707.24(1)(1)Termination by agreement. All time shares in a time-share property may be terminated only by agreement of the time-share owners having at least 80 percent of the time shares, except that the time-share instrument may require approval by a greater majority.
707.24(2)(2)Recording of agreement.
707.24(2)(a)(a) An agreement to terminate all time shares in a time-share property shall be evidenced by a termination agreement which meets the requirements of s. 706.05 (2) for recording, is signed by each of the time-share owners who agree to termination under sub. (1) and provides that the agreement will be void unless the agreement is recorded before a specified date.
707.24(2)(b)(b) A termination agreement shall be recorded in the office of the register of deeds of each county in which a portion of the time-share property is located and shall be effective only upon recordation.
707.24(3)(3)Agreement without sales contract.
707.24(3)(a)(a) Unless the termination agreement sets forth a sales contract described in sub. (4), title to an estate or interest in each time-share unit, equal to the sum of the time shares in the time-share unit, shall vest upon termination in the time-share owners of the time-share unit in proportion to their respective interests under sub. (6m) or (7), and liens on the time shares shall shift accordingly to encumber those interests.
707.24(3)(b)(b) Upon termination, an owner of an estate or interest in a time-share unit under par. (a) may maintain an action for partition under ch. 842.
707.24(4)(4)Agreement with sales contract. If the termination agreement sets forth the material terms of a contract or proposed contract under which an estate or interest in each time-share unit, equal to the sum of the time shares in the time-share unit, is to be sold and designates a trustee to effect the sale, title to that estate or interest shall vest upon termination in the trustee for the benefit of the time-share owners, to be transferred under the contract. Proceeds of the sale shall be distributed to time-share owners and lienholders under sub. (6).
707.24(5)(5)Rights and liabilities after termination. Except as otherwise specified in the termination agreement, if the former time-share owners or their trustee holds title to the estate or interest equal to the sum of the time shares, each former time-share owner and the time-share owner’s successors in interest have the same rights with respect to occupancy in the former time-share unit that the former time-share owner would have had if termination had not occurred, together with the same liabilities and other obligations imposed under this chapter or the time-share instrument.
707.24(6)(6)Distribution of proceeds. After termination of all time shares in a time-share property and adequate provision for the payment of the claims of the creditors for time-share expenses, the proceeds shall be distributed to the former time-share owners and their successors in interest in proportion to their interests as determined under sub. (6m) or (7). The distribution shall consist of the proceeds of any sale under this section and the proceeds of any personalty or other funds held for the use and benefit of the former time-share owners. After termination, creditors of the association holding liens perfected against the time-share property before the termination may enforce those liens in the same manner as any other lienholder. All other creditors of the association shall be treated as if they had liens on time-share property which were perfected immediately before termination.
707.24(6m)(6m)Interests specified. The time-share instrument may specify the respective fractional or percentage interest in the estate or interest in each time-share unit equal to the sum of the time shares in the time-share unit that will be owned by each former time-share owner.
707.24(7)(a)(a) If the specification under sub. (6m) is not made, an appraisal under par. (b) of the fair market value of each time share shall be made not more than 180 days before the termination by one or more impartial qualified appraisers, selected either by the trustee designated in the termination agreement or by the managing entity if no trustee is designated.
707.24(7)(b)(b) The appraisal shall state the corresponding fractional or percentage interests calculated in proportion to those values and shall be made in accordance with all of the following:
707.24(7)(b)1.1. If the termination agreement sets forth a sales contract described in sub. (4), each time share conferring a right of occupancy during a limited number of time periods shall be appraised as if the time until the date specified for the conveyance of the property had already elapsed.
707.24(7)(b)2.2. If the termination agreement does not set forth a sales contract described in sub. (4), each time share conferring a right of occupancy during a limited number of time periods shall be appraised as if the date specified under sub. (2) had already elapsed.
707.24(7)(b)3.3. The interest of each time-share owner is the value of the time share divided by the sum of the values of all time shares in the unit or units to which the time share applies.
707.24(7)(c)(c) A notice stating all values and corresponding interests determined under par. (b) and the return address of the sender shall be sent by certified or registered mail by the managing entity or by the trustee designated in the termination agreement to all time-share owners.
707.24(7)(d)(d) The appraisal governs the magnitude of each interest unless at least 25 percent of the time-share owners deliver, within 60 days after the notices required under par. (c) are mailed, written disapprovals to the sender of the notice or unless a court determines that the appraisal should be set aside.
707.24(8)(8)Foreclosure. Foreclosure or enforcement of a lien or encumbrance against all of the time shares in a time-share property does not, of itself, terminate those time shares.
707.24 HistoryHistory: 1987 a. 399.
707.25707.25Use for sales purposes.
707.25(1)(1)Except as provided in sub. (2), a developer may maintain sales offices, management offices and models in the time-share property only if the time-share instrument so provides and specifies the rights of a developer with regard to the number, size, location and relocation of the offices. The developer may maintain signs on the time-share property advertising the time-share property.
707.25(2)(2)A developer’s authority under sub. (1) is subject to restrictions in ordinances and the project instrument.
707.25 HistoryHistory: 1987 a. 399.
707.26707.26Rights of secured lenders. The time-share instrument may require that all or a specified number or percentage of holders of mortgages or equivalent security interests encumbering units or time shares approve specified actions of the unit owners, time-share owners, the developer or the managing entity as a condition to the effectiveness of those actions, but no requirement for approval may do any of the following:
707.26(1)(1)Control over administration. Deny or delegate control over the general administrative affairs of an association by the unit owners or time-share owners, or their elected representatives.
707.26(2)(2)Involvement in litigation. Prevent an association from commencing, intervening in or settling any litigation or proceeding or receiving and distributing insurance proceeds under s. 707.35.
707.26 HistoryHistory: 1987 a. 399.
707.28707.28Foreclosure of time-share estates and licenses.
707.28(1)(1)Definition. In this section, “foreclosing entity” means a person that holds a mortgage or a lien for assessments under s. 707.37 on a time-share estate and that seeks to foreclose the mortgage or lien.
707.28(2)(2)Available procedures.
707.28(2)(a)(a) Time-share estates. A mortgage or a lien for assessments under s. 707.37 on a time-share estate may be foreclosed in the same manner and subject to the same requirements as a foreclosure of mortgages on real property in this state or in the manner provided under this section.
707.28(2)(b)(b) Time-share licenses. A security interest in, or a lien for assessments under s. 707.37 on, a time-share license may be foreclosed under chs. 401 to 411.
707.28(3)(3)Nonjudicial time-share estate foreclosure procedure.
707.28(3)(a)(a) Notice of default; nonjudicial foreclosure.
707.28(3)(a)1.1. To foreclose a mortgage or a lien for assessments under s. 707.37 on a time-share estate under this section, a foreclosing entity shall first provide written notice to the time-share owner in default at the time-share owner’s last-known address by certified mail, with return receipt requested, and by 1st class mail, subject to s. 707.38 (5).
707.28(3)(a)2.2. The notice shall inform the time-share owner of his or her default and the amount that he or she owes to the foreclosing entity; that he or she has the right to a judicial foreclosure conducted in the manner provided in ch. 846; that, within 30 days from the date on which the notice was mailed under subd. 1., or 30 days from the last date the notice was mailed if the mailings were not on the same date, he or she may cure the default or object in writing to nonjudicial foreclosure; and that, if he or she does not timely cure the default or object to the nonjudicial foreclosure in writing, the foreclosing entity may proceed with a nonjudicial foreclosure.
707.28(3)(a)3.3. The notice shall include, for use by the time-share owner, a separate form objecting to nonjudicial foreclosure that includes the address of the foreclosing entity.
707.28(3)(a)4.4. If, within the 30-day period under subd. 2., the time-share owner returns the objection form under subd. 3. or otherwise objects in writing to the use of nonjudicial foreclosure, the foreclosing entity must use the procedure under ch. 846 to foreclose the mortgage or lien. However, if the time-share owner does not, within the 30-day period under subd. 2., object in writing to nonjudicial foreclosure, he or she waives his or her right to foreclosure conducted in the manner provided under ch. 846, and, if he or she does not within that 30-day period cure the default, the foreclosing entity may proceed with a foreclosure sale of the time-share estate by public auction as provided in this section.
707.28(3)(b)(b) Notice of sale; general requirements. The foreclosing entity shall provide notice of the foreclosure sale under this section as follows:
707.28(3)(b)1.a.a. Except as provided in subd. 1. b., notice of the sale as provided in par. (c) or (d), whichever is applicable, must be published once in each of 3 successive weeks in a newspaper having general circulation in the county in which the time-share estate is located. The first publication must be no later than 30 days before the date of the sale, excluding the date of that first publication and the date of the sale.
707.28(3)(b)1.b.b. In lieu of publishing the notice of sale in a newspaper as provided in subd. 1. a., notice may be given by posting a copy of the notice of sale as provided in par. (c) or (d), whichever is applicable, for 3 successive weeks on the Internet and publishing, once a week for 3 successive weeks in a newspaper having general circulation in the county in which the time-share estate is located, a notice, in at least 10-point boldface type, that states at a minimum that the notice of sale for the foreclosure of the time-share estate is posted on the Internet, the Internet site where the notice is posted, and the name and street address of the property in which the time-share estate exists. The posting on the Internet shall begin on the same date as the first newspaper publication, which date must be no later than 30 days before the date of the sale, excluding the date of that first publication and the date of the sale.
707.28(3)(b)2.2. At least 30 days before the date of the sale, excluding the date of the sale, written notice of the date, time, and place of the sale, which may be a copy of the notice under par. (c) or (d), whichever is applicable, must be mailed to all of the following:
707.28(3)(b)2.a.a. Subject to s. 707.38 (5), the time-share owner at the time-share owner’s last-known address by certified mail, with return receipt requested, and by 1st class mail.
707.28(3)(b)2.b.b. All persons having a lien of record on the time-share estate by certified mail, with return receipt requested.
707.28(3)(b)3.3. The notice provided to the time-share owner under subd. 2. a. must include the following language: “You are hereby notified that you have a right to petition the Circuit Court for _______ County (the county in which the time-share estate is located), with service on _________ (the foreclosing entity) and upon such bond as the Court may require, to enjoin the scheduled foreclosure sale.”
707.28(3)(b)4.4. If more than one time-share estate in the same time-share property will be sold at the foreclosure sale, all such time-share estates may be combined into one notice of sale, with one property description, as described in par. (c) or (d), whichever is applicable.
707.28(3)(b)5.5. The notice of sale as provided in par. (c) or (d), whichever is applicable; published, or posted and published, and mailed in accordance with the requirements under this subsection; together with such other or further notice, if any; constitutes sufficient notice of the sale.
707.28(3)(c)(c) Form of notice to foreclose lien for assessments. The notice of foreclosure sale for foreclosing a lien for assessments under s. 707.37 on a time-share estate under this section shall be in substantially the following form:
By virtue of the (project instrument or time-share instrument, whichever is applicable) of the .... (name and address of the time-share property), and Chapter 707 of the Wisconsin Statutes establishing a lien for failure to pay assessments on the time-share estate (or estates, if more than one) held by the time-share owner (or owners, if more than one) listed below, the time-share estate (or estates, if more than one) will be sold at public auction, commencing at ...., on ...., 20.., at ...., Wisconsin.
(For each time-share estate, list the name and address of the time-share owner, a general description of the time-share estate, and the recording information for the deed or other instrument vesting the time-share estate in the time-share owner.)
TERMS OF SALE: (State the deposit amount to be paid by the buyer at the time and place of the sale and the times for payment of the balance or the whole, as the case may be. The time-share estates, if more than one, must be sold in individual lots unless there are no individual bidders, in which case they may be sold as a group.)
Other terms to be announced at the sale.
Signed ....
Holder of the lien or authorized agent.
707.28(3)(d)(d) Form of notice to foreclose mortgage lien. The notice of foreclosure sale for foreclosing a mortgage lien on a time-share estate under this section shall be in substantially the following form:
By virtue of Chapter 707 of the Wisconsin Statutes and the rights contained in a certain mortgage (or mortgages, if more than one) on the time-share estate (or estates, if more than one) given by the time-share owner (or owners, if more than one) set forth below for breach of the conditions of the mortgage (or mortgages, if more than one) and for the purpose of foreclosing, the time-share estate (or estates, if more than one) will be sold at public auction, commencing at ...., on ...., 20.., at ...., Wisconsin.
(For each time-share estate, list the name and address of the time-share owner, a general description of the time-share estate, the recording information for the deed or other instrument vesting the time-share estate in the time-share owner, and the recording information for the mortgage.)
TERMS OF SALE: (State the deposit amount to be paid by the buyer at the time and place of the sale and the times for payment of the balance or the whole, as the case may be. The time-share estates, if more than one, must be sold in individual lots unless there are no individual bidders, in which case they may be sold as a group.)
Other terms to be announced at the sale.
Signed ....
Holder of the mortgage or authorized agent.
707.28(3)(e)(e) Sale procedure.
707.28(3)(e)1.1. The foreclosure sale must take place on the time-share property in which the time-share estate exists or at another location in the same county in which that time-share property is located. The sale must be by public auction, conducted by an auctioneer registered under ch. 480 or by an attorney who is a member of the State Bar of Wisconsin. At his or her discretion, the auctioneer or attorney may dispense with the reading of the names of the time-share owners if there is more than one time-share owner, of the descriptions of the time-share estates if there is more than one time-share estate, and of the recording information if there is more than one instrument.
707.28(3)(e)2.2. Upon the sale of the time-share estate, the time-share owner’s right to redeem the time-share estate is extinguished. Unless the successful buyer is the time-share owner, the successful buyer at the foreclosure sale takes title to the time-share estate free and clear of any outstanding assessments owed by the previous time-share owner to the managing entity or other person specified in the project instrument or time-share instrument, but subject to municipal or other taxes and to any liens and encumbrances that were recorded prior to the recording of the mortgage or the assessment lien. A buyer at a foreclosure sale under this section is not required to complete the purchase if the time-share estate is subject to outstanding liens and encumbrances, other than those included in the notice of sale, that are not stated at the sale. The buyer shall have a period of 5 days from the foreclosure sale date to determine if the time-share estate is subject to any such liens or encumbrances.
707.28(3)(e)3.3. No later than 10 days after the foreclosure sale date, the foreclosing entity shall deliver to the successful bidder a foreclosure deed or other appropriate instrument transferring title to the time-share estate and an affidavit in recordable form attesting that all requirements described in this section have been met. Within 30 days after the delivery of the foreclosure deed or other instrument of transfer and affidavit, the buyer shall record the foreclosure deed or other instrument of transfer and affidavit with the register of deeds of the county in which the time-share estate is located.
707.28(3)(e)4.4. Subject to s. 707.38 (5), within 30 days after delivering the foreclosure deed or other instrument of transfer and affidavit to the buyer, the foreclosing entity shall mail by 1st class mail to the last-known address of the former time-share owner and to each party that held a lien or security interest junior to that of the foreclosing entity a notice detailing the results of the foreclosure sale.
707.28(3)(f)(f) Application of sale proceeds.
707.28(3)(f)1.1. No later than 30 days after the foreclosure sale, the foreclosing entity shall apply the proceeds of the sale first to the expenses of the sale and then to the amount owed to the foreclosing entity, as set forth in the notice to the former time-share owner under par. (a).
707.28(3)(f)2.2. Any surplus after the payments under subd. 1. are made shall be applied as follows:
707.28(3)(f)2.a.a. If there are any parties that held a lien or security interest junior to that of the foreclosing entity, the foreclosing entity may make an equitable and proper distribution of the surplus to those parties, or may bring an action of interpleader, turn the surplus over to the court, name the parties with the junior liens or security interests, and ask the court to determine the proper distribution of the surplus. The foreclosing entity shall recover reasonable attorney fees in any interpleader action under this subd. 2. a.
707.28(3)(f)2.b.b. If no party held a lien or security interest junior to that of the foreclosing entity, or if all parties holding junior liens or security interests have been paid, any surplus shall be paid to the former time-share owner. If the foreclosing entity is unable to locate the former time-share owner within one year after the foreclosure sale, the foreclosing entity shall deliver the surplus to the secretary of revenue as provided under ch. 177.
707.28(4)(4)Waiver of deficiency. Any foreclosing entity that forecloses a mortgage or lien under this section waives the right to bring an action for any deficiency that may remain due to the foreclosing entity after the sale of the time-share estate.
707.28 HistoryHistory: 2011 a. 102; 2013 a. 20.
subch. III of ch. 707SUBCHAPTER III
707.30707.30Managing entity; association of unit owners.
707.30(1)(1)Legal entity. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the affairs of every time-share property shall be managed by an association which, whether incorporated or unincorporated, is a legal entity for all purposes.
707.30(2)(2)Organization of association.
707.30(2)(a)(a) More than 12 time shares.
707.30(2)(a)1.1. If the number of time shares in a time-share property exceeds 12, the developer shall establish an association to govern the time-share property not later than the date of the first conveyance of a time share in the time-share property to a purchaser. The association shall be organized as a profit or nonprofit corporation or as an unincorporated association. After it is organized, the membership of the association shall at all times consist exclusively of all of the time-share owners.
707.30(2)(a)2.2. If a developer does not establish an association under subd. 1., any interested party, including a time-share owner or a holder of a lien in the time-share property, may petition the circuit court in the county in which the time-share property is located to establish an association and prescribe the powers of the managing entity in accordance with sub. (5).
707.30(2)(b)(b) Twelve or fewer time shares. If the number of time shares in the time-share property is 12 or fewer, 3 or more time-share owners may form an association to manage the time-share property.
707.30(3)(3)Developer control period. Until an association is established under sub. (2) or unless time-share owners exercise the authority granted under sub. (6), the developer has the power and responsibility to act in all instances in which this chapter, any other provision of law, the time-share instrument or project instrument requires action by the association or its officers.
707.30(4)(4)Board of directors.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)