23.09(3)(a)(a) The department shall cooperate with the several state departments and officials in the conduct of matters in which the interests of the respective departments or officials overlap. The cooperating agencies may provide by agreement for the manner of sharing expenses and responsibilities under this paragraph.
23.09(3)(b)(b) If the department and the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System enter into an agreement to create a faculty position at the University of Wisconsin-Madison for a forest landscape ecologist, the department and the University of Wisconsin-Madison shall develop an annual work plan for the ecologist. In developing the annual work plan, the department shall consult with the council on forestry.
23.09(4)(4)Rescues, emergencies and disasters. The department may on its own motion and shall, when so directed by the governor, assist other state, county, and local governmental agencies or do all things reasonably necessary in the rescue of persons lost in the forests of the state, or who may be otherwise in danger of loss of life, in the recovery of the bodies of drowned persons, and in cases of emergency or disaster, by assigning equipment and employees of the department to such rescue, recovery, emergency, and disaster relief missions.
23.09(6)(6)Interpretation, limitations. This section shall not be construed as authorizing the department to change any penalty for violating any game law or regulation, or change the amount of any license established by the legislature, or to extend any open season or bag limit on migratory birds prescribed by federal law or regulations, or to contract any indebtedness or obligation beyond the appropriations made by the legislature.
23.09(7)(7)Penalties. Any person violating any rule of the department under this chapter shall forfeit not more than $100.
23.09(8)(8)Ways to waters. The county board of any county may condemn a right-of-way for any public highway to any navigable stream, lake or other navigable waters. Such right-of-way shall be not less than 60 feet in width, and may be condemned in the manner provided by ch. 32; but the legality or constitutionality of this provision shall in nowise affect the legality or constitutionality of the rest of this section.
23.09(10)(10)Conservation easements and rights in property. Confirming all the powers hereinabove granted to the department and in furtherance thereof, the department may acquire any and all easements in the furtherance of public rights, including the right of access and use of lands and waters for hunting and fishing and the enjoyment of scenic beauty, together with the right to acquire all negative easements, restrictive covenants, covenants running with the land, and all rights for use of property of any nature whatsoever, however denominated, which may be lawfully acquired for the benefit of the public. The department also may grant leases and easements to properties and other lands under its management and control under such covenants as will preserve and protect such properties and lands for the purposes for which they were acquired.
23.09(11)(11)Aids to counties for the development of recreation facilities.
23.09(11)(a)(a) The county board of any county which, by resolution, indicates its desire to develop outdoor recreation facilities on county lands entered under s. 28.11 may make application to the department for the apportionment of funds for state aids to counties for such purposes.
23.09(11)(b)(b) In this subsection, “outdoor recreational facilities” includes picnic and camping grounds, hiking trails, trail-side campsites and shelters, cross-country ski trails, bridle trails, nature trails, snowmobile trails and areas, beaches and bath houses, toilets, shelters, wells and pumps, and fireplaces. Costs associated with the operation and maintenance of recreational facilities are not eligible for aids under this section. Costs associated with the development of facilities for spectator sports are not eligible for aids under this section.
23.09(11)(c)(c) The state aids granted under this section shall be no greater than but may be less than one-half the cost of such project as determined by the department.
23.09(11)(d)(d) Applications shall be made in the manner and on forms prescribed by the department. The department shall thereupon make such investigations as it deems necessary to satisfy itself that the project will best serve the public interest and need. Upon approval of the project the department shall encumber a sum not more than one-half of the cost estimate of such project. When the project is completed, the department shall pay to the county not more than one-half the actual cost of such project. The department may inform itself and require any necessary evidence from the county to substantiate the cost before payment is made.
23.09(11)(e)(e) The department in making its deliberations shall give careful consideration to whether or not the proposal is an integral part of an official comprehensive land and water use plan for the area as well as the relationship of the project to similar projects on other public lands. If requests for state aids exceed the funds allotted to the department for this program, those requests which form an integral part of a comprehensive plan shall be given first priority.
23.09(11)(f)(f) Recreation facilities developed under the assistance of this section shall not be converted to uses which are inconsistent with the purposes of this section without the approval of the department. The department shall not issue such approval unless there is evidence that such other uses are essential to and in accordance with an official comprehensive plan for the area. The department shall require that the proceeds from the disposal of facilities developed under this section shall be used to further the objectives of this section.
23.09 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. NR 50, Wis. adm. code.
23.09(12)(12)County fish and game projects.
23.09(12)(a)(a) The county board of any county which, by resolution, indicates its desire to plan and carry out a program of coordinated fish management projects or game management projects may make application to the department for the allocation and apportionment of funds for state aids appropriated for such purposes by s. 20.370 (5) (ar).
23.09(12)(b)(b) Fish management projects and game management projects include but are not limited because of enumeration to: game food seeding; browse improvement cutting; prescribed burning for game habitat improvement; creating game cover brush piles; creation of impoundments, construction, nature trails; game and fish habitat creation or improvement; lake, stream and spring pond rehabilitation and improvement; construction of fish shelters; stream side fencing; rough fish control; and other approved fish and game management projects.
23.09(12)(c)(c) State aid under this subsection to any county shall be distributed by the department according to the procedures adopted by the natural resources board. State aid granted to any county under this subsection shall be matched by the county and the state’s share may not exceed one-half of the actual cost of the project. Personnel, equipment and materials furnished by the county may be included in computing the county share contribution.
23.09(12)(d)(d) Application shall be made in the manner and on forms prescribed by the department. The department shall make such investigations as it deems necessary to satisfy itself that the project will best serve the public interest and need and shall also consider the relationship of the project to similar projects on other public lands. Upon approval of the project the department shall encumber a sum not more than one-half of the cost estimate of such project. The department may inform itself and require any necessary evidence from the county to substantiate the cost before payment is made.
23.09(12)(e)(e) Recreation facilities developed under the assistance of this subsection shall not be converted to uses which are inconsistent with the purposes of this subsection without the approval of the department. The department shall require that the proceeds from the disposal of facilities developed under this subsection shall be used to further the objectives of this subsection.
23.09(12)(f)(f) Any county may cooperate with and participate in approved projects in any other county under this subsection.
23.09 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. NR 50, Wis. adm. code.
23.09(13)(13)Bong Air Base. The department may acquire by gift, purchase or otherwise the federally-owned lands, improvements and appurtenances thereto within the Bong Air Base in Kenosha County which may be disposed of by the federal government to be used by the department for any of the purposes in sub. (2) (d). The department may establish zones within the boundaries of the Bong air base which offer a wide range of variable opportunities for active outdoor recreation consistent with sub. (2) (d) and may promulgate rules to control the activities within the zones.
23.09(15)(15)Fees for hunting pheasants on department land. If the department requires payment of a fee in order to hunt pheasants on land under its management and control, all of those fees shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.370 (1) (hw).
23.09(17m)(17m)Grants to counties for the development of wildlife habitat on county forests.
23.09(17m)(a)(a) The county board of any county, which by resolution indicates its desire to improve the natural environment for wildlife on county lands entered under s. 28.11, may make application to the department for the allocation of funds appropriated for such purposes by s. 20.370 (5) (as).
23.09(17m)(b)(b) The annual allocation for each county shall not exceed 10 cents for each acre entered under s. 28.11, but any funds remaining from the appropriation made by s. 20.370 (5) (as) and unallocated to the counties on March 31 of each year may be allotted to any county in an amount not to exceed an additional 10 cents per acre under the procedure established in this subsection. These aids shall be used to undertake wildlife management activities provided in the comprehensive county forest land use plan and included in the annual work plan and budget.
23.09(17m)(c)(c) Wildlife management operations shall be limited to approved projects designed to benefit wildlife and the natural environment.
23.09(17m)(d)(d) Application shall be made as part of the comprehensive county forest land use plan prepared under s. 28.11. Before approving the plan, the department shall investigate all project proposals to make certain that the project is feasible, desirable and consistent with the plan. If the department approves the plan, the department shall pay the aids to the wildlife management fund account of the county. The county’s wildlife management fund shall be a nonlapsing account except as provided in pars. (h) and (hg).
23.09(17m)(f)(f) Completion of such projects authorized by the department shall be certified by a representative of the department. All records of receipts and expenditures from the county wildlife management fund account shall be available to the department for inspection and audit at any time.
23.09(17m)(g)(g) Any unauthorized expenditures from the county wildlife management fund account shall be restored to such fund upon demand by the department and if not restored shall become a charge against the county and the secretary of state shall include such unpaid sums in the state tax levy of the respective counties in subsequent years.
23.09(17m)(h)(h) If the amount of the unencumbered balance in a county’s wildlife management fund account exceeds either of the following, the department may demand that the county repay the excess amount to the department:
23.09(17m)(h)1.1. The amount that is equal to the sum of the allocations received by the county for the 3 previous years.
23.09(17m)(h)2.2. The amount, as determined by the department, that is required for the purposes of this subsection.
23.09(17m)(hg)(hg) If the unencumbered balance in a county’s wildlife management fund exceeds both of the amounts specified in par. (h) 1. and 2., the department may demand that the county repay either excess amount.
23.09(17m)(hr)(hr) If the county fails to comply with the department’s demand under par. (h) or (hg), the applicable excess amount shall become a charge against the county, and the secretary of state shall include the amount in the state tax levy of the county in subsequent years.
23.09(17m)(i)(i) Expenditures under this subsection on any land withdrawn from s. 28.11 and the title to which is transferred by the county to other than a public agency shall be reimbursed to the department in an amount not to exceed the prorated value of the remaining useful lifetime of the wildlife habitat development.
23.09(18)(18)Forest croplands and managed forest lands aids.
23.09(18)(a)(a) In each fiscal year, the department shall make payments to each county that has more than 40,000 acres within its boundaries that are entered on the tax roll under s. 77.04 (1) or 77.84 (1) on July 1 of that fiscal year.
23.09(18)(b)(b) The amount of the payment made in a fiscal year to an eligible county shall equal the county’s proportionate share of the moneys appropriated under s. 20.370 (5) (br) for the fiscal year. An eligible county’s proportionate share shall equal the number of acres within its boundaries that are entered on the tax roll under s. 77.04 (1) or 77.84 (1) on July 1 of the fiscal year divided by the total number of acres that are entered on the tax roll under s. 77.04 (1) or 77.84 (1) on that same date and that are within the boundaries of counties that are eligible for payments under this section, multiplied by the amount appropriated under s. 20.370 (5) (br) for the fiscal year.
23.09(18)(c)(c) The department shall calculate and issue the payment for each eligible county by October 1 following each fiscal year.
23.09(18m)(18m)National forest income. If the governor designates the department under s. 16.54 (2) to distribute moneys received by the state as national forest income under 16 USC 500, the department shall distribute the moneys to school districts that contain national forest lands within their boundaries. The distribution to each school district shall be in proportion to the national forest acreage in each school district.
23.09(19)(19)Aids for the acquisition of urban green space.
23.09(19)(a)(a) In this subsection:
23.09(19)(a)1.1. “Brownfields redevelopment” means an abandoned, idle or underused industrial or commercial facility or site, the expansion or redevelopment of which is adversely affected by actual or perceived environmental contamination.
23.09(19)(a)2.2. “Governmental unit” means a city, village, town, county, lake sanitary district, as defined in s. 30.50 (4q), public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district or the Kickapoo reserve management board.
23.09(19)(a)3.3. “Nature-based outdoor recreation” has the meaning given by the department by rule under s. 23.0917 (4) (f).
23.09(19)(b)(b) Any governmental unit may apply for state aid for the acquisition of lands and rights in lands for urban green space. Each application shall include a comprehensive description of the proposal for urban green space acquisition, plans for development and management of the land and any other information required by the department.
23.09(19)(c)(c) The department may award grants from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (tz) for the acquisition of land or rights in land for urban green space under this subsection for the following purposes:
23.09(19)(c)1.1. To provide an open natural space within or in proximity to urban development.
23.09(19)(c)2.2. To protect from urban development an area or naturally formed feature that is within or in proximity to an urban area and that has scenic, ecological or other natural value.
23.09(19)(c)5.5. To provide land for noncommercial gardening to be used by inhabitants of an urbanized area.
23.09(19)(cg)(cg) The department may award grants from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (ta) for the acquisition of land or rights in land for urban green space under this subsection only for the purposes of nature-based outdoor recreation.
23.09(19)(cm)(cm) In approving grants under this subsection and under s. 23.096 for urban green space, the department shall give higher priority for projects related to brownfields redevelopment.
23.09(19)(d)(d) Except as provided in s. 23.096 (2m), grants under this subsection shall be for up to 50 percent of the acquisition costs of the land or the rights in land for the urban green space. The governmental unit is responsible for the remainder of the acquisition costs.
23.09(19)(e)(e) As part of its approval of a grant, the department shall specify for which of the purposes listed in par. (c) the governmental unit may use the land or the rights in the land acquired with the grant. The governmental unit may not convert the land or the rights in the land acquired under this subsection to a use that is inconsistent with the uses as approved by the department.
23.09(19)(f)1.1. Except as provided in subd. 2., title to land or to rights in land acquired under this subsection shall vest in the governmental unit.
23.09(19)(f)2.2. Land or rights in land acquired under this subsection by the Kickapoo reserve management board shall vest in the state.
23.09(19)(g)(g) The department may not approve a grant for costs associated with development, operation and maintenance of urban green space acquired under this subsection or for administrative costs of acquiring lands or rights in lands.
23.09(19)(h)(h) The department may not approve a grant under this subsection unless the urban green space is identified in any master plan that the governmental unit may have.
23.09(19)(j)(j) Any governmental unit that acquires an area for gardening with a grant under this subsection may charge fees for use of the garden that are sufficient to recover the costs of maintaining the area. The governmental unit may reduce or waive any fee charged based on the user’s inability to pay.
23.09(19)(k)(k) Except as provided in s. 23.0915 (2), the department may not expend from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (tz) more than $750,000 in each fiscal year for urban green space under this subsection and for grants for urban green space under s. 23.096.
23.09(19)(L)(L) The department may not award a grant from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (tz) to the Kickapoo reserve management board.
23.09 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. NR 50, Wis. adm. code.
23.09(20)(20)Aids for the acquisition and development of local parks.
23.09(20)(ab)(ab) In this subsection:
23.09(20)(ab)1.1. “Governmental unit” means a municipality or the Kickapoo reserve management board.
23.09(20)(ab)2.2. “Municipality” means a city, village, town or county.
23.09(20)(ab)3.3. “Nature-based outdoor recreation” has the meaning given by the department by rule under s. 23.0917 (4) (f).
23.09(20)(am)(am) Any governmental unit may apply for state aids for the acquisition and development of recreational lands and rights in lands. State aids under this subsection that are expended from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (ta) may only be used for nature-based outdoor recreation. State aids received by a municipality shall be used for the development of its park system in accordance with priorities based on comprehensive plans submitted with the application and consistent with the outdoor recreation program under s. 23.30. An application under this subsection shall be made in the manner the department prescribes.
23.09(20)(b)(b) Except as provided in s. 23.096 (2m), state aid under this subsection is limited to no more than 50 percent of the acquisition costs and the development costs of recreation lands and other outdoor recreation facilities. Costs associated with operation and maintenance of parks and other outdoor recreational facilities established under this subsection are not eligible for state aid. Administrative costs of acquiring lands or land rights are not included in the acquisition costs eligible for state aid under this subsection. Title to lands or rights in lands acquired by a municipality under this subsection shall vest in the municipality, but such land shall not be converted to uses inconsistent with this subsection without prior approval of the state and proceeds from the sale or other disposal of such lands shall be used to promote the objectives of this subsection.
23.09(20)(d)(d) Except as provided in s. 23.0915 (2), the department may not expend from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (tz) more than $2,250,000 each fiscal year for local park aids under this subsection and for grants for this purpose under s. 23.096.
23.09(20)(e)(e) The department may not award state aid under this subsection from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (tz) to the Kickapoo reserve management board.
23.09 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. NR 50, Wis. adm. code.
23.09(20m)(20m)Grants for acquisition of development rights.
23.09(20m)(a)(a) In this subsection:
23.09(20m)(a)1.1. “Governmental unit” means a city, village, town, county or the Kickapoo reserve management board.
23.09(20m)(a)2.2. “Nature-based outdoor recreation” has the meaning given by the department by rule under s. 23.0917 (4) (f).
23.09(20m)(a)3.3. “Nonprofit conservation organization” has the meaning given in s. 23.0955 (1).
23.09(20m)(b)(b) The department shall establish a program to award grants from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (ta) to governmental units and nonprofit conservation organizations to acquire development rights in land for nature-based outdoor recreation. Except as provided in s. 23.096 (2m), the grants shall be limited to no more than 50 percent of the acquisition costs of the development rights.
23.09(21)(21)Creation of new lakes. The department may create new lakes on lands under its supervision and control.
23.09(21m)(21m)Environmental cleanup. The department may engage in environmental clean-up activities on the lands under its ownership, management, supervision or control.
23.09(22)(22)Information to be included in geographic information systems. The department shall include physical and chemical information about groundwater and soil in its geographic information systems.
23.09(22m)(22m)Siting of electric transmission facilities. The department shall implement the policy specified in s. 1.12 (6) in making all decisions, orders, and rules affecting the siting of new electric transmission facilities.
23.09(23)(23)Voluntary contributions; Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin.
23.09(23)(a)(a) In this subsection, “approval” means any type of approval or authorization issued by the department under ch. 29, subch. V. of ch. 30, or s. 23.33 (2), 23.335 (3) or (5), 27.01, or 350.12, including a license, permit, certificate, stamp, tag, registration, or vehicle admission receipt.
23.09(23)(b)(b) Any applicant for an approval may, in addition to paying any fee charged for the approval, elect to make a voluntary contribution of at least $2 to the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin to be used by the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin to establish an endowment program to support habitat management activities on land owned or managed by this state.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)