75.28575.285Action; condition precedent. No action or proceeding shall be maintained by the former owner or any person claiming under the former owner, based upon the invalidity of any tax certificate or tax deed due to the failure of the county treasurer to give notice under s. 74.59, unless there is deposited with the clerk of circuit court, at the time the action is commenced under s. 801.02, an amount of money equal to either the full amount of all delinquent taxes currently outstanding against the parcel of property which is the subject of the action, plus interest and penalty under s. 74.47, or if the county has taken a tax deed, the full amount payable under s. 75.36 (3) (a) and (b). The deposited funds shall be held by the clerk of circuit court and paid out as directed by the judgment in the action or proceeding.
75.285 HistoryHistory: 1981 c. 390; 1987 a. 378.
75.2975.29Actions of ejectment, when barred.
75.29(1)(1)Subject to sub. (2), no action to quiet title, to remove a cloud on title; to cancel, to annul or to set aside any tax deed; of ejectment, of trespass, of waste or for other injury to land shall be brought as to lands purporting to be conveyed by a tax deed void on its face after the expiration of 3 years from the time of the recording of the deed.
75.29(2)(2)The limitation period under sub. (1) does not apply unless each of the following occurs:
75.29(2)(a)(a) The original owner or those claiming under the original owner have failed to pay or redeem all of the taxes levied on the lands from the time of the levy of the tax for the nonpayment of which the tax deed was issued to the time of the recording of the tax deed.
75.29(2)(b)(b) The grantee in the tax deed or those claiming under the grantee in the tax deed have paid or redeemed all of the taxes levied on the lands for the 3 years after the recording of the tax deed.
75.29 HistoryHistory: 1991 a. 316; 1997 a. 253.
75.3075.30Action by original owner if deed is void, when barred. No action may be brought by the original owner for the recovery of lands purporting to be conveyed for the nonpayment of taxes by a deed void on its face after the expiration of 5 years from the date of the recording of the tax deed, if the grantee in the tax deed has taken actual possession of the land within 2 years after the recording of the tax deed and has actually and continuously maintained possession of the lands to the end of the 5-year period from the recording of the deed.
75.30 HistoryHistory: 1997 a. 253.
75.3175.31“Possession” defined. What shall constitute a possession of lands within the meaning of ss. 75.26 to 75.30 and the extent of such possession shall be governed by the rules prescribed for determining an adverse possession by a person claiming title founded upon a written instrument.
75.3275.32Taxation and sale of lands held by counties. Real property upon which the county holds a tax certificate shall continue liable to taxation, but when a tax deed shall be issued to the county such property shall thereafter be exempt from taxation until the same is sold by the county. The county clerk shall annually, before February 1, furnish to the assessors of each town a list of the lands in such town exempt under this section. Nothing in this section shall be so construed as to apply to lands owned by minors or persons adjudged mentally incompetent.
75.32 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 29 s. 1647 (6); 1977 c. 83, 203; 1987 a. 378.
75.3575.35Sale of tax-deeded lands; purchase of adjacent lands.
75.35(1)(1)Definition. In this section “tax-deeded lands” means lands which have been acquired by a county through enforcement of the collection of delinquent taxes by tax deed, foreclosure of tax certificate, deed in lieu of tax deed, action in rem under s. 75.521 or other means.
75.35(2)(2)County required to arrange for the sale of tax-deeded lands.
75.35(2)(ag)(ag) If a property or the county is subject to s. 66.1006, the county shall publish the notice under s. 75.69 (1) no later than 240 days after the date of approval from the department of natural resources or, beginning in 2026, no later than 180 days after the date of such approval.
75.35(2)(am)(am) Subject to this section and ss. 75.36 and 75.69, any county shall have the power to sell and convey its tax-deeded lands in such manner and upon such terms as the county board may by ordinance or resolution determine.
75.35(2)(c)(c) Any conveyance by land contract or deed or satisfaction of mortgage shall be executed by the county clerk under the clerk’s hand and the seal of the county.
75.35(2)(d)(d) The county board may delegate its power to manage and sell tax-deeded lands to a committee constituted of such personnel and in such manner and compensated at such rate as the county board may by ordinance determine, provided that the compensation and mileage of county board members serving on such committee shall be limited and restricted as provided in s. 59.13 (2), or the county board may delegate the power of acquisition, management and sale of tax-deeded lands or any part of such power to such officer and departments of the county as the county board may by ordinance determine. Such ordinance shall prescribe the policy to be followed in the acquisition, management and sale of tax-deeded land and shall prescribe generally the powers and duties of such committee, officers, departments, employees and agents. The county board is authorized to sell and convey its tax-deeded lands by open or closed bid or to engage licensed real estate brokers and salespersons to assist in selling such lands and pay a commission for such service and to advertise such sale in such manner as it deems proper. The county board may appropriate such sums of money as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.
75.35(2)(e)1.1. Any county acting either by its board or by delegated authority as provided in this section may sell and convey tax-deeded lands to the former owner or owners thereof before or after publication of the notice required par. (ag) and without complying with s. 75.69.
75.35(2)(e)2.2. A conveyance under subd. 1. shall not operate to revive any tax certificate lien or any other lien whatsoever which was cut off and rendered void by the tax deed, foreclosure of tax certificate, deed in lieu of tax deed, action in rem under s. 75.521 or other means by which the county acquired title to such land, nor shall it revive the lien of any tax certificate or tax dated subsequently to the date on which the county acquired its title. The enactment into statute law of the provisions of this paragraph shall not be deemed an expression of legislative intent that the prior common law of this state was otherwise than as herein provided.
75.35(2)(f)(f) If special assessments, as defined in s. 75.36 (1), levied on the tax-deeded land have not been settled in full under s. 74.29 or otherwise paid to the taxing jurisdiction that levied the special assessments, the taxing jurisdiction may purchase the tax-deeded land by notifying the county of its intent to do so at any time within one year after the period of redemption has expired but prior to the date upon which the tax-deeded land is sold to another person by the county. The amount for which the tax-deeded land may be purchased shall be the sum of the following:
75.35(2)(f)1.1. All expenses incurred by the county to obtain marketable title to the property, except that the time of county employees and officers may not be included in those expenses. The county may establish a reasonable estimate of the average cost to obtain marketable title to property which it may use instead of determining the actual costs for any parcel sold by the county.
75.35(2)(f)2.2. All amounts of unpaid general property taxes, special assessments, special charges and special taxes levied against the property sold, including interest and penalties imposed under s. 74.47 previously paid to taxing jurisdictions by the county.
75.35(2)(f)3.3. Any withdrawal tax and any withdrawal fee due under s. 77.84 (3) (b).
75.35(2)(f)4.4. Any unpaid special assessments or special charges that were not levied by the taxing jurisdiction purchasing the tax-deeded land. The county shall pay any amounts received under this subdivision to the taxing jurisdiction which levied the special assessment or special charge.
75.35(3)(3)Right of former owner to repurchase. The county board shall, for single-family, owner-occupied properties, and may, at its option, for all other properties, by ordinance provide that prior to the sale of tax-deeded lands, the former owner who lost his or her title through delinquent tax collection enforcement procedure, or his or her beneficiaries, as defined in s. 851.03, or heirs, as defined in s. 851.09, shall have the right to purchase such lands by paying the county for all costs and expenses incurred as provided under s. 75.36 (3) (a), plus the amount of property taxes that would have been owed on the property for the year during which the purchase occurs if the county had not acquired the property and plus amounts to satisfy any other liens at the time of the foreclosure including the county’s costs associated with the repurchase. Any sale under such ordinance is exempt from any or all provisions of s. 75.69.
75.35(4)(4)Purchase of adjacent lands. A county may purchase lands adjacent to tax-deeded lands in cases where the county board determines that such purchase will improve the salability of such tax-deeded lands or will create access to streets or highways for lands lacking such access.
75.35(7)(7)Liability precluded. Absent fraud, no county is liable for acts or omissions associated with the sale of property under this section, including the process by which the property is sold.
75.35 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See s. 59.52 (6) for the power of a county to direct the county clerk to sell or contract for sale and conveyance of land owned by the county, whether acquired by tax deed or otherwise.
75.3675.36County acquisition and sale of property.
75.36(1)(1)Definition. In this section, “special assessments” means unpaid installments of special assessments which were levied on real property prior to the date that the county acquired the real property by taking of a tax deed under this chapter. “Special assessments” includes amounts delinquent when the property became subject to a tax certificate, installments which became delinquent during the time the property is subject to a tax certificate and all installments payable after the date the county takes a tax deed under this chapter. “Special assessments” does not include unpaid amounts of special assessments deferred under s. 66.0715 (2), unless the taxing jurisdiction has acted under s. 66.0715 (2) (b).
75.36(2)(2)Acquisition of property by county, effect on liabilities.
75.36(2)(a)(a) If property is acquired by a county taking a tax deed under this chapter, the county is not required to pay any special charges or special assessments until the property is sold by the county. In the case of lands designated as forest croplands or managed forest lands, the county is not required to pay any taxes under s. 77.04 until the forest crop is cut. The liens of the tax certificate and of all general property taxes, special assessments, special charges and special taxes levied against the property shall merge in the county’s title.
75.36(2)(b)(b) If the county did not settle for unpaid special assessments or special charges under s. 74.29, the county treasurer shall notify all taxing jurisdictions that the county has acquired the property under this chapter. Each taxing jurisdiction shall certify to the county treasurer the unpaid special assessments and special charges to which the property is subject.
75.36(2)(c)(c) If the county’s title to the lands taken by tax deed is adjudged to be void, the county shall reinstate any canceled taxes and any liens previously merged under par. (a).
75.36(2k)(2k)County sale of property. Unless otherwise provided in this chapter, any property acquired by a county by tax deed under this chapter shall be disposed of as provided under this section and ss. 75.35 and 75.69.
75.36(2m)(2m)Notice; proceeds.
75.36(2m)(a)(a) Upon acquisition of a tax deed under this chapter, the county treasurer shall notify the former owner, by registered mail or certified mail sent to the former owner’s mailing address on the tax bill, that the former owner may be entitled to a share of the proceeds of a future sale. The county shall send to the former owner the proceeds identified in sub. (3) (c) minus any delinquent taxes, interest, and penalties owed by the former owner to the county in regard to other property and minus the actual costs of the sale as specified under sub. (3) (a) plus all amounts disbursed under sub. (3) (b) and plus the amount of property taxes that would have been owed on the property for the year during which the sale occurs if the county had not acquired the property.
75.36(2m)(b)(b) If the payment to the former owner under par. (a) is returned to the county or otherwise not claimed by the former owner within one year following the mailing of the proceeds under par. (a), the payment shall be considered unclaimed funds and disposed of pursuant to s. 59.66 (2). Neither the former owner nor any person making a claim for any funds under this section is entitled to interest on sums owed by the county under this section.
75.36(3)(3)Distribution of proceeds of sale. If a county sells property that was acquired by taking of a tax deed under this chapter, the county treasurer shall do all of the following:
75.36(3)(a)(a) Determine the net proceeds from the sale of the property by subtracting from the sale price all of the following:
75.36(3)(a)1.1. The following costs, including personnel costs associated with them: foreclosure costs, record-keeping costs, legal costs, advertising costs and title insurance costs. A county may establish a reasonable estimate of the average costs under this subdivision incurred with respect to property sold after the taking of a tax deed which it may use instead of determining the actual costs for any parcel sold by the county.
75.36(3)(a)1m.1m. The following actual costs, including personnel costs associated with them: maintenance costs that are required for compliance with building codes or health orders, board-up costs, clean-up costs, demolition costs and all other costs that are reasonable and necessary to sell the property except costs under subd. 2.
75.36(3)(a)2.2. The amount of reasonable and customary real estate agent or broker fees or other actual costs paid for selling the property.
75.36(3)(a)3.3. All amounts of unpaid general property taxes, interest, penalties, special assessments, special charges and special taxes levied against the property sold, including interest and penalties imposed under s. 74.47 previously paid to taxing jurisdictions by the county.
75.36(3)(b)(b) From the net proceeds of the sale of the property, as determined under par. (a), first pay any withdrawal tax and withdrawal fee due under s. 77.84 (3) (b) and then pay to taxing jurisdictions all special assessments and special charges to which the property is subject, including interest and any penalties imposed under s. 74.47. If the net proceeds are not sufficient to pay all outstanding amounts due, the net proceeds shall be prorated to each taxing jurisdiction based upon the ratio that the amount of all special assessments and special charges due that taxing jurisdiction bears to the amount of all special assessments and special charges levied against the property sold, including interest and any penalties imposed under s. 74.47. Amounts payable under this paragraph shall be paid to the taxing jurisdiction within 15 days after the last day of the month in which sale proceeds become available to the county.
75.36(3)(c)(c) Distribute any remaining net proceeds to the former owner, as provided under sub. (2m).
75.36 HistoryHistory: 1987 a. 378 ss. 120, 122; 1989 a. 104; 1997 a. 72, 224; 1999 a. 150 s. 672; 2001 a. 30 s. 108; 2003 a. 228; 2015 a. 358; 2021 a. 216; 2023 a. 207; s. 35.17 correction in (2m) (b).
75.36575.365Agreements as to delinquent taxes.
75.365(1)(1)Counties may enter. Written agreements may be entered into and be operative between a county and any town, city, village, metropolitan sewerage district or area, drainage district, or any other territory, area or district for the benefit of which any taxes may be levied, therein, upon prior authorization and approval thereof by the governing bodies thereof, providing for the disposition of liabilities of the county to such municipality upon or arising out of the return to said county of delinquent taxes; the disposition of tax certificates of which the county may be the holder or owner; the liabilities of the county arising by virtue of its acquiring such tax certificates, and the disposition of such liabilities; the taking of tax deeds by the county; the liabilities of the county arising out of the taking of such tax deeds and the disposition of such liabilities; the sale of the lands upon which such tax deeds are so taken, or both; and the determination and disposition of any and all liabilities of the county in respect to any of the foregoing.
75.365(2)(2)Liability of county limited. Such agreements may include provisions that the county upon acting pursuant to such agreement and the provisions thereof shall not be accountable or liable for any amount greater than that realized by it upon the sale of said lands to which it takes tax deed thereunder or the amounts set forth in said agreement, and that in acting pursuant to such agreement the county shall not incur or be subjected to any liability to anyone except as therein set forth and that if such county should by reason of acting thereunder incur or be subjected to any other or different liability to pay or account in respect to such delinquent taxes, then such local municipality will reimburse the county for such excess liability and indemnify it against any loss or damage that the county may sustain by reason of acting pursuant to such agreement; provided, that the city, town or village entering into such agreement may make payment, settlement or compromise of special assessment bonds to preclude or relieve the county from being subjected to liability thereon.
75.365(3)(3)Sale under agreement. In the event of such agreement the county may sell any of the land to which it takes tax deed pursuant thereto, and that the title conveyed by the county upon such sale shall be in fee simple and free and clear from all tax liens or claims arising out of delinquent special assessments, delinquent general taxes, or both, except delinquent special assessments, delinquent or unpaid general taxes, or both, returned to the county after such sale by the county. Such agreement may provide that the county may sell any land, to which it has taken tax deed thereunder, at private or public sale. The county or the local municipality in which the land is situated may purchase such land when sold by the county pursuant to such agreement.
75.365(4)(4)Applicability. This section shall be controlling and operative in respect to delinquent taxes authorized by the proper governing body to be imposed against lands, whether heretofore or hereafter returned delinquent, and the provisions hereof shall be applicable to such taxes, except that it does not repeal any of the provisions of the general statutes nor affect the applicability thereof to situations not covered herein.
75.365 HistoryHistory: 1987 a. 378.
75.3775.37Waste on land subject to a tax certificate.
75.37(1)(1)It shall be unlawful for any person or corporation to cut, destroy or remove any logs, wood or timber or any buildings, fixtures and other improvements assessed as real property from any land included in a tax certificate for the nonpayment of taxes while such taxes remain unpaid; and if any person shall cut, destroy or remove the same from such lands during the time aforesaid the county treasurer of the county in which such lands are situated shall issue a warrant under the treasurer’s hand and seal to the sheriff, giving therein a description of such lands, the amount of such taxes, with interest and charges thereon then remaining unpaid and the years for which the same are unpaid, commanding such sheriff forthwith to seize such logs, wood, timber, buildings, fixtures and improvements, or materials salvaged therefrom, wherever the same may be found and to sell the same or a sufficient amount thereof to satisfy such taxes, with the interest and charges thereon and the costs of such seizure and sale.
75.37(2)(2)The sheriff shall receive such warrant and execute the same as therein directed, as in case of levy and sale on execution, and make return thereof with his or her doings thereon to the county treasurer within 60 days after the receipt of the same and pay over all money collected thereon to such treasurer.
75.37 HistoryHistory: 1987 a. 378.
75.37575.375Waste on lands subject to a tax certificate; penalty. Any person who shall willfully, maliciously or wantonly injure, destroy or commit waste upon any lands, tenements, or anything appertaining thereto which has been included in a tax certificate for the nonpayment of taxes while such taxes remain unpaid may be fined not more than $500 or imprisoned not more than 90 days or both.
75.375 HistoryHistory: 1987 a. 378.
75.37775.377Inspection of property subject to tax certificate. A county may enter any real property for which a tax certificate has been issued under s. 74.57, or may authorize another person to enter the real property, to determine the nature and extent of environmental pollution, as defined in s. 299.01 (4).
75.377 HistoryHistory: 1993 a. 453; 1995 a. 227; 1999 a. 150 s. 286; Stats. 1999 s. 75.377.
75.3975.39Action to bar former owner. A county, as the grantee named in any deed made by a county clerk, which conveys lands subject to a tax certificate which has not been redeemed may, at any time within 3 years after the date of such conveyance, commence an action against the person or persons owning the lands described in such conveyance at the time the lands were included in the tax certificate upon which such conveyance was made, or any parcel thereof or interest therein, or against any person or persons claiming under such owner or owners, for the purpose of barring such former owner or owners and those claiming under them of all right, title, interest or claim in such lands.
75.39 HistoryHistory: 1987 a. 378.
75.4075.40Action, where and how brought. Such action must be brought in the circuit court of the county in which the lands or some parcel of them, the title of which is sought to be barred by such action, are situated. The county, as plaintiff in such action, may include in its complaint all the lands described in such conveyance, or any separate parcel, or as many separate parcels thereof as it sees fit. The county shall make defendants of all persons who were the former owners of the several parcels of land included in the complaint or those claiming under them or claiming any interest therein.
75.40 HistoryHistory: 1987 a. 378.
75.4175.41Complaint. The complaint in such action shall contain: a description of all the lands the title to which is sought to be barred by such action; a statement that the county claims title to such lands under a deed made by the county clerk and a copy of such deed; the name or names of the former owner or owners of the several tracts of land described therein or the names of the persons claiming under such owner or owners, specifying the persons claiming each separate parcel thereof; and the amount of all delinquent taxes at the time the deed was issued.
75.41 HistoryHistory: 1987 a. 378.
75.4275.42Defense, answer.
75.42(1)(1)The defendants in such action may answer severally, or such of them as are jointly interested in any separate parcel or parcels of land described in the complaint may answer jointly, either to the whole complaint or to any separate cause of action stated therein, that the action thereon was not commenced within the time limited by s. 75.39; that the lands described in such complaint or some part or parts thereof to which the defendant or defendants so answering claim title or some interest therein were not liable to taxation at the time the tax for the nonpayment of which the land was included in a tax certificate and conveyed as specified in the complaint was levied; or that the tax for the nonpayment of which said lands purport to have been included in a tax certificate was in fact paid before the land was included in the certificate; or that the land was redeemed as provided by law; or that the deed, a copy of which is set forth in the complaint, was never executed by the officer whose name is subscribed thereto; or that the lands described in the complaint or some part thereof were improved, occupied or cultivated as described in s. 75.12 (1), and that no notice was served upon the defendant or owner or occupant, as required by s. 75.12, and no other defense to such action shall be set up by any defendant or defendants unless the defendant or defendants setting up the same shall, at the time of filing the answer, deposit with the clerk of the court in which such action is pending, for the use of the county as plaintiff in such action, the amount of all delinquent taxes, plus interest and penalty, due on the parcel or parcels of land as to which they defend, at the time the deed was issued, together with interest thereon at the rate of 8 percent per year from the date of the tax certificate upon which such deed was issued; and shall state in the answer the fact that such deposit has been made, and the amount thereof, and that such defendant is ready to pay such portion of the costs and disbursements in the action as shall be adjudged just and reasonable, in case the county shall elect to receive such deposit and release to said defendant or defendants the parcel or parcels of land on account of which such deposit is made; and any defendant or defendants making the deposit and offer aforesaid may set up in their answer any other matter of defense which will avoid such deed; but no answer merely alleging the defendant’s title, or denying the county’s title to the lands described in such complaint, or any part or parcel thereof, or which merely alleges that the deed to the county is void shall be a sufficient answer; but every answer shall state specifically the grounds on which the defendant or defendants rely for avoiding the deed of the county.
75.42(2)(2)The defendant may, in all cases within the time limited by law for answering the complaint, execute and deliver to the county a quitclaim deed of the lands described in the complaint, conveying all the right, title and interest of such defendant at the time of the commencement of the suit; or may, within such time, either after having delivered such deed or without such delivery, answer disclaiming any title to the land in question at the time of the commencement of the suit, in either of which cases the county shall not recover costs personally against any such defendant who quitclaims as aforesaid or who shall establish such disclaimer upon the trial of such action. In no case shall costs be taxed as a personal claim against any defendant for attorney fees in excess of $25.
75.42 HistoryHistory: 1979 c. 110 s. 60 (13); 1987 a. 378.
75.4375.43Election to receive deposit; costs. The county may, at any time within 20 days after receiving an answer showing that a deposit has been made by any defendant or defendants as provided in s. 75.42, give notice to such defendant or defendants that it elects to receive such deposit and that it will, at a time specified in such notice, apply to the clerk of the circuit court, circuit judge or a circuit court commissioner to adjust the costs and disbursements which said defendant or defendants ought to pay, and that upon the payment of the costs and disbursements so adjudged the county will release to such defendant or defendants all right, title and claim which it has to the parcel or parcels of land on account of which the deposit is made by virtue of any deed made for the nonpayment of taxes; and unless the costs are paid within 20 days after the same shall have been so adjusted the clerk of the court shall, upon presentation of an affidavit showing the nonpayment thereof, enter judgment therefor in favor of the county and against the defendant, which shall be enforced as other money judgments.
75.43 HistoryHistory: 1987 a. 378; 2001 a. 61.
75.4475.44Release. On the payment of the costs by such defendant or defendants or the collection thereof the county shall execute a release to said defendant or defendants of all such right, title, interest or claim in said parcel or parcels of lands, duly acknowledging the same, and deliver it to the said defendant or defendants; and thereupon said action shall be discontinued as to the said parcel or parcels of land so released.
75.44 HistoryHistory: 1987 a. 378.
75.4575.45Deed as evidence. In any action maintained under the provisions of this chapter the production of a deed, a copy of which is set forth in the complaint substantially in the form prescribed by law or a certified copy of the record thereof, shall be presumptive evidence of an absolute title in fee simple in the county, as the grantee therein named or its assigns in and to the land therein described.
75.45 HistoryHistory: 1987 a. 378.
75.4675.46Trial; defendant’s interest. All issues of fact and of law joined in any such action shall be tried by the court unless the court shall otherwise direct or unless a party to an issue of fact in any such action shall demand a trial by jury, in which case such issues shall be tried by jury as other issues of fact; and on the trial of every such action every defendant shall be deemed to have a redeemable interest in all the lands described in the county’s complaint in respect to which any relief or judgment is sought against such defendant, unless it be otherwise alleged therein.
75.46 HistoryHistory: 1987 a. 378.
75.4775.47Separate trials. The trial of any issue of fact or of law in such action joined with any defendant or defendants claiming title to and defending as to any separate parcel or parcels of land shall be had separately and a separate judgment may be rendered on such issue.
75.4875.48Effect of judgment. If a judgment shall be rendered either for want of an answer or upon the trial of an issue of law or fact in favor of the county and against the defendants claiming such lands or against a defendant or defendants claiming any separate parcel or parcels thereof, such judgment shall forever bar such defendants and all others claiming under them, after the filing of a notice of the pendency of such action as provided by law, from all right, title or interest in said lands or in such separate parcel or parcels thereof.
75.48 HistoryHistory: 1987 a. 378.
75.4975.49Judgment for defendant. If in any such action judgment be rendered in favor of any defendant claiming any parcel or parcels of said lands or interest therein, such judgment shall adjudge that there be released to such defendant all the county’s right, title or claim, at the time of the commencement of the action, by virtue of any deed made for the nonpayment of taxes to the land or interest as to which such judgment is rendered, and that the defendant recover the defendant’s costs and disbursements in the action; and the money, if any, deposited by such defendant upon answering shall be applied in payment of such costs, and the surplus of such deposit, if any, shall be paid to the county.
75.49 HistoryHistory: 1987 a. 378.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)