196.374(5)(c) (c) Accounting. The commission may prescribe the accounting treatment of energy utility expenditures required under this section, including the use of any escrow accounting.
196.374(5)(d) (d) Equitable contributions. Subject to pars. (b) and (bm) 2., the commission shall ensure that the cost of energy efficiency and renewable resource programs is equitably divided among customer classes so that similarly situated ratepayers contribute equivalent amounts for the programs.
196.374(5m) (5m) Benefit and grant opportunities.
196.374(5m)(a) (a) The commission shall ensure that, on an annual basis, each customer class of an energy utility has the opportunity to receive grants and benefits under energy efficiency programs in an amount equal to the amount that is recovered from the customer class under sub. (5) (a). Biennially, the commission shall submit a report to the governor, and the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for distribution to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2), that summarizes the total amount recovered from each customer class and the total amount of grants made to, and benefits received by, each customer class.
196.374(5m)(b) (b) The commission shall ensure that customers throughout the state have an equivalent opportunity to receive the benefits of the programs under sub. (2) (a) 1. and (b) 1. The commission shall ensure that statewide programs are designed to ensure that retail customers in areas not served by programs under sub. (2) (b) 1. receive equivalent opportunities as those in areas served by programs under sub. (2) (b) 1.
196.374(6) (6) Annual statements. Annually, the commission shall prepare a statement that describes the programs under sub. (2) (a) 1., (b) 1. and 2., and (c), and ordered programs, administered or funded by the energy utility and presents cost and benefit information for those programs. An energy utility shall provide each of its customers with a copy of the statement.
196.374(7) (7) Municipal utilities and retail electric cooperatives.
196.374(7)(a)(a) Requirement to charge fees.
196.374(7)(a)1.1. Each retail electric cooperative and municipal utility shall charge a monthly fee to each customer or member in an amount that is sufficient for the retail electric cooperative or municipal utility to collect an annual average of $8 per meter. A retail electric cooperative or municipal utility may determine the amount that a particular class of customers or members is required to pay under this subdivision and may charge different fees to different classes of customers or members.
196.374(7)(a)2. 2. Notwithstanding subd. 1., in any month, the monthly fee under subd. 1. may not exceed 1.5 percent of the total of every other charge for which the member or customer is billed for that month or $375 per month, whichever is less.
196.374(7)(b) (b) Commitment to community programs.
196.374(7)(b)1.1. Except as provided in subd. 2., each retail electric cooperative and municipal utility shall spend the fees that it charges under par. (a) on commitment to community programs. The purpose of the programs under this paragraph shall be to help achieve environmentally sound and adequate energy supplies at reasonable cost.
196.374(7)(b)2. 2. No later than October 1, 2007, and no later than every 3rd year after that date, each municipal utility or retail electric cooperative shall notify the commission whether it has elected to contribute the fees that it charges under par. (a) to statewide programs established under sub. (2) (a) 1. in each year of the 3-year period for which it has made the election. If a municipal utility or retail electric cooperative elects to contribute to the statewide programs established under sub. (2) (a) 1., the utility or cooperative shall contribute the fees that it collects under par. (a) to the payment of contracts under sub. (2) (a) 1. for administration of the statewide programs, as specified in the rules under sub. (3) (f) 1., in each year of the 3-year period for which the utility or cooperative has made the election.
196.374(7)(c) (c) Wholesale supplier credit. If a wholesale supplier has established an energy efficiency or load management program, a municipal utility or retail electric cooperative that is a customer or member of the wholesale supplier may include an amount equal to the product of the municipal utility's or retail electric cooperative's wholesale supply percentage and the amount that the wholesale supplier has spent on energy efficiency or load management programs in a year in calculating the amount that the municipal utility or retail electric cooperative has spent on commitment to community programs under par. (b).
196.374(7)(d) (d) Joint programs. Municipal utilities or retail electric cooperatives may establish joint commitment to community programs, except that each municipal utility or retail electric cooperative that participates in a joint program shall comply with the spending requirements under par. (b).
196.374(7)(e) (e) Reports.
196.374(7)(e)1.1. Annually, each municipal utility and retail electric cooperative that spends the fee that it charges under par. (a) for commitment to community programs under par. (b) shall provide for an independent audit of its programs and submit a report to the commission that describes all of the following:
196.374(7)(e)1.a. a. An accounting of fees charged to customers or members under par. (a) in the year and expenditures on commitment to community programs under par. (b), including any amounts included in the municipal utility's or retail electric cooperative's calculations under par. (c).
196.374(7)(e)1.b. b. A description of commitment to community programs established by the municipal utility or retail electric cooperative in the year.
196.374(7)(e)1.c. c. The effectiveness of the commitment to community programs in reducing demand for electricity by customers or members.
196.374(7)(e)1.d. d. The results of audits under this subdivision.
196.374(7)(e)2. 2. The commission shall require that municipal utilities and retail electric cooperatives file reports under subd. 1. electronically, in a format that allows for tabulation, comparison, and other analysis of the reports.
196.374(7)(e)3. 3. The commission shall maintain reports filed under subd. 1. for at least 6 years.
196.374(8) (8) Compliance. An energy utility that spends the full amount required under sub. (3) (b) 2. in any year is considered to have satisfied its requirements under this section for that year.
196.374 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also ch. PSC 137, Wis. adm. code.
196.375 196.375 Adequate service; reasonable rates. Upon complaint by any party affected, setting forth that any grantee of a permit to develop hydraulic power and generate hydroelectric energy for sale or service to the public is not furnishing consumers of this state with adequate service at a reasonable rate as a result of sales of the energy outside of the state, the commission may declare any or all contracts entered into by the grantee for the sales null and void insofar as the contracts interfere with the service or rate. The commission may not make a declaration under this section except after a hearing and investigation and a recorded finding that convenience and necessity require the sale of a specified part or all such energy within this state.
196.375 History History: 1983 a. 53.
196.377 196.377 Renewable energy sources.
196.377(1)(1)Promotion of renewable energy systems. The commission shall encourage public utilities to develop and demonstrate electric generating technologies that utilize renewable sources of energy, including new, innovative or experimental technologies. The commission may ensure that a public utility fully recovers the cost of developing, constructing and operating such demonstrations through rates charged to customers of the utility.
196.377(2) (2) Eastern Wisconsin utilities.
196.377(2)(a)(a) In this subsection:
196.377(2)(a)1. 1. “Eastern Wisconsin utility" means a public utility, other than a municipal utility that, on May 12, 1998, provided retail electric service to customers in the geographic area of the state that was served by the reliability council on that date.
196.377(2)(a)2. 2. “Municipality" means a city, town or village.
196.377(2)(a)3. 3. “Municipal utility" means a public utility that is a municipality or that is wholly owned or operated by a municipality.
196.377(2)(a)4. 4. “Reliability council" means the Mid-America Interconnected Network, Inc., reliability council of the North American Electric Reliability Council.
196.377(2)(b) (b) Except as provided in par. (d), no later than December 31, 2000, each eastern Wisconsin utility shall construct or procure, on a competitive basis, the construction of an aggregate total of 50 megawatts of new electric capacity in this state that is, to the satisfaction of the commission, generated from renewable energy sources. Each eastern Wisconsin utility shall construct or procure the construction of a share of the aggregate total required under this paragraph that corresponds to the utility's share, as determined by the commission, of the aggregate demand for electricity that is supplied by the utilities in this state.
196.377(2)(c) (c) An eastern Wisconsin utility may procure the construction required under par. (a) by issuing requests for proposals no later than September 30, 1998.
196.377(2)(d) (d) The commission may allow an eastern Wisconsin utility to comply with the requirements under par. (b) by a date that is later than December 31, 2000, if the commission determines that the later date is necessary due to circumstances beyond the utility's control.
196.377(2)(e) (e) Any new electric capacity that is generated from a wind power project for which an eastern Wisconsin utility has received a proposal before May 12, 1998, may be counted in determining whether the utility has satisfied the requirements under par. (b).
196.377(2)(f) (f) The commission shall allow an eastern Wisconsin utility to recover in its retail electric rates any costs that are prudently incurred by the utility in complying with the requirements under par. (b).
196.377 History History: 1993 a. 418; 1997 a. 204.
196.378 196.378 Renewable resources.
196.378(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
196.378(1)(ag) (ag) “Baseline renewable percentage" means the average of an energy provider's renewable energy percentage for 2001, 2002, and 2003.
196.378(1)(am) (am) “Biomass cofired facility" means a renewable facility in which biomass and conventional resources are fired together.
196.378(1)(ar) (ar) “Biomass" means a resource that derives energy from wood or plant material or residue, biological waste, crops grown for use as a resource or landfill gases. “Biomass" does not include garbage, as defined in s. 289.01 (9), or nonvegetation-based industrial, commercial or household waste, except that “biomass" includes refuse-derived fuel used for a renewable facility that was in service before January 1, 1998.
196.378(1)(b) (b) “Conventional resource" means a resource that derives energy from coal, oil, nuclear power or natural gas, except for natural gas used in a fuel cell.
196.378(1)(c) (c) “Electric provider" means an electric utility or retail electric cooperative.
196.378(1)(d) (d) “Electric utility" means a public utility that sells electricity at retail. For purposes of this paragraph, a public utility is not considered to sell electricity at retail solely on the basis of its ownership or operation of a retail electric distribution system.
196.378(1)(dm) (dm) “Large hydroelectric facility" means an electric generating facility with a capacity of 60 megawatts or more that derives electricity from hydroelectric power.
196.378(1)(fg) (fg) “Renewable energy" means electricity derived from a renewable resource.
196.378(1)(fm) (fm) “Renewable energy percentage" means, with respect to an electric provider for a particular year, the percentage that results from dividing the sum of the megawatt hours represented by the following by the total amount of electricity that the electric provider sold to retail customers or members in that year:
196.378(1)(fm)1. 1. The renewable resource credits created from the electric provider's total renewable energy in that year.
196.378(1)(fm)2. 2. Any renewable resource credits in addition to the renewable resource credits specified in subd. 1. that the electric provider elects to use in that year.
196.378(1)(fr) (fr) “Renewable energy supplier" means a person from whom an electric provider purchases renewable energy at wholesale.
196.378(1)(g) (g) “Renewable facility" means an installed and operational electric generating facility, located in or outside this state, that generates renewable energy.
196.378(1)(h) (h) “Renewable resource" means any of the following:
196.378(1)(h)1. 1. A resource that derives electricity from any of the following:
196.378(1)(h)1.a. a. A fuel cell that uses, as determined by the commission, a renewable fuel.
196.378(1)(h)1.b. b. Tidal or wave action.
196.378(1)(h)1.c. c. Solar thermal electric or photovoltaic energy.
196.378(1)(h)1.d. d. Wind power.
196.378(1)(h)1.e. e. Geothermal technology.
196.378(1)(h)1.g. g. Biomass.
196.378(1)(h)1.h. h. Synthetic gas created by the plasma gasification of waste.
196.378(1)(h)1.i. i. Densified fuel pellets made from waste material that does not include garbage, as defined in s. 289.01 (9), and that contains no more than 30 percent fixed carbon.
196.378(1)(h)1.j. j. Fuel produced by pyrolysis of organic or waste material.
196.378(1)(h)1.k. k. Heat that is a byproduct of a manufacturing process.
196.378(1)(h)1m. 1m. A resource that derives electricity from hydroelectric power.
196.378(1)(h)2. 2. Any other resource, except a conventional resource, that the commission designates as a renewable resource in rules promulgated under sub. (4).
196.378(1)(i) (i) “Renewable resource credit" means a credit calculated in accordance with rules promulgated under sub. (3) (a) 1., 1m., and 2.
196.378(1)(j) (j) “Resource" means a source of energy used to generate electric power.
196.378(1)(k) (k) “Retail electric cooperative" means a cooperative association organized under ch. 185 that sells electricity at retail to its members only. For purposes of this paragraph, a cooperative association is not considered to sell electricity at retail solely on the basis of its ownership or operation of a retail electric distribution system.
196.378(1)(m) (m) “Small hydroelectric facility" means an electric generating facility with a capacity of less than 60 megawatts that derives electricity from hydroelectric power.
196.378(1)(o) (o) “Total renewable energy" means the total amount of renewable energy that the electric provider sold to its customers or members in a year. “Total renewable energy" does not include any energy that is used to comply with the renewable energy requirements of another state. “Total renewable energy" includes all of the following:
196.378(1)(o)1. 1. Renewable energy supplied by a renewable facility owned or operated by an affiliated interest or wholesale supplier of an electric provider and allocated to the electric provider under an agreement between the electric provider and the affiliated interest or wholesale supplier.
196.378(1)(o)2. 2. Renewable energy purchased by an affiliated interest or wholesale supplier of an electric provider from a renewable facility that is not owned or operated by the affiliated interest or wholesale supplier, which renewable energy is allocated to the electric provider under an agreement between the electric provider and the affiliated interest or wholesale supplier.
196.378(1)(p) (p) “Wholesale supplier" has the meaning given in s. 16.957 (1) (w).
196.378(2) (2) Renewable resource energy.
196.378(2)(a)1.1. No later than June 1, 2016, the commission shall prepare a report stating whether, by December 31, 2015, the state has met a goal of 10 percent of all electric energy consumed in the state being renewable energy. If the goal has not been achieved, the report shall indicate why the goal was not achieved and how it may be achieved, and the commission shall prepare similar reports biennially thereafter until the goal is achieved. The commission shall submit reports under this subdivision to the governor and chief clerk of each house of the legislature for distribution to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2).
196.378(2)(a)2. 2. Except as provided in pars. (e), (f), and (g):
196.378(2)(a)2.a. a. For the years 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009, each electric provider may not decrease its renewable energy percentage below the electric provider's baseline renewable percentage.
196.378(2)(a)2.b. b. For the year 2010, each electric provider shall increase its renewable energy percentage so that it is at least 2 percentage points above the electric provider's baseline renewable percentage.
196.378(2)(a)2.c. c. For the years 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014, each electric provider may not decrease its renewable energy percentage below the electric provider's renewable energy percentage required under subd. 2. b.
196.378(2)(a)2.d. d. Except as provided in subd. 2. f., for the year 2015, each electric provider shall increase its renewable energy percentage so that it is at least 6 percentage points above the electric provider's baseline renewable percentage.
196.378(2)(a)2.e. e. Except as provided in subd. 2. f., for each year after 2015, each electric provider may not decrease its renewable energy percentage below the electric provider's renewable energy percentage required under subd. 2. d.
196.378(2)(a)2.f. f. If an electric provider has a baseline renewable percentage that exceeds 12 percent and a renewable energy percentage that exceeds 14 percent for the year 2014, the electric provider shall maintain its renewable energy percentage in the years 2015 and thereafter at a level that is at least 2 percentage points above its baseline renewable percentage.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2021. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?