93.07(17)(b)(b) To study the possibilities for increasing the markets for Wisconsin dairy and farm products, and through publications, advertising and other appropriate methods to endeavor to extend and improve these markets.
93.07(17)(c)(c) To center the efforts of the department in the performance of its duties under this subsection upon the development of a centralized system of the cooperative marketing of dairy products of Wisconsin. The department may at any time, however, with the approval of the governor, extend its operations to other farm products, for the purpose of developing similar centralized systems for the cooperative marketing of such Wisconsin farm products.
93.07(17)(d)(d) To encourage the consumption of Wisconsin cheese by designing an official logotype to serve as a recognizable identification mark appropriate for affixation to and display in connection with cheese produced in this state as provided in s. 100.057.
93.07(18)(18)Goals and accountability measures for economic development programs.
93.07(18)(a)(a) In this subsection, “economic development program” means a program or activity having the primary purpose of encouraging the establishment and growth of business in this state, including the creation and retention of jobs, and that satisfies all of the following:
93.07(18)(a)1.1. The program receives funding from the state or federal government that is allocated through an appropriation under ch. 20.
93.07(18)(a)2.2. The program provides financial assistance, tax benefits, or direct services to specific industries, businesses, local governments, or organizations.
93.07(18)(b)(b) In consultation with the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, to do all of the following for each economic development program administered by the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection:
93.07(18)(b)1.1. Establish clear and measurable goals for the program that are tied to statutory policy objectives.
93.07(18)(b)2.2. Establish at least one quantifiable benchmark for each program goal described in subd. 1.
93.07(18)(b)3.3. Require that each recipient of a grant or loan under the program submit a report to the department. Each contract with a recipient of a grant or loan under the program shall specify the frequency and format of the report to be submitted to the department and the performance measures to be included in the report.
93.07(18)(b)4.4. Establish a method for evaluating the projected results of the program with actual outcomes as determined by evaluating the information described in subds. 1. and 2.
93.07(18)(b)5.5. Annually and independently verify, from a sample of grants and loans, the accuracy of the information required to be reported under subd. 3.
93.07(18)(b)6.6. Establish by rule a requirement that the recipient of a grant or loan under the program of at least $100,000 submit to the department a verified statement signed by both an independent certified public accountant licensed or certified under ch. 442 and the director or principal officer of the recipient to attest to the accuracy of the verified statement, and make available for inspection the documents supporting the verified statement. The department shall include the requirement established by rule under this subdivision in the contract entered into by a grant or loan recipient.
93.07(18)(b)7.7. Establish by rule policies and procedures permitting the department to do all of the following if a recipient of a grant or loan or tax benefits under the program submits false or misleading information to the department or fails to comply with the terms of a contract entered into with the department under the program and fails to provide to the satisfaction of the department an explanation for the noncompliance:
93.07(18)(b)7.a.a. Recoup payments made to the recipient.
93.07(18)(b)7.b.b. Withhold payments to be made to the recipient.
93.07(18)(b)7.c.c. Impose a forfeiture on the recipient.
93.07(19)(19)Pest control compact. To cooperate with the insurance fund established by the pest control compact ratified and enacted by chapter 583, laws of 1965. The secretary shall be the compact administrator for this state.
93.07(20)(20)Economic development assistance coordination and reporting.
93.07(20)(a)(a) The department shall coordinate any economic development assistance with the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.
93.07(20)(b)(b) Annually, no later than October 1, to submit to the joint legislative audit committee and to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature under s. 13.172 (3) a comprehensive report assessing economic development programs, as defined in sub. (18) (a), administered by the department. The report shall include all of the information required under s. 238.07 (2). The department shall collaborate with the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to make readily accessible to the public on an Internet-based system the information required under this subsection.
93.07(21)(21)Statistics. To compile at least once in 2 years statistics relating to the dairy industry in this state, and for that purpose may forward to the owner or manager of any creamery, cheese factory, or condensary, or to any other person dealing in or manufacturing dairy products, forms calling for specific information relating to the dairy industry. In the case of cheese factories, the information called for shall include the number of pounds each of American, Swiss, limburger and brick cheese made in each factory. A person subject to this subsection shall, within 60 days from the receipt of the forms from the department, complete and return the forms to the department. All questions propounded and all information required by the forms shall be answered and furnished, so far as it is within the power of the person completing the form to answer the questions or furnish the information. The department may take other necessary steps to secure full and complete information and statistics relating to the dairy industry, and to promote the welfare of the dairy industry.
93.07(22)(22)County fair coordinator. To designate an employee of the department to serve as county fair coordinator.
93.07(24)(24)Enforcement of laws. To enforce chs. 88 and 93 to 100 and all other laws entrusted to its administration, and especially:
93.07(24)(a)(a) To enforce the laws regarding the production, manufacture and sale, offering or exposing for sale or having in possession with intent to sell, of any dairy, food or drug product.
93.07(24)(b)(b) To enforce the laws regarding the adulteration or misbranding of any articles of food, drink, condiment or drug.
93.07(24)(c)(c) To inspect any milk, butter, cheese, lard, syrup, coffee, tea or other article of food, drink, condiment or drug made or offered for sale within this state which it may suspect or have reason to believe to be impure, unhealthful, misbranded, adulterated or counterfeit, or in any way unlawful.
93.07(24)(d)(d) To prosecute or cause to be prosecuted any person engaged in the manufacture or sale, offering or exposing for sale or having in possession with intent to sell, of any adulterated dairy product or of any adulterated, misbranded, counterfeit, or otherwise unlawful article or articles of food, drink, condiment or drug.
93.07(24)(e)(e) To enforce the laws for the sanitary care of campgrounds and camping resorts, recreational and educational camps, public swimming pools, hotels, tourist rooming houses, vending machine commissaries, vending machines, and other persons or entities subject to regulation by the department.
93.07(26)(26)Alternative fuel refueling facilities. To pursue the establishment and maintenance of sufficient alternative fuel refueling facilities at public retail outlets to meet the traveling needs of the public.
93.07 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ATCP, Wis. adm. code.
93.07593.075Policy of cooperative marketing adopted. The history of the farm marketing problem in the state and nation, as well as throughout the world, points to a solution chiefly through cooperative marketing efforts of producers. It is, hence, declared to be the policy of this state, in advancing the general good and public welfare, to assist in the organization and development of cooperative associations for production and marketing purposes along lines of dairy and other farm products.
93.075 HistoryHistory: 1975 c. 394 s. 10; Stats. 1975 s. 93.075.
93.0893.08Access for law enforcement. In performing their duties or in enforcing the laws entrusted to their administration, the department and its authorized agents may do all of the following:
93.08(1)(1)Enter, within reasonable hours, any field, orchard, garden, packing ground, building, freight or express office, warehouse, car, vessel, vehicle, room, cellar, storehouse, cold storage plant, packing house, stockyard, railroad yard or any other place of business, which it may be necessary or desirable for them to enter.
93.08(2)(2)Open any box, carton, parcel, package or other receptacle, inspect the contents thereof, and, upon payment or tender of the market value, take samples of any product or material contained therein.
93.08(3)(3)Inspect products and materials and collect and test samples of them.
93.08 HistoryHistory: 1989 a. 282.
93.08 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also s. ATCP 21.02, Wis. adm. code.
93.08 AnnotationA warrantless inspection of a dairy farm under authority of ss. 93.08, 93.15 (2), and 97.12 (1) and related administrative rules made without prior notice and without the owner being present was not unconstitutional. Because the administrative rules govern operations, equipment, and processes not typically conducted in residential areas, the rules and statutes sufficiently preclude making warrantless searches of residences. Lundeen v. DATCP, 189 Wis. 2d 255, 525 N.W.2d 758 (Ct. App. 1994).
93.08 AnnotationThis section authorizes the stop and search of vehicles transporting livestock in Wisconsin so long as certain constitutional safeguards are met. 77 Atty. Gen. 172.
93.0993.09Standards and regulations.
93.09(1)(1)The department, after public hearing, may establish standards for the grade of food products and farm products and for receptacles therefor and may prescribe regulations governing the marks or tags which may be required upon food products or farm products or upon receptacles therefor, for the purpose of showing the name, address or serial number of the person producing or marketing the product or receptacle, the grade of the product or receptacle, the quality, quantity, type, variety, size, weight, dimensions or shape of the product or the quality, type, size, weight, content, dimensions or shape of the receptacle.
93.09(2)(2)No standard or regulation under this section, which is repugnant to any requirement made mandatory under federal law, shall apply to products or receptacles which are being shipped from the state in interstate commerce.
93.09(3)(3)No standard shall apply to products or receptacles coming from outside the state but such products or receptacles may be required to be marked or tagged to indicate that they came from outside the state and to show any other fact regarding which marking or tagging may be required under this section; provided, that such products or receptacles, at the time when marking or tagging is required, have ceased to be in interstate commerce.
93.09(4)(4)No standard established under this section for the grade of any food product or farm product shall affect the right of any person to dispose of such product without conforming to the standard, but such person may be required to mark or tag such product, in such a manner as the department may direct, to indicate that it is not intended to be marketed as of a grade contained in the standard and to show any other fact regarding which marking or tagging may be required under this section.
93.09(5)(5)No standard or regulation shall be established or prescribed under this section which is in conflict with any standard or regulation contained in or heretofore promulgated under authority of any other statute of the state.
93.09(6)(6)No standard or regulation shall be established or prescribed by the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection under this section in any case where any other state department, commission or official has authority to establish such a standard or prescribe such a regulation, unless the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection establishes the standard or prescribes the regulation jointly with such other department, commission or official. No standard or regulation shall be established or prescribed by any other state department, commission or official in any case where the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection has authority to establish such a standard or prescribe such a regulation under this section, unless such other department, commission or official establishes the standard or prescribes the regulation jointly with the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection. The governor shall act as arbiter in case of disagreement or conflict of authority between the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection and any other state department, commission or official under this section.
93.09(8)(8)Whenever any standard or regulation under this section has become effective, no person marketing or having in his or her possession for commercial purposes any product or receptacle to which the standard is applicable shall represent such product or receptacle, unless in a manner authorized by the department, as being of any grade other than a grade contained in such standard, except as to products or receptacles included in subs. (2) and (3); and no person marketing or having in his or her possession for commercial purposes any product or receptacle to which the standard is applicable shall represent such product or receptacle as being of a grade contained in the standard, when as a matter of fact such product or receptacle is below the requirements of such grade and no person shall market or have in his or her possession for commercial purposes any product or receptacle unless the marking or tagging thereon conforms to the regulation prescribed under this section; and no person shall market or have in his or her possession for commercial purposes any product or receptacle, to which any such marking or tagging regulation is applicable, if such marking or tagging thereon is false or misleading; provided, that representing a product or receptacle as being of a grade contained in the standard, when as a matter of fact such product or receptacle is below the requirements of such grade, shall not be a violation of this section, if the product or receptacle bears the official certificate of an inspector licensed under s. 93.11; provided, further, that possession, under this section, shall not include possession by a carrier or other bailee.
93.09(9)(a)(a) Whenever the department finds that any person marketing or having in his or her possession any product or receptacle to which the standard is applicable has intentionally violated sub. (8), the department, after opportunity for hearing has been given to that person, may, by special order, do any of the following:
93.09(9)(a)1.1. Revoke the person’s right to represent any product or receptacle to which the standard is applicable as being of any grade contained in the standard.
93.09(9)(a)2.2. Require the person to mark or tag the product or receptacle as provided in sub. (4).
93.09(9)(b)(b) The department may, without hearing, suspend the right described in par. (a) 1. for a period not exceeding 10 days, pending investigation.
93.09(9)(c)(c) The department may restore the right to any person from whom it has been revoked if the person gives satisfactory evidence warranting restoration.
93.09(10)(10)Whenever any standard is established under this section the department, by regulation, may require any person marketing products or receptacles to which such standard is applicable to secure a permit and pay uniform fees to the department sufficient to cover the cost of the supervision of the grading and inspection provided for in the standard.
93.09 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 29 s. 1650m (4); 1993 a. 492; 1997 a. 253.
93.09 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also chs. ATCP 87, 155, 156, and 159, Wis. adm. code.
93.1093.10Inspector’s certificate.
93.10(1)(1)The department, as a means of enforcing the standard for the grade of any food product or farm product or for any receptacle therefor, may, by general order, after public hearing, require any such product or receptacle to bear the official certificate of an inspector licensed under s. 93.11.
93.10(2)(2)Whenever the department has required any product or receptacle to bear the official certificate of an inspector licensed under s. 93.11, no person marketing or having in his or her possession for commercial purposes any such product or receptacle shall remove, mutilate or alter the official certificate thereon or represent such product or receptacle, unless in a manner authorized by the department, as being of any grade other than the grade designated by the official certificate thereon, except as to products or receptacles included in s. 93.09 (2) and (3); and no person shall market or have in his or her possession for commercial purposes any such product or receptacle unless such product or receptacle bears the official certificate of an inspector licensed under s. 93.11, except as to products or receptacles included in s. 93.09 (2), (3) and (4); provided, that such a product or receptacle may be marketed or had in possession without an official certificate issued at the point of shipment if such product or receptacle is destined for shipment to a point within the state, where the shipper has arranged for the issuance of an official certificate; provided, further, that possession under this section, shall not include possession by a carrier or other bailee.
93.10 HistoryHistory: 1993 a. 492.
93.1193.11Licensing of inspectors.
93.11(1)(1)Except as provided in s. 93.135, the department, upon presentation of satisfactory evidence that the applicant is competent, may issue a license to any person to certify the grade of food products or farm products or of receptacles therefor, for which standards have become effective under s. 93.09. The purpose of such certification may be either to enforce the standard or merely to furnish to an interested party an official statement of the grade. A certificate issued under this section, unless superseded by a finding as provided in sub. (4), shall be accepted in any court of this state as prima facie evidence of the facts to which the certificate relates.
93.11(2)(2)Applications for a license, or any renewal of a license, shall be submitted on forms prescribed by the department and be accompanied by a fee of $25. All licenses, unless sooner rescinded or revoked, shall expire on September 30 of the 2nd year commencing after the date of issuance or renewal. As a condition to the issuance or renewal of a license, applicants shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the department their competency to act as an inspector by education, training, experience or examination as the department requires.
93.11(3)(3)The department may, by general order after public hearing, fix and cause to be collected a reasonable, uniform fee for certification where necessary for the adequate enforcement of an order issued under s. 93.10. The department shall fix and cause to be collected a reasonable, uniform fee for certification where the purpose of such certification is merely to furnish to an interested party an official statement of the grade.
93.11(4)(4)Any person affected by a certification made under this section may appeal to the department from such certification within a reasonable time to be prescribed in regulations issued by the department. The department shall thereupon make an investigation to determine the true grade of the product or receptacle and shall issue a finding thereof. Such a finding shall be accepted in any court of this state as prima facie evidence of the facts to which the finding relates.
93.11(5)(5)The department shall charge and collect a reasonable fee for any appeal taken under this section but shall refund such fee if the appeal is sustained.
93.11(6)(a)(a) The department, after opportunity for hearing has been given the licensee, may, by special order, revoke any license issued under this section, whenever the department finds any of the following:
93.11(6)(a)1.1. That the licensee is adjudicated incompetent.
93.11(6)(a)2.2. That the licensee has made material false statements in order to obtain a license.
93.11(6)(a)3.3. That the licensee has knowingly or carelessly issued any false or improper certificate of grade.
93.11(6)(a)4.4. That the licensee has accepted money or other consideration, directly or indirectly, as compensation for any neglect or improper performance of duty.
93.11(6)(a)5.5. That the licensee has violated chs. 93 to 100 or any regulation made under chs. 93 to 100.
93.11(6)(b)(b) The department may, without hearing, suspend a licensee’s right to act under this section for a period not exceeding 10 days, pending investigation.
93.11(6)(c)(c) The department may restore the license of any person whose license has been revoked under this subsection if the person gives satisfactory evidence warranting restoration.
93.11(7)(7)No person shall certify or attempt to certify that the grade of any food product or farm product or of any receptacle therefor conforms or does not conform to the standard established under s. 93.09, unless such person holds an unrevoked and unsuspended license issued under this section. No person shall influence or attempt to influence any licensee to neglect or improperly perform the licensee’s duty. No licensee shall knowingly issue any false or improper certificate of grade or accept money or other consideration, directly or indirectly, as compensation for any neglect or improper performance of the licensee’s duty.
93.11(8)(8)Chapter 230 shall not apply to inspectors licensed under this section who receive no salary or are handled merely upon a fee basis.
93.1293.12Laboratories, approval of.
93.12(1)(1)It is the purpose of this section to assure the reliability and quality of manual and automated laboratory examinations made for the protection of the health of the public.
93.12(2)(2)Any laboratory that is established and operated to perform bacteriological or microscopic examinations of milk, water and food products for the purpose of protecting the health of the public shall apply to the department for an evaluation of the examinations and appropriate certification.
93.12(3)(3)The department shall designate which laboratory examinations it deems necessary for the protection of the health of the public. Substantial failure of any laboratory to show evidence of quality control procedures, sufficient to comply with current standards and practice as prescribed by the department, shall result in denial or revocation of the certificate of approval. The department shall provide for consultation on laboratory methods and procedures.
93.12(4)(4)The department, after conducting an evaluation for each specialty area and after receiving a fee for each specialty area from the laboratory, shall issue a certificate of approval to the laboratory covering those examinations which have met the minimum standards established by the department. The department shall issue an interim certificate of approval for an approved laboratory that applies for initial certification, which shall be valid for the remainder of the calendar year for which it is issued. Certification renewals shall be issued on a calendar-year basis. Specialty fees for certification of an initially certified laboratory and a certified laboratory that applies to expand its current certification with newly established specialties shall be prorated at one-twelfth of the annual fee for each month remaining in the calendar year for which the certificate of approval is issued. A certificate of approval shall be revoked by the department if the minimum standards established by the department for certification are not met within 2 successive evaluations. Fees collected under this subsection shall be credited to the appropriation under s. 20.115 (1) (gb).
93.12(5)(5)The department shall establish uniform minimum standards to be used in the evaluation and certification of laboratory examinations. The department shall submit any rules proposed under this subsection which affect the laboratory certification program under s. 299.11 to the department of natural resources and to the state laboratory of hygiene for review and comment. These rules may not take effect unless they are approved by the department of natural resources within 6 months after submission.
93.12(6)(6)Laboratories required to apply to the department under sub. (2) shall not operate without a certificate of approval. Any lab which operates without a certificate of approval shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $1,000. Each day such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)