448.980(5)(g)(g) The interstate commission is authorized to develop rules regarding the application process, including payment of any applicable fees, and the issuance of an expedited license.
448.980(6)(6)Section 6 — Fees for expedited licensure.
448.980(6)(a)(a) A member state issuing an expedited license authorizing the practice of medicine in that state may impose a fee for a license issued or renewed through the compact.
448.980(6)(b)(b) The interstate commission is authorized to develop rules regarding fees for expedited licenses.
448.980(7)(7)Section 7 — Renewal and continued participation.
448.980(7)(a)(a) A physician seeking to renew an expedited license granted in a member state shall complete a renewal process with the interstate commission if the physician:
448.980(7)(a)1.1. Maintains a full and unrestricted license in a state of principal license;
448.980(7)(a)2.2. Has not been convicted, received adjudication, deferred adjudication, community supervision, or deferred disposition for any offense by a court of appropriate jurisdiction;
448.980(7)(a)3.3. Has not had a license authorizing the practice of medicine subject to discipline by a licensing agency in any state, federal, or foreign jurisdiction, excluding any action related to non-payment of fees related to a license; and
448.980(7)(a)4.4. Has not had a controlled substance license or permit suspended or revoked by a state or the United States drug enforcement administration.
448.980(7)(b)(b) Physicians shall comply with all continuing professional development or continuing medical education requirements for renewal of a license issued by a member state.
448.980(7)(c)(c) The interstate commission shall collect any renewal fees charged for the renewal of a license and distribute the fees to the applicable member board.
448.980(7)(d)(d) Upon receipt of any renewal fees collected in par. (c), a member board shall renew the physician’s license.
448.980(7)(e)(e) Physician information collected by the interstate commission during the renewal process will be distributed to all member boards.
448.980(7)(f)(f) The interstate commission is authorized to develop rules to address renewal of licenses obtained through the compact.
448.980(8)(8)Section 8 — Coordinated information system.
448.980(8)(a)(a) The interstate commission shall establish a database of all physicians licensed, or who have applied for licensure, under sub. (5).
448.980(8)(b)(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, member boards shall report to the interstate commission any public action or complaints against a licensed physician who has applied or received an expedited license through the compact.
448.980(8)(c)(c) Member boards shall report disciplinary or investigatory information determined as necessary and proper by rule of the interstate commission.
448.980(8)(d)(d) Member boards may report any non-public complaint, disciplinary, or investigatory information not required by par. (c) to the interstate commission.
448.980(8)(e)(e) Member boards shall share complaint or disciplinary information about a physician upon request of another member board.
448.980(8)(f)(f) All information provided to the interstate commission or distributed by member boards shall be confidential, filed under seal, and used only for investigatory or disciplinary matters.
448.980(8)(g)(g) The interstate commission is authorized to develop rules for mandated or discretionary sharing of information by member boards.
448.980(9)(9)Section 9 — Joint investigations.
448.980(9)(a)(a) Licensure and disciplinary records of physicians are deemed investigative.
448.980(9)(b)(b) In addition to the authority granted to a member board by its respective medical practice act or other applicable state law, a member board may participate with other member boards in joint investigations of physicians licensed by the member boards.
448.980(9)(c)(c) A subpoena issued by a member state shall be enforceable in other member states.
448.980(9)(d)(d) Member boards may share any investigative, litigation, or compliance materials in furtherance of any joint or individual investigation initiated under the compact.
448.980(9)(e)(e) Any member state may investigate actual or alleged violations of the statutes authorizing the practice of medicine in any other member state in which a physician holds a license to practice medicine.
448.980(10)(10)Section 10 — Disciplinary actions.
448.980(10)(a)(a) Any disciplinary action taken by any member board against a physician licensed through the compact shall be deemed unprofessional conduct which may be subject to discipline by other member boards, in addition to any violation of the medical practice act or regulations in that state.
448.980(10)(b)(b) If a license granted to a physician by the member board in the state of principal license is revoked, surrendered or relinquished in lieu of discipline, or suspended, then all licenses issued to the physician by member boards shall automatically be placed, without further action necessary by any member board, on the same status. If the member board in the state of principal license subsequently reinstates the physician’s license, a license issued to the physician by any other member board shall remain encumbered until that respective member board takes action to reinstate the license in a manner consistent with the medical practice act of that state.
448.980(10)(c)(c) If disciplinary action is taken against a physician by a member board not in the state of principal license, any other member board may deem the action conclusive as to matter of law and fact decided, and:
448.980(10)(c)1.1. Impose the same or lesser sanctions against the physician so long as such sanctions are consistent with the medical practice act of that state; or
448.980(10)(c)2.2. Pursue separate disciplinary action against the physician under its respective medical practice act, regardless of the action taken in other member states.
448.980(10)(d)(d) If a license granted to a physician by a member board is revoked, surrendered or relinquished in lieu of discipline, or suspended, then any license issued to the physician by any other member board shall be suspended, automatically and immediately without further action necessary by the other member board, for 90 days upon entry of the order by the disciplining board, to permit the member board to investigate the basis for the action under the medical practice act of that state. A member board may terminate the automatic suspension of the license it issued prior to the completion of the 90 day suspension period in a manner consistent with the medical practice act of that state.
448.980(11)(11)Section 11 — Interstate medical licensure compact commission.
448.980(11)(a)(a) The member states hereby create the “Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Commission.”
448.980(11)(b)(b) The purpose of the interstate commission is the administration of the interstate medical licensure compact, which is a discretionary state function.
448.980(11)(c)(c) The interstate commission shall be a body corporate and joint agency of the member states and shall have all the responsibilities, powers, and duties set forth in the compact, and such additional powers as may be conferred upon it by a subsequent concurrent action of the respective legislatures of the member states in accordance with the terms of the compact.
448.980(11)(d)(d) The interstate commission shall consist of 2 voting representatives appointed by each member state who shall serve as commissioners. In states where allopathic and osteopathic physicians are regulated by separate member boards, or if the licensing and disciplinary authority is split between multiple member boards within a member state, the member state shall appoint one representative from each member board. A Commissioner shall be:
448.980(11)(d)1.1. An allopathic or osteopathic physician appointed to a member board;
448.980(11)(d)2.2. An executive director, executive secretary, or similar executive of a member board; or
448.980(11)(d)3.3. A member of the public appointed to a member board.
448.980(11)(e)(e) The interstate commission shall meet at least once each calendar year. A portion of this meeting shall be a business meeting to address such matters as may properly come before the commission, including the election of officers. The chairperson may call additional meetings and shall call for a meeting upon the request of a majority of the member states.
448.980(11)(f)(f) The bylaws may provide for meetings of the interstate commission to be conducted by telecommunication or electronic communication.
448.980(11)(g)(g) Each commissioner participating at a meeting of the interstate commission is entitled to one vote. A majority of commissioners shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, unless a larger quorum is required by the bylaws of the interstate commission. A commissioner shall not delegate a vote to another commissioner. In the absence of its commissioner, a member state may delegate voting authority for a specified meeting to another person from that state who shall meet the requirements of par. (d).
448.980(11)(h)(h) The interstate commission shall provide public notice of all meetings and all meetings shall be open to the public. The interstate commission may close a meeting, in full or in portion, where it determines by a two-thirds vote of the commissioners present that an open meeting would be likely to:
448.980(11)(h)1.1. Relate solely to the internal personnel practices and procedures of the interstate commission;
448.980(11)(h)2.2. Discuss matters specifically exempted from disclosure by federal statute;
448.980(11)(h)3.3. Discuss trade secrets, commercial, or financial information that is privileged or confidential;
448.980(11)(h)4.4. Involve accusing a person of a crime, or formally censuring a person;
448.980(11)(h)5.5. Discuss information of a personal nature where disclosure would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy;
448.980(11)(h)6.6. Discuss investigative records compiled for law enforcement purposes; or
448.980(11)(h)7.7. Specifically relate to the participation in a civil action or other legal proceeding.
448.980(11)(i)(i) The interstate commission shall keep minutes which shall fully describe all matters discussed in a meeting and shall provide a full and accurate summary of actions taken, including record of any roll call votes.
448.980(11)(j)(j) The interstate commission shall make its information and official records, to the extent not otherwise designated in the compact or by its rules, available to the public for inspection.
448.980(11)(k)(k) The interstate commission shall establish an executive committee, which shall include officers, members, and others as determined by the bylaws. The executive committee shall have the power to act on behalf of the interstate commission, with the exception of rule making, during periods when the interstate commission is not in session. When acting on behalf of the interstate commission, the executive committee shall oversee the administration of the compact including enforcement and compliance with the provisions of the compact, its bylaws and rules, and other such duties as necessary.
448.980(11)(L)(L) The interstate commission may establish other committees for governance and administration of the compact.
448.980(12)(12)Section 12 — Powers and duties of the interstate commission. The interstate commission shall have the duty and power to:
448.980(12)(a)(a) Oversee and maintain the administration of the compact;
448.980(12)(b)(b) Promulgate rules which shall be binding to the extent and in the manner provided for in the compact;
448.980(12)(c)(c) Issue, upon the request of a member state or member board, advisory opinions concerning the meaning or interpretation of the compact, its bylaws, rules, and actions;
448.980(12)(d)(d) Enforce compliance with compact provisions, the rules promulgated by the interstate commission, and the bylaws, using all necessary and proper means, including but not limited to the use of judicial process;
448.980(12)(e)(e) Establish and appoint committees including, but not limited to, an executive committee as required by sub. (11), which shall have the power to act on behalf of the interstate commission in carrying out its powers and duties;
448.980(12)(f)(f) Pay, or provide for the payment of the expenses related to the establishment, organization, and ongoing activities of the interstate commission;
448.980(12)(g)(g) Establish and maintain one or more offices;
448.980(12)(h)(h) Borrow, accept, hire, or contract for services of personnel;
448.980(12)(i)(i) Purchase and maintain insurance and bonds;
448.980(12)(j)(j) Employ an executive director who shall have such powers to employ, select or appoint employees, agents, or consultants, and to determine their qualifications, define their duties, and fix their compensation;
448.980(12)(k)(k) Establish personnel policies and programs relating to conflicts of interest, rates of compensation, and qualifications of personnel;
448.980(12)(L)(L) Accept donations and grants of money, equipment, supplies, materials and services, and to receive, utilize, and dispose of it in a manner consistent with the conflict of interest policies established by the interstate commission;
448.980(12)(m)(m) Lease, purchase, accept contributions or donations of, or otherwise to own, hold, improve or use, any property, real, personal, or mixed;
448.980(12)(n)(n) Sell, convey, mortgage, pledge, lease, exchange, abandon, or otherwise dispose of any property, real, personal, or mixed;
448.980(12)(o)(o) Establish a budget and make expenditures;
448.980(12)(p)(p) Adopt a seal and bylaws governing the management and operation of the interstate commission;
448.980(12)(q)(q) Report annually to the legislatures and governors of the member states concerning the activities of the interstate commission during the preceding year. Such reports shall also include reports of financial audits and any recommendations that may have been adopted by the interstate commission;
448.980(12)(r)(r) Coordinate education, training, and public awareness regarding the compact, its implementation, and its operation;
448.980(12)(s)(s) Maintain records in accordance with the bylaws;
448.980(12)(t)(t) Seek and obtain trademarks, copyrights, and patents; and
448.980(12)(u)(u) Perform such functions as may be necessary or appropriate to achieve the purposes of the compact.
448.980(13)(13)Section 13 — Finance powers.
448.980(13)(a)(a) The interstate commission may levy on and collect an annual assessment from each member state to cover the cost of the operations and activities of the interstate commission and its staff. The total assessment must be sufficient to cover the annual budget approved each year for which revenue is not provided by other sources. The aggregate annual assessment amount shall be allocated upon a formula to be determined by the interstate commission, which shall promulgate a rule binding upon all member states.
448.980(13)(b)(b) The interstate commission shall not incur obligations of any kind prior to securing the funds adequate to meet the same.
448.980(13)(c)(c) The interstate commission shall not pledge the credit of any of the member states, except by, and with the authority of, the member state.
448.980(13)(d)(d) The interstate commission shall be subject to a yearly financial audit conducted by a certified or licensed public accountant and the report of the audit shall be included in the annual report of the interstate commission.
448.980(14)(14)Section 14 — Organization and operation of the interstate commission.
448.980(14)(a)(a) The interstate commission shall, by a majority of commissioners present and voting, adopt bylaws to govern its conduct as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of the compact within 12 months of the first interstate commission meeting.
448.980(14)(b)(b) The interstate commission shall elect or appoint annually from among its commissioners a chairperson, a vice-chairperson, and a treasurer, each of whom shall have such authority and duties as may be specified in the bylaws. The chairperson, or in the chairperson’s absence or disability, the vice-chairperson, shall preside at all meetings of the interstate commission.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)