238.29(4)(a)(a) Compensation; reimbursement. A member of the commission shall receive no compensation for services but shall be reimbursed by the corporation for necessary expenses, including travel expenses, incurred in the discharge of duties.
238.29(4)(b)(b) Meetings; chairperson.
238.29(4)(b)1.1. The commission shall meet on the call of the chairperson or a majority of its members. The commission may meet or hold hearings at any location as will best serve the citizens of this state.
238.29(4)(b)2.2. The commission shall elect a chairperson from amongst its members every 2 years.
238.29(4)(c)(c) Records; meetings. The commission’s records are subject to the right of examination and copying under s. 19.35 (1), and the commission’s meetings are subject to subch. V. of ch. 19.
238.29(4)(d)(d) Quorum. A majority of the membership of the commission constitutes a quorum to do business, and a majority of a quorum may act in any matter within the jurisdiction of the commission.
238.29(5)(5)Purpose of the commission. The commission shall do all of the following:
238.29(5)(a)(a) Promote the advancement of bilateral trade and investment between this state and the Republic of Ireland.
238.29(5)(b)(b) Recommend joint action on policy issues of mutual interest to this state and the Republic of Ireland.
238.29(5)(c)(c) Promote business and academic exchanges between this state and the Republic of Ireland.
238.29(5)(d)(d) Encourage mutual economic support between this state and the Republic of Ireland.
238.29(5)(e)(e) Encourage mutual investment in the infrastructure of this state and the Republic of Ireland.
238.29(5)(f)(f) Address such other issues as are determined by the commission.
238.29(6)(6)Reports. The commission shall submit a written report of its findings, results, and recommendations to the governor and the legislature within one year after its initial organizational meeting and by February 1 of each succeeding year for the activities of the preceding calendar year.
238.29(7)(7)Funding. The commission may raise funds, through direct solicitation or other fundraising events, alone or with other groups, and accept gifts, grants, and bequests from individuals, corporations, foundations, governmental agencies, and public and private organizations and institutions, to defray the commission’s administrative expenses and to carry out its purposes.
238.29 HistoryHistory: 2023 a. 170.
238.30238.30Definitions. In this section and ss. 238.301 to 238.395 and 238.398:
238.30(2)(2)“Development zone program” means the program administered under this subchapter.
238.30(2g)(2g)“Eligible activity” means an activity described under s. 238.302.
238.30(2m)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b) and ss. 238.308 (1) (b) and 238.399 (1) (as), “full-time job” means a regular, nonseasonal full-time position in which an individual, as a condition of employment, is required to work at least 2,080 hours per year, including paid leave and holidays, and for which the individual receives pay that is equal to at least 150 percent of the federal minimum wage and benefits that are not required by federal or state law. “Full-time job” does not include initial training before an employment position begins.
238.30(2m)(b)(b) The corporation may grant exceptions to the requirement under par. (a) that a full-time job means a position in which an individual, as a condition of employment, is required to work at least 2,080 hours per year if all of the following apply:
238.30(2m)(b)1.1. The annual pay for the position is more than the amount determined by multiplying 2,080 by 150 percent of the federal minimum wage.
238.30(2m)(b)2.2. An individual in the position is offered retirement, health, and other benefits that are equivalent to the retirement, health, and other benefits offered to an individual who is required to work at least 2,080 hours per year.
238.30(3)(3)“Indian reservation” has the meaning given in s. 139.30 (9).
238.30(4)(4)“Local governing body” means the governing body of one or more cities, villages, towns, or counties or the elected governing body of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state.
238.30(4m)(4m)“Member of a targeted group” means a person who resides in an area designated by the federal government as an economic revitalization area, a person who is employed in an unsubsidized job but meets the eligibility requirements under s. 49.145 (2) and (3) for a Wisconsin Works employment position, a person who is employed in a trial job, as defined in s. 49.141 (1) (n), 2011 stats., or in a trial employment match program job, as defined in s. 49.141 (1) (n), a person who is eligible for child care assistance under s. 49.155, a person who is a vocational rehabilitation referral, an economically disadvantaged youth, an economically disadvantaged veteran, a supplemental security income recipient, a general assistance recipient, an economically disadvantaged ex-convict, a dislocated worker, as defined in 29 USC 2801 (9), or a food stamp recipient, if the person has been certified in the manner under 26 USC 51 (d) (13) (A) by a designated local agency, as defined in 26 USC 51 (d) (12).
238.30(5)(5)“Metropolitan statistical area” means a federal standard metropolitan statistical area but does not include areas located within Indian reservations.
238.30(6)(6)“Target population” means persons who are members of targeted groups for the purposes of the credit under ss. 71.07 (2dx), 71.28 (1dx), 71.47 (1dx), and 76.636.
238.30(7)(a)(a) Except as provided in pars. (b) to (e), “tax benefits” means the development zones credit under ss. 71.07 (2dx), 71.28 (1dx), 71.47 (1dx), and 76.636.
238.30(7)(b)1.1. Except as provided in subd. 2., in s. 238.395, “tax benefits” means the development zones credit under ss. 71.07 (2dx), 71.28 (1dx), 71.47 (1dx), and 76.636. With respect to the development opportunity zones under s. 238.395 (1) (e) and (f), “tax benefits” also means the development zones capital investment credit under ss. 71.07 (2dm), 71.28 (1dm), and 71.47 (1dm).
238.30(7)(b)2.2. With respect to the development opportunity zones under s. 238.395 (1) (g), (h), and (i), “tax benefits” means the development zone credits under ss. 71.07 (2dx), 71.28 (1dx), 71.47 (1dx), and 76.636 and the development zones capital investment credit under ss. 71.07 (2dm), 71.28 (1dm), and 71.47 (1dm).
238.30(7)(c)(c) In s. 238.398, “tax benefits” means the development zones capital investment credit under ss. 71.07 (2dm), 71.28 (1dm), and 71.47 (1dm) and the development zones credits under ss. 71.07 (2dx), 71.28 (1dx), 71.47 (1dx), and 76.636.
238.30(7)(d)(d) In ss. 238.301 to 238.306, “tax benefits” means the economic development tax credit under ss. 71.07 (2dy), 71.28 (1dy), 71.47 (1dy), and 76.637.
238.30(7)(e)(e) In s. 238.308, “tax benefits” means the business development tax credit under ss. 71.07 (3y), 71.28 (3y), and 71.47 (3y).
238.301238.301Certification for tax benefits.
238.301(1)(1)Application. Any person may apply to the corporation on a form prepared by the corporation for certification under this section. The application shall include all of the following:
238.301(1)(a)(a) The name and address of the person.
238.301(1)(b)(b) The federal tax identification number of the person.
238.301(1)(c)(c) The names and addresses of the locations where the person conducts business and a description of the business activities conducted at those locations.
238.301(1)(d)(d) A description of each eligible activity conducted or proposed to be conducted by the person.
238.301(1)(e)(e) Other information required by the corporation or the department of revenue.
238.301(2)(a)(a) The corporation may certify a person who submits an application under sub. (1) if, after conducting an investigation, the corporation determines that the person is conducting or intends to conduct at least one eligible activity.
238.301(2)(b)(b) The corporation shall provide a person certified under this section with a copy of the certification.
238.301(3)(3)Contract. A person certified under this section shall enter into a written contract with the corporation. The contract shall include provisions that detail all of the following:
238.301(3)(a)(a) A description of each eligible activity being conducted or proposed to be conducted by the person.
238.301(3)(b)(b) Whether any of the eligible activities will occur in an economically distressed area, as designated by the corporation under s. 238.304 (1).
238.301(3)(c)(c) Whether any of the eligible activities will benefit members of a targeted group, as determined by the corporation under s. 238.304 (2).
238.301(3)(d)(d) A compliance schedule that includes a sequence of anticipated actions to be taken or goals to be achieved by the person before the person may receive tax benefits under s. 238.303.
238.301(3)(e)(e) The reporting requirements with which the person must comply.
238.301(3)(f)(f) If feasible, a determination of the tax benefits the person will be authorized to claim under s. 238.303 (2) if the person fulfills the terms of the contract.
238.301 HistoryHistory: 2009 a. 2; 2011 a. 32 s. 3410; Stats. 2011 s. 238.301; 2015 a. 55.
238.302238.302Eligible activities. A person who conducts or proposes to conduct any of the following may be certified under s. 238.301 (2):
238.302(1)(1)Job creation project. A project that creates and maintains for a period of time established by the corporation by rule full-time jobs in addition to any existing full-time jobs provided by the person.
238.302(2)(2)Capital investment project. A project that involves a significant investment of capital, as defined by the corporation by rule under s. 238.306 (2) (b), by the person in new equipment, machinery, real property, or depreciable personal property.
238.302(3)(3)Employee training project. A project that involves significant investments in the training or reeducation of employees, as defined by the corporation by rule under s. 238.306 (2) (c), by the person for the purpose of improving the productivity or competitiveness of the business of the person.
238.302(4)(4)Project related to persons with corporate headquarters in Wisconsin. A project that will result in the location or retention of a person’s corporate headquarters in Wisconsin or that will result in the retention of employees holding full-time jobs in Wisconsin if the person’s corporate headquarters are located in Wisconsin.
238.302 HistoryHistory: 2009 a. 2; 2011 a. 32 s. 3411; Stats. 2011 s. 238.302.
238.303238.303Limits on tax benefits and claiming tax benefits.
238.303(1)(a)(a) Except as provided in pars. (am) and (b), the total tax benefits available to be allocated by the corporation under ss. 238.301 to 238.306 may not exceed the sum of the tax benefits remaining to be allocated under s. 560.71 to 560.785, 2009 stats., s. 560.797, 2009 stats., s. 560.798, 2009 stats., s. 560.7995, 2009 stats., and s. 560.96, 2009 stats., on March 6, 2009, plus $100,000,000.
238.303(1)(am)(am) The corporation may initially allocate only $61,000,000 of the additional $100,000,000 in tax benefits specified in par. (a). Before the corporation allocates the remaining $39,000,000 in tax benefits specified in par. (a), the corporation shall submit its plan for such allocation, including a report that describes the intended use of the tax benefits, to the joint committee on finance. If the cochairpersons of the committee do not notify the corporation within 14 working days after the date of the corporation’s submittal that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the plan, the plan may be implemented and the remaining amount may be allocated as proposed by the corporation. If, within 14 working days after the date of the corporation’s submittal, the cochairpersons of the committee notify the corporation that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the proposed plan, the plan may be implemented and the remaining amount allocated only upon approval of the committee.
238.303(1)(b)(b) The corporation may submit to the joint committee on finance a request in writing to exceed the total tax benefits specified in par. (a). The corporation shall submit with its request a justification for seeking an increase under this paragraph. The joint committee on finance, following its review, may approve or disapprove an increase in the total tax benefits available to be allocated under ss. 238.301 to 238.306.
238.303(2)(2)Authority to claim tax benefits. The corporation may authorize a person certified under s. 238.301 (2) to claim tax benefits only after the person has submitted a report to the corporation that documents to the satisfaction of the corporation that the person has complied with the terms of the contract under s. 238.301 (3) and the requirements of any applicable rules adopted under s. 238.306 (2).
238.303(3)(3)Notice of eligibility. The corporation shall provide to the person a notice of eligibility to receive tax benefits that reports the amount of tax benefits for which the person is eligible.
238.303(4)(4)Sunset. No tax benefits may be awarded under ss. 238.301 to 238.306 after December 31, 2015, unless the tax benefits were allocated to a taxpayer by the corporation in a contract that the corporation executed before that date or in a letter of intent to enter into such a contract that the corporation issued before that date.
238.303 HistoryHistory: 2009 a. 2, 265; 2011 a. 4; 2011 a. 32 ss. 3412 to 3415; Stats. 2011 s. 238.303; 2013 a. 20; 2015 a. 55; 2015 a. 195 s. 82.
238.304238.304Eligible activities in economically distressed areas and benefiting members of targeted groups. The corporation may authorize a person certified under s. 238.301 (2) to claim additional tax benefits under s. 238.303 if, after conducting an investigation, the corporation determines any of the following:
238.304(1)(1)The person conducts at least one eligible activity in an area designated by the corporation as economically distressed. In designating an area as economically distressed under this subsection, the corporation shall follow the methodology established by rule under s. 238.306 (2) (e).
238.304(2)(2)The person conducts at least one eligible activity that benefits, creates, retains, or significantly upgrades full-time jobs for, that trains, or that reeducates, members of a targeted group.
238.304 HistoryHistory: 2009 a. 2; 2011 a. 32 s. 3416; Stats. 2011 s. 238.304.
238.3045238.3045Transferability of tax benefits.
238.3045(1)(1)Application and corporation approval.
238.3045(1)(a)(a) An applicant for certification for tax benefits under s. 238.301 may submit with its application under s. 238.301 (1) an application to the corporation on a form prescribed by the corporation to transfer those tax benefits to another person under this section. The application shall include the name, address, and tax identification number of the person to whom the applicant intends to transfer the tax benefits and any other information the corporation requires. The corporation shall notify the applicant of the corporation’s determination concerning the transfer of tax benefits when the corporation notifies the applicant of the corporation’s certification determination under s. 238.301.
238.3045(1)(b)(b) The corporation may approve the transfer of tax benefits under this section if the corporation certifies the applicant under par. (a) for tax benefits under s. 238.301 and finds that the applicant meets at least one of the following conditions:
238.3045(1)(b)1.1. Is headquartered and employs at least 51 percent of its employees in this state.
238.3045(1)(b)2.2. Intends to relocate its headquarters to this state and employ at least 51 percent of its employees in this state.
238.3045(1)(b)3.3. Intends to expand its operations in this state, and that expansion will result in an increase in the number of full-time employees employed by the applicant in this state in an amount equal to at least 10 percent of the applicant’s full-time workforce in this state at the time of application.
238.3045(1)(b)4.4. Intends to expand its operations in this state, and that expansion will result in the applicant making a significant capital investment in property located in this state, as determined by the corporation.
238.3045(1)(c)1.1. Subject to subd. 2., a person that receives an approval under par. (b) shall transfer tax benefits in accordance with the terms of the application under par. (a) after the corporation authorizes the person to claim tax benefits under s. 238.303 (2) and provides the notice of eligibility under s. 238.303 (3). The notice of eligibility shall contain all relevant information concerning a transfer of tax benefits under this section. The person to whom tax benefits are transferred may carry forward, beginning on the date of the notice of eligibility, any unused amount of the value of those tax benefits as provided under the appropriate provision in ch. 71 or in s. 76.636.
238.3045(1)(c)2.2. Tax benefits may be transferred under this paragraph only in exchange for some consideration, other than money, in connection with the eligible activity for which the tax benefits were initially awarded.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)