treasurer TREASURER
treaties TREATIES
Documents of title, application, 407.103
Foreign criminal, governor may transfer to foreign countries, 302.185
Foreign juvenile delinquent, governor may transfer to foreign countries under treaty, 938.34 (11)
State conservation areas, land acquired by United States, 1.056
trees TREES
Airport approaches, encroachments, 114.135, 114.136
Christmas trees:
Growers, sellers; licensing and regulation, 94.10
Tax exemption, 70.111 (4)
Unlawful harvest, 26.03
City, planting and care, 27.09
County park commission to care for, 27.05 (5)
Cutting by electric companies, 86.16 (3), 182.017 (5)
Dutch elm disease studies, 36.25 (4)
Evergreen, regulations, 134.60
Growing for sale, tax exemption, 70.111 (4)
Highways, ownership, removal, care, 86.03
Injury to, villages, 86.03 (5)
Insect pests and diseases, control, 26.30
Memorial, cutting forbidden, 45.066
Nurseries, see Nurseries
Protection of, near highways, 80.01 (3), 84.07 (1), 86.03
Theft, 26.05
Unlawful harvest, 26.03
Civil liability, 26.09
Village tax levy for ornamental planting, 61.47
trespass TRESPASS
Citation procedure, violation of land trespass laws, 778.26
Drainage district, right to enter, 88.13
Dwellings, 943.14
Evergreen trees, cutting, 134.60
Fence omitted, damage denied, 90.03, 90.04
Fish hatchery, state, 29.713
Flood control improvements, 87.17
Hunting or fishing on another's land, 943.13
Involuntary, tender of damages, 895.14 (4)
Land, 943.13
Land conveyed by void tax deed, 75.29
Medical facilities, 943.145
Railroad track, notices, 192.32
Riparian lands:
Damages, 29.717
Use of exposed areas along streams, 30.134
Signs, posting property against trespass, 943.13
University of Wis. campuses, 36.35
trial TRIAL
truancy TRUANCY
Attendance enforcement, 118.16
Committee and plan, 118.162
Compulsory attendance, 118.15
Contributing to, 948.45
Custody, taking child into, 938.19 (1m), 118.16 (2m)
Dispositions, 938.342
Jurisdiction, 938.13 (6), 938.17 (2)
Milwaukee, 120.13 (1) (d)
Municipal ordinance, 118.163
trucks TRUCKS
trunk highways TRUNK HIGHWAYS
Generally, Ch. 84
For detailed analysis, see Highways
trust companies TRUST COMPANIES
trust fund investments TRUST FUND INVESTMENTS
See also Fiduciaries
Generally, Ch. 881
Authorizing instruments control, construction of terminology, 881.02
Employment of agents and employees, 881.016
Eligible securities, Ch. 219
Existing, unaffected, 881.04
Farm loans, insured, 219.01
Housing authority bonds, 219.06
Insured housing securities, 219.01 to 219.03
Insured savings and loan accounts, 219.05
Investment companies, trusts and vehicles, investment in, 881.015
Jurisdiction of court, 881.03
National housing act securities, 219.01 to 219.03
National mortgage company securities, 219.01 to 219.03
Power district securities, 198.18 (5)
Private foundations, prohibited acts regarding investments, 181.0320, 701.105 (1)
Prudent person rule, 881.01
Application, 881.04, 881.06
Retention of decedent's securities or real estate, 881.05
Savings and loan accounts, 215.14 (6)
State bonds and notes, 219.04