59.57(2)(d)4.4. The agency shall be a separate and distinct public instrumentality and body corporate and politic exercising public powers determined to be necessary by the state for the purposes set forth in par. (b). The agency shall have no power at any time to pledge the credit or taxing power of the state, any county, or any municipality or political subdivision, but all of its obligations shall be considered to be obligations solely of the agency.
59.57(2)(e)(e) Organization of industrial development agencies. All of the following apply to an agency:
59.57(2)(e)1.1. Proposed articles of incorporation and proposed bylaws shall be made available for inspection by any municipality within the county for a period of at least 30 days and shall then be submitted to the board for approval.
59.57(2)(e)2.2. The articles of incorporation shall be signed and acknowledged by persons designated by the board or where counties join in the formation of the agency by the boards of those counties and shall include at least 3 of the following from each county: the county executive, if there is one; the chairperson of the board; the chairperson of the board finance committee, if there is one; the county corporation counsel and the county auditor or treasurer in counties having no county auditor, and only those persons so signing and acknowledging the articles of incorporation shall for the purposes of ch. 181 be the incorporators of the agency.
59.57(2)(e)3.3. The provisions of ch. 181, except such as are inconsistent with this subsection and except as otherwise specifically provided in this subsection, shall be applicable to such agency. The articles of incorporation shall specifically state that the agency is a public instrumentality created under the industrial development law and organized in accordance with the requirements of ch. 181 and that the agency shall be subject to ch. 181 to the extent that said chapter is not inconsistent with this subsection.
59.57(2)(e)4.4. The articles of incorporation shall provide for 2 classes of members who shall be designated as county members and public members and shall fix the number of each class, but the county members, at all times, shall constitute not less than a majority of the total authorized members. All members of each class shall be designated by the board and shall hold office at the pleasure of the board, except that in counties having a county executive, the members shall be designated by the county executive subject to confirmation by the board. The agency shall be subject to dissolution and its corporate authority terminated upon resolution adopted by a majority of the board, or of the boards of each county where counties join in the formation of the agency whereupon the members shall proceed immediately to dissolve the agency, wind up its affairs and distribute its remaining assets as provided in this subsection.
59.57(2)(e)5.5. The articles of incorporation shall provide for 2 classes of directors, each class to consist of such number as is provided in the bylaws. The county executive, if there is one, the chairperson of the board, the chairperson of the board finance committee, if there is one, the county corporation counsel and the county auditor or treasurer in counties having no county auditor, shall be members of the board of directors by virtue of their office and as representatives of the county in which they hold the office and the board of each county shall have the right to designate such additional county directors as the bylaws authorize. The county directors shall at all times constitute not less than a majority of the total authorized number of directors. Public directors shall be appointed by the board and shall hold office at the pleasure of the board.
59.57(2)(e)6.6. The corporate income of the agency shall not inure to any private person. Upon the dissolution of the agency all net assets after payment or provision for the payment of all debts and obligations shall be paid to the county in which the agency is located or if counties have joined in the formation of the agency then to such counties in such shares as is provided in the articles of incorporation.
59.57(2)(f)(f) Operating authority of industrial development agencies. Subject to par. (fm), the agency is granted all operating authority necessary or incidental to carrying out and effectuating the purposes of this subsection including, without limitation because of enumeration, the following:
59.57(2)(f)1.1. To grant financial aid and assistance to any industrial development project, which may be loans, contracts of sale and purchase, leases and such other transactions as are determined by the agency.
59.57(2)(f)2.2. Within the boundaries of the county or the counties joining in the formation of the agency to acquire by purchase, lease or otherwise any real or personal property or any interest therein or mortgage or other lien thereon; to hold, improve, clear and redevelop any such property; to sell, assign, lease, subdivide and make the property available for industrial use and to mortgage or otherwise encumber the property.
59.57(2)(f)3.3. To borrow money and to execute notes, bonds, debentures and other forms of indebtedness; to apply for and accept advances, loans, grants and contributions and other forms of financial assistance from the federal, state or county government and from municipalities and other public bodies and from industrial and other sources; to give such security as is required by way of mortgage, lien, pledge or other encumbrance, but any obligations for the payment of money shall be issued by the agency only after approval in such manner as is determined by the board or boards where counties have joined in the formation of the agency and is prescribed in the articles of incorporation or bylaws of the agency.
59.57(2)(f)4.4. To loan money for such period of time and at an interest rate that is determined by the agency and to be secured by mortgage, pledge or other lien or encumbrance on the industrial development project for which the loan was made or in other appropriate manner, which mortgage or other lien may be subordinate to a mortgage or other lien securing the obligations representing funds secured from independent sources which are used in the financing of the industrial development project and which mortgage or other lien and the indebtedness secured thereby may be sold, assigned, pledged or hypothecated.
59.57(2)(f)5.5. To enter into any contracts considered necessary or helpful and in general have and exercise all such other and further authority as is required or necessary in order to effectuate the purposes of this subsection.
59.57(2)(fm)(fm) Limitations on authority of industrial development agencies. No agency may take any action under par. (f) 2. for an industrial development project that is a commercial, retail, agribusiness, or service-related enterprise.
59.57(2)(g)(g) Examination and audit. The accounts and books of the agency, including its receipts, disbursements, contracts, mortgages, investments and other matters relating to its finances, operation and affairs shall be examined and audited annually by the county auditor or by an independent certified public accountant designated by the board or boards where counties have joined in the formation of the agency.
59.57(2)(h)(h) Limitation of powers.
59.57(2)(h)1.1. An industrial development agency shall not enter into any transaction which entails moving an industrial plant or facility from a municipality within the county to another location outside the municipality if the common council or the village board of the municipality where the plant or facility is then situated, within 45 days after receipt of written notice from the agency that it proposes to enter into such transaction, objects thereto by resolution adopted by a two-thirds vote of its council or board and approved by its mayor or president.
59.57(2)(h)2.2. The state pledges to and agrees with the United States and any other federal agency that if any federal agency constructs, loans or contributes any funds for the construction, extension, improvement or enlargement of any industrial development project, or any portion thereof, the state will not alter or limit the rights and powers of the agency in any manner which would be inconsistent with the due performance of any agreements between the agency and any such federal agency, and the agency shall continue to have and may exercise all powers granted in this subsection, so long as the powers are necessary or desirable for the carrying out of the purposes of this subsection.
59.57(2)(i)(i) Construction. This subsection shall be construed liberally to effectuate the purposes hereof and the enumeration therein of specific powers shall not operate to restrict the meaning of any general grant of power contained in this subsection or to exclude other powers comprehended in such general grant.
59.57(3)(3)Tax incremental financing.
59.57(3)(a)(a) Authority. Subject to par. (b), a county board of a county in which no cities or villages are located may exercise all powers of cities under s. 66.1105. If the board exercises the powers of a city under s. 66.1105, it is subject to the same duties as a common council under s. 66.1105 and the county is subject to the same duties and liabilities as a city under s. 66.1105.
59.57(3)(b)(b) Limitations.
59.57(3)(b)1.1. A board acting under par. (a) may not create a tax incremental district unless the town board of each town in which the proposed district is to be located adopts a resolution approving of the creation of the district.
59.57(3)(b)2.2. When a county convenes a joint review board under s. 66.1105 (4m) (a), the county representative specified in that paragraph shall be chosen as specified under s. 66.1105 (4m) (ae) 2., and the city representative specified in s. 66.1105 (4m) (a) and chosen as specified under s. 66.1105 (4m) (ae) 3. shall be a representative of the town where the tax incremental district is located, and shall be the town board chair or his or her designee, consistent with the provisions of s. 66.1105 (4m) (ae) 3.
59.57(3)(b)3.3. The 25 percent vacant land limitation for a tax incremental district that is not a district suitable for industrial sites, as described in s. 66.1105 (4) (gm) 1., does not apply to a tax incremental district that is created under this subsection.
59.57 AnnotationAn industrial development corporation is a separate municipality or public agency for purposes of the Wisconsin retirement fund and public employees social security fund. 60 Atty. Gen. 66.
59.58(1)(1)Airports. The board may:
59.58(1)(a)(a) Construct, purchase, acquire, develop, improve, extend, equip, operate and maintain airports and airport facilities and buildings, including without limitation because of enumeration, terminal buildings, hangars and parking structures and lots, and including all property that is appurtenant to or necessary for such purposes.
59.58(1)(b)(b) Finance such projects, including necessary sites, by the issuance of revenue bonds as provided in s. 66.0621, and payable solely from the income, revenues and rentals derived from the operation of the project financed from the proceeds of the bonds. If any such project is constructed on a site owned by the county prior to the issuance of the bonds the county shall be reimbursed from the proceeds of the bonds in the amount of not less than the reasonable value of the site. The reasonable value of the site shall be determined by the board after having obtained written appraisals of value by 2 general appraisers, as defined in s. 458.01 (11), in the county having a reputation for skill and experience in appraising real estate values. Any bonds issued under this subsection shall not be included in arriving at the constitutional debt limitation.
59.58(1)(c)(c) Operate airport projects or lease such projects in their entirety or in part, and any project may include space designed for leasing to others if the space is incidental to the purposes of the project.
59.58(2)(2)County transit commission.
59.58(2)(a)(a) A county in this state may establish, maintain and operate a comprehensive unified local transportation system, the major portion of which is or is to be located within or the major portion of the service of which is or is to be supplied to the inhabitants of such county, and which system is or is to be used chiefly for the transportation of persons and freight.
59.58(2)(b)(b) The transit commission shall be designated “Transit Commission” preceded by the name of the establishing county.
59.58(2)(c)(c) In this subsection:
59.58(2)(c)1.1. “Commission” means the local transit commission created hereunder.
59.58(2)(c)2.2. “Comprehensive unified local transportation system” means a transportation system that is comprised of motor bus lines and any other local public transportation facilities, the major portions of which are within the county.
59.58(2)(d)(d) The commission shall consist of not less than 7 members to be appointed by the board, one of whom shall be designated chairperson, except that in a county having a county executive, the executive shall make the appointments.
59.58(2)(e)1.1. The first members of the commission shall be appointed for staggered 3-year terms. The term of office of each member thereafter appointed shall be 3 years.
59.58(2)(e)2.2. No person holding stocks or bonds in a corporation subject to the jurisdiction of the commission, or who is in any other manner pecuniarily interested in any such corporation, shall be a member of, nor be employed by, the commission.
59.58(2)(f)(f) The commission may appoint a secretary and employ such accountants, engineers, experts, inspectors, clerks and other employees and fix their compensation, and purchase such furniture, stationery and other supplies and materials, as are reasonably necessary to enable it properly to perform its duties and exercise its powers.
59.58(2)(g)1.1. The commission may adopt rules relative to the calling, holding and conduct of its meetings, the transaction of its business, the regulation and control of its agents and employees, the filing of complaints and petitions and the service of notices thereof and conduct hearings.
59.58(2)(g)2.2. For the purpose of receiving, considering and acting upon any complaints or applications which may be presented to it or for the purpose of conducting investigations or hearings on its own motion the commission shall hold regular meetings at least once a week except in the months of July and August in each year and special meetings on the call of the chairperson or at the request of the board.
59.58(2)(g)3.3. The commission may adopt a seal, of which judicial notice shall be taken in all courts of this state. Any process, writ, notice or other instrument which the commission may be authorized by law to issue shall be considered sufficient if signed by the secretary of the commission and authenticated by such seal. All acts, orders, decisions, rules and records of the commission, and all reports, schedules and documents filed with the commission may be proved in any court in this state by a copy thereof certified by the secretary under the seal of the commission.
59.58(2)(h)(h) The jurisdiction, powers and duties of the commission shall extend to the comprehensive unified local transportation system for which the commission is established including any portion of such system extending into adjacent or suburban territory within this state lying outside of the county not more than 30 miles from the nearest point marking the corporate limits of the county.
59.58(2)(i)(i) The initial acquisition of the properties for the establishment of, and to comprise, the comprehensive unified local transportation system shall be subject to s. 66.0803 or ch. 197.
59.58(2)(j)1.1. Any county may by contract under s. 66.0301 establish a joint municipal transit commission, in cooperation with any municipality, county or federally recognized Indian tribe or band.
59.58(2)(j)2.2. Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection, no joint municipal transit commission under subd. 1. may provide service outside the corporate limits of the parties to the contract under s. 66.0301 which establish the joint municipal transit commission unless the joint municipal transit commission receives financial support for the service under a contract with a public or private organization for the service. This subdivision does not apply to service provided by a joint municipal transit commission outside the corporate limits of the parties to the contract under s. 66.0301 which establish the joint municipal transit commission if the joint municipal transit commission is providing the service on April 28, 1994, without receiving financial support from a public or private organization for the service, and elects to continue the service.
59.58(2)(k)1.1. In lieu of providing transportation services, a county may contract with a private organization for the services.
59.58(2)(k)2.2. Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection, no county may contract with a private organization to provide service outside the corporate limits of the county unless the county receives financial support for the service under a contract with a public or other private organization for the service. This subdivision does not apply to service provided under subd. 1. outside the corporate limits of a county if a private organization is providing the service on April 28, 1994, without receiving financial support from a public or private organization for the service, and the county elects to continue the service.
59.58(2)(L)(L) Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection, no transit commission may provide service outside the corporate limits of the county which establishes the transit commission unless the transit commission receives financial support for the service under a contract with a public or private organization for the service. This paragraph does not apply to service provided by a transit commission outside the corporate limits of the county which establishes the transit commission if the transit commission is providing the service on April 28, 1994, without receiving financial support from a public or private organization for the service, and elects to continue the service.
59.58(3)(3)Public transit in counties. A board may:
59.58(3)(a)(a) Purchase and lease buses to private transit companies that operate within and outside the county.
59.58(3)(b)(b) Apply for federal aids to purchase such buses or other facilities considered essential for operation.
59.58(3)(c)(c) Make grants and provide subsidies to private transit companies that operate bus lines principally within the county to stabilize, preserve or enhance levels of transit service to the public.
59.58(3)(d)(d) Acquire a transportation system by purchase, condemnation under s. 32.05 or otherwise and provide funds for the operation and maintenance of such a system. “Transportation system” means all land, shops, structures, equipment, property, franchises and rights of whatever nature required for transportation of passengers or freight within the county, or between counties, and includes, but is not limited to, elevated railroads, subways, underground railroads, motor vehicles, motor buses and any combination thereof, and any other form of mass transportation. Such acquisition and operation between counties shall be subject to ch. 194 and whenever the proposed operations between such counties would be competitive with the urban or suburban operations of another existing common carrier of passengers or freight, the county shall coordinate proposed operations with such carrier to eliminate adverse financial impact for such carrier. This coordination may include, but is not limited to, route overlapping, transfers, transfer points, schedule coordination, joint use of facilities, lease of route service and acquisition of route and corollary equipment. If such coordination does not result in mutual agreement, the proposals shall be submitted to the department of transportation for arbitration. The following forms of transportation are excepted from the definition of “transportation system”:
59.58(3)(d)1.1. Taxicabs.
59.58(3)(d)2.2. School bus transportation businesses or systems that are engaged primarily in the transportation of children to or from school, and which are subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the department of transportation and the department of public instruction.
59.58(3)(d)3.3. Charter or contract operations to, from or between points that are outside the county or contiguous or cornering counties.
59.58(3)(e)(e) Acquire all of the capital stock of a corporation that owns and operates a transportation system.
59.58(3)(f)(f) Use a public road, street or highway for the transportation of passengers for hire without obtaining a permit or license from a municipality for the operation of a transportation system within such municipality but such use shall be subject to approval by the department of transportation.
59.58(3)(g)(g) Upon the acquisition of a transportation system:
59.58(3)(g)1.1. Operate and maintain it or lease it to an operator or contract for its use by an operator.
59.58(3)(g)2.2. Contract for superintendence of the system with an organization which has personnel with the experience and skill necessary.
59.58(3)(g)3.3. Delegate responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the system to an appropriate administrative officer, board or commission of the county notwithstanding s. 59.84 or any other statute.
59.58(3)(g)4.4. Maintain and improve a railroad right-of-way and improvements on the right-of-way for future use.
59.58(3)(h)1.1. A county may contract under s. 66.0301 to establish a joint transit commission with other municipalities, as defined under s. 66.0301 (1) (b).
59.58(3)(h)2.2. Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection, no joint transit commission under subd. 1. may provide service outside the corporate limits of the parties to the contract under s. 66.0301 which establish the joint transit commission unless the joint transit commission receives financial support for the service under a contract with a public or private organization for the service. This subdivision does not apply to service provided by a joint transit commission outside the corporate limits of the parties to the contract under s. 66.0301 which establish the joint transit commission if the joint transit commission is providing the service on April 28, 1994, without receiving financial support from a public or private organization for the service, and elects to continue the service.
59.58(3)(i)(i) Paragraphs (d) to (h) 1. shall only apply if a board by a two-thirds vote of its membership so authorizes.
59.58(3)(j)1.1. Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection, no county which acquires a transportation system under this subsection may provide service outside the corporate limits of the county unless the county receives financial support for the service under a contract with a public or private organization for the service. This paragraph does not apply to service provided by a county outside the corporate limits of the county if the county is providing the service on April 28, 1994, without receiving financial support from a public or private organization for the service, and elects to continue the service.
59.58(3)(j)2.2. Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection, no county which establishes a transportation system under this subsection may contract with an operator to provide service under par. (g) 1. outside the corporate limits of the county unless the county receives financial support for the service under a contract with a public or private organization for the service. This subdivision does not apply to service provided under par. (g) 1. outside the corporate limits of a county under a contract between the county and an operator if an operator is providing the service on April 28, 1994, without receiving financial support from a public or private organization for the service, and the county elects to continue the service.
59.58(4)(4)County obligations to employees of county mass transportation systems.
59.58(4)(a)(a) A board acquiring a transportation system under sub. (3) (d) shall assume all the employer’s obligations under any contract between the employees and management of the system.
59.58(4)(b)(b) A board acquiring, constructing, controlling or operating a transportation system under sub. (3) (d) shall negotiate an agreement protecting the interests of employees affected by the acquisition, construction, control or operation. Such agreements shall include, but are not limited to, provisions for:
59.58(4)(b)1.1. The preservation of rights, privileges and benefits under an existing collective bargaining agreement or other agreement.
59.58(4)(b)2.2. The preservation of rights and benefits under existing pension plans covering prior service, and continued participation in social security.
59.58(4)(b)3.3. The continuation of collective bargaining rights.
59.58(4)(b)4.4. The protection of individual employees against a worsening of their positions with respect to their employment to the extent provided by section 13 (c) of the urban mass transportation act, as amended (49 USC 1609 (c)).
59.58(4)(b)5.5. Assurances of employment to employees of the transportation systems and priority of reemployment of employees who are terminated or laid off.
59.58(4)(b)6.6. Assurances of first opportunity of employment in order of seniority to employees of any nonacquired system, affected by a new, competitive or supplemental public transportation system, in unfilled nonsupervisory positions for which they can qualify after a reasonable training period.
59.58(4)(b)7.7. Paid training or retraining programs.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)