77.2477.24Division of fee. Twenty percent of all fees collected under this subchapter shall be retained by the county and the balance shall be transmitted to the state. Remittances shall be made monthly by the county treasurers to the department of revenue by the 15th day of the month following the close of the month in which the fee was collected. The remittance to the department shall be accompanied by the returns executed under s. 77.22.
77.24 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 29; 1981 c. 20.
77.2577.25Exemptions from fee. The fees imposed by this subchapter do not apply to a conveyance:
77.25(1)(1)Prior to October 1, 1969.
77.25(2)(2)From the United States or from this state or from any instrumentality, agency or subdivision of either.
77.25(2g)(2g)By gift, to the United States or to this state or to any instrumentality, agency or subdivision of either.
77.25(2r)(2r)Under s. 236.29 (1) or (2) or 236.34 (1m) (e) or for the purpose of a road, street, or highway, to the United States or to this state or to any instrumentality, agency, or subdivision of either.
77.25(3)(3)Which, executed for nominal, inadequate or no consideration, confirms, corrects or reforms a conveyance previously recorded.
77.25(4)(4)On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments.
77.25(5)(5)On partition.
77.25(6)(6)Pursuant to mergers of entities.
77.25(6d)(6d)Pursuant to partnerships filing or cancelling a statement of qualification under s. 178.0901 or a corresponding statement under the law of another jurisdiction.
77.25(6m)(6m)Pursuant to the conversion of a business entity to another form of business entity under s. 178.1141, 179.1141, 180.1161, 181.1161, or 183.1041, if, after the conversion, the ownership interests in the new entity are identical with the ownership interests in the original entity immediately preceding the conversion.
77.25(6q)(6q)Pursuant to an interest exchange under s. 178.1131, 179.1131, 180.1102, 181.1131, or 183.1031.
77.25(6t)(6t)Pursuant to a domestication under s. 178.1151, 179.1151, 180.1171, 181.1171, or 183.1051.
77.25(7)(7)By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no consideration, nominal consideration or in sole consideration of cancellation, surrender or transfer of capital stock between parent and subsidiary corporation.
77.25(8)(8)Between parent and child, stepparent and stepchild, parent and son-in-law or parent and daughter-in-law for nominal or no consideration.
77.25(8m)(8m)Between husband and wife.
77.25(8n)(8n)Between an individual and his or her domestic partner under ch. 770.
77.25(9)(9)Between agent and principal or from a trustee to a beneficiary without actual consideration.
77.25(10)(10)Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation, if the debt or obligation was not incurred as the result of a conveyance.
77.25(10m)(10m)Solely to designate a TOD beneficiary under s. 705.15.
77.25(11)(11)By will, descent or survivorship.
77.25(11m)(11m)By nonprobate transfer on death under s. 705.15.
77.25(12)(12)Pursuant to or in lieu of condemnation.
77.25(13)(13)Of real estate having a value of $1,000 or less.
77.25(14)(14)Under a foreclosure or a deed in lieu of a foreclosure to a person holding a mortgage or to a seller under a land contract.
77.25(15)(15)Between a corporation and its shareholders if all of the stock is owned by persons who are related to each other as spouses, as lineal ascendants, lineal descendants or siblings, whether by blood or by adoption, or as spouses of siblings, if the transfer is for no consideration except the assumption of debt or stock of the corporation and if the corporation owned the property for at least 3 years.
77.25(15m)(15m)Between a partnership and one or more of its partners if all of the partners are related to each other as spouses, as lineal ascendants, lineal descendants or siblings, whether by blood or by adoption, or as spouses of siblings and if the transfer is for no consideration other than the assumption of debt or an interest in the partnership.
77.25(15s)(15s)Between a limited liability company and one or more of its members if all of the members are related to each other as spouses, as lineal ascendants, lineal descendants or siblings, whether by blood or by adoption, or as spouses of siblings and if the transfer is for no consideration other than the assumption of debt or an interest in the limited liability company.
77.25(16)(16)To a trust if a transfer from the grantor to the beneficiary of the trust would be exempt under this section.
77.25(17)(17)Of a deed executed in fulfillment of a land contract if the proper fee was paid when the land contract or an instrument evidencing the land contract was recorded.
77.25(18)(18)To a local exposition district under subch. II of ch. 229.
77.25(20)(20)Made under s. 184.15.
77.25(21)(21)Of transmission facilities or land rights to the transmission company, as defined in s. 196.485 (1) (ge), under s. 196.485 (5) (b) or (c) or (6) (a) 1. in exchange for securities, as defined in s. 196.485 (1) (fe).
77.25 AnnotationCorporate stock constitutes “actual consideration” under sub. (9). Gottfried, Inc. v. DOR, 145 Wis. 2d 715, 429 N.W.2d 508 (Ct. App. 1988).
77.25 AnnotationA principal/agent relationship for purposes of sub. (9) must be examined as of the date of the conveyance. Washington National Development Co. v. DOR, 194 Wis. 2d 566, 535 N.W.2d 71 (Ct. App. 1995).
77.25 AnnotationExemptions are strictly construed against granting the exemption. While subs. (15m) and (15s) exempt transfers between family members and family business entities, they do not exempt transfers from one family business to another even though the same transaction, had it been completed in two separate transfers, would have been exempt. Wolter v. DOR, 231 Wis. 2d 651, 605 N.W.2d 283 (Ct. App. 1999), 99-0671.
77.25 AnnotationSub. (15s) applies only if the members of the limited liability company (LLC) are humans. The requirement that all of the members of the LLC be related to each other was reasonably interpreted to reject the argument that if there is only one member, that member need not be human because neither humans nor entities may be related to themselves. F.M. Management Co. v. DOR, 2004 WI App 19, 269 Wis. 2d 526, 674 N.W.2d 922, 03-1536.
77.25 AnnotationThere is no family member exemption under sub. (15m) when the transfer is between partnerships rather than from a partnership to exempted family members. For the exemption to apply, the partner or partners who are involved in the conveyance must be human beings, not just legal entities. Turner v. DOR, 2004 WI App 82, 271 Wis. 2d 760, 679 N.W.2d 880, 03-1517.
77.25577.255Exemptions from return. No return is required with respect to a conveyance exempt under s. 77.25 (1) or (10m).
77.25677.256Local fees prohibited.
77.256(1)(1)No city, village, town, or county may impose a fee on a conveyance that is exempt from the real estate transfer fee under s. 77.25.
77.256(2)(2)If a city, village, town, or county has an ordinance in effect on February 6, 2016, that is inconsistent with the prohibition under sub. (1), the city, village, town, or county may not enforce the ordinance.
77.256 HistoryHistory: 2015 a. 145.
77.2677.26Powers of investigation, additional fees, refunds, penalties.
77.26(1)(1)The department of revenue may examine any records of any party to a conveyance to determine the real estate transfer fee due and the accuracy of the return submitted.
77.26(2)(2)If the department of revenue determines that the amount of the real estate transfer fee reported was in error or that an exemption was improperly claimed, the department shall compute the additional transfer fee to be paid by, or the amount of the overpayment of transfer fee to be refunded to, the grantor.
77.26(3)(3)All additional assessments and claims for refund are subject to the applicable notice provisions and procedures for review, final determination, collection, interest and penalties provided for additional income or franchise tax assessments and claims for refund under ch. 71.
77.26(4)(4)The department of revenue shall collect additional real estate transfer fees and divide the amount collected with the appropriate county in the proportion under s. 77.24.
77.26(5)(5)In the case of overpayment of transfer fees by any grantor under sub. (2), the department of revenue shall certify the overpayment to the department of administration for payment of the refund to the grantor.
77.26(6)(6)The department of revenue shall notify the appropriate county treasurer of any refund paid by the state, and the appropriate county treasurer shall increase the county’s next payment to the state to reimburse the state for the county’s share of the refund.
77.26(7)(7)No person may make additional assessments of transfer fees or claim a refund of excess transfer fees paid after 4 years have elapsed from the date the transfer fee was due under s. 77.22.
77.26(8)(8)If the department of revenue determines that the value reported on the return under s. 77.22 is understated by 25 percent or more or that an exemption was improperly claimed under s. 77.25, the department shall assess and collect a penalty of $25 or 25 percent of the additional fee due, whichever is greater, in the manner that additional transfer fees are collected.
77.26 HistoryHistory: 1983 a. 27; 1991 a. 39.
77.26577.265Confidentiality. Grantor and grantee social security numbers and grantor and grantee telephone numbers from real estate transfer returns shall be confidential, but the returns, and the information contained in the returns, may be disclosed as follows:
77.265(1)(1)The department of revenue shall distribute information from the returns to local assessors. The local assessors shall maintain the confidentiality of social security numbers and telephone numbers from the returns.
77.265(2)(2)The local assessor shall permit the inspection of all returns filed under this subchapter for property within any local unit of government for which property taxes are levied by the chief elected official, or a person designated by the official, of that unit upon the adoption of a resolution by the governing body of the unit directing the official to inspect the returns for the purpose of reviewing the basis upon which equalized values were established by the department of revenue under s. 70.57, and the official or designee shall maintain the confidentiality of grantor and grantee social security numbers and telephone numbers from the returns.
77.265(3)(3)The returns may be used in any proceeding involving the requisite amount of the fee and may be produced in any proceeding subject to a valid subpoena or court order, but the court, or adjudicating agency, and the parties shall maintain the confidentially of social security numbers and telephone numbers from the returns.
77.265(4)(4)The department of workforce development may use the returns under s. 106.50, but shall maintain the confidentiality of social security numbers and telephone numbers from the returns.
77.265(5)(5)The department of revenue, county real property listers under s. 70.09, and local assessors and their employees and agents may use the returns, but shall maintain the confidentiality of social security numbers and telephone numbers from the returns.
77.265(6)(6)Governmental agencies that acquire real property for public purposes, or that administer taxes, may use the returns, but shall maintain the confidentiality of social security numbers and telephone numbers from the returns.
77.265(7)(7)In a condemnation proceeding or in an appeal of an assessment of real property, the property owners and the owners’ agents may inspect the returns after signing a written agreement to maintain the confidentiality of social security numbers and telephone numbers from the returns inspected.
77.265(8)(8)A county may use the returns to develop a tract index, but shall maintain the confidentiality of social security numbers and telephone numbers from the returns.
77.265(9)(9)The department of revenue may make available to the public all information obtained from the returns except social security numbers and telephone numbers from the returns.
77.265 HistoryHistory: 1993 a. 412 ss. 3, 4; 1995 a. 27 ss. 3479, 9130 (4); 1997 a. 3; 1999 a. 82; 2007 a. 219.
77.2777.27Penalty for falsifying value. Any person who intentionally falsifies value on a return required to be filed under this subchapter may for each such offense be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned in the county jail not more than one year, or both.
77.27 AnnotationThis section is violated when a value is intentionally falsified on a Wisconsin real estate transfer return. Falsely declaring a transfer as a sale when it is in fact a gift does not constitute a violation, nor will it support the issuance of a false swearing complaint under s. 946.32, but it may constitute a gift tax avoidance in violation of former s. 72.86 (6), 1989 stats. 62 Atty. Gen. 251.
77.2977.29Fee for recording. In any county in which the register of deeds is compensated on a fee basis, the county shall pay the register of deeds an additional amount equal to 25 percent of the recording fees for all deeds or other instruments conveying real estate evidencing transfers subject to fee under this subchapter.
77.29 HistoryHistory: 1991 a. 316.
77.3077.30Rules. The secretary of revenue may adopt, pursuant to ch. 227, such rules as the secretary deems necessary in the administration of this subchapter and may proceed under s. 73.03 (9) to enforce its provisions.
77.30 HistoryHistory: 1991 a. 316.
subch. III of ch. 77SUBCHAPTER III
77.5177.51Definitions. Except where the context requires otherwise, the definitions given in this section govern the construction of terms in this subchapter.
77.51(1a)(a)(a) “Additional digital goods” means all of the following, if they are transferred electronically:
77.51(1a)(a)1.1. Greeting cards.
77.51(1a)(a)2.2. Finished artwork.
77.51(1a)(a)3.3. Periodicals.
77.51(1a)(a)4.4. Video or electronic games.
77.51(1a)(a)5.5. Newspapers or other news or information products.
77.51(1a)(b)(b) For purposes of this subchapter, the sale, license, lease, or rental of or the storage, use, or other consumption of a digital code is treated the same as the sale, license, lease, or rental of or the storage, use, or other consumption of any additional digital goods for which the digital code relates.
77.51(1ag)(1ag)“Advertising and promotional direct mail” means direct mail that has the primary purpose of attracting public attention to a product, person, business, or organization or to attempt to sell, popularize, or secure financial support for a product, person, business, or organization.
77.51(1b)(1b)“Alcoholic beverage” means a beverage that is suitable for human consumption and that contains 0.5 percent or more of alcohol by volume.
77.51(1ba)(1ba)“Ancillary services” means services that are associated with or incidental to providing telecommunications services, including detailed telecommunications billing, directory assistance, vertical service, and voice mail services.
77.51(1bm)(1bm)“Beekeeping” means the business of moving, raising, producing, and other management of bees or bee products, regardless of the number of hives of bees managed.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)