Compact for education, 39.75
Commission delegation, 39.76
Midwestern higher education compact, 39.80
Commission, 14.90
educational communications board EDUCATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS BOARD
Affiliation agreement with broadcast radio and television licensees, 39.14
Appropriation, 20.225, 20.866 (2)
Creation, membership, 15.57
Deputy, unclassified, 230.08 (2) (L)
Director, salary, 20.923 (4)
Duties, 39.11
General provisions, 15.07
Membership, appointment, 15.07 (1) (a) 5.
Nonstock corporation, may organize, 39.12
Powers, 39.115
Staff, 39.13
educational corporations EDUCATIONAL CORPORATIONS
Academies, colleges, seminaries, schools or universities, 182.028
Bonus or gift by municipality for location of, forbidden, 66.0601 (1)
Certificate, contents, 187.01 (2)
Consolidation permitted, 182.029
How formed, 187.01 (1)
Notice of first meeting, who may vote, 187.01 (4)
Term of trustees, property, 187.01 (3)
Trustees' powers, 187.01 (5)
ejectment EJECTMENT
elder persons ELDER PERSONS
elections ELECTIONS
Generally, Chs. 5 to 12
elections_1. general provisions 1. General Provisions
Aldermanic districts, adjustment, 5.15 (1) (c)
Certified lists, 7.08 (2)
County office, eligibility, 59.20 (1)
Ethics code, 19.41 to 19.59
Caucus, presidential, accessible to disabled, 8.125
Certificates of election, 7.53 (4), 7.60 (6), 7.70 (5)
Mandamus to compel delivery, 783.03
Of electors, 6.92 to 6.95
Of state and local officials' residency, 8.28
Compliance, action to compel, 5.07
Compliance review as to officials, appeal, 5.06
Congressional, 8.25
Construction of statutes, 5.01 (1)
Contested elections:
Determined in quo warranto, 784.06
Legislative, 13.23 to 13.25
Opening ballots, 7.54
Conviction (felony) disqualifies voters, laws on, III, 2
Costs, who to pay, 5.68
County executive, 59.17 (1)
Definitions, 5.02
Destruction of materials, 7.23
Federal voting rights act, petition, 5.081
Governor, joint with lieutenant governor, 5.01 (5)
Canvassing duties, 7.51
Challenged ballot, 6.95
Challenges made by, 6.92
Chief inspector's duties, 7.36
Compensation, 7.03
Duties, 7.37
Training and certification, 7.31
Judicial, see Judges—2. Elections
Legal holiday, 895.20
Legislature, 4.004
Lieutenant governor, joint with governor, 5.01 (5)
Local government officials, employees and candidates, ethics code, 19.59