30.206(3)(a)(a) A person wishing to proceed with an activity that may be authorized by a general permit under this section or s. 30.2065 shall apply to the department, with written notification of the person’s wish to proceed, not less than 30 days before commencing the activity authorized by a general permit. The notification shall provide information describing the activity in order to allow the department to determine whether the activity is authorized by the general permit and shall give the department consent to enter and inspect the site, subject to s. 30.291. The department may make a request for additional information one time during the 30-day period. If the department makes a request for additional information, the 30-day period is tolled from the date the person applying for authorization to proceed receives the request until the date on which the department receives the information.
30.206(3)(b)(b) If within 30 days after a notification under par. (a) is submitted to the department the department does not require any additional information about the activity that is subject to the notification and does not inform the applicant that an individual permit will be required, the activity will be considered to be authorized by the general permit and the applicant may proceed without further notice, hearing, permit or approval if the activity is carried out in compliance with all of the conditions of the general permit.
30.206(3)(c)(c) Upon completion of an activity that the department has authorized under a general permit, the applicant for the general permit shall provide to the department a statement certifying that the activity is in compliance with all of the conditions of the general permit and a photograph of the activity.
30.206(3r)(3r)Individual permit in lieu of general permit.
30.206(3r)(a)(a) The department may decide to require a person who has applied under sub. (3) for authorization to proceed under a general permit to apply for and be issued an individual permit or be granted a contract if either of the following applies:
30.206(3r)(a)1.1. The department determines that the proposed activity is not authorized under the general permit.
30.206(3r)(a)2.2. The department has conducted an investigation and visited the site and has determined that conditions specific to the site require restrictions on the activity in order to prevent significant adverse impacts to the public rights and interest, environmental pollution, as defined in s. 299.01 (4), or material injury to the riparian rights of any riparian owner.
30.206(3r)(b)(b) A decision by the department to require an individual permit under this subsection shall be in writing.
30.206(5)(5)Failure to follow procedural requirements. Failure to follow the procedural requirements of this section may result in forfeiture but may not, by itself, result in abatement of the activity.
30.206(5m)(5m)Legislative review of general permits.
30.206(5m)(a)(a) In this subsection:
30.206(5m)(a)1.1. “Appropriate senate committee” means the standing committee of the senate with jurisdiction over natural resources matters as determined by the presiding officer of the senate.
30.206(5m)(a)2.2. “Appropriate assembly committee” means the standing committee of the assembly with jurisdiction over natural resources matters as determined by the presiding officer of the assembly.
30.206(5m)(b)(b) If, by a majority vote of a quorum of the appropriate senate committee and the appropriate assembly committee, each of those committees suspends any general permit, the committees shall jointly publish a Class 1 notice under ch. 985 of the suspension in the official state newspaper and give any other notice that the committees consider appropriate.
30.206(5m)(c)(c) If the appropriate senate committee and the appropriate assembly committee suspend a general permit as provided in par. (b), each of the committees shall, within 30 days after the suspension, meet and take executive action regarding the introduction in the respective house of the legislature of a bill to support the suspension. The appropriate senate committee and the appropriate assembly committee shall each introduce a bill within 5 working days after taking executive action in favor of introduction of the respective bill unless the bill cannot be introduced during this time period under the rules of the respective house of the legislature. If a bill cannot be introduced during this time period, the bills shall be introduced on the first day on which the rules of the respective house of the legislature allow introduction.
30.206(5m)(d)1.1. If both of the bills introduced under par. (c) are adversely disposed of, or fail to be enacted in any other manner before the last day of the regular session of the legislature in which the bills are introduced, the general permit remains in effect and may not be suspended under this subsection again. If either bill is enacted, the general permit is permanently suspended and may not be issued again unless a subsequent law specifically authorizes issuance of the general permit.
30.206(5m)(d)2.2. If a person commences to conduct an activity under the authority of a general permit, and the general permit is subsequently suspended under this subsection, the person may continue to conduct the activity in the manner, and for the period, originally authorized under the general permit notwithstanding the suspension of the general permit.
30.206(6)(6)Request for individual permit. A person proposing an activity for which a general permit has been issued under this section or s. 30.2065 may request an individual permit under the applicable provisions of this subchapter or ch. 31 in lieu of seeking authorization under the general permit.
30.206(7)(7)Inapplicability. This section does not apply to an application for a general permit for the Wolf River and Fox River basin area or any area designated under s. 30.207 (1m).
30.206(8)(a)(a) Within 30 days after issuing, renewing, modifying, or revoking a general permit, the department shall prepare a report that gives notification of the department’s action. If the action being reported is the issuance, renewal, or modification of a general permit, the department shall include a copy of the permit with the report. If the action being reported is the renewal, modification, or revocation of a general permit, the report shall include an analysis of the implementation and activities conducted under the general permit and shall contain all of the following information:
30.206(8)(a)1.1. The number of times notifications to proceed under the general permit were received by the department under sub. (3) (a).
30.206(8)(a)2.2. The number of times the department requested additional information under sub. (3) (b).
30.206(8)(a)3.3. The number of times the department informed applicants under sub. (3) (b) that individual permits would be required.
30.206(8)(b)(b) A report under par. (a) shall cover the time period beginning with the date of original issuance of the general permit, or the date of the most recent prior modification or renewal, and ending with the date of the revocation, modification, or renewal that causes the report to be required.
30.206(8)(c)(c) The department shall distribute the report to the governor and to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature in the manner provided under s. 13.172 (3).
30.206 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ss. NR 320.06, 323.04, 328.05, 328.35, 341.08 and ch. NR 300, Wis. adm. code.
30.206530.2065General permit for certain wetland restoration activities.
30.2065(1)(1) The department may issue a general permit to a person wishing to proceed with a wetland restoration activity sponsored by a federal agency.
30.2065(1g)(a)(a) The department shall issue a general permit that authorizes wetland, stream, and floodplain restoration and management activities that will result in a net improvement in hydrologic connections, conditions, and functions. These activities shall be designed to the extent possible to return wetland, stream, and floodplain hydrology to a natural and self-regulating condition in order to achieve such goals as to slow the flow of runoff, reduce flood peaks, restore surface and groundwater interactions, improve water quality, or increase soil retention, groundwater infiltration, base flow, upper watershed storage, and flood resilience. An activity is authorized by the general permit only if the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the department that the activity will result in net improvements in hydrologic connections, conditions, and functions and will not injure public rights or interests or result in material injury to the rights of any riparian owner. The department may develop a quantification tool to determine if an activity will meet those standards. The department shall include conditions under the general permit that do all of the following:
30.2065(1g)(a)1.1. Authorize hydrologic restoration activities in and adjacent to wetlands, streams, floodplains, and drainageways, including those that are no longer present but are restorable, for the purposes of reconnecting streams and floodplains, reestablishing healthy channel form and condition, removing or reducing wetland drainage, restoring or improving natural flow and movement of water or sediment, and reestablishing vegetation to support site stability and help manage flow and infiltration.
30.2065(1g)(a)2.2. Authorize hydrologic restoration activities that alter the flow of water in, to, or from an area of special natural resource interest if the activities restore or repair surface or subsurface connections within the area of special natural resource interest or between the area of special natural resource interest and other waters of the state.
30.2065(1g)(a)3.3. Specify that the general permit does not authorize any of the following activities:
30.2065(1g)(a)3.a.a. Construction of artificial wetlands.
30.2065(1g)(a)3.b.b. Construction of stormwater retention or detention ponds.
30.2065(1g)(a)3.c.c. Construction of large dams, as defined under s. 31.19 (1m), or dams that pose a risk to life, health, or property.
30.2065(1g)(a)3.d.d. Activities that straighten, berm, dredge, or armor stream channels, except when proposed as a necessary element of a larger hydrologic restoration plan.
30.2065(1g)(a)3.e.e. Fish and wildlife habitat enhancement activities that are not associated with a larger hydrologic restoration plan.
30.2065(1g)(b)(b) In addition to the conditions under par. (a), the department may include other conditions necessary to ensure that activities authorized by the general permit will not injure public rights or interests or result in material injury to the rights of any riparian owner.
30.2065(1g)(c)(c) The department shall consider all of the following factors when it assesses whether a proposed activity will result in net improvements in hydrologic connections, conditions, and functions:
30.2065(1g)(c)1.1. Minimal adverse impacts regulated under this chapter and ch. 281 may be allowed if those impacts are anticipated to be temporary.
30.2065(1g)(c)2.2. Restoring natural and self-regulating hydrology may result in permanent but net-positive changes to biotic communities and abiotic conditions.
30.2065(1g)(d)(d) In reviewing activities proposed to be conducted under a general permit issued under this subsection, the department may do any of the following:
30.2065(1g)(d)1.1. Waive fees.
30.2065(1g)(d)2.2. Establish a reporting-only notification process for activities funded in whole or in part by a state or federal agency.
30.2065(1g)(d)3.3. Waive requirements for wetland delineations and functional assessments.
30.2065(1g)(d)4.4. Adjust and simplify the application and information requirements to reflect the fact that voluntary hydrologic restoration projects differ from projects with potential adverse environmental impacts.
30.2065(1g)(d)5.5. Waive requirements related to wetland mitigation for impacts incidental to more fully restoring wetland hydrology.
30.2065(1g)(e)(e) The department shall notify, in writing, a person who has applied under s. 30.206 (3) (a) for authorization to proceed under a general permit issued under this subsection that the person is required to apply for an individual permit if the department determines that the proposed activity will not result in net improvements to hydrologic connections, condition, and functions. The department shall document in this notification its reasons for making this determination.
30.2065(1g)(f)(f) A person wishing to proceed with an activity that may be authorized by a general permit under this subsection may request and shall be granted a preapplication meeting with the department prior to submitting an application under s. 30.206 (3) (a). The department shall attempt to coordinate this meeting with the local zoning authority in cases where local zoning regulations apply.
30.2065(1r)(1r)A permit issued under sub. (1) or (1g) is in lieu of any permit or approval that would otherwise be required for that activity under this chapter or s. 31.02, 31.12, 31.33, 281.15, or 281.36, except that a general permit issued under sub. (1g) does not apply to wetland mitigation conducted as required under s. 281.36 (3n) (d).
30.2065(2)(2)A general permit issued under sub. (1) or (1g) is valid for a period of 5 years except that an activity that the department determines is authorized by a general permit remains authorized under the permit until the activity is completed.
30.2065(3)(3)To ensure that the cumulative adverse environmental impact of the activities authorized by a general permit issued under sub. (1) is insignificant and that the issuance of the general permit will not injure public rights or interests, cause environmental pollution, as defined in s. 299.01 (4), or result in material injury to the rights of any riparian owner, the department may impose any of the following conditions on a general permit issued under sub. (1):
30.2065(3)(a)(a) Construction and design requirements that are consistent with the purpose of the activity authorized under the permit.
30.2065(3)(b)(b) Location requirements that ensure that the activity will not materially interfere with navigation or have an adverse impact on the riparian property rights of adjacent riparian owners.
30.2065(3)(c)(c) Restrictions to protect areas of special natural resource interest.
30.2065 HistoryHistory: 2009 a. 391; 2011 a. 167; 2021 a. 77.
30.20730.207General permit pilot program.
30.207(1)(1)Geographical area. For purposes of this section and s. 30.2023, the Wolf River and Fox River basin area consists of all of Winnebago County; the portion and shoreline of Lake Poygan in Waushara County; the area south of STH 21 and east of STH 49 in Waushara County; that portion of Calumet County in the Lake Winnebago watershed; all of Fond du Lac County north of STH 23; that portion of Outagamie County south and east of USH 41; that portion of Waupaca County that includes the town of Mukwa, city of New London, town of Caledonia, town of Fremont; and the portion and shoreline of Partridge Lake and the Wolf River in the town of Weyauwega.
30.207(1m)(1m)Optional area. In addition to the Wolf River and Fox River basin area, the secretary may designate another area of the state in which general permits may be issued under this section. If the secretary designates an area under this subsection, the secretary shall do so within 6 months after the effective date of the first permit issued for the Wolf River and Fox River basin area.
30.207(2)(2)Activities covered. Within the Wolf River and Fox River basin area or any area designated under sub. (1m), the department may issue a general permit under this section authorizing any activity that would require a permit or approval under this chapter if the department determines that it is appropriate to issue a general permit under sub. (6). The department may issue a general permit on its own initiative or based on an application submitted under sub. (3).
30.207(3)(3)Application for general permit.
30.207(3)(a)(a) Any local entity, as defined in s. 30.77 (3) (dm), any group of 10 riparian owners who will be affected by the issuance of a general permit, or any contractor who is or has been involved in the construction of structures or along navigable waters may apply for a general permit under this section.
30.207(3)(b)(b) Upon the request of a prospective applicant specified in par. (a), and before an application is submitted, the department shall meet with the prospective applicant, and other interested persons as determined by the prospective applicant or the department, to make a preliminary analysis of the likelihood that the department will issue the general permit.
30.207(3)(c)(c) An application for a general permit under this section shall include all of the following:
30.207(3)(c)1.1. The name, legal address and telephone number of each applicant.
30.207(3)(c)2.2. A U.S. geological survey map or similar map that has a scale of not less than one inch per 2,000 feet and that shows the proposed permit area.
30.207(3)(c)3.3. A general legal description to quarter-quarter section of the proposed permit area.
30.207(3)(c)4.4. A diagram to scale showing the activity proposed for the general permit with contours and cross-section profiles that show a representative example of existing conditions and a representative example of any alteration to navigable waters or the adjacent lands that may result from the activity.
30.207(3)(c)5.5. Topographic, bathymetric, soil or other maps, photographs or other data to demonstrate the characteristics of the proposed permit area if the maps, photographs or data are reasonably available.
30.207(3)(c)6.6. The names and addresses of at least 5 persons who own real property adjacent to the navigable waters located in the proposed permit area. If fewer than 5 persons own real property adjacent to such waters, the application shall include the names and addresses of all of these persons.
30.207(3)(d)(d) The department shall respond to the application in writing within 90 business days after receiving the application. In its response the department shall do either of the following:
30.207(3)(d)1.1. Deny the application and specify the reason for the denial.
30.207(3)(d)2.2. Specify the department’s plans for proceeding on the application.
30.207(4)(4)Environmental analysis; hearing; consultation. After receiving an application that the department does not deny under sub. (3) (d) 1. and before determining whether to issue the general permit, the department shall do all of the following:
30.207(4)(a)(a) Conduct an environmental analysis.
30.207(4)(c)(c) Consult with any of the following as the department considers appropriate:
30.207(4)(c)1.1. Any local entity, as defined in s. 30.77 (3) (dm), that has an interest in the quality or use of or that has jurisdiction over the navigable waters located in the proposed permit area.
30.207(4)(c)2.2. Any contractor who is or has been involved in the construction of structures or improvements in or along navigable waters located in the proposed permit area.
30.207(4)(c)3.3. Any riparian owners whose property rights may be affected by the issuance of the general permit.
30.207(4)(c)4.4. Any other interested party, as determined by the department or the applicant.
30.207(6)(6)Issuance of general permits.
30.207(6)(a)(a) The department shall issue a general permit under this section if the department determines that the cumulative adverse environmental impact of the activity in the proposed permit area is insignificant and that the issuance of the general permit will not injure public rights or interest, cause environmental pollution, as defined in s. 299.01 (4), or result in material injury to the rights of any riparian owners.
30.207(6)(b)(b) The standards for the activity contained in a general permit issued under this section shall supersede any conflicting standards required under this chapter for the activity.
30.207(7)(7)Activities under general permits.
30.207(7)(a)(a) At least 15 days before beginning the activity that is authorized by a general permit under this section the person who wishes to conduct the activity shall submit a notice to the department and shall pay the fee specified in s. 30.28 (1) (d). The notice shall describe the activity, state the name of the person that will be conducting the activity and state the site where the activity will be conducted. The notice shall also contain a statement signed by the person conducting the activity that the person will act in conformance with the standards contained in the general permit.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)