234.67(2)(2)Eligible loans. A loan made by a participating lender before December 3, 1993, is eligible for guarantee of collection from the Wisconsin development reserve fund under s. 234.93 if all of the following apply:
234.67(2)(a)(a) The loan is made to do one of the following:
234.67(2)(a)1.1. Expand or improve an existing diaper service or to start a new diaper service.
234.67(2)(a)2.2. To provide working capital or to finance any of the following items, if the working capital or item is necessary to, or used to, produce in this state a product from products recovered from postconsumer waste:
234.67(2)(a)2.a.a. Physical plant.
234.67(2)(a)2.b.b. Machinery or equipment.
234.67(2)(b)(b) The rate of interest on the loan, including any origination fees or other charges, is fixed at a rate determined by the participating lender and approved by the authority.
234.67(2)(c)(c) The total principal amount of all loans to the borrower that are guaranteed under this section will not exceed $750,000.
234.67(2)(e)(e) The participating lender obtains a security interest in physical plant, equipment, machinery or other assets.
234.67(2)(f)(f) The loan term does not extend beyond 15 years after the date that the participating lender disburses the loan unless the loan is extended by the authority.
234.67(2)(g)(g) The proceeds of the loan are not applied to the outstanding balance of any other loan.
234.67(2)(i)(i) The borrower does not meet the participating lender’s minimum standards of creditworthiness to receive a loan for the purposes described in par. (a) in the normal course of the participating lender’s business.
234.67(2)(j)(j) The participating lender considers the borrower’s assets, cash flow and managerial ability sufficient to preclude voluntary or involuntary liquidation for the loan term granted by the participating lender.
234.67(2)(k)(k) The participating lender agrees to the percentage of guarantee established for the loan by the authority.
234.67(3)(3)Guarantee of collection. The authority shall guarantee collection of a percentage, not exceeding 90 percent, of the principal of any loan eligible for a guarantee under sub. (2). The authority shall establish the percentage of the unpaid principal of an eligible loan that will be guaranteed, using the procedures described in the guarantee agreement under s. 234.93 (2) (a). The authority may establish a single percentage for all guaranteed loans or establish different percentages for eligible loans on an individual basis.
234.75234.75Public affairs network loan guarantee program.
234.75(1)(1)Definition. In this section, “public affairs network” means a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of this state that has as its primary purpose the broadcast of proceedings of the legislature, including legislative committee meetings, and the reporting of events and activities related to politics in this state, through television, radio, the Internet, or similar communications media.
234.75(2)(2)Guarantee requirements. The authority may use money from the Wisconsin development reserve fund to guarantee the unpaid principal of a loan under sub. (5) if all of the following apply:
234.75(2)(a)(a) The borrower applies for a loan guarantee on a form provided by the authority.
234.75(2)(b)(b) The loan is eligible for a guarantee under sub. (3), and any applicable requirements under sub. (5) are met.
234.75(2)(c)(c) The lender is the authority or a financial institution that enters into an agreement under s. 234.93 (2) (a).
234.75(3)(3)Eligible loans. A loan is eligible for guarantee of collection under sub. (5) from the Wisconsin development reserve fund if all of the following apply:
234.75(3)(a)(a) The loan principal equals $5,000,000 or less.
234.75(3)(b)(b) The authority determines that the borrower is a public affairs network.
234.75(3)(c)(c) The borrower certifies that loan proceeds will be used for the borrower’s operating expenses or expenses related to a capital project.
234.75(3)(d)(d) The borrower certifies that loan proceeds will not be used to refinance existing debt or for entertainment expenses.
234.75(3)(e)(e) The loan term is not less that 13 years, and the borrower is not required to pay any principal or interest on the loan within the first 3 years after the loan is made.
234.75(3)(f)(f) The terms of the loan authorize the lender to obtain a security interest in the real or personal property of the borrower to secure repayment of the loan.
234.75(4)(4)Authority loan. The authority may make a loan to a public affairs network if the loan meets the eligibility requirements under sub. (3), except that the total principal amount of all loans that the authority makes under this subsection may not exceed $5,000,000. Recognizing its moral obligation to do so, the legislature expresses its expectation and aspiration that, if ever called upon to do so, it shall make an appropriation to make the authority whole for defaults on loans issued under this subsection.
234.75(5)(5)Guarantee of repayment.
234.75(5)(a)(a) Subject to par. (b), the authority may guarantee collection of all or part of the unpaid principal of a loan eligible for guarantee under sub. (3). If the authority guarantees all or part of a loan under this subsection, the authority shall establish the amount of the unpaid principal of an eligible loan that will be guaranteed using the procedures described in the guarantee agreement under s. 234.93 (2) (a).
234.75(5)(b)(b) A loan guarantee under this subsection is subject to all of the following:
234.75(5)(b)1.1. The total principal amount of all loans guaranteed under this subsection may not exceed $5,000,000.
234.75(5)(b)2.2. Before the authority guarantees a loan under this subsection, the authority shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the secretary of administration that there are sufficient moneys in the Wisconsin development reserve fund to guarantee the loan, or that there are sufficient moneys in the housing rehabilitation loan program administration fund that may be transferred under par. (c) to guarantee the loan.
234.75(5)(c)(c) Notwithstanding s. 234.51 (2), the authority may transfer moneys from the housing rehabilitation loan program administration fund to the Wisconsin development reserve fund for a loan guarantee under this subsection if all of the following conditions are met:
234.75(5)(c)1.1. The authority determines that the transfer is necessary to secure the loan guarantee.
234.75(5)(c)2.2. The transfer of moneys does not exceed $5,000,000.
234.75(5)(c)3.3. Within 14 days after the transfer, the authority submits a report to the joint committee on finance that includes the amount of the transfer and a description of the circumstances surrounding the transfer.
234.75 HistoryHistory: 2011 a. 32; 2013 a. 173 s. 33.
234.83234.83Small business development loan guarantee program.
234.83(1c)(1c)Definition. In this section, “small business” means a business, as defined in s. 84.185 (1) (a), that employs 250 or fewer employees on a full-time basis.
234.83(1m)(1m)Guarantee requirements. The authority may use money from the Wisconsin development reserve fund to guarantee a loan under this section if all of the following apply:
234.83(1m)(a)(a) The borrower qualifies as an eligible borrower under sub. (2).
234.83(1m)(b)(b) The loan qualifies as an eligible loan under sub. (3).
234.83(1m)(c)(c) The lender enters into an agreement under s. 234.93 (2) (a).
234.83(2)(2)Eligible borrower. Any of the following qualifies as an eligible borrower if unable to obtain adequate business financing on reasonable terms:
234.83(2)(a)(a) A small business, provided that the name of the owner of the small business does not appear on the statewide support lien docket under s. 49.854 (2) (b) or, if the name of the owner of the small business appears on that docket, the owner of the small business provides to the authority a payment agreement that has been approved by the county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5) and that is consistent with rules promulgated under s. 49.858 (2) (a).
234.83(2)(b)(b) The elected governing body of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state.
234.83(3)(3)Eligible loans. A loan is eligible for guarantee of collection from the Wisconsin development reserve fund under s. 234.93 if all of the following apply:
234.83(3)(a)(a) The borrower uses the loan proceeds for a business development project. Loan proceeds may be used for direct or related expenses associated with any of the following:
234.83(3)(a)1.1. The expansion or acquisition of a business, including the purchase or improvement of land, buildings, machinery, equipment or inventory.
234.83(3)(a)2.2. The start-up of a child care business, including the purchase or improvement of land, buildings, machinery, equipment, or inventory.
234.83(3)(a)3.3. The start-up of a small business in a vacant storefront in the downtown area of a city, town, or village in this state, including the purchase or improvement of land, buildings, machinery, equipment, or inventory.
234.83(3)(b)(b) Loan proceeds are not used to refinance existing debt or for entertainment expenses, expenses related to the production of an agricultural commodity, as defined in s. 94.67 (2), or expenses related to a community-based residential facility, except that loan proceeds may be used to refinance existing debt if the borrower also expands an existing business.
234.83(3)(c)(c) The interest rate on the loan, including any origination fees or other charges, is approved by the authority.
234.83(3)(d)(d) The loan term does not extend beyond 15 years after the date on which the lender disburses the loan unless the authority agrees to an extension of the loan term.
234.83(3)(f)(f) The lender obtains a security interest in the physical plant, equipment, machinery or other assets.
234.83(3)(g)(g) The lender believes that it is reasonably likely that the borrower will be able to repay the loan in full with interest.
234.83(3)(h)(h) The lender agrees to the percentage of guarantee established for the loan by the authority.
234.83(3)(i)(i) The authority believes that the loan will have a positive impact in terms of job creation or retention.
234.83(4)(4)Guarantee of repayment. The authority may guarantee repayment of a portion of the principal of any loan eligible for a guarantee under sub. (1m). That portion may not exceed 80 percent of the principal of the loan or $750,000, whichever is less. The authority shall establish the portion of the principal of an eligible loan that will be guaranteed, using the procedures described in the agreement under s. 234.93 (2) (a). The authority may establish a single portion for all guaranteed loans that do not exceed $937,500 and a single portion for all guaranteed loans that exceed $937,500 or establish on an individual basis different portions for eligible loans that do not exceed $937,500 and different portions for eligible loans that exceed $937,500.
234.84234.84Job training loan guarantee program.
234.84(1)(1)Definition. In this section, “corporation” means the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.
234.84(2)(2)Guarantee requirements. The authority may use money from the Wisconsin job training reserve fund to guarantee a loan under this section if, at the time application is made for the loan, all of the following apply:
234.84(2)(a)(a) The borrower is an employer in this state, regardless of the number of employees.
234.84(2)(b)(b) The loan qualifies as an eligible loan under sub. (3).
234.84(2)(c)(c) The lender is a financial institution that enters into an agreement under s. 234.932 (3) (a).
234.84(3)(3)Eligible loans. A loan is eligible for guarantee of collection from the Wisconsin job training reserve fund under s. 234.932 if all of the following apply:
234.84(3)(a)(a) The borrower certifies that it will use the loan proceeds for expenses related to employee training or retraining or for purchasing equipment or upgrading facilities for purposes related to employee training or retraining.
234.84(3)(b)(b) The borrower certifies that loan proceeds will not be used to refinance existing debt or for operating or entertainment expenses.
234.84(3)(c)(c) The interest rate on the loan, including any origination fees or other charges, is approved by the corporation.
234.84(3)(d)(d) The original loan term does not extend beyond 3 years if the loan proceeds are used exclusively for expenses related to instruction or training, or beyond 5 years if the loan proceeds are used for purchasing equipment or upgrading facilities that will be used for instructing or training employees.
234.84(3)(e)(e) The total outstanding principal amount of all loans to the borrower that are guaranteed under this section does not exceed $250,000.
234.84(3)(f)(f) The lender obtains a security interest in the physical plant, equipment or other assets if the loan proceeds are to be used for purchasing equipment or upgrading facilities that will be used for instructing or training employees.
234.84(3)(g)(g) The lender confirms that the borrower satisfies all applicable loan underwriting criteria.
234.84(4)(4)Guarantee of collection.
234.84(4)(a)(a) Subject to par. (b), the authority shall guarantee collection of a percentage of the principal of, and all interest and any other amounts outstanding on, any loan eligible for a guarantee under sub. (2). The corporation shall establish the percentage of the principal of an eligible loan that will be guaranteed, using the procedures described in the agreement under s. 234.932 (3) (a). The corporation may establish a single percentage for all guaranteed loans or establish different percentages for eligible loans on an individual basis.
234.84(4)(b)(b) Except as provided in s. 234.932 (4), the total outstanding guaranteed principal amount of all loans that the authority may guarantee under par. (a) may not exceed $8,000,000.
234.84(5)(a)(a) The program under this section shall be administered by the corporation with the cooperation of the authority. The corporation shall enter into a memorandum of understanding with the authority setting forth the respective responsibilities of the corporation and the authority with regard to the administration of the program, including the functions and responsibilities specified in s. 234.932. The memorandum of understanding shall provide for reimbursement to the corporation by the authority for costs incurred by the corporation in the administration of the program.
234.84(5)(b)(b) The corporation may charge a premium, fee, or other charge to a borrower of a guaranteed loan under this section for the administration of the loan guarantee.
234.84 HistoryHistory: 1995 a. 27 s. 9116 (5); 1995 a. 116; 2011 a. 32.
234.86234.86Drinking water loan guarantee program.
234.86(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
234.86(1)(a)(a) “Community water system” means a public water system that serves at least 15 service connections used by year-round residents or that regularly serves at least 25 year-round residents.
234.86(1)(b)(b) “Department” means the department of natural resources.
234.86(1)(c)(c) “Local governmental unit” has the meaning given in s. 281.61 (1) (am), except that the term does not include a joint local water authority created under s. 66.0823.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)