and the juvenile has attained 10 years of age, the agreement may require that the juvenile participate for not less than 10 hours nor more than 100 hours in a supervised work program under s. 938.34 (5g) or perform not less than 10 hours nor more than 100 hours of other community service work, except that if the juvenile has not attained 14 years of age the maximum number of hours is 40.
938.245(2v) (2v)Habitual truancy violation. If the deferred prosecution agreement is based on an allegation that the juvenile has violated a municipal ordinance enacted under s. 118.163 (2), the agreement may require that the juvenile's parent, guardian, or legal custodian attend school with the juvenile.
938.245(3) (3)Obligations in writing. The obligations imposed under a deferred prosecution agreement and its effective date shall be set forth in writing. The written agreement shall state whether the juvenile has been adopted. The intake worker shall provide a copy of the agreement and order to the juvenile, to the juvenile's parent, guardian, and legal custodian, and to any agency providing services under the agreement.
938.245(4) (4)Right to terminate or object to agreement. The intake worker shall inform the juvenile and the juvenile's parent, guardian, and legal custodian in writing of their right to terminate the deferred prosecution agreement at any time or to object at any time to the fact or terms of the agreement. If there is an objection, the intake worker may alter the terms of the agreement or request the district attorney or corporation counsel to file a petition. If the agreement is terminated the intake worker may request the district attorney or corporation counsel to file a petition.
938.245(5) (5)Termination upon request. A deferred prosecution agreement may be terminated upon the request of the juvenile, parent, guardian, or legal custodian.
938.245(6) (6)Termination if delinquency petition filed. A deferred prosecution agreement arising out of an alleged delinquent act is terminated if the district attorney files a delinquency petition within 20 days after receipt of notice of the deferred prosecution agreement under s. 938.24 (5). If a petition is filed, statements made to the intake worker during the intake inquiry are inadmissible.
938.245(7) (7)Cancellation by intake worker.
938.245(7)(a)(a) If at any time during the period of a deferred prosecution agreement the intake worker determines that the obligations imposed under it are not being met, the intake worker may cancel the agreement. Within 10 days after the agreement is cancelled, the intake worker shall notify the district attorney, corporation counsel, or other official under s. 938.09 of the cancellation and may request that a petition be filed. In delinquency cases, the district attorney may initiate a petition within 20 days after the date of the notice regardless of whether the intake worker has requested that a petition be filed. The court shall grant appropriate relief as provided in s. 938.315 (3) with respect to any petition that is not filed within the time period specified in this paragraph. Failure to object to the fact that a petition is not filed within the time period specified in this paragraph waives any challenge to the court's competency to act on the petition.
938.245(7)(b) (b) In addition to the action taken under par. (a), if the intake worker cancels a deferred prosecution agreement based on a determination that the juvenile's parent, guardian, or legal custodian is not meeting the obligations imposed under the agreement, the intake worker shall request the district attorney, corporation counsel, or other official under s. 938.09 to file a petition requesting the court to order the juvenile's parent, guardian, or legal custodian to show good cause for not meeting the obligations. If a petition under this paragraph is filed and if the court finds prosecutive merit for the petition, the court shall grant an order directing the parent, guardian, or legal custodian to show good cause, at a time and place fixed by the court, for not meeting the obligations. If the parent, guardian or legal custodian does not show good cause, the court may impose a forfeiture not to exceed $1,000.
938.245(8) (8)When obligations met. If the obligations imposed under the deferred prosecution agreement are met, the intake worker shall so inform the juvenile and a parent, guardian, and legal custodian in writing. No petition may be filed or citation issued on the charges that brought about the agreement and the charges may not be the sole basis for a petition under s. 48.13, 48.133, 48.14, 938.13, or 938.14.
938.245(9) (9)Written policies. The intake worker shall perform his or her responsibilities under this section under general written policies promulgated under s. 938.06 (1) or (2).
938.245 Annotation When a district attorney receives notice of a deferred prosecution agreement from an intake worker under s. 938.24 (5), the 20 days during which the district attorney may terminate the agreement under sub. (6) begins. When a court orders a deferred prosecution agreement under s. 938.21 (7), the intake worker need not notify the district attorney and nothing triggers a district attorney's authority to terminate the agreement under sub. (6). An order under s. 938.21 (7) dismissing a petition and referring for deferred prosecution does not require district attorney consent. The district attorney may not override the order by filing a new petition with the same charges and facts. State v. Lindsey A.F., 2002 WI App 223, 257 Wis. 2d 650, 653 N.W.2d 116, 01-0081.
938.245 AnnotationAffirmed. 2003 WI 63, 262 Wis. 2d 200, 663 N.W.2d 757, 01-0081.
938.25 938.25 Petition: authorization to file.
938.25(1)(1)Requirements; who may file. A petition initiating proceedings under this chapter shall be signed by a person who has knowledge of the facts alleged or is informed of them and believes them to be true. The district attorney shall prepare, sign, and file a petition under s. 938.12. The district attorney, corporation counsel, or other appropriate official specified under s. 938.09 may file a petition under s. 938.125 or 938.13. The counsel or guardian ad litem for a parent, relative, guardian, or juvenile may file a petition under s. 938.13 or 938.14. The district attorney, corporation counsel or other appropriate person designated by the court may initiate proceedings under s. 938.14 in a manner specified by the court.
938.25(2) (2)Time periods; referral back.
938.25(2)(a) (a) The district attorney, corporation counsel, or other appropriate official shall file the petition, close the case, or refer the case back to intake or, with notice to intake, the law enforcement agency investigating the case within 20 days after the date that the intake worker's request was filed. A referral back to intake or to the law enforcement agency investigating the case may be made only when the district attorney, corporation counsel, or other appropriate official decides not to file a petition or determines that further investigation is necessary. If the case is referred back to intake upon a decision not to file a petition, the intake worker shall close the case or enter into a deferred prosecution agreement within 20 days after the date of the referral. If the case is referred back to intake or to the law enforcement agency investigating the case for further investigation, the appropriate agency or person shall complete the investigation within 20 days after the date of the referral. If another referral is made to the district attorney, corporation counsel, or other appropriate official by intake or by the law enforcement agency investigating the case, it shall be considered a new referral to which the time limits of this subsection apply. The time periods in this paragraph may only be extended by a court upon a showing of good cause under s. 938.315. If a petition is not filed within the time periods in this paragraph and the court has not granted an extension, the petition shall be accompanied by a statement of reasons for the delay. The court shall grant appropriate relief as provided in s. 938.315 (3) with respect to a petition that is not filed within the applicable time period in this paragraph. Failure to object to the fact that a petition is not filed within the applicable time period in this paragraph waives any challenge to the court's competency to act on the petition.
938.25(2)(b) (b) In delinquency cases in which there has been a case closure or deferred prosecution agreement, the petition shall be filed within 20 days after receipt of the notice of the closure or agreement. Failure to file within those 20 days invalidates the petition and affirms the case closure or agreement, except that the court shall grant appropriate relief as provided in s. 938.315 (3) with respect to a petition that is not filed within the time period specified in this paragraph and that failure to object if a petition is not filed within that time period waives any challenge to the court's competency to act on the petition. If a petition is filed within those 20 days or the time permitted by the court under s. 938.315 (3), whichever is later, the district attorney shall notify the parties to the agreement and the intake worker of the filing as soon as possible.
938.25(2g) (2g)Indian juvenile; consultation with tribal court. If the circumstances described in s. 938.24 (2r) (a) apply, before filing a petition under s. 938.12 or 938.13 (12) the district attorney or corporation counsel shall determine whether the intake worker has received notification under s. 938.24 (2r) (b) from a tribal official that a petition relating to the alleged delinquent act has been or may be filed in tribal court. If the intake worker has received the notification or if a tribal official has provided the notification directly to the district attorney or corporation counsel, the district attorney or corporation counsel shall attempt to consult with appropriate tribal officials before filing a petition under s. 938.12 or 938.13 (12).
938.25(2m) (2m)Notice to victims if no petition filed. If a juvenile is alleged to be delinquent under s. 938.12 or to be in need of protection or services under s. 938.13 (12) and the district attorney or corporation counsel decides not to file a petition, the district attorney or corporation counsel shall make a reasonable attempt to inform the known victims of the juvenile's act that a petition will not be filed against the juvenile at that time.
938.25(3) (3)Court order for filing of petition. If the district attorney, corporation counsel, or other appropriate official under s. 938.09 refuses to file a petition, any person may request the court to order that the petition be filed and a hearing shall be held on the request. The court may order the filing of the petition on its own motion. The matter may not be heard by the court that orders the filing of a petition.
938.25(4) (4)Time period for prosecution. Section 939.74 applies to delinquency petitions filed under this chapter.
938.25(5) (5)Citation as initial pleading. A citation issued under s. 938.17 (2) may serve as the initial pleading and is sufficient to confer the court with jurisdiction over the juvenile when the citation is filed with the court.
938.25(6) (6)Temporary restraining order and injunction. If a proceeding is brought under s. 938.13, any party to or any governmental or social agency involved in the proceeding may petition the court to issue a temporary restraining order and injunction as provided in s. 813.122 or 813.125. The court shall follow the procedure under s. 813.122 or 813.125 except that the court may combine hearings authorized under s. 813.122 or 813.125 and this chapter, the petitioner for the temporary restraining order and injunction is not subject to the limitations under s. 813.122 (2) (a) or 813.125 (2) and no fee is required regarding the filing of the petition under s. 813.122 or 813.125.
938.25 Note NOTE: 2003 Wis. Act 284 contains explanatory notes.
938.25 Annotation “Good cause" under sub. (2) (a) is defined. In Interest of F.E.W. 143 Wis. 2d 856, 422 N.W.2d 893 (Ct. App. 1988).
938.25 Annotation Delinquency and waiver petitions must both be filed to bring about a waiver hearing; the trial court may not proceed with a waiver hearing when the time limits under s. 48.25 for a delinquency petition are not complied with. In Interest of Michael J.L. 174 Wis. 2d 131, 496 N.W.2d 758 (Ct. App. 1993).
938.25 Note NOTE: The above annotations cite to s. 48.25, the predecessor statute to s. 938.25.
938.25 Annotation To the extent that sub. (1) prohibits the admission of delinquency adjudications in ch. 980 proceedings, it is repealed by implication. State v. Matthew A.B., 231 Wis. 2d 688, 605 N.W.2d 598 (Ct. App. 1999), 98-0229.
938.255 938.255 Petition; form and content.
938.255(1)(1)Title and contents. A petition initiating proceedings under this chapter, other than a petition initiating proceedings under s. 938.12, 938.125, or 938.13 (12), shall be entitled, “In the interest of (juvenile's name), a person under the age of 18". A petition initiating proceedings under s. 938.12, 938.125, or 938.13 (12) shall be entitled, “In the interest of (juvenile's name), a person under the age of 17". A petition initiating proceedings under this chapter shall specify all of the following:
938.255(1)(a) (a) The name, birth date, and address of the juvenile and whether the juvenile has been adopted.
938.255(1)(b) (b) The names and addresses of the juvenile's parent, guardian, legal custodian or spouse, if any; or if no such person can be identified, the name and address of the nearest relative.
938.255(1)(c) (c) Whether the juvenile is in custody and, if so, the place where the juvenile is being held and the time he or she was taken into custody unless there is reasonable cause to believe that such disclosures would result in imminent danger to the juvenile or physical custodian.
938.255(1)(cg) (cg) If the petition is initiating proceedings under s. 938.13 (4), (6), (6m), or (7), the information required under s. 822.29 (1).
938.255(1)(cm) (cm) If the petition is initiating proceedings under s. 938.13 (4), (6), (6m), or (7), whether the juvenile may be subject to the federal Indian Child Welfare Act, 25 USC 1901 to 1963, and, if the juvenile may be subject to that act, the names and addresses of the juvenile's Indian custodian, if any, and Indian tribe, if known.
938.255(1)(cr)1.1. If the petition is initiating proceedings under s. 938.12 or 938.13 (12) and all of the following circumstances apply, a statement to that effect:
938.255(1)(cr)1.a. a. The juvenile is an Indian juvenile.
938.255(1)(cr)1.b. b. At the time of the alleged delinquent act, the juvenile was under an order of a tribal court, other than a tribal court order relating to adoption, physical placement or visitation with the juvenile's parent, or permanent guardianship.
938.255(1)(cr)1.c. c. At the time of the delinquent act the juvenile was physically outside the boundaries of the reservation of the Indian tribe of the tribal court and any off-reservation trust land of either that Indian tribe or a member of that Indian tribe as a direct consequence of a tribal court order under subd. 1. b., including a tribal court order placing the juvenile in the home of a relative of the juvenile who on or after the date of the tribal court order resides physically outside the boundaries of a reservation and off-reservation trust land.
938.255(1)(cr)2. 2. If the statement under subd. 1. is included in the petition and if the intake worker, district attorney, or corporation counsel has been notified by an official of the Indian tribe that a petition relating to the delinquent act has been or may be filed in tribal court with respect to the alleged delinquent act, a statement to that effect.
938.255(1)(d) (d) If violation of a criminal statute, an ordinance or another law is alleged, the citation to the appropriate law or ordinance as well as facts sufficient to establish probable cause that an offense has been committed and that the juvenile named in the petition committed the offense.
938.255(1)(e) (e) If the juvenile is alleged to come within the provisions of s. 938.13 (4), (6), (6m), (7) or (14) or 938.14, reliable and credible information which forms the basis of the allegations necessary to invoke the jurisdiction of the court and to provide reasonable notice of the conduct or circumstances to be considered by the court together with a statement that the juvenile is in need of supervision, services, care or rehabilitation.
938.255(1)(f) (f) If the juvenile is being held in custody outside of his or her home, reliable and credible information showing that continued placement of the juvenile in his or her home would be contrary to the welfare of the juvenile and, unless any of the circumstances specified in s. 938.355 (2d) (b) 1. to 4. applies, reliable and credible information showing that the person who took the juvenile into custody and the intake worker have made reasonable efforts to prevent the removal of the juvenile from the home, while assuring that the juvenile's health and safety are the paramount concerns, and to make it possible for the juvenile to return safely home.
938.255(1)(g) (g) If the petitioner knows or has reason to know that the juvenile is an Indian juvenile, if the juvenile is alleged to come within the provisions of s. 938.13 (4), (6), (6m), or (7), and if the juvenile has been removed from the home of his or her parent or Indian custodian, reliable and credible information showing that continued custody of the juvenile by the juvenile's parent or Indian custodian is likely to result in serious emotional or physical damage to the juvenile under s. 938.028 (4) (d) 1. and reliable and credible information showing that active efforts under s. 938.028 (4) (d) 2. have been made to prevent the breakup of the Indian juvenile's family and that those efforts have proved unsuccessful. The petition shall set forth with specificity both the information required under this paragraph and the information required under par. (f).
938.255(2) (2)Facts not known. If any of the facts in sub. (1) (a) to (cr), (f), and (g) are not known or cannot be ascertained by the petitioner, the petition shall so state.
938.255(3) (3)If certain information not stated. If the information required under sub. (1) (d) or (e) is not stated the petition shall be amended under s. 938.263 (2) or dismissed.
938.255(4) (4)Copy to juvenile, parents, and others. A copy of the petition shall be given to the juvenile and to the parents, guardian, legal custodian and physical custodian. If the juvenile is an Indian juvenile who is alleged to come within the provisions of s. 938.13 (4), (6), (6m), or (7), and who has been removed from the home of his or her parent or Indian custodian, a copy of the petition shall also be given to the Indian juvenile's Indian custodian and tribe.
938.255 History History: 1995 a. 77, 352; 2001 a. 109; 2003 a. 284; 2005 a. 344; 2009 a. 94; 2015 a. 373, 381; s. 35.17 correction in (2) (title).
938.255 Note NOTE: 2003 Wis. Act 284 contains explanatory notes.
938.263 938.263 Amendment of petition.
938.263(1)(1)To cure defect. Except as provided in s. 938.255 (3), no petition, process or other proceeding may be dismissed or reversed for any error or mistake if the case and the identity of the juvenile named in the petition may be readily understood by the court; and the court may order an amendment curing the defects.
938.263(2) (2)Before or after plea. With reasonable notification to the interested parties and prior to the taking of a plea under s. 938.30, the petition may be amended at the discretion of the court or person who filed the petition. After the taking of a plea, the court may allow amendment of the petition to conform to the proof if the amendment is not prejudicial to the juvenile.
938.263 History History: 1995 a. 77; 2005 a. 344.
938.263 Annotation Sub. (2) did not authorize the trial court to sua sponte and without notice amend a juvenile petition charge to disorderly conduct and make a finding of guilt thereon after finding the juvenile not guilty of battery. The court's action unfairly prejudiced the juvenile's statutory and due process rights. State v. Tawanna H., 223 Wis. 2d 572, 590 N.W.2d 276 (Ct. App. 1998), 98-1404.
938.265 938.265 Consultation with victims. In a case in which the juvenile is alleged to be delinquent under s. 938.12 or to be in need of protection or services under s. 938.13 (12), the district attorney or corporation counsel shall, as soon as practicable but before the plea hearing under s. 938.30, offer all of the victims of the juvenile's alleged act who have so requested an opportunity to confer with the district attorney or corporation counsel concerning the possible outcomes of the proceeding against the juvenile, including potential plea agreements and recommendations that the district attorney or corporation counsel may make concerning dispositions under s. 938.34 or 938.345. The duty to offer an opportunity to confer under this section does not limit the obligation of the district attorney or corporation counsel to exercise his or her discretion concerning the handling of the proceeding against the juvenile.
938.265 History History: 1997 a. 181; 2005 a. 344.
938.27 938.27 Notice; summons.
938.27(1)(1)Summons; when issued. After a citation is issued or a petition has been filed relating to facts concerning a situation specified under s. 938.12, 938.125 or 938.13, unless the parties under sub. (3) voluntarily appear, the court may issue a summons requiring the parent, guardian and legal custodian of the juvenile to appear personally at any hearing involving the juvenile, and, if the court so orders, to bring the juvenile before the court at a time and place stated.
938.27(2) (2)Summons; necessary persons. Summons may be issued requiring the appearance of any other person whose presence, in the opinion of the court, is necessary.
938.27(3) (3)Notice of hearings.
938.27(3)(a)1.1. The court shall notify, under s. 938.273, the juvenile, any parent, guardian, and legal custodian of the juvenile, any foster parent or other physical custodian described in s. 48.62 (2) of the juvenile, and any person specified in par. (b) or (d), if applicable, of all hearings involving the juvenile under this subchapter, except hearings on motions for which notice must be provided only to the juvenile and his or her counsel. If parents entitled to notice have the same place of residence, notice to one constitutes notice to the other. The first notice to any interested party, foster parent, or other physical custodian described in s. 48.62 (2) shall be in writing and may have a copy of the petition attached to it. Notices of subsequent hearings may be given by telephone at least 72 hours before the time of the hearing. The person giving telephone notice shall place in the case file a signed statement of the date and time notice was given and the person to whom he or she spoke.
938.27(3)(a)1m. 1m. The court shall give a foster parent or other physical custodian described in s. 48.62 (2) who is notified of a hearing under subd. 1. a right to be heard at the hearing by permitting the foster parent or other physical custodian to make a written or oral statement during the hearing, or to submit a written statement prior to the hearing, relevant to the issues to be determined at the hearing. A foster parent or other physical custodian described in s. 48.62 (2) who receives a notice of a hearing under subd. 1. and a right to be heard under this subdivision does not become a party to the proceeding on which the hearing is held solely on the basis of receiving that notice and right to be heard.
938.27(3)(a)2. 2. Failure to give notice under subd. 1. to a foster parent or other physical custodian described in s. 48.62 (2) does not deprive the court of jurisdiction in the action or proceeding. If a foster parent or other physical custodian described in s. 48.62 (2) is not given notice of a hearing under subd. 1., that person may request a rehearing on the matter during the pendency of an order resulting from the hearing. If the request is made, the court shall order a rehearing.
938.27(3)(b)1.1. Except as provided in subd. 2., if the petition that was filed relates to facts concerning a situation under s. 938.13 and if the juvenile is a nonmarital child who is not adopted or whose parents do not subsequently intermarry as provided under s. 767.803 and if paternity has not been established, the court shall notify, under s. 938.273, all of the following persons:
938.27(3)(b)1.a. a. A person who has filed a declaration of paternal interest under s. 48.025.
938.27(3)(b)1.b. b. A person alleged to the court to be the father of the juvenile or who may, based on the statements of the mother or other information presented to the court, be the father of the juvenile.
938.27(3)(b)2. 2. A court is not required to provide notice, under subd. 1., to any person who may be the father of a juvenile conceived as a result of a sexual assault if a physician attests to his or her belief that there was a sexual assault of the juvenile's mother that may have resulted in the juvenile's conception.
938.27(3)(d) (d) If the petition that was filed relates to facts concerning a situation under s. 938.13 (4), (6), (6m), or (7) involving an Indian juvenile who has been removed from the home of his or her parent or Indian custodian, the court shall notify, under s. 938.273, the Indian juvenile's Indian custodian and tribe and that Indian custodian or tribe may intervene at any point in the proceeding.
938.27(4) (4)Contents of notice. The notice shall:
938.27(4)(a) (a) Contain the name of the juvenile, and the nature, location, date and time of the hearing.
938.27(4)(b) (b) Advise the juvenile and any other party, if applicable, of his or her right to legal counsel regardless of ability to pay.
938.27(4m) (4m)Notice to victims. The district attorney or corporation counsel shall make a reasonable attempt to contact any known victim or alleged victim of a juvenile's act or alleged act to inform them of the right to receive notice of any hearing under this chapter involving the juvenile. If a victim or alleged victim indicates that he or she wishes to receive that notice, the district attorney or corporation counsel shall make a reasonable attempt to notify, under s. 938.273, that victim or alleged victim of any hearing under this chapter involving the juvenile. Failure to comply with this subsection is not a ground for an appeal of a judgment or dispositional order or for any court to reverse or modify a judgment or dispositional order.
938.27(5) (5)Notice to biological fathers. Subject to sub. (3) (b), the court shall make reasonable efforts to identify and notify any person who has filed a declaration of paternal interest under s. 48.025, any person conclusively determined from genetic test results to be the father under s. 767.804 (1), any person who has acknowledged paternity of the child under s. 767.805 (1), and any person who has been adjudged to be the father of the juvenile in a judicial proceeding unless the person's parental rights have been terminated.
938.27(6) (6)Interstate compact proceedings; notice and summons. When a proceeding is initiated under s. 938.14, all interested parties shall receive notice and appropriate summons shall be issued in a manner specified by the court. If the juvenile who is the subject of the proceeding is in the care of a foster parent or other physical custodian described in s. 48.62 (2), the court shall give the foster parent or other physical custodian notice and a right to be heard as provided in sub. (3) (a).
938.27(7) (7)Citations as notice. When a citation has been issued under s. 938.17 (2) and the juvenile's parent, guardian and legal custodian have been notified of the citation, subs. (3) and (4) do not apply.
938.27(8) (8)Reimburse legal counsel costs in certain cases; notice. When a petition is filed under s. 938.12 or 938.13, the court shall notify, in writing, the juvenile's parents or guardian that they may be ordered to reimburse this state or the county for the costs of legal counsel provided for the juvenile, as provided under s. 938.275 (2).
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