70.65(2)(b)(b) With respect to each description of real property and each owner of taxable personal property and the personal property assessments made before January 1, 2024:
70.65(2)(b)1.1. Show the total amount of taxes levied against the property by all taxing jurisdictions to which the property is subject.
70.65(2)(b)2.2. Show all other taxes, assessments and charges against the property which are authorized by law to be collected as are taxes levied against property.
70.65(2)(c)(c) Set forth the taxes, assessments and charges against property in the tax roll in a manner sufficiently organized and apportioned to permit collection and settlement of the taxes, assessments and charges under ch. 74.
70.65(2)(d)(d) Show the total amount of taxes, assessments and charges to be collected against property within the taxation district.
70.65(2)(e)(e) Direct the treasurer of the taxation district and the county treasurer to collect, under s. 74.07, the amount of taxes, assessments and charges under par. (d).
70.65(2)(f)(f) Set forth any other information required by law or determined necessary by the department of revenue.
70.65(3)(3)Certification of correctness. The clerk of the taxation district shall certify, on the tax roll, that the information contained in the tax roll is accurate, to the clerk’s best knowledge.
70.65(4)(4)Form. The format of the tax roll shall be prescribed by the department of revenue under s. 70.09 (3).
70.65(5)(5)Delivery. The clerk of the taxation district shall transfer the tax roll under s. 74.03.
70.65 AnnotationA municipality is entitled to rely on the address provided on the transfer tax return until it is provided with information reasonably calculated to inform of a new address. Pocius v. Kenosha County, 231 Wis. 2d 596, 605 N.W.2d 915 (Ct. App. 1999), 98-3176.
70.6770.67Municipal treasurer’s bond; substitute for.
70.67(1)(1)The treasurer of each town, city, or village shall, unless exempted under sub. (2), execute and deliver to the county treasurer a bond, with sureties, to be approved, in case of a town treasurer, by the chairperson of the town, and in case of a city or village treasurer by the county treasurer, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of the office and that the treasurer will account for and pay over according to law all taxes of any kind which are received and which are required to be paid to the county treasurer. If such bond is executed the amount of the bond shall be no less than the amount of state and county taxes apportioned to the town, village, or city. The county treasurer shall give to the town, city, or village treasurer a receipt for the bond, and shall file and safely keep the bond in the county treasurer’s office.
70.67(2)(2)The treasurer of any municipality shall not be required to give such bond if the governing body thereof shall by ordinance obligate such municipality to pay, in case the treasurer thereof shall fail so to do, all taxes of any kind required by law to be paid by such treasurer to the county treasurer. Such governing body is authorized to so obligate such municipality. If the governing body of the municipality has adopted an ordinance as specified in this subsection, it may demand from its treasurer, in addition to the official bond required of all municipal treasurers, a fidelity or surety bond in an amount and upon such terms as may be determined by the governing body. Such bond shall run to the town or village board or the city council, as the case may be, and shall be delivered to the clerk of the municipality. A certified copy of such ordinance filed with the county treasurer shall be accepted by the county treasurer in lieu of the bond required by sub. (1). Such ordinance shall remain in effect until a certified copy of its repeal shall be filed with the county clerk and the county treasurer. The official bond executed pursuant to s. 19.01, required of municipal treasurers, shall extend to and include the liability incurred by any town, city or village whose governing board shall adopt and certify to the county treasurer an ordinance in accordance with this subsection.
70.67 HistoryHistory: 1975 c. 375 s. 44; 1975 c. 421; 1989 a. 56 s. 258; 1991 a. 316; 2017 a. 52.
70.67 AnnotationFor purposes of sub. (2), the town board is the governing body of the town. 63 Atty. Gen. 10.
70.6870.68Collection of taxes.
70.68(1)(1)Collection in certain cities. For taxes levied before January 1, 2024, in cities authorized to act under s. 74.87, the chief of police shall collect all state, county, city, school, and other taxes due on personal property as shall then remain unpaid, and the chief of police shall possess all the powers given by law to town treasurers for the collection of such taxes, and be subject to the liabilities and entitled to the same fees as town treasurers in such cases, but such fees shall be turned over to the city treasurer and become a part of the general fund.
70.68(2)(2)Bond of chief of police. The chief of police shall give a bond to the city, in such sum and with such sureties as the council may prescribe, for the payment to the city treasurer of all taxes collected by the chief of police.
70.68 HistoryHistory: 1985 a. 135; 1987 a. 378; 1991 a. 316; 2023 a. 12.
70.7170.71Proceedings if roll not made.
70.71(1)(1)Whenever any town, city or village clerk neglects or refuses to make and deliver the tax roll within the time required by law the county clerk shall, at any time after such neglect or refusal, demand and summarily obtain the assessment roll for such year, and make, in the same manner as required of the town clerk, a tax roll for such town, city or village and deliver the same to the county treasurer for collection.
70.71(2)(2)If the assessment roll cannot be obtained the county clerk may use a copy thereof if obtainable. If the clerk can obtain neither original nor copy the clerk shall make out, to the best of the clerk’s ability, a tax roll from the last assessment or tax roll on file in the clerk’s office or in the office of the county treasurer, which shall then be taken and deemed conclusively the legal tax roll of such town for all purposes whatever. For all such services the county clerk shall be allowed by the county board and paid from the county treasury a reasonable compensation, which shall be charged to the town in the next apportionment of taxes.
70.71 HistoryHistory: 1975 c. 324; 1987 a. 378; 1991 a. 316.
70.7270.72Clerical help on reassessment. Whenever a reassessment or reassessments of taxes shall hereafter be ordered in any town, the town board of such town may employ such additional clerical help for the purpose of preparing the tax rolls upon such reassessment as in its judgment shall be necessary.
70.7370.73Correction of tax roll.
70.73(1)(1)Before delivery.
70.73(1)(a)(a) If it is discovered by any town, village or city clerk or treasurer that any parcel of land has been erroneously described on the tax roll the clerk or treasurer shall correct the description.
70.73(1)(b)(b) If a town, village, or city clerk or treasurer discovers that personal property has been assessed to the wrong person for assessments made before January 1, 2024, or 2 or more parcels of land belonging to different persons have been erroneously assessed together on the tax roll, the clerk or treasurer shall notify the assessor and all parties interested, if the parties are residents of the county, by notice in writing to appear at the clerk’s office at some time, not less than 5 days thereafter, to correct the assessment roll.
70.73(1)(c)(c) At the time and place designated in the notice given under par. (b), the assessment roll shall be corrected by entering the correct names of the persons liable to assessment, describing each parcel of land and giving the proper valuation to each parcel separately owned. The total valuation given to the separate tracts of real estate shall be equal to the valuation given to the same property when the several parcels were assessed together.
70.73(1)(d)(d) The valuation of parcels of land may be made at any time before the tax roll is returned to the county treasurer for the year in which the tax is levied. The valuation, when made under this subsection, shall be held just and correct and be final and conclusive.
70.73(1m)(1m)After board of review. If a town, village, or city clerk or treasurer discovers a palpable error, as described under s. 74.33 (1), in the assessment roll after the board of review has adjourned for the year under s. 70.47 (4), the clerk or treasurer shall correct the assessment roll before calculating the property taxes that are due on the property related to the error and notify the department of revenue of the correction under s. 70.57.
70.73(3)(3)Notice of correction. When the assessment roll shall have been so corrected the clerk shall enter a marginal note on the roll stating when the correction was made by the assessor; and if the taxes shall have been extended against the property previously the clerk shall correct the tax roll in the same manner that the assessment roll was corrected, and extend against each tract the proper amount of tax to be collected.
70.7470.74Lien of reassessed tax.
70.74(1)(1)Whenever any tax or assessment or any part thereof levied on real estate, whether heretofore or hereafter levied, shall have been set aside or determined to be illegal or void or the collection thereof prevented by the judgment of a court or the action of the county board; or whenever any town, city or village treasurer shall have been prevented by injunction from collecting or returning as delinquent any such tax or assessment in consequence of any irregularity or error in any of the proceedings in the assessment of such real estate, the levy of such tax or the proceedings for its collection, or of any erroneous or imperfect description of such real estate, or of any omission to comply with any form or step required by law, or of the affixing of a revenue stamp to the tax certificate, and including the amount thereof in the same, or the including of any illegal addition with the lawful tax, or for any other cause, then, if the real estate was properly taxable or assessable, if it be not a proper case to collect by inclusion of the land in the tax certificate next issued under s. 74.57, such tax, or so much thereof as shall not have been collected and as may be taxable or assessable thereto may be reassessed or relevied upon such real estate at any time within 3 years after such judgment or such action of the county board or the dissolution of such injunction; and the proper town board, village board, board of trustees or common council shall make an order directing the same to be reassessed upon such real estate, and the clerk shall insert the same in the tax roll, opposite such real estate, in a separate column, as an additional tax, and the same shall be collected as a part of the tax for the year when so placed on the roll. Any such school district tax shall be so reassessed and relevied on the order of the town board; but the provisions of this section shall not be construed as conflicting with, limiting or in any way affecting the reassessment provided for in ss. 75.54 and 75.55. The lien of any tax reassessed as provided in this section shall attach to the land as of the date when such tax as originally levied became a lien and shall continue and constitute the lien of any tax certificate issued which includes such lands for such reassessed tax.
70.74(2)(2)Whenever any tax or assessment or any part thereof levied on real estate shall have been set aside or determined to be illegal or void or the collection thereof prevented by the judgment of a court or the action of the county board and such tax or assessment shall not be justly reassessable, the county board may order such tax or assessment to be charged back to the respective town, city or village wherein such lands are situated in the next apportionment of county taxes, provided that the amount so charged back shall not include any tax or assessment the illegality of which is solely attributable to erroneous action by the county or its officers.
70.74 HistoryHistory: 1987 a. 378.
70.75(1)(1)Reassessments, how made.
70.75(1)(a)1.1. The owners of taxable property in any taxation district, other than an assessment district within the corporate limits of any 1st class city, whose property has an aggregate assessed valuation of not less than 5 percent of the assessed valuation of all of the property in the district according to the assessment sought to be corrected, may submit to the department of revenue a written petition concerning the assessed valuation of their property. Subject to subd. 2. and sub. (1m), if the department finds that the assessment of property in the taxation district is not in substantial compliance with the law and that the interest of the public will be promoted by a reassessment, the department may order a reassessment of all or of any part of the taxable property in the district to be made by one or more persons appointed for that purpose by the department.
70.75(1)(a)2.2. The department may dismiss any petition for reassessment if, prior to the entry of a reassessment order under subd. 1., the taxation district involved determines under s. 70.055 that employing expert help to aid in assessing property would be in the public interest and if, after receiving departmental approval, the taxation district does employ expert help for either of the 2 years following the assessment year complained of.
70.75(1)(a)3.3. If the department performs the reassessment or special supervision under sub. (3), the department shall designate the person responsible for the reassessment. If the department appoints a corporation for the reassessment or special supervision under sub. (3), the corporation shall designate the person responsible for the reassessment. The corporate or departmental designee shall file the official oath under s. 19.01.
70.75(1)(a)4.4. If a petition under subd. 1. is filed in the office of the department the department shall, under the powers conferred by s. 73.03 (1), review the assessment complained of. If the department finds the assessment is not in substantial compliance with law and that public interest will be promoted by a reassessment, it shall correct such assessment by a reassessment as provided in this section. The department’s duty to reassess is not impaired by any action, subsequent to such filing, of any taxpayer represented in the application.
70.75(1)(a)5.5. As a part of its investigation of the assessment complained of, the department shall hold a hearing at some convenient place within or near the taxation district which is sought to be reassessed. At such hearing testimony may be offered as to the inequality or equality of the assessment, whether or not the public interest will be promoted by a reassessment and as to such other matters as may be desired by the department. Notice of the hearing specifying the time and place of the hearing shall be mailed to the clerk of the taxation district and the first signer of the application for reassessment, not less than 8 days before the time fixed for the hearing.
70.75(1)(a)6.6. The department shall keep on file its order directing such reassessment and naming the persons appointed to make the reassessment. In addition, the department shall transmit a copy of the order to the clerk of the taxation district, to the supervisor of equalization of the county in which the district is located and to each of the persons appointed to make such reassessment and serve on the board for the review of the reassessment. Service of a copy of the order is legal notice to these people of their appointment. No person may be authorized by the department to make a reassessment or to provide special supervision instead of reassessment unless the person is willing and able to use the assessment manual.
70.75(1)(b)(b) All assessment personnel appointed under this section in 1974 and thereafter shall have passed an examination and have been certified by the department of revenue as qualified for performing the functions of the office to which appointed. Any person appointed under par. (a) or sub. (3) shall be certified as an expert appraiser as provided in s. 70.055 (1).
70.75(1m)(1m)Additional requirements. The department may not proceed under sub. (1) (a) with respect to a petition filed by a property owner who owns more than 5 percent of the assessed valuation of all the property in a taxation district if within the 3 years preceding the date of the petition that person petitioned for reassessment and the department of revenue did not order a reassessment under sub. (1) or special supervision under sub. (3) unless, in addition to that property owner, an owner or owners of an additional 5 percent of the assessed valuation of the taxation district join in the petition. If a petition is denied under this subsection, the property owner who petitioned twice within a 3-year period shall pay 75 percent of the department of revenue’s costs in respect to that petition. Payments under this subsection shall be made to the department of revenue for deposit in the appropriation under s. 20.566 (2) (h).
70.75(2)(2)Persons appointed to reassess, powers and duties. The person or persons appointed under sub. (1) to make a reassessment, without delay, shall severally take and subscribe an oath or affirmation to support the constitution of the United States and of the state of Wisconsin and to faithfully perform the duties imposed upon that person in respect to the reassessment to the best of that person’s ability, and shall file the same with the department of revenue. Thereupon the person or persons appointed to make the reassessment shall proceed with diligence to make a reassessment of all the taxable property in the affected district. For that purpose the person or persons appointed to make the reassessment shall have all the power and authority given by law to assessors in the district and shall perform all the duties and be subject to all restrictions and penalties imposed by law upon assessors in the district. The person or persons appointed to make the reassessment shall have access to all public records and files which may be necessary or useful in the performance of the reassessment, and while engaged therein shall be entitled to have custody and possession of the roll containing the original assessment in the district and all property and other statements and memoranda relating thereto. A blank assessment roll and all property statements and other blank forms necessary for the purposes of the reassessment shall be furnished by the county clerk at the expense of the county upon the application of the department of revenue.
70.75(3)(3)Special supervision instead of reassessment. Whenever the department determines, after the hearing provided for in sub. (1) or in the determination under s. 70.05 (5) (d), that the assessment complained of was not made in substantial compliance with law but that the interests of all the taxpayers of such district will best be promoted by special supervision of succeeding assessments to the end that the assessment of such district shall thereafter be lawfully made, it may proceed as follows: It may designate one or more employees of the department or appoint one or more other qualified persons to assist the local assessor in making the assessments to be thereafter made in such district. Any person so appointed may give all or such part of that person’s time to such supervision as, in the judgment of the department, is necessary to complete such assessment in substantial compliance with the law, and in performing such task shall have all the powers given by law to any person designated to make a reassessment and together with the assessor shall constitute an assessment board as defined in s. 70.055.
70.75(4)(4)Costs. Except as provided in sub. (1m), all costs of the department of revenue in connection with reassessment or special supervision under this section shall be borne by the taxation district. These receipts shall be credited to the appropriation under s. 20.566 (2) (h). Past due accounts shall be certified on or before the 4th Monday of August of each year and included in the next apportionment of state special charges to local units of government.
70.75(5)(5)Definitions. In this section, for those taxation districts that are under a county assessor system, the terms “local assessor” and “board of review” include the county assessor and the county board of review, respectively.
70.7670.76Board of correction.
70.76(1)(1)Notice, proof.
70.76(1)(a)(a) In the order for reassessment the department of revenue shall designate 3 persons to serve as a board for the correction and review of the reassessment. As soon as practicable the person making the reassessment shall inform the clerk of the district of the date on which the reassessment will be ready for the consideration of the board. The information shall be given in time to enable the clerk to give the notice required in this subsection.
70.76(1)(b)(b) The clerk shall give notice that the board will meet on the date at the place provided by law for the meeting of the regular board of review of the district, specifying the place. The clerk shall record the notice in the record book of proceedings of the board of review of the district after first recording the order for reassessment. The clerk shall post the notice in 3 conspicuous public places in the district and shall also serve a copy of the notice upon each of the persons named to act as the board and upon the department of revenue if the reassessment is not made by the department. The posting and service shall be at least one week before the day designated for the meeting.
70.76(1)(c)(c) In case of the failure or refusal of the clerk to give and serve the notice in the manner prescribed within 5 days after being requested to do so by the person making the reassessment, the department of revenue may give and serve the notice with the same force and effect as if given and served by the clerk. The service may be by personal delivery to the person to be served or by leaving the copy at the person’s usual place of abode or by mailing it in a sealed envelope postpaid and directed to the person at the person’s post-office address.
70.76(1)(d)(d) A memorandum stating the time and place of posting and the time and manner of service shall be entered by the clerk in the record. The memorandum, authenticated by the signature of the clerk, is presumptive evidence of the facts stated. The fact, time and manner of posting and service may be proved by any person having knowledge of the facts even though no entry of a memorandum is made.
70.76(2)(2)Hearing. The persons designated to serve as a board to review the reassessment shall attend at the time and place specified in the notice. A majority of them constitutes a quorum. Before proceeding in the review they shall be sworn by the clerk or by some other person authorized by law to administer oaths, to faithfully and impartially perform their duties in respect to the reassessment. The clerk of the district shall attend and serve as the clerk of the board at all its sessions and shall perform all the duties required of clerks at meetings of the regular board of review of the district, except that the clerk shall have no voice in the determinations of the board.
70.76(3)(3)Evidence. The person making the reassessment shall attend the meeting, shall present before the board the roll containing the reassessment of property made by the person and all property statements, affidavits, and other memoranda in relation to it, shall furnish the board all information in the person’s possession which may be useful in the work of the board, and may give testimony of any facts within the person’s knowledge pertinent to any matter under the consideration of the board.
70.76 HistoryHistory: 1983 a. 275; 1985 a. 135.
70.7770.77Proceedings; inspection. Such board shall carefully examine and consider such reassessment roll and all statements and other information accompanying the same or given in relation thereto. They shall review and correct such reassessment in like manner as the regular board of review of such district is required to review assessments therein and for that purpose they may adjourn from time to time and shall otherwise have and exercise all the power and authority given by law to boards of review and shall be subject to all the rules and restrictions imposed upon such boards. Any owner of taxable property in such district shall have the right to examine such reassessment and shall have all the rights and privileges before such board in respect to such reassessment that are given by law in respect to any assessment of property in such district.
70.77 HistoryHistory: 1999 a. 83.
70.7870.78Affidavit; filing. Upon the completion of the work of such board and the incorporation in such reassessment roll of any corrections and changes ordered by such board, the person or persons making such reassessment shall make and annex to such roll an affidavit conforming as nearly as may be to the affidavit required by law to be annexed to assessment rolls in such district. Such reassessment roll when completed shall be filed in the office of the clerk of such district and shall take the place of the original assessment made in such district for said year for all purposes and shall be prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated and of the regularity of all the proceedings culminating therein.
70.7970.79Power of supervisor of equalization. If the reassessment is made by a person other than the supervisor of equalization of the county in which the district is located the supervisor of equalization has the same authority as in other assessments in the county and shall render assistance to the person making the reassessment and to the reviewing board and shall attend the meeting of the reviewing board. The district attorney of the county in which the reassessment is made shall give legal assistance in relation to the reassessment or the review upon the request of the supervisor of equalization.
70.79 HistoryHistory: 1983 a. 275 s. 15 (3); 1983 a. 538.
70.8070.80Compensation; fees. The person or persons making such reassessment and the persons serving upon the board for review thereof shall receive such compensation for their services and expenses as may be designated by the department of revenue in the order directing such reassessment. Any witness directed to be summoned by such board shall be entitled to fees for travel and attendance at the rates allowed by law to witnesses in the circuit court, but shall not be entitled to such fees prior to attendance and the giving of testimony. Supervisors of equalization may be appointed to make reassessments, but in no case shall a supervisor of equalization be appointed to reassess a district when the complaint was made or the proceedings instituted by that supervisor of equalization.
70.80 HistoryHistory: 1983 a. 275 s. 15 (3), (4); 1983 a. 538 s. 269 (3); 1991 a. 316.
70.8170.81Statement of expenses. Upon completion of the review of such reassessment, each person entitled to compensation for services in respect thereto as provided in s. 70.80 shall make out a statement of the person’s claim therefor against the state of Wisconsin and execute a voucher for the payment thereof upon blank forms to be furnished by the department of revenue. Such statement shall show the number of days for which compensation is claimed, the rate per day, the character of the service, the total amount claimed, the address of the claimant, and, in case of witnesses, the number of miles traveled, which statement shall be verified by the affidavit of the claimant or of some person having knowledge of the facts. Each such claim shall be approved, if correct, by a member of such board and by the supervisor of equalization. A memorandum of all such claims, showing the number of days and character of service and amount due to each person, shall be entered at the foot of the record of the proceedings of such board.
70.81 HistoryHistory: 1983 a. 275 s. 15 (3); 1991 a. 316.
70.8270.82Review of claims; payment. The statements and vouchers mentioned in s. 70.81 shall be promptly transmitted by the supervisor of equalization to the department of revenue, which shall have authority to review the statements and vouchers and determine the number of days to be allowed. After such review and determination and after procuring any needed corrections therein said department shall endorse their approval of such statements and file the same and such vouchers in the office of the department of administration. Such claims shall thereupon be audited by the department of administration and paid out of the state treasury in like manner that other claims against the state are audited and paid. The amount so paid shall constitute an indebtedness of the district in which such reassessment was made to the state of Wisconsin, and such indebtedness with interest thereon at 6 percent per year shall be a special charge upon such district to be certified to and collected from such district in the then next levy and certification of state taxes and special charges, in like manner that other indebtedness of cities, towns, and villages to the state are certified and collected.
70.82 HistoryHistory: 1979 c. 110 s. 60 (13); 1983 a. 275 s. 15 (3); 2009 a. 177.
70.8370.83Deputies; neglect; reassessment. If any person appointed or required to perform any duty under ss. 70.75 and 70.76 shall be unable or neglect to do so, that person’s place may be filled by appointment by said department. If any person required to perform any duty under ss. 70.75 to 70.84 shall willfully neglect or refuse to do so, that person shall forfeit to the state not less than $50 nor more than $250. In the appointment of persons to perform services under ss. 70.75 to 70.84 the department of revenue shall not be required to select any of such persons from the residents of the district in which the reassessment is to be made. It shall not be necessary for the said department to wait until the assessment in any district is completed before making an order for reassessment therein under ss. 70.75 to 70.84; but it shall be entitled to make such order whenever it shall be satisfied from the work already done upon such assessment that when completed it will not be in substantial compliance with law.
70.83 HistoryHistory: 1991 a. 316.
70.8470.84Inequalities may be corrected in subsequent year. If any such reassessment cannot be completed in time to take the place of the original assessment made in such district for said year, the clerk of the district shall levy and apportion the taxes for that year upon the basis of the original assessment roll, and when the reassessment is completed the inequalities in the taxes levied under the original assessment shall be remedied and compensated in the levy and apportionment of taxes in such district next following the completion of said reassessment in the following manner: Each tract of real estate, and, as to personal property assessments made before January 1, 2024, each taxpayer, whose tax shall be determined by such reassessment to have been relatively too high, shall be credited a sum equal to the amount of taxes charged on the original assessment in excess of the amount which would have been charged had such reassessment been made in time; and each tract of real estate, and, as to personal property assessments made before January 1, 2024, each taxpayer, whose tax shall be determined by such reassessment to have been relatively too low, shall be charged, in addition to all other taxes, a sum equal to the difference between the amount of taxes charged upon such unequal original assessment and the amount which would have been charged had such reassessment been made in time. The department of revenue, or its authorized agent, shall at any time have access to all assessment and tax rolls herein referred to for the purpose of assisting the local clerk and in order that the results of the reassessment may be carried into effect.
70.84 HistoryHistory: 2023 a. 12.
70.8570.85Review of assessment by department of revenue.
70.85(1)(1)Complaint. A taxpayer may file a written complaint with the department of revenue alleging that the assessment of one or more items or parcels of property in the taxation district the value of which, as determined under s. 70.47, does not exceed $1,000,000 is radically out of proportion to the general level of assessment of all other property in the district.
70.85(2)(2)Board of review; timing. A complaint under this section may be filed only if the taxpayer has contested the assessment of the property for that year under s. 70.47. The complaint shall be filed with the department of revenue within 20 days after receipt of the board of review’s determination or within 30 days after the date specified on the affidavit under s. 70.47 (12) if there is no return receipt.
70.85(3)(3)Fee. A taxpayer filing a complaint under this section shall pay a filing fee of $100 to the department of revenue, which shall be credited to the appropriation under s. 20.566 (2) (h).
70.85(4)(a)(a) In this subsection, “the property” means the items or parcels of property which are the subject of the written complaint filed under sub. (1).
70.85(4)(b)(b) The department of revenue may revalue the property and adjust the assessment of the property to the assessment ratio of other property within the taxation district, if the department of revenue determines that:
70.85(4)(b)1.1. The assessment of the property is not within 10 percent of the general level of assessment of all other property in the taxation district.
70.85(4)(b)2.2. The revaluation of the property can be satisfactorily completed without a reassessment of all property within the taxation district.
70.85(4)(b)3.3. The revaluation can be accomplished before November 1 of the year in which the assessment is made or within 60 days of the receipt of the written complaint, whichever is later.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)